Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 06:02 am
Hey Lovelies...

How are y'all today?

Little fellas passport NOT BACK...mmmmm made a panic phone call.....still waiting.

Busy day today - still trying to get hold of HP about the fried laptop. Still trying to back up on a temperamental E drive...

this time in 2 weeks - we should be on an aeroplane winging our way over Razz

That's a bit happy a?

Lovin' y'all x
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 06:15 am
That's very happy Izzie. Hope you get that passport soon. I am sure you will. (((Izzie)))

S is still good. That makes me happy. Gotta' go feed the brood.

I'll see you all later.

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Black tulip
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 06:28 am
Hey WhiteViolet,

yes, I have been to Paris before but only used metro will have ago on the buses! My children have never been to Paris central only Euro Disney and they are so looking forward to going up the Eiffel tower. My son has made a list of all the things he wants to see: Eiffel Tower, Mona Lisa, Jim Morrisons grave and the Moulin Rouge! Had to laugh, I said I didn't think he was quite old enough for the Rouge yet! oh well he said I look at it from the outside! Laughing

I just want to sit by the Seine and drink Chablis .... bliss!

Well my car should be back to day, had to have a service done and it needs new tyres and costing me an arm and a leg.

Many of our staff at work are on strike for more pay, I am not as I could not afford 2 days down in wages so have a black mark against my name! I had to put the children first and I need the money.

My little dog "Star" is just so lovely,really spoilt but it is so great to have her! She loves grabbing hold of trouser bottoms and tugging on them and loves chewing hands, noses, toes etc so am trying to break the habit. Off to Puppy party tonight again, my daughter is going hairdressers and is having the front of her hair dyed red! My son is going over to play with Izzie's son.

Speak soon, take care X
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Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 08:13 am
devriesj wrote:

Wonder where are Brooke has got to & how those babies are. Hopefully no news is good news.

mismi wrote:
Where is Brooke? Where is DeeDee?

Well Brooke..please know I am praying for Kim and the twins...I know - I know. Heart is overwhelmed for her in the middle of this...let us know soon sweety

I love you guys! Thank you so very much for continuing to keep Kimmie and the babies in your thoughts and prayers.

Crew ..... you are wonderful!

Update coming up later today on that situation. As of yesterday, she is back into labor. I spoke to a nurse this morning and she said it has increased a little bit in intensity and decreased in space of time from yesterday. They are once again, working to settle it. I really don't see how this can go on much longer. Anyhow.....we will have a new update on the babies weights today.

I once again have the kids with me. Till Monday morning @ least. I'm not used to playing the mommy role when it comes to just how much time I need to get them around in the mornings. Dressed and fed and dropped off at the babysitters. And the puppy dropped off at the puppy sitters, and me to work on time. Was wayyyyyyyy too rushed this morning. I need to make an adjustment there and get going earlier. Geez me! Smile

Black tulip wrote:
My little dog "Star" is just so lovely,really spoilt but it is so great to have her! She loves grabbing hold of trouser bottoms and tugging on them and loves chewing hands, noses, toes etc so am trying to break the habit.

Oh tulip....I can soooooo relate to that! Laughing I have a puppy in the house too. He was born May 13th. Does all the stuff your puppy does. Too cute! I am crate training him and when I get him out of it during the night when he wakes me or in the mornings when I get him up ..... he is kissing me and nibbling on my chin till I put him down. Such a loving little guy. And constantly after my toes. Everything he sees goes into his mouth. Inside or outside. A complete bundle of energy and inquisitiveness, as he should be. He definitely has his own section of my heart now!

Which reminds me, Izzie ....of what you said to me about hearts. That was awesome!! :wink:

Enjoying watching your trip come together, Izz. I'm sure that passport will be there real soon!

Those picture were da' bomb!!!

I wish upon you all a beautifully, fantastic day.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 08:56 am
Morning crew, Eagle has landed after a long day out, pleased to have the opportunity to say hi to Brooke, Mismi, BlackTulip and of course our great but busy Captain.

Cold has disappeared and I'm looking forward to a great weekend. Son and grandson are flying in and we're all going to the big local derby (football) this Sunday. You all have a great day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 08:58 am
Good to hear from you Brooke! Sorry to hear that sis is back in labor...still praying - expecting those babies to be bigger. Big hopes for that.

Yeah...it takes much longer to get kiddies and yourself and all that running around done. I still don't always have it under wraps. With kids it's always something...so even when I am fairly together something goes wrong...someone has to go to the bathroom right when we are walking out the door. Or drips something they weren't suppose to be eating all down the front of their shirt.

Thanks for the update sweety.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 09:15 am
Good to see all of you!
Hey mis-, were you watching the Dirty Jobs with the snakes?
Oh Brooke, so good to hear from you! Just chuckling to myself thinking about you & the kiddies in the morning. Along with mis-, I can TOTALLY relate! Augh! Glad to hear S is on the mend too.
A trip to Paris & a trip to the US. Do I hear travel threads? Hope that passport gets expedited, Iz-. Darn bureaucracy!

Sorry all, feeling a bit off today. Not sure why. Sleep is a bit messed up & I
just feel unsettled, I guess.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 09:20 am
Hi Dev, sorry I missed seeing you before, hope you will feel better soon, missing out on sleep for a busy lady like you doesn't do you any good. Make sure you catch up tonight.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 10:01 am
Thanks, Dutch-. I'll hang in there.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 11:38 am
Enjoyed catching up with all the news - love to all
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Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 11:50 am
Dev ..... Lack of sleep can't be helping you. The stress of school and all the other things you are dealing with, can't help either. One thing for sure ......strength, you do not lack!

Miss.....So glad your little one is doing better!

Dutchy.....About time that cold leaves you! Glad you're feeling better.

WV .....Good to see you.

Ok, well here is today's update on the twins and mommy:

Twins- Baby A is at 4 pounds 8 ounces. Shocked He gained a half pound.
Baby B is at 1 pound 15 ounces. He gained 3 ounces. Thank you, God! Every ounces matters. Every day matters. Every second matters.

Kim - Well, Kimmie has developed her own set of problems today. They think it's been brought on by the drug they are giving her every 4 hours to stop the labor. She has gotten fluid on her lungs and is also having chest pains. They are backing off the dosage they are giving her and if that doesn't help her quickly .......they are changing to a different drug. Not known to work as well, but may still be beneficial. If neither works....the fight will be done. The boys will be born.

And if the fight is over …… we'll deal with the rest as it is laid upon us. We know that the best place is in the womb right now because Kim is providing the basis for breathing and well-being. Once they are born it can get critical real fast. But it's God's ship without a doubt. And in His hands things will stay. Regardless of the outcome. For we know that He gives us strength for all things. And that's just the way it is.

Okie ....... You guys have a great day!!!!!

Luv you
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 11:55 am
So thankful to hear of the weight gain. Poor Kim...I know she is ready to have those babies out...labor is at best uncomfortable and being in the hospital sucks...I remember - I was there only 4 days when the boys tried to come 9 weeks early...it was miserable. They are still in my prayers.

hugs to you Brooke
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 12:25 pm
Mis-, You always seem to post right before me and say pretty much what I would say, uncanny! Ditto what she said.

Good to hear from ya, Brooke. Sorry about Kim too. Had my own pre-term labor with Thing 2, but nothing like this. I can only imagine what she is going through. Please tell her we're praying, and I'm so glad for the babies' weight gain. At least they are still baking. And you're right about dealing with it as it comes: one day, one minute, one ounce at at time. God, give us all the strength to get through this one!
And hey, thanks for the boost, Brooke. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 01:58 pm
Wishing you the very best vacation Lzzie, if you are ever in Kansas City do call by and see where I carved my initials on the back of the washroom door: 715 W Foxwood Dr & N Sunset Ln.

Message of support for Kim and the twins; especially the little guy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 02:02 pm
Thanks Try - Dev - and Miss!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 02:22 pm
Sorry my lovelies - been busy unpacking some final boxes and trying to find somewhere to put "stuff". Exhausted now. Tulip's F-boy and the little fella have had so much fun - playing in the river and laughing out VERY loud. Love them - they are so close. (pics on way in a mo - once I get a minute!)

Hey Brooklyn...

Aaaah - Babbling Girl.... k - your prayers are all you can do right now for Kimmie and the Babies - that, and you reassurance that the big kids are being looked after so she doesn't need to worry - you are doing a great job there. Hunni - I.... love you and know you will keep strong here - Kimmie is in good hands and you have to put your trust in these people. Kim comes first and if she becomes in any danger they will deliver the bubs - so be prepared for that darlin' - and all hands on deck. We're with you every little ounce of the way, holding your hand and sending you and yours all the love we can to get through this. Keep positive Brooklyn - calm calm calm. Hug the "bubs" brother and sisters from the crew - and big hugs to you and your precious family. Hearts - well... I believe in jaggy bits from me to you and in return. x

Missy - hope S-boy has picked up today and is knocking the virus on the head. Hope you are going k too Dixie-gal - thinking about you xox

Dev - are you still unsettled? How you doin now? How's things going with hubby job search - he OK? Kinda feel you are in need of a cuppa tea and the crews arms wrapped round you right now, but you're being big and brave. (((Dev)))

WytVi - hope you're still smiling. :wink:

BEAgle - so glad to hear the cold is gone - you are in for a great weekend with your boy and wee grandkidboy - Mrs.BEAgle will be so happy to have them down. Very Happy

Blue - just Razz to you and call me Olive x

Now..... where is our Indeedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Confused
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 02:26 pm
Izzie wrote:

Hey Brooklyn...

Aaaah - Babbling Girl.... k - your prayers are all you can do right now for Kimmie and the Babies - that, and you reassurance that the big kids are being looked after so she doesn't need to worry - you are doing a great job there. Hunni - I.... love you and know you will keep strong here - Kimmie is in good hands and you have to put your trust in these people. Kim comes first and if she becomes in any danger they will deliver the bubs - so be prepared for that darlin' - and all hands on deck. We're with you every little ounce of the way, holding your hand and sending you and yours all the love we can to get through this. Keep positive Brooklyn - calm calm calm. Hug the "bubs" brother and sisters from the crew - and big hugs to you and your precious family. Hearts - well... I believe in jaggy bits from me to you and in return. x

Crying .....just tears. Yeah I'm worried. I gotta get the happy face on...time to pick up the kids and the puppy. I luv u.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 03:57 pm
Hi, everyone - Brooke, you're in my thoughts so much.

Try - No, no, no, no, no! ( Shakespearean ref for those who like that sort of thing) Me, a librarian? Hilariously wrong concept. No, I'm a mature student. Lots more to say re the delightful gentleman but not here! I was just having a bit of girlie fun with dev and Izzie t'other day and trying to bring a smile to their faces - and maybe bring back some memories! I will bear your offer in mind if other sources dry up...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 04:14 pm
Brooklyn girlie.... flowers for you from the garden...


The boys today... 006 and 007(!) Razz

Little fella in my pink polka dot wellies and F-boy ... best friends


and the gunk that had got snagged on the barbed wired.


Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Jul, 2008 04:23 pm
Izzie wrote:
Dev - are you still unsettled? How you doin now? How's things going with hubby job search - he OK? Kinda feel you are in need of a cuppa tea and the crews arms wrapped round you right now, but you're being big and brave. (((Dev)))

Yeah, just not feelin' right, head ache, restless, other stuff... Don't worry 'bout me tho.
Hubby's got no news on the job front in the way of his career field. He has been painting with a friend who's had a 1-man-show painting biz, so we're thankful for the work. It's hot as heck & he's been outside so he's whipped. Takin' a nap right now in fact.
Thanks for the cuppa & hug. Smile
Ooh, pretty flowers! And looks like the boys had fun! Love the galoshes! Mine's just home from camp & chattering away today.
Oh, Brooke - BIG HUG. You're really awesome for taking the kids and doing all you do. Hope the cry helps do some cleansing. I'm sure all the wait and see is stressful. Well, you know we're here for ya.
Hey, wv, mis-, Try- you ole devil.
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