Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 02:11 pm
Oh, mis-, thanks for posting that. It's so nice to know what you look like & what a sweet pic. Aren't you all just so cute!
Goodness, I'm feeling among the minority without my posting of a pic, but alas, I have naught with which to post much less take said pic. Sad (and Ms. Iz- and her camera are an entire ocean away! Wink )
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 02:48 pm
thanks dev and Iz...

I hate homework...why does it feel like my homework?
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 03:03 pm
Thanks for posting picture mismi, your family is exactly as I pictured them from your writings, including you. Smile Wonderful family shot.

Captain obviously a day you rather forget but knowing you, tomorrow will be different and you'll adapt no worries.

Wishing W/V a safe and enjoyable trip, Paris the city of lights, wow, what memories, Moulin Rouge, Montmatre.

Astute observation JPB but who paid for the gas? Smile

Have a great night Dev, teachers are marvellous people to meet.

Cheers to all the crew.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:20 pm
I had a little ‘ole man come by my little house tonite.

I need new windows " long story " too complicated.

So…. I think… local company, good reputation, locally built…. Try and support the local community.

Well….. little wee man was a welsh gentleman " very softly spoken, lovely accent, and very sweet " lived in the South West many years.

Funny how you meet someone and everything changes your feelings ….. just a few words. A few words on A2K t’other day about me kinda brought me down a peg…no-one I have even interacted with " then…… another complete stanger just makes me feel worth a little more, as does the crew always. (thanku all for that!)

We talked windows… we measured.. he listened to the little fella play flute, we walked around the garden " he said it was one of the most romantic gardens he had seen. Nope…. he wasn’t being funny or sleazy or anything…. He was a genuinely sweet kind old man.

We sat in the lounge, I sat on my Granny’s little foot stool. Bless him… he was listening to me yabber " as you do with strangers. ….. then he said “you are like a little fairy with wings sitting there in front of me, you belong on a flower”, “don’t ever stop that smile of yours, it’s from your heart”….. he actually said a lot of lovely things to me… and… I believe he meant all of them. I could be wrong….this could be a sales pitch, nah, no chance - I think he meant it. There was something about him. He was very calming. Peaceful.

Well…. I just kinda looked at him… I thanked him for talking with me " we shook hands and he will be sending me a quote.

I think I will be getting that company to do my double glazing.

AND….. (I know this will sound stupid…. But it’s very, very meaningful to me) " I will get a front door that has a stunning Charles Rennie Makintosh artwork in the panel. It’s MY door… I can do that, now. I will post pics…

Wishing you all a wonderful day tomorrow.

Smooches. Razz

Crew " yep, you got it, you’re the best. x

Mis... do sleep better tonite.....xxxx and Queenie et al. Hugs to all. x
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:24 pm
Mizz Iz, I saw what you speak of, and pay no heed to Nidiots. (what comes around can go back around with a twist... Shocked Wink

Little old guys with charm are the best.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:27 pm
How sweet! I am so glad to hear the kindness of a stranger was encouraging...though it's truth he spoke I know. Sweet friend, sleep well yourself.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:44 pm
Fore....Thought I had a set.
I told the little shmeckler to put the nine iron away.
Can't describe the noise when a piece of graphite makes contact with an eighteen horsepower motor driven mulching blade.
Very nice picture mismi.
Izzie. Don't you know the rule. Strangers can only make someone happy, not sad. That is, just the way it is.
See everyone tomorrow.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:46 pm

Why could it not have been the twoooo?

(Even God can't hit a 2 iron ~ some old comic)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:49 pm
thanks alex -
everybody okay? motor okay? how's the 9 iron? Wink

Little old guys with charm are the best.

I love those old guys.

K...G just sucker punched S...got to go correct and discipline. crahp.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:53 pm
Izzie wrote:
.. he listened to the little fella play flute, we walked around the garden " he said it was one of the most romantic gardens he had seen. Nope…. he wasn’t being funny or sleazy or anything…. He was a genuinely sweet kind old man.

We sat in the lounge, I sat on my Granny’s little foot stool. Bless him… he was listening to me yabber " as you do with strangers. ….. then he said “you are like a little fairy with wings sitting there in front of me, you belong on a flower”,

funny ya know

this has been your boys in my head


it all makes sense now
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 06:17 pm
Hugs to Beth, eh?

(yer not far off...)

Izz if you reply, the DEEP voice comes out...

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:29 pm
Just a quick Noah update and then my tired butt is off to bed! He came home today! Yipppeee! He had his first car ride. Slept through the whole thing. Ha!


Wanted to thank you again for your thoughts and prayers. They really do go a long way. I believe that. If I wasn't sooooo ready to crawl into bed right now, I could write a book on how much you all are loved! THANK YOU...THANK YOU... THANK YOU!!!

From me to Noah. His first song. His little journey has just begun.


Love you dearly xoxoxox
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:34 pm
Hugs, Brooklyn...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:34 pm
Love you too, darlin. I can't tell you how happy I am Noah and Kimmie finally get to go home! He looks absolutely adorable! Look at those cheeks and hands!
(((((( Brooklyn & Family ))))))
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:42 pm
what a darling little man! he seems to enjoy your musical tribute Very Happy

Noah's photo reminds me of a rehearsal I watched with my favourite conductor

0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:45 pm
brooklin....noah is ssoooo chweeet hugs to u and kisses to him Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 09:50 pm
What Rock & Bill said! He's so adorable! - that face & tiny hands, awwwwwww!
So glad he's come home! Your family's still in my thoughts and prayers and you know we love you too, right? Glad you're getting sleep. Get some for me. Missed you, hon-. We gotta catch up some day! (ps Iz- has my e-mail address, that is, if you have hers!) ttysoon I hope!
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:17 pm
Nice to see all the same faces, and the new one . Just Broke, nice baby photo. And hi to the Captain Izzie,xoxoxoxoxoxo, Dev, Mismi, E-beth, TTH , Dutchy, and any of the crew that I may have missed. With three classes free time is hard, so ya'll take care, and I'll catch up when I can. Very Happy Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:19 pm
Thank you for the update on Noah JustBrooke, he looks pretty contented to me, a tribute to you and your family for all the prayers and hard work you put in. Rest well my friend, you so very much deserve it. ((( ))) from downunder.
Reply Wed 10 Sep, 2008 05:23 am
OHWEEE! That is a sweet baby...So happy he is home and Kim and family can begin to get normal. Thanks for dropping by Brooke - so glad to see and hear about that precious little boy. I do love those little boys...Good to see you too...hope you rest well and that we see you again soon.

Good to see Dev, Verby and Big Red this morning! And of course my sweet Dutchy...hope you all have a good day.

Iz thinking of you and your day - good wishes for you and your day sweety.

I seem to deal with this cold mostly in the morning. I guess the cold meds have worn off by then...always take me a bit to move through it and get busy...seem to be fine the rest of the day. Cannot afford it to get worse.

Hugs to you all...I will be back!
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