K- lovelies..... this was written on Tuesday when we arrived at Devils Den - such a fantastic day................................. so, apologies for the delay but this is just the log for that day.....
Well…..what an amazing day.
We left and got to the airport…fortunately it wasn’t too hot and we got checked in - then…. O’Bill " you will laugh " SECURITY TOOK MY BUG SPRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I begged and pleaded " but nope…. as I was looking very pitiful….they let me carry on the half used one " didn’t notice any shampoo or conditioner which was a bit of a result " BUT THEY TOOK MY NEW BUG SPRAY!!!!!
HA " then, we got on the plane…. no probs…lovely clouds " 55 mins " THEN AS WE CAME INTO LAND " Dan Dare had overshot the runway " he went to the left " then to the right " it looked as tho the wing was going to hit the trees " then the loudest roar of engines " little fella and I looked at one another " held hands….. kids in front were jokingly saying “we’re going to die” (which kinda worried the little guy) and we went very quickly back up in the air " IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOUD. Oh My Word. So…we’re all sat there thinking….” Mmmmmmmmm ….. what’s going on” and Dan Dare makes an announcement “Sorry about that folks " we came in a little too fast so are gonna try it again” " HA " OMG " WHO IS FLYING THIS PLANE!!!!!! Nervous tittling laughter throughout the cabin " little fella and I a little white knuckled (nearly required the incontinence pad " phew phew phew) - anyhoo " we landed safely " eventually " then had to have the ‘ole wheels through the airport " lovely lady pushing me along and little fella still holding my hand.
Got the checked in bag " got to the car rental place….. CREDIT CARD DECLINED…….OMG!!!!!! Queue of folk behind us… nervous tittling again " handed over another credit card… and off we went (or rather off I was pushed) to get the car. Then….. met a very nice fella " Andrew! What a darling he was. Decided, being blonde and all that, and thanks to dear Alex who made a wonderful suggestion " and got a GPS. Well I never did!!!!!!!!! Bless Andrew " he tried and tried and tried to get the GPS working (which we had named Drew by this stage) " nope…wasn’t going to work " so we sat giggling in the car for about half and hour and he emerged from the office punching his fist in the air and a big smile on his face. So Drew was installed " Devil’s Den was set …… and off we went. EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZY. Drew turned out to be a girl…..so is now DrusillaGPS " need to figure out how to give her a sex change and get a sexy blokes voice….
We put on some very loud Nickelback " and flew down the highway " and didn’t get lost!!!!! (until we stopped for fodder and couldn’t work out how to get back on to the highway!) Driving into Arkansas was very much like driving in England….. similar scenery. We went through Ozark National Park and saw a beautiful lake. Just kept stopping and taking photos. It was wonderful. Loved driving here…. Just loved it.
DrusillaGPS got us to Devil’s Den….. and then I arrived in Heaven.
Oh guys " you should see this place " it is stunning….so, so stunning. We drove down this long and winding road….(ooooh, feel a song coming on) and at the bottom discovered the Visitor Centre was closed. Mmmmmmm…… now what? We spotted a Ranger…. Another very nice chap who took us over and showed us where the keys to the cabin were and how to get them (he was most apologetic that we hadn’t been told what to do " bless) THEN……OMG " BUTTERFLIES…. Everywhere " this was about 5.30pm " they were huge butterflies…..HUGE HUGE HUGE…at that was right outside the empty Visitor Centre. The nice Ranger pointed us in the right direction and we got back in the lovely car and drove to the cabin……..then I knew I was in Heaven….. deer deer deer deer deer " just wondering around the beautiful cabins….I was so gobsmacked " they were so close…. Of course " photos photos photos…. THEN we found our cabin. Number 16 (16 is my favourite number) " OH " our cabin is gorgeous. We couldn’t believe how lucky we are " we just stared at it and went “ooooh ahhhhh” " then we ran (yep, ran) up the steps and in " LOVELY. Just perfect.
So….. we decided to go exploring…… about 6.30pm by this stage….. we found the DAM. The Devil’s Dam. Sheesh " can’t believe we are just surrounded by all this beauty. Well, I can’t really describe it " other than " incredible. We were the ONLY folk there….. not a soul to see…. We must have climbed and clambered on every rock " dragonflies everywhere (they will NOT sit still for photos tho!) " great big white ones with 4 brown carrier bags on their wings " they all look like they’ve been to the sales. Little fella is a little unsettled with all the bugs " they are HUMUNGOUS here (just had 2 wasps in the cabin " he screams very loud). We went walking along the trails " we saw moor deer " took heap of pics. Will let y’all make your minds up as to what you think the place is like. I love it. We love it. We bought a few supplies and came back to the cabin about 9pm. As I stepped outside…. There was a raccoon looking at me right by the table….. oh….. a Rocky Racoon with the biggest mask and cheekiest face you ever did see. Little fella was beside himself. We sat for a few minutes " and all you could see were fireflies " their little bums lighting the way through the forest. It sounds like a tropical rainforest outside. Just the most incredible sound I have ever heard. It is sooooooo loud.
So, I am sitting here with my Earl Grey, little fella is easting skittles " and I can’t wait for tomorrow to come. We are going to hire a canoe and go up river…. Walk a few trails (there’s a waterfall we need to find!) and then we shall have to leave and head for Beaver Lake. So desperately want to be able to share this with y’all right now " I have an internet connection…..public WiFi " but who the heck knows how to get it working….. hey ho!
So…. It’s been a great day " so very happy and feel as tho I am really living. It’s been a long time " living sure does feel good.
Couple Pics....or a few
Devil's Den - being in a Devil's Den was Heaven... but I knew that a Blue?
Our Cabin
Handsome moth!