Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 09:15 pm
If there is snow, I will be inside somethin' solider than a tent...
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 09:19 pm
we didn't have tents

we were young

we were very crazy
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 09:30 pm
Ahhh, the "body heat theory"

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 04:46 am
Morning All....

off out to search and seek and deliver a birthday pressie - so will catchup with y'all later... hopefully.

Smooches y'all xox
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:31 am
Morning Captain, hope you have a good day, but hey not my birthday yet. Smile
Have visitors so can't stay long, just dropping by to say hi to everybody and checking mail.
Hugs Captain.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:31 am
dropping in to say Good Morning as well. Hope you all have a good day. I'm off to scurry my children to school...

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:31 am
hey Dutchy (((DUTCHY)))
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:35 am
(((MISMI))) My apologies for the inference last night. Embarrassed
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 06:07 am
As if I thought you really meant it (you wouldn't be THAT wrong if you did Wink )
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 06:57 am
Thank you mismi, Ill sleep peacefully tonight. Smile
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 08:11 am
As long as I am happy and you are forgiven you should. It is a law of nature.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 10:34 am
I can hear you voice talking now Missy - gosh, it would be lovely to have tea with you one of these days.

It is my continued hope it will happen sweety...
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 01:43 pm
Oh Mis..... I have been out all day and have just got in - I got your message hun - thanku......just thanku...

I can't stay right now - I have visitors on their way ............... little fella is poorly - he's been up with Tulip as I was out in the city - I was seeing the BigBoy .... S-boy was on a team building outing with school - zip wires and planks of wood to cross bridges.... and all that stuff - he can't talk as his throat is so sore and has a bad head hurt - but he LOVED his day. I don't think he will be going to school tomorrow... I have to work.... mmmmmmmmm..... thinking.....

I must dash.... people here in 5 mins... aaaaaghhhhh

I will be back as soon as I can to catch up.

Lovin' y'all xox

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 01:45 pm

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 03:46 pm
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 04:34 pm
(((((MISSY)))) - you truly are an angel sweet Dixie Very Happy

Oh Oh Oh.....

Friends have just left... OH MY!... I must take my potion and try and settle down. I'm all of a buzz.

Such a busy day - trying to keep busy and distracted. I went and delivered the BigBoys birthday present. Tomorrow will not be a usual birthday - R does not have birthdays in that sense - it will be a hard day for him - for us - but..... tomorrow I hope there will be good moments for him. I won't be with him or seeing him, that's too hard for him - but as long as he is alright... then that is what matters. So... my boy is about to be 16. Tomorrow is a very special day.

So - I had friends come by tonite who needed to use the internet - it was good to sit outside with my friend and just have a good old yabber - we haven't done that for a while. The river was loud - it was lovely.

I need to go read up on a few things so will be wandering the deck for a short while.

Smooches. xox

Now.... today... I just wanted to say the words. 9/11....... and it's said. Remembered.... always.

Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 04:43 pm
Do take your meds and settle sweety. I am about to haul the second batch of boys to the ball field...first one left already - The Prof is home - took G-baby to the field...the boys go at 7:00 and I will meet him with them and bring G-baby back to feed and bathe and get to bed.

I hit a dog today in my car. It was not good. I have been sick at my stomach all afternoon. I keep replaying it in my head over and over again. He got up and ran away and I tried to get out and follow him after I got my car parked on the side and I couldn't find him. I am praying he got home and that his folks know he got hurt....I drove up and down that street looking for him forever. Seriously bad day.
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:01 pm
Oh Mis.... so sorry - you have to believe that if the dog got up and ran away, then he will find his way home and his folks will take care of him. Sometimes these things happen and you'll feel horrible because you don't know ... guilt is a terrible feeling - in whatever way you feel it - it's real to you. Maybe.... maybe call the local vets tomorrow and see if he were brought in. You couldn't have avoided the situation - and you know you wouldn't harm anything purposefully or maliciously - so ... know you have done what you can by looking for him and try not to let it burden you. Concentrate on those boys and enjoy their games. Thinking of you hun and hugging you big xox
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:21 pm
thanks Izzie...If I don't think about it - i am okay...I really can't believe that happened...I have never hit one before. He was a big'un too...I swerved - oh gosh -I can't even tell you...it was horrible. horrible.

okay - running the other two to ball - see you later ----thank you and hugs to you too dear.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Sep, 2008 05:21 pm
Morning Captain and mismi, apart from the poor doggie, hope your days went well. Special day for the Captain, the big boy turned 16, trust all went well, thinking of you both. All coco downunder, sunny with 25 degrees forecast, at long last a bit of warmer weather, feels good in the old bones. Smile

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