Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 03:58 am
Hi, gang

It's good to read all your news and happenings and all. Lots of love and hugs to everybody.

We have very heavy rain yet again and it's so depressing. Doesn't usually get to me like this but I want long walks and fresh air, before the study and sedentary life starts again soon and this is soooooo frustrating.

Am off to Paris tomorrow for a few nights though with my daughter so life's not all bad and will enjoy catching up with you all on my return.

I wondered if any of the Americans on board have seen Russell Brand who I gather is whipping up a storm in the States? Our humour is often so different. Personally, I do find him quite funny sometimes but he can be a bit much if you are not in the mood . Daughter met him when she was doing a part time job in a theatre to support her studies and said he was a nice guy in real life - on reflection, I probably should have locked her up , I suppose... T xxxxx
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:42 am
Good Morning Violet...Russell Brand did the VMA's - I am not a huge fan....but he is funny at times. I bet your daughter was thrilled. I love meeting celebrities...bit of a dufus like that I think. I got to meet Sarah Evans (country singer) and actually we would sit and watch the kids play ball together. The Professor said I had a woman crush on her. HA...I am pitiful. I know it. I embrace it.

I am sorry about the rain. Too much of it has a tendency to blue me out as well. Hope that it stops soon and allows you some nice wandering before studies. HAVE FUN IN PARIS! How wonderful. Sounds like a dream to me.

I am getting a nice late summer cold. I feel like crap (I like to say it with an ah sound so that I sound like Bridget Jones...and it does not sound so ugly when I say it that way...truly with a British accent I could cuss like a sailor and not be offensive at all ...)Wink I think G-baby gave it to me. The cold that is.

Well I have to go get the boys lunches together. Running late - have no business sitting down here right now!

Hugs to you all...best wishes for a wonderful day!
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 05:48 am
BEAgle… so very delighted that M flew in to see you and Mrs. BEAgle… I know how much that meant to you. I could see your smile from here and heard your heart signing.

Hey Tico… yep " RH old avvy was a likeness… ‘til I met him " now his avvy’s ”warm and fuzzy” - Dinky.

DjjD " your photos were spectacular….the waterfall was just incredibly beautiful " thanku hun - can’t wait to see more. How lovely it would be to stand under those falls …. And what a pretty little ship. Thanku.

Blue " double twonk! Nothing like heading towards the light a?

Missy " how are things with the boys " hope Professor is travelling safe and well and all’s good with you hun and you’re managing to sleep.

QueenDev " hope you have recovered from Thing2’s birthday festivities and finished the studying. Hugs gal.

JPB " good to talk to you " love you girlie.

Alex " hope the weekend bonfire was fab " have a happy week. Loved the song.

WytVi - have a wonderful time with your daughter. Look forward to seeing some pics if you can, when you return.

((((EBGirl)))) & ((((RH))))

Hugs and smooches to one and all….. hope everyone has a great day xox
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 06:14 am
I LOVE British humor...My mom and I are BIG Benny Hill fans, and Russell Brand is very funny at times...I agree with you about being a bit much at times. I was a bit offended at how he kept making fun of the Jonas Brothers...that's my problem though! Wink

Izzie - how was work? I missed you yesterday. I am thinking and praying for you.

I slept well last night...but I gave myself a megadose of Benedryl and it knocked me out at about 10:00pm. I had a fellow come by selling things at 7:00pm which was odd to me. He was selling children's educational material he said and was asking the ages of my kids and I told him I wasn't telling him and that I wasn't interested. So then, I kept hearing things. I had to call my neighbor to come look around the house. Still felt a little off. But obviously it was all in my head. Just so late to come by...made me feel unsafe. I hate that feeling. It made me wish I had blinds on all the windows to pull down.

Goodness I am chatty today. Back in manic mode apparently.
Hugs to you all

I miss Dutchy too.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 06:14 am
Good morning all,
I am off work today (my truck broke down).

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and that your day goes exactly the way you want it to.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 06:48 am
Hope you have a good day too MM - sorry about your truck.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 06:51 am
Hi mismi, nice of you to miss me, just to explain I have been busy the last few days. My son flew in unexpectedly on Sunday and as usually had to drive him all over town on Monday for his meetings. I was well rewarded for this with an exceptional lunch. You must think I'm always eating and drinking. Smile
Today I had to pick up my brother and take him to Hospital and return him home again, a four hour round trip and again a free lunch, this time in a cosy bush pub and another day gone by the time I arrived home.
Tonight catching up on a lot of home work and precious little time for a2k other than to say I miss you all, will be back in full force tomorrow.
Hugs and cheers from downunder.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 07:16 am
Good to hear from you Dutchy. Sounds like you have been helping folks all around. Sweet man. Hope you get all you need to done. So glad we can look forward to seeing you more tomorrow Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 08:13 am
Good Tuesday to Izzie and each and everyone of you. Hope your first day back, Izzie, went without a hitch.
Canned tomato sauce last night. Am going to do pickled cukes today. Has anybody ever heard of putting a grape leaf on the bottom of each jar to enhance crispiness?
Whiteviolet- How long in Paris? Please eat some fine cuisine for me. Foie gras with a Savoy, would be nice.
Mismi. Pop some of your kids flintstone vitamins, and guzzle a large glass of orange juice.
How's devriesj today?
How's the garden Dutchy? What type of critters do you get in Australia that enjoy your plantings?
That is all for now.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:00 am
Hi again, Just 3 nights this time, Alex, (was there in June, as it's so easy to pop over from here, only just over 2 hours from London on the Eurostar) but I certainly won't be eating your sort of stuff - am a longtime (25 years +)veggie, don't eat meat, eggs or fish. Will enjoy the croissants for breakfast, picnic lunch of bread, maybe the delicious leek tarts they do and fruit, with pasta and salad in the evening, though. And some wine no doubt. Unadventurous? Yes!!!

Mis, glad you can appreciate English humour - but it always amuses me when you American talk of English accents when it's us that speaks it proper and you lot wot mangles it! So it's definitely YOU that has the accent, c'mon you know it.

Izzie - good luck with job, you'll be fine, I'm sure. take it slowly.

MM hope your truck gets fixed soon and Dutch, thanks for email, keep well.

Dev - hi! Your posts do make me laugh. And everyone else, bonjour. Brooke - I'll light a candle in Notre-Dame and remember Noah and all the family, not forgetting Nathan.

Now I really MUST go and get ready for tomorrow's early start - been doing so little all day! Had an illness episode earlier today which scuppered my plans but ok again now.

Au revoir, T x
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:28 am

well, I can’t avoid the question.



It was ………. Work!

Doesn’t that look a strange word. Work work work work work work work work work…. It almost looks comical " like something you expect to come out of a little chipmunks mouth…

Anywho…. Politics are politics.

I was never one for politics. Too much arguing and back-stabbing " hence " work!

I went in last week for my compulsory back to work interview. That was fine. It was good to see my colleagues, none of whom have changed. I have. I lasted 1.5 hours before being sent home exhausted. I got home " head down on pillow " completely out of it.

For reasons rather annoying to me, I was then not able to go back because the school required a doctors certificate " which made little sense as I had already been in the school twice (I went in on the non-pupil day too) " however, no worries " today was to be my first proper day back, as I thought I had a hospital appointment yesterday, which turns out I didn’t " so, in my book, that meant I should go to work yesterday, which I did. I stayed 3 hours yesterday " and internal politics took over within minutes of me sitting at my desk. Rolling Eyes

No internet / email and no-one knew ANY passwords " so had to phone DCC and get it sorted " did " it took a few mins " I WAS BACK - and settled in to getting some work done. Then, discovered everything I had left there was…… in the land of the footless soldier " archived somewhere and all new files and systems in place. WHY? Ah well - not a problem " any changes for efficiency whilst I was gone is the school’s prerogative and the position I put them in (being the only administrator/finance officer " I was letting them down by not being there " not that they will ever say it out loud) " however, as is often the case when you start a NEW job…. which this now is…. I am unable to find anything " and most of what I want to find…. is no longer my job. I do finance… I love finance… Little things…. Things I know I dealt with meticulously " have been changed " it appears the school have “started from scratch” with some things " in other words " a person who does not know the job has changed “the system” " audit are gonna so pee their pants " I feel slighted " I shouldn’t " I should be big and noble and say “WHATEVER” " I smiled, I cringed inside. As I am not taking on the financial stuff right now (not my choice " I wish to do the finance, but the DCC finance officer who is also the HT best friend is coming in one day a week to do this!) " I have the other things to do. Yes, this is good " I don’t need to worry about money or folks jobs, budgets, bills, orders … I just do the bits and pieces. Bits and pieces are not what I wish to do tho. It’s not my call. I’m more than bits pieces " but my body won’t allow me to be anything more than bits and pieces in this job right now " not when they need full and working order. Not their fault - they're a business. Not mine. It is what it is. A job " I should be grateful. I am.

I know I am whining. I don’t like to whine. If I don’t whine here and tell you " I am not being true to me " so I am getting this off my chest now and saying it out loud the once. Then I will be done with it. I don’t wish to be bits and pieces " I wish to be whole and as I was " jobwise. It’s not going to happen. I’m not “toppling off” in this department " I just have to accept that I have changed " as have my toots. I am now a flat footed soldier.

I have also moved house during this “change” and live further from school. I asked to start my working day at 8am. Therefore drop off little fella and go straight onto school for 8am. This I had asked…. It was OK’d " now… I have to start at 8.30am. This means " up and out and drop S off at 7.35am. Drive back home for maybe… 20 mins…. Get back in car and drive 20-25 mins to work. This makes no sense to me and is a diesel waster. I did it today " I asked again to start at 8am " I was told I could get in at 8am and start work, sit in the car, twiddle my thumbs, contemplate my navel, but my working day will not start until 8.30am. I don’t like this. I have no say tho. I am whining. I will be up at 6.30am and not stop until 2pm " at which time I then must sleep. I know this will be difficult in my head for me. That’s why I am on “bits and pieces”.

I wish I could have told you all that “WOW, it was fab " it was great to be back and I loved it” " but …. I can’t. It was lovely to see everyone again, and the kids " but I don’t enjoy internal politics " the happy wee school…. Is obviously not so happy with changes that have come in since January. The HT is a good person " very strong and will be good for the school. It’s difficult tho. My thing is loyalty. It’s hard to hear some of the things I’ve been told already with colleagues who are “agitated” " and not tell the boss which is where my loyalty should lie. I choose to remain quiet right now. I think I may stay quiet, head down and just do “bits and pieces”.

So I have decided that I will go and do “the job” " it’s not “my job” now " it’s “a” job " which I can probably do " and I will do what the doctors have told me " I went and slept for an hour this afternoon " and see if I can get back into a routine, having been without one for 7 months.

I’ve got a heavy heart with my eldest son right now " for another thread " life is a struggle for him.

There… have said it all now and not kept it shut in. So…. done, dusted and chucked into the breeze as we sail on ……..


SO….. when are we having a party! Razz
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:35 am
Oh White Vi you are definitely right - we all have different accents. Mine is very southern. And I do mangle it quite a bit. But that is part of my charm. I like to think so anyway. Hopefully always gracious though. Too many people I like here I would hate to offend.

I am up to my eyeballs in room mom stuff. Holy cow. What was I thinking?

Alex - orange juice and Flynstones for my Benedryl hangover or my manic mode? Wink

okay sweet folks...got to start digging myself out of my volunteer work. See you all later!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 10:39 am
Oh Izzie...I posted before I saw your post.

Work sucks. Plain and simple....so do politics. Hate em'

((((IZZIE)))) hugs though hun. I don't think you were whining. Just letting us know what we asked. You are SO not a whiner. Never saw anyone deal with so much so gracefully. And thoughtfully. Blessing you are.

Okay - back to digging Wink
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 11:02 am
Okay - I am not digging - I am procrastinating...Izzie - I just tried to call you. I think something is wrong with the number I wrote down. Crahp. Wink Razz
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 11:08 am
Hi, all. I'm here, for now, Alex. Gotta get some studying done, though I don't know how much. Need to go to the %^% food pantry. (This being poor thing is getting old!!) And as luck would have it our benefits got cancelled due to a communication snafu (Don't get me started!). yay.
Have an open house at the high school for Thing 1 - just to meet teachers, ask questions, etc. I'm anxious, not for that, but it just lives in me & I'm so sick of it!
Iz-, you're not a whiner. You're our friend and if you can't unload to friends where else ya gonna do it? We don't mind a bit. We love ya. Sorry your day wasn't the best. OY, detest office politics myself- ugh.
Wv, have a fab time in Paris. I so wish I could go! Have some wine for me! Drunk
Mis-, sorry to hear about your cold! You're a real trouper - room mama, you go!
Should get off my duff & do something! Oh, gotta tend to Thing 1. She got an ear infection yesterday - poor thing. She's lying around like third base. Gotta make sure she takes meds & gets her hiney back to school tomorrow! ttyl
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 11:19 am
Izzie wrote:

So I have decided that I will go and do “the job” " it’s not “my job” now " it’s “a” job " which I can probably do " and I will do what the doctors have told me " I went and slept for an hour this afternoon " and see if I can get back into a routine, having been without one for 7 months.

I’ve got a heavy heart with my eldest son right now " for another thread " life is a struggle for him.

There… have said it all now and not kept it shut in. So…. done, dusted and chucked into the breeze as we sail on ……..

Routines are good. If you use this time to establish a routine while you're doing "a" job - any job, then that job has served it's purpose. Once you have a routine and are comfortable/bored with the daily grind then there's no reason that you can't look for different work that is more rewarding/fulfilling. Baby steps.

Yep, you're displaying your loyalty to these folks for supporting you during your absence and holding a spot for your return. At some point that debt you feel you owe will be repaid and you won't feel guilty if you look elsewhere. One hand washes the other and right now getting yourself into a regular routine is a worthy enterprise -- for both you and the school.

HUGS to you and your heavy heart and to those around you who are struggling.

Glad you wrote it out, hun. Sounds like you could use a party.


Hey, hey to the rest of the crew.

Good to see you here, mm.

Dutchy -- who says there's no such thing as a free lunch, eh?

Have fun with your pickling, Alex. Save me some, k?

Hoping WV is having a blast in Paris, that dev is well-rested and recovered from information overload, and that Try is enjoying doing whatever it is that keeps him entertained.

mis -- feel better soon!

<waves to ehbeth, brooke, FQ, annis, JW, RH, dj, steve, deedee, vbv, Tico, and anyone else I may have missed>

Hope your day is a Happy one.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 11:22 am
I forget about my cold...apparently it is not that bad. Thanks JPB and Dev and Alex...thus the Flynstones and orange juice...brilliant I am
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 01:22 pm

Hey guys...here is one of the pics from Chatanooga...I look tired. Probably because I was tired. Introducing ...The Prof.
G-baby looks cranky.
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 01:26 pm
Nice family, Mismi! It must be your sons that keep you so busy. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Sep, 2008 01:53 pm
Oh Mis... you are as beautiful as your voice.... and ermmmm ... the Professor.... errrrm... oh my... he's a tad gorgeous a? <swoons> < Razz > HA - you just all look fabulous - your boys are angels.

Thanku so much for sharing your family pics with us... you are a wonderful family.... and hunni... so good to see you and yours. xxxx just love it xox

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