Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:17 pm
deedeexx wrote:
Dutchy wrote:
Don't tempt me, your turn! Laughing
I just sent it to you Confused :wink:

Tell me about it, I'm starting behind the eight ball again. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:25 pm
Maybe a beer would help?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:33 pm
deedeexx wrote:
Maybe a beer would help?

Just had a double rum, watch out, I'm firing and dangerous. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:35 pm
Ooooh, both barrels?? I had better have a chardy then. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 10:39 pm
deedeexx wrote:
Ooooh, both barrels?? I had better have a chardy then. :wink:

This is going to be the mother of all conquests. Cheers. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:35 am
hi ddx and dutchy...
long time no see..
i just couldnt get myself out of teh shifting plans and tensions..
nyways so far so good..we've gt a house n rent in Bangalore, so its just me and my stuffs to tag along..ive packed kitchen stuffs till now..nw have to conquer the next field - ma bedroom nd ya ma humble simple lill library...

(well for now its jst a pack of books..yet rome wasnt built in a day right?)

din get time to read back..and see wats going on..hope all is well..
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:38 am
Morning Crew

Babbling girl - I still have a little faith/something...and I will pray for nature to be kind to your sister and her babies. My thoughts are with you for you and yours girle - please do keep talking here and know we are all thinking of you. Hope Missy will be able to tell you more about the twin side of things. Pre-term labour - I can tell you about that. From 12 weeks onwards I was sick with R. At 30wks I went into pre-term labour with R, hospitalised and on complete bedrest - steroid injections and large doses of terbutiline (I was on steroids too and had gest. diabetes - insulin injections) - the docs in Boston were amazing and managed to keep R in for another 6 weeks. They can do medical marvels these days - and I guess you have to keep what you are believing in, along with the medical decisions taken - to keep you focused and your sister. They will be doing everything they can.

The doctors I am sure will only do what they have to regarding the twins as it becomes absolutely necessary. Twins can grow at very different rates, please try and put your trust in them. Ask lots of questions - the nurses are sometimes easier to ask than the doctors who are rushed off their feet. How many weeks is your sister now???? You said 7.5 weeks early - I take it that you mean off the 40 weeks... hunni, if that is the case and she has got past 30 weeks - you're sister is going great. The steroid injection is to mature the babies' lungs - well, you proabably know all that - if they suddenly need to get the babies out they will both have a better chance with the steroid injection - it is a precuationary measure.... 33 weeks is good with twins - I assume your sister is on all the monitors and the babies heart rates are being monitored? They will read the results to watch the babies heart rates.

With my little fella - I had the same scenario as with R - except my placenta abrupted - again, docs were in and had S out within 45 mins - he spent 2 weeks in NICU - very sick little fella - but.... by the grace of ... something - he did just fine.

All my thoughts are with you hun - stay focused - your sister needs huge positivity now - quietly and gently - I know lying in the hospital listening to the monitors and watching every heartbeat.... well, it was one of the most difficult things to do - so, if you can, even going over to her- lie on the bed together, read some magazines/boosks... even poetry together - or take her a journal - so she can write stuff down, music, above all - CALM CALM CALM - if the babies decide to make an early entrance or the docs decide to introuce them earlier than anticipated - then everthing becomes sooooooo fast and out of control... so get in as much calm right now as you possibly can. Hunni - why don't you draw her. Sit with her for a while.... draw her!

Thoughts and love to you Brooke... xox xxxx
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 04:41 am
Hey Vegemite

We crossed posts. How good to see you Little One? So pleased hubby has found a place to live - when are going to join him? How are you sweetie - are you looking forward to moving. Any luck on the job front?

Lovin ya Vegemite Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:35 am
Hi Izzie,

A friend of mine has an invention that may help you fall asleep next time:

Wallace and Gromit Snoozatron
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 05:56 am
Laughing That was great, JW. Makes me want to go back to bed.

morning all! Another crazy day on the work front but some fun planned for later.

Missy -- I'm thinking about S-boy. I hope he feels better soon. Good luck with your guests today. Don't use up all your words on deaf ears!

I hope the rest of the crew gets to mix some fun in with your Wednesday!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 06:13 am
Hi verbivore good to see you, pleased to see you take things easy, but no doubt your are looking forward to join hubby soon. All is well downunder except that ddxx is thrashing me in the word game we're playing. I need your word skills. Smile

Izzie that was a great lecture, who needs a doctor with you around, next time I have an ailment I'll be knocking on your door.

Dear mismi hope your little fellow is feeling better today and don't give you any further worries, I'm sure you're giving him the best of care.

This brings me to wandljw, thanks for the tip but I have no trouble falling asleep or sleeping soundly. The method must be working as JPB has gone back to bed. Laughing

Hope you all have a good day.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 07:35 am
Good Morning Crew!

Love coming here and seeing all the happy posts...

Brooke I see where sis is having trouble. Twins bake faster than single babies...it is an amazing thing. Try not to worry. I was on badrest for six weeks and they took the boys by c-section at 37 weeks. They were 6lbs 5oz and 6lbs 8oz. - big babies for twins - at 37 weeks. Had I waited to 40 I would have been delivering kong babies.

I was on all kinds of medications and my baby "B" which was S, had club feet, and was supposed to have been downs - but he was not...yet another miracle.

It was a hard pregnancy - having twins put all kinds of stress on my body - can't imagine what those who have more than 2 at a time go through.

Your sis is worrying quite a bit right now I am sure - but reassure her that twins really do develop faster. A singleton born at 37 weeks would probably have respiratory problems. Twins generally do not. Even if they are born before the 37 weeks they really do have wonderful technology. But they are trying to keep the babies there in your sis since it is the best place for them until they are all done.

I know it is hard...I remember the weeks of worrying and wondering. I am praying...feel free to ask me anything...(((Brooke and Sis))))

S is still puny. He and I did not sleep well last night. I am really wondering what we are going to do...trying not to worry. Hoping he will be better soon.

Thanks you all for the well wishes.

Hugs to you all,
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 09:10 am
Hey, all.
So sorry to hear about your sister, Brooke. You've got my prayers to add to the pile for certain! Mis- & Iz- know their stuff. I won't regale you with my pregnancy tales except to tell you that I read my sister's college nursing text books on pregnancy instead of the 'over the counter' ones! So, I know way more than I should!
And tell your sister there are people thinking of and praying for her, will you? Just be there. That'll be a comfort to her. God's got those little twinners in sight. I hope all turns out well for the fam.

Got a lot of studying to do, but I'm sure I'll be here and there for a brain break!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 09:58 am
Hey crew...

oooh.... lifeboats may be required.... just a tad nervy right now... I will get used to this, I will get used to this.... torrential rain... and more steps under

standing well back

this end of the river and the house is higher than the bottom of the garden

sheesh - it's fast and loud!!!!!

bottom end of the garden - steps under and bank flooded on other side of the garden



k - not gonna look for a coupla hours - off to Tulips shortly Very Happy

Missy - how is S-boy. I'd just check in with the doc again hunni if the lax hasn't started working within 24 hours - lotsa fresh juice, water, weetabix (high fibre) - horrible for the little guy, nasty nasty pain and makes anyone feel awful. Embarrassed

Darlin' BEAgle.... oooh, didn't mean to lecture Embarrassed but hun, if you are ever pregnant - I will be knocking on your door, with the journalists and a million dollar "exclusive" deal. Sorry, so laughing. All us girls have a pregnancy story (yawn) but it's good to know someone who has had similar experiences when you're not in the know. My medical history is pants.... but I have a load of stories. Rolling Eyes Hey, who won today???? Did the girl Jinky you out!???

Hey JW and JPB - hope the storms subsided and all is k in your part of the world now. Have some fun today. Love the VT Special Agent - Sean the Sheep always goes down well in this house!!! Smile

QueenDev - hope you have managed to do some of the books - have yer taken yer back-pat today..... on you go girl :wink:

K - off to Tulips - will be back a little later.

Lovin y'all. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 10:12 am
Hey Izzie...

WOW! That river is running swift. It will be okay - remember what the farmer said? He knows. He knows.

S threw up again. I called the nurse - apparently it IS a stomach virus. We had to call the friends and tell them they couldn't come. J has been crying his eyes out and saying this is the WORST day of his life. (bit of an exxageration don't you think?)


my Mom called and said we are going down to Pensacola Saturday and watching the Blue Angels. homecoming. Pretty awesome. We try to do it every year and it is a thrilling thing! The boys love it. Hopefully he will be all better then and we can enjoy the beach and planes. Then we are going to LuLu's at Gulf Shores and eating. LuLu is Jimmy Buffets sisters restaurant. I love that place and it should be fun! So we have something to look forward to.

Don't worry about the RIVER Izzie...it will be fine.

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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 11:28 am
Awww, poor little S. don't ya hate when the doctor is wrong, mis-?! Evil or Very Mad Been there done that! Recently Thing 1 gets random migraine headaches. Trying to figure it out, but no connections so far. I feel so horrible for him. Blah-blah-blah. Sorry just in a little bad mood today. Feeling a bit self-absorbed at the moment.
My tummy's not feeling so hot today. Not sure why. THEN we get a letter from unemployment (for hubby). It actually thinks he's employed for a "Wank Enterprises"! Looked it up just to see what it was and found out that 'wank' is a euphemism for masturbation! Embarrassed Right now I'm mad because this little fiasco will further delay his unemployment Evil or Very Mad - and amused because of the absurdity of the thing! Is this someone's idea of a sick joke or what?!

Wow, Iz- that's quite the river you've got, but it hasn't gone over the banks right? So don't get out the "Mae West's" just yet!
And, mis- your week end sounds fun. Have some of that for my fam-, will you?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 11:28 am
To be, or not to be: that is the question Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: To sleep; no more; and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd.

Wellbeing wishes go out to all in their time of need.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 11:35 am
Ah, M. Try-, how nice to see you! And you've brought the Bard with you!
And I thank you, sir.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 11:58 am
Hi Dev, stay where you are; I have just the thing for your tummy!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 12:46 pm
Hey Crew crew

Oh mis... so glad you called the nurse - hopefully the bug will work its way out soon and S-boy will be right as rain. Chuffed for you going away this weekend - will do you all good. Any news yet about the job hun???

QueenDev - oh babe, you so need a a girls nite out, or maybe or I should jump on a plane a? :wink: Feel better soon hun - stress won't be helping your tummy either. Idiots are idiots around the world and whoever's idea of a joke it is... well ... they are the anchor with a W!!!!!

BabyBlue - how good to see you. Very Happy We have missed you in the nest....so, so much. Always up for a little Will.... so.... for you and the crew... AS YOU LIKE IT......

"Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head;
And this our life, exempt from public haunt,
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything."

Gotta keep pushing on forward crew...

lovin y'all Razz
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