Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 09:27 am
not much snow here either, but very cold, with the windchill -17C/1F

Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 02:38 pm

Back.... plastered " knackered!

What a laugh we had. My friend Mad Pam picked me up - off to the hospital " and in with a rather lovely nurse with a saw... Shocked


I went, was sawed, I conquered.

Well, what a shock to see how big a little cut I had " wasn’t expecting it to be as big as last time - have put it over here for those who aren’t squeamish! Actually " it was very good. I am healing brilliantly. Right foot " ha " made the mistake of attempting to move the tip of my toot " ack " not a good plan " left foot " just amazing " histology hadn’t come back from the rheumatoid nodule but not expecting anything to be amiss there.

So.... got told I have to use my crutches everywhere (ugh). Haven’t used them at all so far " which is why my ankles are giving me grief (twit) as I’m walking on my heels " so " I can partially weight bear only whilst wearing my gorgeous black boots for the next 4 weeks " then the plaster will come off and then I figure out how to walk again " this time, should be a stroll in the park. The big toot doesn’t feel as tho it is mine " it’s completely solid and STRAIGHT " very, very strange feeling. 2nd toot is still turning under but the surgeon says we’ll have to wait and see what happens when the plaster comes off. All in all " we are both verra pleased " even if I walk like a penguin right now. Very Happy

Pam knows all about you guys " so she wanted you to meet her " she is a little on the ”off the planet” side " as you can see! Bet you will be laughing FQsis to see Pam’s face here.


We stopped on the way back to sit on the moors for a bit " just nice to look across tho it was mizzly and grey. As we went to leave " the wheels started spinning " Pam@theMadhouse started panicking screeching “OMG we’re stuck in the mud” "

“errrrrrrrr... Pam " take off the handbrake Rolling Eyes ”................ and off we went!

Now " totally pooped!

And I have a rainbow on my foot! Razz


(awwww..... c'mon - I had to paint a picture on it!)

Tulip - thanku for having S-boy - deep breaths gal - it will happen when everything is in place.

Tai Chi
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 02:49 pm
Honey, it snowed again...


Love the rainbow, Izzie. Hope you're not having to cope with a blizzard while on crutches. I just keeping telling myself, "Spring is just around the corner..."
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 02:49 pm
Hi Izzie, love the tootsies and the paint job, you're a real artist! Hope in due course everything will have been worth all the trouble and you'll be able to get around with the best of us. Mrs.B and I will be going out for lunch today and I shall drink a toast to your good health. Hugs from downunder Captain. (((Izzie))).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 02:58 pm
@Tai Chi,
OH MY Shocked TC - loooooooook at that snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh gal - you be careful out there - what a brilliant pic - fabulous.

k - snow snow go away............... nice pics - but waaaay toooo much. Spring is round the corner TC - it's here and working it's way over to you. Warm hugs gal. x

DjjD - man, -17........ too cold too cold too cold. Glad the snow didn't dump all over you - still, tooo cold! x

Waiting for Bethie to check in - she had BIG snowflakes.

Thanku BEAgle - have a lovely lunch - enjoy the sunshine - love to MrsB. x

Mis.... how you goin' girlie - you feeling a little better?

Thanku Vegemite and Special Agent et al for your wishes - all is good. x Glad the snow didn't get too bad in Chi-town too.
Tai Chi
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:26 pm
Okay, I'll confess -- that's not actually my house. (It's a house in Saskatchewan. Remember that young fella who was mulling over whether to take a job move there? Hope he doesn't see the picture...) But it has been snowing non-stop all day. Mr. Fix-it has been waiting for the wind to die down before hauling out the snowblower (even though I got him a balaclava!) Snow blowing and drifting all day and cold too! Can't wait for spring!
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:26 pm
Oh okay, I shoulda checked in here instead of the other thread. (A2K is soooo confusing sometimes trying to keep up with everybody)

But anyway, holy cow Izzie. I don't check in on this thread all that often and had no idea. So you're taking care of yourself?
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:46 pm
Hiya Kid, Reading up on how you're doing. Shoulda known a rainbow would be involved somehow. Glad things seem okay (more or less). I could think of worse things than walking like a penguin. Cute as the dicken, they are.

Please use the crutches like the doc told you to. They're blue, aren't they. Sounds good to me.

Take good care of yourself. You're the only one of you we've got.
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:48 pm
Good morning everyone. No news - just popped in to say hi to all. Loved the rainbow Izzieliz. Hope you fix your computer problems.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:49 pm
@Tai Chi,
Well that's good it's not your house - with all the snow - how do y'all get to work and stuff???? I know you're all equipped to deal with BIG snow - but I know what it was like here with just a few inches (well, couple feet in Oke - but that closed down then).

Hey FoxyF - yeah gal, I'm doing good thanku - onwards and upwards - nice to see you here Very Happy How are you? All OK with hubby and sis?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 03:55 pm
Hey Boida - yep, lot of things could be much worse than having Happy Feet - I know, I gotta use the crutches - yep, they are blue and not normal ones - they have special hand rests as I can't use the normal ones - these are non grip ones!!!!!!!! Shocked (how will I decorate them is the question - ho ho ho). Thanks goil xx (oh yeah - had to have a rainbow - pot of gold and all that.... and my feet are priceless!)

Indeedee - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the laptop (darn darn darn thing) - it's not fixed - I am having to back up everything which is taking me an eon - in the meantime I'm not using most of the software - but can't keep off here any longer - if I disappear again - it's coz it's crashed again. Pain in the bahooookie! Hope you're enjoying your babysitting free days - not long to go now 'til a wee pinky smunchkin comes along - so so exciting for y'all. Hope all is well with MaMa and PaPa and that PaPa is fully recovered after his fall. xx
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 04:12 pm
Hi Captain, been trying to raise you on MSN the last few days, I'll take it because of your laptop problems you're not on line? S-boy with you now?
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 04:19 pm
Thanks for asking about mama and papa Izzieliz. Hubby and I went out yesterday for a lunch meeting with accountant and when we returned home a neighbour greeted us at the door with the news that dad had had another fall and mum didn't find him for over an hour and then she tried to get him up on his feet for over an hour, couldn't do and and then rang our macho friend who came round and got dad back to the granny flat. He was pretty shaken up but no serious damage done. But from now on he has been banned from going over to the shed area without mum by his side.
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 04:21 pm
Oh hey Bosun - ahhhhh... no - not on msn - other reasons too, ya know!!!!! Have stopped it when I got a msg that p'd me off bigtime! Not using email either too much - only checking now and again - sorry if you've sent anything. S-boy is still with Tulip as her S-girl was having a sleepover at a friends - so S-boy and F-boy are hanging out together playing "warhammer" (F-boy has all the warhammer thingymajigs). He's coming back in the morning. I have the boiler people coming - gosh, doesn't anything work in this house of an electrical nature. Ooof!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 04:24 pm
Oh Indeedee - poor PaPa - gosh, it's hard isn't it - ya don't want to take away his independence but...... he has to be safe..... which means MaMa has to keep an eye out. Tough for all concerned. The indignities a? So glad he is OK - but of course, any fall is gonna shake him and is a constant worry. Please do send them my love - hope he will sit still for a little bit. Thank goodness macho mate was around - phew.
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 06:06 pm
Hi, all! My goodness, don't know if I can keep up with all of you! Forgive me if I don't. I love this crew!!
Well, we didn't really get the snow. The east coast of our big mitten did. We're expecting 4 - 8 " Shocked on Saturday though ... Evil or Very Mad Don't know if you're expected to get that dj. Tai, are you getting snow where you are? Thank goodness it's NOT where that pic was taken. I would go stark raving made if that showed up now! Drunk Oy!
Oh, verb-, keep on checkin' in, my friend. I think of you often in your "prairie dog land" of cubicles! Ugh! Know that we're thinkin' of you and wishing you out of your office prison!
Hi, fox- & 'boida! Good ta see ya's.
DeeDee, sorry about papa. I hope he stays safe.
Hope you get and stay better Ms. mis-! Thinkin' of you - HUGS!
Iz-, what can I say! Love the rainbow toes. And I DID look at the pic-, shouldn't have, but did. Ew, squeamish. Glad you can git ta 'cuperating now, right? And nice to meet Pam. Sounds like she'd fit right in with us. Get 'er online, why don'tcha?!
Ta' for now. Gotta let Thing 1 write a paper - dang kids! Wink ttyl Very Happy
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 06:10 pm
Hi Dev, I was hiding around the corner, you probably didn't see me. Laughing
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 09:09 pm
Hello my Yabber Lovlies!

Good day...in spite of my dryer breaking down and having to take my clothes to my FIL's house to dry them and fold them...made for a LONG afternoon...it is fixed now thankfully - the Prof and sweet FIL dug in and got it fixed...such manly men.

Thank you Dev...thinking of you too hun!

I am tired. Hugs to all you sweet folks...
I'll see you tomorrow! xxoo
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2009 09:41 pm
G'day and g'night.

More giant snowflakes here. The nice kind of fluffy snow. Went to see brendalee briefly on my way home from work. She's been working hard, getting ready for a family day with her kids, in-laws and grandkids this weekend. Nice to feel her so full of p and v again.
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2009 04:10 am
Morning Crew

The boiler folk came EARLY! and man, trying to drag out of bed and down the stairs whilst they kept pushing the doorbell "k, already - I'm getting there".... anyhoooooooo..... I'm getting a new boiler with a grant that is available - yay yay yay..... I don't know much about boilers (other than mine isn't working properly Rolling Eyes and this chap says I need a new one .... and I shouldn't have to pay for it (government initiative to get ecofriendly boilers into houses). So..... how happy is that a? And, it will be warrantied for 2 years so........ even better. It's like Christmas except Father Christmas is coming down the boiler flue! YAY! Not sure when it will get done - but outside temps have warmed up a little here - at the moment tho I'm running it a good 18 hours a day (not good in the cold no matter how many layers I have on) - so whenever that happens - it will be really good.

K.... now, gotta go phone the hospital.... got something iffy about my toot! Back in a bit! Razz

Happy Day to all. x

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