Morning All....
OK - I am knackered so gonna have to go to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
DjjD - love the pics - I have the same ground coverings - your second pic looks like mine did (i think they are the same) a few weeks back - mine have shot up now and have little pink flowers on long stems - in fact- you can't see much of the ground now - we have gone green and white everywhere. TC - you would LOVE my berry tree - will take a pic tomorrow. Have been really affected by the leaf pollen (or so I'm told it's that causing me to sniffle..... <pass the tissues please> - still step outside and look like I'm crying. 'Tis so lovely tho - and my babbling brook burbles... it really doesn sing. I will prolly be sad enough (as in geeky enough) to try and record the sound for you.
Reckon our Babbling Brooklyn would like the sound - it's a definite BURBLE! Babbling - hoping all is good with PaPa, you and the family.
db - how are you gal???????????? Feeling any better these days?
Rock - you are doing so fab in the garden, its looking wonderful - so so pleased. how's the work going?
Oh Mis - you put me to shame girlie with doing weights and squats and stuff! you energy is boundless in a day. OH MY GOODNESS! I think I am the unfittest person that ever .... well, that ever didn't do anything to get fitter! Hopefully, that's gonna change soon - I plan to get oot and aboot - even if it's just for a wee walk on the moor. I'm not working tomorrow so if the weather is good, I might attempt. Oh boy, I'm tired tonite - didnt zzzz thisavo - it's catching up on me now.
Alex - wonderful to see you back on board. Hope you're both doing well and life is being kind.x
BEAgle - hope the rain arrives for you and Indeedee - have you heard from her darlin' - was it last weekend she was going away? Thinking about her. How is you heel doing - does it feel any better yet and are you doing your stretching excercises. I would send you green plants and flowers a plenty if I could hun - how are ouor babies - are they bearing fruit still???? x
Oh................................. no good, falling over tired........ I gotta zzzz - gonna go and take the dawgs out and then go find me the best bed in the whole wide world and snuggle down.......... I AM TIRED TONITE. MAN!
Blue - hope you come back soon and you are having a great time in whatever you're doing - give the sheep a pat on his wooly back before you shear him a? Take care you. x
Beth - where's our beautiful Beth... haven't seen Mysterman round for a while
thinking of all our crew, near and far, silent and loud (that means me usually)
lovin' y'all.
Gotta go............. can't keep eyes open. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx sorry, can't check post for tyops
nite nite. x