Home safe and sound on this end. We had a couple unplanned side trips (Eva, no matter what the captain told you on the phone - WE WERE NOT LOST!) and got to the airport just in time for a quick hug and run to my gate. Captain and S_ still needed to return the rental car, find a body builder to pull her suitcase out of the trunk for her -- does anyone else here remember her saying she wasn't going to pack much
-- and get over to the gate for their flight back to Dallas. I haven't heard yet whether they made it or not but I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that they did.
What can I say about this weekend that would do it justice? We each had real life friends and family question our sanity on getting together with "strangers" who we'd never met, moving two women and an adolescent in to a bachelor pad for the weekend and making it work out. HAH! What do they know? Not a thing! It was great. Izzie, S_, and I were fast friends by the time we got to Eva's house. Spending a few hours catching up with Eva and meeting SonofEva was a bonus for us all. Too bad it was so short but we've all made promises to do it again. I wish you could have joined us in Kansas, Eva. It was like dorm days back in college -- next time.
We met RH on the way to his place and followed him in. Quick hugs and hi's in the driveway followed and we went inside to meet Stinky. Stinky decided he was more comfortable behind the plants for a few hours but he soon discovered that he might be missing some fun and joined in as a full-fledged member of the gathering. Well, truth be told, he decided to give us permission to stay.
From the very beginning it was as though we had all known each other forever, that this wasn't a first meeting at all but more of a reunion of old friends.
Friday night was spent chillin' (hereby defined as yabbering).
Saturday was full of shopping, yabbering, laughing, pool and shuffleboard playing, yabbering, making plans for the next day's feast, yabbering and laughing. Notice that I haven't yet mentioned sleep.
Sunday was spent visiting special people and places in RH's life. Izzie has pictures by the thousands and I'm sure you'll get to see a bunch of them soon. I'll leave the descriptions for Izzie when she posts the pictures. Then, it was time for Sunday night's feast. Something tells me you'll see a pic or two of that as well, but it was great to enjoy an evening at home with folks who are simply the easiest people to talk to in the world. RH is worried we're going to ruin his tough guy image -- shrug -- we may leave bits of it untarnished by request but I've never met a more gracious host.
Yesterday, we drove over to the nearby Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center where we stayed until they pushed us out, locking the doors behind us. LOTS of pictures coming about that, but for now I'll say that flying to the middle of nowhere Kansas just to see this place is worth the trip. We returned to the ranch for dinner and a final night of yabbering, packing, picture offloading, picture offloading, picture offloading...
We had an early start this morning which was just as well since long goodbyes aren't anyone's favorite. Izzie, S_, and I piled into the car (she wasn't supposed to lift that suitcase by herself) and, after a final hugfest, headed back to Tulsa and our flights.
Rockhead -- thank you so much for your hospitality and letting us move in on your space as if we'd been there forever. You're just as mean and nasty as I've always known you to be -- there, I've done my bit to save your image.
Can't wait to do it again!
Izzie -- you are precisely the warm, friendly, caring, wonderful person IRL that I've gotten to know and love here and by phone over these past few months. We will figure out a way to meet again.
S_ -- I'll keep it short because I don't want to embarrass you by getting mushy (must be a guy thing) but it was a true honor and joy to meet you and get to know you these past few days. I have no doubt you will go far in life and will succeed at making a difference in the lives of those you meet.
Me? I had a blast, plain and simple. But .... where's the pillow?