Back.... plastered " knackered!
What a laugh we had. My friend Mad Pam picked me up - off to the hospital " and in with a rather lovely nurse with a saw...
I went, was sawed, I conquered.
Well, what a shock to see how big a little cut I had " wasn’t expecting it to be as big as last time - have put it over
here for those who aren’t squeamish! Actually " it was very good. I am healing brilliantly. Right foot " ha " made the mistake of attempting to move the tip of my toot " ack " not a good plan " left foot " just amazing " histology hadn’t come back from the rheumatoid nodule but not expecting anything to be amiss there.
So.... got told I have to use my crutches everywhere (ugh). Haven’t used them at all so far " which is why my ankles are giving me grief (twit) as I’m walking on my heels " so " I can partially weight bear only whilst wearing my gorgeous black boots for the next 4 weeks " then the plaster will come off and then I figure out how to walk again " this time, should be a stroll in the park. The big toot doesn’t feel as tho it is mine " it’s completely solid and STRAIGHT " very, very strange feeling. 2nd toot is still turning under but the surgeon says we’ll have to wait and see what happens when the plaster comes off. All in all " we are both verra pleased " even if I walk like a penguin right now.
Pam knows all about you guys " so she wanted you to meet her " she is a little on the ”off the planet” side " as you can see! Bet you will be laughing FQsis to see Pam’s face here.
We stopped on the way back to sit on the moors for a bit " just nice to look across tho it was mizzly and grey. As we went to leave " the wheels started spinning " Pam@theMadhouse started panicking screeching “OMG we’re stuck in the mud” "
“errrrrrrrr... Pam " take off the handbrake

”................ and off we went!
Now " totally pooped!
And I have a rainbow on my foot!
(awwww..... c'mon - I had to paint a picture on it!)
Tulip - thanku for having S-boy - deep breaths gal - it will happen when everything is in place.