Hey Crew Lovelies
Oh.............. so tired. Someone prop me up please.
Been a very busy day " only had about 4 hours sleep last nite so am pretty wasted. S-boy and I have been wabbit sitting, fwog and newt watching, playing swingball (I am so Navratilova when I hit that ball!

Spent much time doubled-over in totally hysterical laughter, tears pouring down " we had so much fun " the best!).

Had to do a tidy up and sort the garage " now cooking a roast Bob’s leg (OK - really trying not to think about that too much), roastie spuds and the works " had a errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... phone call from the BigBoy " and things were a little.......... errrrrrrrrrrrrrr............ verging on the “not verra happy” " but he’s coming across for dinner with my folks! Or it may all change again. That exhausts me more than anything else. Oh my!
DjjD " love that maple shot " oh you have the bluest skies too and a wabbit across the woad. What a cute little tiger " love it! Those Robins are MASSIVE!
Bethie " love to you, HIM and the pack.
JPB " hoping you are having a wonderful day and that the weather’s improved out there. Hugs and hugs my friend.
BEAgle " you’re prolly zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing now " so will see you in the morning. Big Sleep.
Alex " Happy Easter tidings to you too hun " hope you’re day is a great one.
Missy " hope you got the dye off yer hands girlie

and the boys are enjoying their Easter. Hope they found the Easter Bunny.
Hoping to be back later..........gotta try and keep going right now. OK - I gotta go cook
Wishing you all a wonderful afternoon, evening, morning....
Smooches x