Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 04:03 pm
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 04:04 pm
I want to be on the deck of that boat....it would be amazing. <sigh>
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:24 pm
WHOSE NEKKID..... oh........... checking back Shocked ahahahahahaha
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:26 pm
Count me in mismi. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:27 pm
ehBeth wrote:

ahhh, I see a few of the regular Yabberers are already seated there


oh FABULOUS PIC....... LOVE IT LOVE IT... Cucumber sandwiches, cake and a pot of tea - gosh - hope she doesn't spill that tea Shocked Wink

(((Beth))) - you are brill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH - LOOK AT THE DECK... hahahaha - it's blue too! Happy Days.


edit: BEAgle - goodmorning love - happy Easter Saturday!!!!!!!!!! Hows ya heel - ready for a dance!?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:31 pm
Went to the hospital today. It has a big garden area. Saw daffodils and tulips and dogwoods all in bloom. Spring has definitely sprung in da Big Apple. Seeing flowers does a body good. At least this body. Smile Smile
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:35 pm
Evening Izzie, hopping along fine, could still muster I mean tango me thinks, sweeping you off your feet. Wink

Great to see the body is still in shape Roberta!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:49 pm
Oh Boida - and this bo'i'dy in the UK -

the camelias are blooming luverly here too...

it rained a few cats and dawgs yesterday but the flowers loved it


the rain knocked many of the flowers onto the ground - this one just looked amazing even tho it's upside down ... <hearts>


and these raindrops look like diamonds in the plants.... bejewelled green


and of course....... HUGE HUGE HUGE bumbles everywhere



BEAgle.... you lead..... I'm holding the rose... <smooch>
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 05:59 pm
Love that bumble!

I should take a pic of what the garden looks like - but it's still pretty much brown Sad Spring has not quite yet sprung yet. Birds are singing, trees are budding, but nothing's in bloom.

Hope bunnikins does well today. We've been watching. As much as I'm afraid of most rabbits (I used to rabbit-sit Thor, who was a positively evil bunny), I quite like your little guest and am so pleased that he's getting some peace and comfort with you.
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 06:32 pm
Hey Beth - spring will spring soon - would love to see your garden Very Happy Hoping bubbabunny will do well overnite - wish he would eat something tho, bless him... he was pretty fast earlier on so hoping all will be OK. He's so wee. Verra cute.

Been listening to the Cole Porter story tonite...

Anything Goes

play it again Sam..... OK OK OK.... I love Casablanca! :rolls:

hopping over to Ms.Letty...

Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 06:42 pm
oh edit that - wabbit has eaten loads of grass and some dandelions.... yay for wabbit little poops Shocked

<well, errrrrrrr, you know, he's doing the business and he's eating too>

BIG YAY! Very Happy
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 06:46 pm
Have you got any veggie scraps around? Thor (scary scary Thor) always liked to snack on veggie scraps - peelings and the like. He was a handy little composter.
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 07:11 pm
carrots, cucmbuber and lettue and garden greens - should be plenty - but he;s a growing lad...........

ooooooooooooo..... gotta park the laptop - not focusing now - just gone 2am - need to hit the apples and pears and gotta sort the menagerie out yet - oy.

Love y'all - thanks everyone for being here... Happy Saturday all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 07:19 pm
Good night Izzie, sleep well, catch you tomorrow. xxx
Reply Fri 10 Apr, 2009 08:17 pm
Good day crew. Just popped in to wish everyone a Happy Easter as I need to put the computer away before being invaded by all the kids and grandkids. Hugs to all and hope you enjoy your Easter break.
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 05:15 am
Morning Crew......... errrrrrrrrrr afternoon actually

Indeedee - have a great time with the family and Happy Easter Wishes to y'all.

Quick update on Way2KWabbit...

Wabbit has done well overnite and is eating and drinking. I rang the vet. They say if I can hold onto him over the weekend and see how he goes, it would alright to take him into them next week and they can give me their opinion as to whether he could be re-released into the wild. So if the vet reckons he would have as good a chance as a wegular wabbit............... then that's what I'll do - if not......... one of the vets could take him as they have verra baby bunnies they are hand rearing (2 hourly feeds on lactol ) - but our Way2KWabbit is doing fine on solids already - or.......... looks like we may gain a permanent lawn mowing composting little 3+dodgy-pawed furry-footed fella!!!!!!

Well, they say that a rabbit's foot brings good luck - guess he was brought to us for a reason a?

BEAgle - how you doing today? Hope you got Mrs.BEAgle a nice wee Easter Treat!!!!! Hugs and hugs.

Be back later - oooooooooooooh - it's Saturday... Saturday.... Saturday <sings> Saturday nites all right..................... lalalalalallllllllllalalalallala Razz
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 05:40 am
You're all cheerful this morning...I am having a hard time seeing I am so bleary eyed! The Prof is taking us in to town for breakfast. I have to say that I am pretty happy about it - since it means that I won't have to make it, or mess up the kitchen making it.

I spelled THEY'RE NEKKID - THEIR NEKKID...their nekkid what I wonder?
My mind is mush.

Just sticking myhead in to say hello and HAPPYSATURDAY!

I will be back later - much later - after breakfast - to the park for another 2 games...won't be back until after 5:00 -

hugs to all!
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 06:07 am
Morning Izzie and mismi, did all the right things you expect of a model husband. Smile Made breakfast and served hand coloured eggs and ofcourse surprised Mrs.D with a large chocolate rabbit, and for tonights dinner I made a Tuna mornay. The latter recipe I found in one of 4 cook books I won with my crossword entries. DDXX will laugh, 4 cook books in two weeks found their way to my letter box. Laughing Pleased the Prof is spoiling you today mismy, you so deserve it but so does Izzie. S.boy looking after you Captain? Hope all the crew enjoy a great Saturday. Cheers from downunder.
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 06:27 am
Hey lovelies

Mis have a great brekkie - so glad the kitchen will remain clean Wink S-Boy and F-boy made pancakes the other day - 2 batches mysteriously found their way into the bin and down the sink, possibly on the ceiling too - the third batch appeared splattered furiously around the kitchen.... and they looked so innocent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not even a glimmer of guilt! No - we did not get to eat!!!!!!!!!!! HA!

Enjoy the games Mis - oooooooooh - long day - love youuuuuuuu x

Super stunning day here - little fella is on his way back from his Dad's so we'll be full on for the next week!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh - been playing the joanna - always good for the soul - but my hands just won't stretch the octaves this day - I need pinky stretchers to straighten them out. Hey ho - been playing <ahem> this on the ivories - oh..... man I wish I could play the guitar (tho that would be difficult as it only has 2 strings!!!!!!)


oh ...... and been listening to this at high volume - makes me cry - HUGE emotion in it..... ha - I conduct it with the 'ole feather duster - thank goodness no-one can see me <little white men with straight jackets would be parking up - positively barking mad hahahahaha> <errrrrr no comments from the balcony please Razz>

BEAgle - oh my - it's not even Easter Day - wonder what you will serve up your good lady tomorrow - perhaps you could hatch an egg as a party piece. Please do send MrsB all my love and hugs too. Love ya. x

Gorgeous day........GORGEOUS.... I wish I could bottle it and send you each a piece of my world and spring....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Apr, 2009 06:51 am
We have baseball tryouts today...FINALLY!!! Very Happy It's raining and the field will be nasty muddy, but I'm SO excited!


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