Thanks RH.
Took my friends to lunch. The cancer has grown and he will have to go on chemo again. But it will not be as harsh as the last only grew a bit. They feel this round will reduce it even more. He seems to be okay with that and so does Connie. So I am okay with it. They are such a precious couple.
She was a newspaper woman long before it was normal to have newspaper women. And she is infinitely interesting. She never had children and is appalled that I have three.
Not really...but I asked her to watch them for a minute one time while I went to the bathroom...the look on her face would have made you think I asked her to kill somebody! So funny!
Well I will check back in a bit to make sure Miss Izzie made it to Tulsa okay...going to get some more stuff done...laundry, ironing...yuck, yuck.