Hello lovelies...
Tulip - great to see you girl and so glad the hols went well. Oooh Les Mis...my fave!!!
Love to the kids - hope they are both well and enjoying being back with STAR. Will see you in a couple weeks girlie. x
jw - ohhhhhhh - took pics - a million and one...well, lots of pics of butterflies and bugs....ooooooooh - little fella got freaked out tho and even I got the heebie jeebies - the webs and 8 legged thingymajigs were on the trail... mmmmm..... little fella really couldn't cope so we had to go back into civilisation - he's in no way similiar to the Davida Attenborough he has for a mom!
Will try and post some later - really hope it doesn't bore you tho... actually will put on a separate thread in Wildlife for those who don't wish to see bugs and stuff.
AND we saw armadillo's
- we were so excited .... not a little bit excited.... I mean REALLY excited. These were the cutest little critters and were running around in the wild. Just fab. We may never see one of those again - it was so worth going! Mozzies and all!
It's been pouring with rain... tipping it down and is pi....sistently raining rightnow with a little bit of thunder too. Texas Bubba says this is the most rain he's seen in months! Fortunately, when we were out it was cloudy - so all we did is sweat..... nice a????? but better than being in the sunshine which would have been too difficult for us. Had my ankle all strapped up so was able to walk for a bit, which was great. Feet up now.
(Will try and post pics in a bit.)
Missy - happy to see you and .... welcome
Indeedee - how are you today girl - you feeling a little better?
Gotta pack - off on the road tomorrow and.... little bit nervous about the driving - but the Devil's Den is calling my name.... so look out Arkansas - here we come
Think I will be offline for a few days
but will try and find somewhere with access.
BLUE - did ya wax????????? :wink: