Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 01:00 pm
Good ta see ya, Iz-! Did you have a nice day? I'm procrastinating BIG TIME! Got a lot
of reading / analyzing to do and absolutely no motivation to do any of it! Just on the computer watching the sprinkler out my window water the hopefully coming lawn. Need to remember to take my back pats!
I'm getting really down on myself lately. (Not a usual occurrence, and maybe tied to my lovely cycle - sorry, guys.) Feeling rather irritab-ibble!

Oh, yes, and a plane trip over here ASAP would do me a world of good!! We'll just have to see about all that, no?

Dare I ask, Try- what it is that would be good for my tummy? (she asks with great fear and trepidation!)

Is THAT what a 'wanchor' is?!! I better watch my British euphemisms! I'm quite known to go into a character with just about any ol' accent and use colloquialisms that I know. Were huge potc and HP fans around here. So, I'd better watch my 'bugger' and 'bloody' et al, a?

Thinking of you all. Speaking of which, where are you all?!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 01:02 pm
Dutchy wrote:
Dear Brooke I will comply with your request, trust everything will turn out alright, have faith! Thinking of you too.

Thank you ((((( Dutchy )))))

deedeexx wrote:
Brooke - thoughts with you and yours ((xx)). Is this sis's first birth?

Thank you ((((( deedee))))). No this is her 3rd pregnancy. She has twin girls and a 3 year old son.

JPB wrote:
prayers sent, brooke. I hope everything turns out well. Keep us posted.

So very appreciated. Thank you ((((( JPB )))))

Izzie .....

Thank you ((((( Izzie ))))). Kim is 30. 5 weeks on a 38 week scale.

I would love to go into the hospital and draw her. That's such a great idea. Right now, they are only allowing grandparents and spouse to get inside her room. One at a time. They are trying to keep her calm and are afraid of her tiring with too much activity in her room. And her blood pressure has been pretty high. So calm…calm…..calm is the prescribed "feeling." Though, I would imagine that is very difficult for her, knowing Kim.

Thank you for all of your input. You always make me feel better!

mismi wrote:

I know it is hard...I remember the weeks of worrying and wondering. I am praying...feel free to ask me anything...(((Brooke and Sis))))

Thank you ((((( missy ))))). Just like Izzie…..your information is comforting. I didn't sleep good last night. Toss and turn. Toss and turn. ( I know Bill! I should have called you. 24x7 Or just had you call me before I went to sleep)

Trying not to worry and just put everything in God's hands. That's all I can do. Thank you very much for your response.

Dev ......Thank you ((((( dev ))))). As always.

You guys……I love you all. You are simply the best! Here's the update on Kim and the babies:

Her labor is being slowed down. She's still having contractions but not every 4 minutes like she was for about the past 24 hours. The drug they are giving her seems to be working. She does have some bleeding but the water is still intact, albeit leaking.

They did a host of tests today and the results were ….some good. Some not so good. But overall there is no reason to stop hoping. But then....there never is, no matter what.

The twins are monochrionic, but a complicated case because the blood that they share is not being shared equally. So we have baby "A" receiving an adequate supply of nutrients and baby "B" who has less of the placenta and in distress and lagging in growth. Of course, since baby B has less of the placenta, he also has less of the amniotic fluid……which is leaking.

While the blood flow in the placenta is below normal………the blood flow to his brain is good. That's one of the deciding factors at the moment that is keeping the doctors doing everything they can to keep the twins from being born right now. If the blood flow to his brain drops below a certain level they will have to do an emergency C-section.

The other concern right now is with Baby "B's" heart. It should be slowing down in the 3rd trimester but it's still pretty high at 194. They'd be happy with it under 160. But the pregnancy isn't normal…..so to expect the heart rate to be normal, seems to be asking a little much right now?

Also ..Kim's blood pressure is high. She has shown no signs of eclampsia during this whole pregnancy till now. If that's what's causing it. Mom said it was 175/120 this morning but has dropped to 158/110. She's like me, normally. She works out a lot and has a very healthy reading otherwise. ( Of course she's not worked out for awhile due to pregnancy and being so stretched out.) So that's an extremely high reading for her.

The long and the short of it is …….they do not want to deliver while his lungs are not ready and while he is under 3 lbs if they can help it. Preferably in the 3.5 pound range. Anything short of 3, they said drastically increases not just the short term complications, but long term as well. His lungs are not developed enough right now to give him a good chance of survival. They are going to give Kim another shot of steroids tomorrow. (They wanted a full week between shots) With Kim being at 30.5 weeks on a 38 week scale……..the doctor said she has just entered that time frame where the growth rate for twins starts to slow down normally which further complicates the situation because they need it to speed up, for Baby B, not slow down. (If I understood Mom right on that)

Kim has been in pure misery the past 4 weeks or so. She was hoping that the twins could be born early. Like in…..asap (sometime this month). Of course now she's blaming herself for this early labor….simply because she's been thinking that way. But geez……she's 5'3 and around 110 when not pregnant. Of course she's gonna be stretched to the limit with twins. She's been to the point of having a hard time getting up from a seated position without some help for a few weeks now. I think she's just forgot how big she got with the girls before they were born.

Thank you …..and keep the thoughts and prayers coming? Please. You guys are the best!

I can't express my thanks, enough. Truly.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 01:28 pm
Thanks for the update, darling.

((((((((( Brooklyn, Kim and the babies )))))))))
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 01:34 pm
Hey hey

QueenDev - yep, day has been k thanku. Looking forward to the BlueBoys response to your question (snicker) :wink: In the UK - well, there is a T-shirt for what we call a jerk, tosser....

W-anchor (w*nker)


Now the fact it is blue is nothing to do with our BlueBoy - who is most certainly NOT one! Razz Perish the thought! He's just a baby. :wink:

Babbling Girl - thanku so much for letting us know - keep talking girl and keep strong for Kim - you have all our love and support Brooke. Much calm and serenity is needed and she must be very patient and do exactly as she is told by the docs - keeping her blood pressure lower and her mind focused is so important right now - keep your faith hun - hugs to you all. Oh..... send her in some candles... candles are very calming.... two candles hun xox xxxx


off back up to Tulips.... be back soon x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 01:50 pm
Hi, everyone

It's so good to stop by occasionally and see all the ups and downs of life and all the instant support. I'll let you all know next time I'm down with my damn illness and maybe you can do your uplifting stuff! I'm quite a challenge when I'm low,tho! Izzie, so sorry I cdn't get to meet you and Tulip recently as I hoped - had to return early. I did get a quick trip on the Moor though - Jay's Grave etc - seen it all before but always enjoyable. Used to go for 20 mile + walks all over the Moor years ago.
Lots of love to everyone, Tricia xxxxx
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 02:13 pm
Brooke, dahling, prayers are continuous my dear friend. Will pray peace and peace of mind for Kim, and Grow, little one, grow! Hope your whole family can feel big hugs comin' to ya from literally around the world! Try not to worry when you know the One who's in control. Easy to say. Difficult to do, I know it.
And dear wv, we'll give YOU an uplift ANY TIME. Free of charge! Know what it's like to be down with illness. I've been much too acquainted with feeling down in my lifetime, trust me. Oh, and it's so nice to know your name is Tricia. I didn't know that before! Hugs to you from here. Very Happy
Glad you've had a good day, Iz-!
Mis-, how's that little tummy?
Dutch-? Are you around here today or tomorrow or what ever it is?!
Wondering how Red and JPB are today. Haven't heard from home statesmen Alex lately either. Waiting for some flora pics from resident gardener dj too.
Steve must be taking a nap after all his cycling. (Maybe his bum's too sore to sit and type?!)
Good to see you, OCCOM BILL! Hey, sorry I missed the get together last year, Got run down by the bl**dy flu! Hope a good time was had by all!
And where did that gadabout Try- go?!
Thinking of you all ... and the rest of you. TFFN!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 03:55 pm
Hey peeps

Back again... Tulip is well and the puppy is a Star. Tulip and son had a good time at Science evening... how to fit a 2p through a 1p hole and all that...


Roads were a little on the wet side


Rain has stopped now and we had blue skies on the way home


River is looking like this


Been yabbering to FQsis trying to sort out her coming down for a while with the girls.... oh, desperately would like her to be here.

Missy - how's S-boy doing??????

WytVi - good to see you on the deck - no worries about the visit - you know where we are for next time you're down this way. Hope all worked out well up there. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:31 pm
Hello all....

Izzie and Dev and all who asked...

S is tired. He has not been eating a lot so it is understandable. When he does his tummy starts hurting again really bad. He is having foot cramps too...which means he is dehydrating. So I am getting him to drink whatever I can as much as a can in small sips. A full time job let me tell you...I am quite the nag.

Now his head is hurting. I am really not sure what to do. I am tired and I know he is.

Anyway...we will just plod on. Hoping he wakes up feeling ALLLLLL better tomorrow.

Hugs to you all..this is probably my last post for the day.
let you all know how we are tomorrow. Thanks so much!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:37 pm
Good morning all - had rain overnight but slackened off now. Hope more is coming.

Brooke - thoughts still with you and yours ((xx)) Read thru your post about the latest and hope everything goes well for your sis and her littlies.

Luv Tulip's baby.

I have no e-mail this morning - don't know why - just a blank screen - so now I can't even compete with Beagle this morning. Sad Have to keep trying.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:39 pm
Morning all, great posts since I left, we're truly one great family here. The support you give one another is just fabulous and sure to rub off. Izzie that ddxx girl is getting to good for me, thrashed me again, what am I going to do? Smile

Special thoughts to Brooke, mismy and Dev, sincerely hope your problems may be all solved soon. To everybody else thinking of you too and trust you all had a good day.

Nice to hear Black Tulip is doing well Captain, thanks for the lovely pictures too, you're a great photographer. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:39 pm
Hey sorry I missed you Missy. Good night and hope the little one wakes up better for you. ((xx))
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:41 pm
Dutchy - you and I posted at same time. Good morning. Smile I will have to keep trying to get on e-mail - I don't know what the problem is.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:41 pm
Oh mis-, there with you in spirit. Drink, little S, drink. Hope you both sleep well and the storm passes by the morrow. Sweet dreams too.

Good to see you, DeeDee. Good Thursday morning! Hope you get a chance to wipe the floor with 'im! :wink: May the e-mail gods once again smile upon your inbox! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:43 pm
Thoughts and prayers to Kim and the babies.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:58 pm
Thanks Dev - the e-mail gods have just smiled and I am back on track. Smile Now, where is the Beagle? :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:16 pm
Morning youze 2.....

Indeedee - be gentle with him... you know he'll get a grump on if he keeps losing (yeah right.... least grumpy person in the world a?) ... so, nah, go for it girl and beat him pants down again.

Oh.... BEAgle - now I feel disloyal Shocked Win the Jinks Win the Jinks..... :wink:

ok... balanced now Razz

(love ya both waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooo much!)

Missy - sleep well darlin' girl and well wishes to S-boy - ((((better soon)))))) Head hurt is dehydration too hun... he must drink lots of water... good for his tummy problem and will keep him hydrated - especially if he is ick. If it's a tummy bug - keep him off food... just water and maybe rehydration salts (dioralyte) - if he needs to eat - plain toast / crackers. Oh bless him. Hope you all manage to get some sleep. Let us know how he is in the morning. Smile

QueenDev - how did you go with the books eeerrrrr procrastination errrr books! :wink: Go get a pat.

Babbling - hugging you girlie. x

Alex - hugs to you hun x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:17 pm
How's the new digs treating you Izzie?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:21 pm
Oh hey Alex - it's lovely here - very settled in and feel completely at home thanku. It's warm here - you know, it's just got that feeling about it where you feel.... warm. Like where your heart is.

Little fella has got his room just so...

It's all manageable - so, all in all - there's no place like home Smile

Hope all is real good in your world love and that your good lady is very well. x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:25 pm
Good morning Alex and Izzieliz - yes Izzieliz - will be gentle Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:27 pm
Ha - laughing now, Indeedee Twisted Evil
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