Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 05:14 am
Wow - I posted last when I went to bed...and now I am posting again when I wake up! Nobody was here last night!

Okay...how are you peeple's? I hope having a good day - or will have a good day.

Hugs to you all...
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 05:18 am
Hey Dixie Girl...

I just signed on too - how are you this morning? Whatcha up to today.... ah.... you have Sunday siesta thissavo sister a?

It's kinda cloudy here today but still warm - think we're due for a few storms and a heap of rain. The kids dammed up the babbling brook the other day, so am gonna have to climb over and down in my pink polka dots and undam it methinks!

Wishing all a great Sunday too ... Razz
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 06:05 am
Hey Sweety....That sounds like fun playing in the stream in your boots! We need rain here...I would love a rainy day. Though too many days in a row and I start getting cranky...I need that sun.

I have Sunday School with all my little 5 year olds. So that should be fun Shocked They have been very rambunctious lately...there are some Sundays that I dread it just a bit. But they are precious and when they hug me and come and sit on my lap on the story quilt...well - I am always glad I am there.

Anyway...Other than that yes...my Sunday afternoon nap. Though I will say - I went to bed at 9:30pm last night...so I got plenty of sleep. I turned my alarm on my watch for 9:20. Finished up what I was in the middle of when it went off and went climbed in the bed. I think I will start doing that every night.

How did you sleep sweety? I hope you have a wonderful day!
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 06:16 am
I can imgaine you doing your Sunday School club hun.

When I went out to Texas I went to Bubba and Kel's church - so very different to the UK. I stopped going to church a while back, as you know, but this was fantastic.

It was more the kinda church I would choose to go to, if I were to start going again - but the Brits can be VERY traditional. Anyhoo - it was very happy clappy, hold hands and hug your neighbour at their church - which actually, is a bit me! Rolling Eyes Guess the faith thing is still there.... just .... well, time I guess is what I still need!

Soooooooooooooo - have a nice time with the littl'uns. Smile

I did sleep some....thanku. I am having another quiet day here, will go and put the 3 huge boxes of books at the top of the stairs onto the bookcases - that will be nice. Love to see the books around - pretty much all crime/medical thrillers - big Patricia Cornwell fan here and that sorta stuff. Haven't read for a LONG time - something I don't seem to be able to focus on right now - I used to read ALL the time...maybe need to get back into that a? Have a lot of books here to read. Razz
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 07:30 am
howdy folks

long time no post, nothing much to say or show.......

until now, some new flowers in the garden





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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 07:43 am
Good evening crew, just dropping by before turning in. Long time since I went to Sunday school and sat on teachers lap. Mismi I know some good stories perhaps I should call in one day. Laughing

Izzie my girl you're a crime fan eh, well eat your heart out, I have a collection of crime books that will give you nightmares. Used to be a keen reader but don't seem to get around to it these days.

Like ddxx had a nice lunch at a winery and tasted some lovely Galway Port this afternoon. Brought home a couple of bottles for the cold nights we're having. Smile

You all have a great Sunday, mine has come to an end.
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 08:16 am
Hey boys

Good to see you Didge..... oh, lovely flowers.... do you live next to those (corn)fields - if so.... WOW! That would be a lovely sound in the wind (well, not the big huges winds... but a gentle breeze a?)

If ever Missy were a flower - she would be that sunflower of yours - how happy is that.

BEAgle - glad you had a lovely day darlin' - rest well and we'll yabber tomorrow Smile xox
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 10:18 am
Hey Didge, Hey Dutchy..

Beautiful pics Didge...I love flowers.

Dutchy - I don't know if I want you telling your stories to my 5 year olds.... :wink: kidding Razz You are welcome anytime to come sit on my lap with all my 5 year olds...I am sure you will fit right in! Laughing

Izzie...you are so sweet...thank you.

One of my boys hit another one in the head with a block right as a little girls mom was coming to pick her up. She made sure I know she thought it was a little crazy in there. She doesn't have boys...only girls...hasn't got a clue. I told her I would probably rethink letting them play basketball with the blocks. And truly I will...seemed like fun until the noggin incident. Razz

My day has gotten nice and easy...I love Sunday afternoons!
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 10:55 am
the corn field starts at the back of the property
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 11:55 am
Hey, all!! Just got finished reading the pages of yabbering since I was last on - Friday? And now I have to get off my butt & do stuff!

I probably won't remember to 'answer' everyone, so don't be offended if I forget u! ...
Sundays are pretty busy for us too, mis-. Good thing church is Saturday night. Love hearing about your pool, your boys, your meals (I'd LOVE a sit down with you and the gals at your place! Could you just see it?!)

On a completely unrelated note, Thing 1 has just returned from a fun-filled, glorious week at camp. It was a little nice and a little weird to have her gone, but even nicer to have her back.

Yes, Iz-, my conference was all week end, and a requirement of the course. Lucky me, we have the week of the 4th off here.
Thank you so much for all the well wishes! We WILL make it through this. Thanks so much for prayers and posivibes, etc!
Oy, hubby has interrupted me so many times I can't even remember what else I was going to write! Evil or Very Mad
Gotta go get stuff done! ttyl (Hubby is hovering over me and ticking me off, so I MUST go! xxoo
O, and dj, flowers are gorgeous! Love the unusual sunflower! Very Happy
I'm gone.
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 02:32 pm
devriesj wrote:
O, and dj, flowers are gorgeous! Love the unusual sunflower! Very Happy

there are all these random sunflowers that grow around the front porch, the birds spread bird seed around all winter and in the spring some that got missed germinate

they range in size from tiny little things (like the one posted) to regular sized
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 02:52 pm
Wanted to say Hi to everyone Very Happy

Gorgeous day here in the PNW. Blue skies and current temp. is 87ยบ. Don't tell anyone though because we like to tell people it rains all the time Laughing

hoping everyone enjoys their day or night
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 02:55 pm
Morning crew, been up since 4am watching television, now enjoying a cup of "Lipton" not anywhere as good as Izzie's "Earl Grey". Smile

Typical wintry morning here, wind and rain, yet they're still talking of a drought (inland), we city folks have had plenty. Will be around for a while.
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 04:40 pm
Evening / Morning

Joining you BEAgle with a cuppa. Happy Monday to you darlin'.

QueenDev - glad you got through the conference hunni and hope all is k with you and yours. So glad Thing1 had a brill time at camp. Lotsa posivibes for hubby for this week - and lotsa love to you girlie.

Didge - how lovely to live where you are with those fields beside you. Thanku for sharing those pics. Have a great week.

TTH - glad you are having a good day. Hope it continues to be sunny in your world.

Missy - hope you got a rest thisavo and have a fab evening with the boys and the Professor.

Wishing everyone a good Monday ... wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Thinking of y'all.

Crew - you are the very Best Smile
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Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 06:48 pm
Good Night Izzie..hope you sleep well hun.

Good Night Dutchy and dj and Dev and TTH and DeeDee wherever you are...

it's kind of like Romper Room in reverse...

hugs to you all..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 29 Jun, 2008 08:38 pm
Mismi did you say Romper Room, or the We Willy Weber show Question Laughing
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Steve 41oo
Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 02:53 am
Well Saturday was the Bike Ride (for charity) as some of you may know. Here is the bulk of my report to Capn Izzy with some modifications on the grounds of operational security. (Obviously). Smile

Got up 4.30. Biked it to the town station. 5.00 train to London Liverpool street...slow - engineering works. Amazing the number of people about, mainly shift workers I presume. Quite a lot of yawning. And that was the train driver.

Consumed brekky of 2 bacon sandwiches on the train, which although I say it myself as I made them were pretty damn good, although my system wondered what I was doing eating in the middle of the night.

Biked it from Liverpool Street to Clapham Common - gee the traffic even at that time was bad. And smelly.

Arrived 6.30 the designated time to find...no one! Clapham Common is bigger that I thought and a even a largish group of bikers and support vehicles can hide if you dont know where they are. After 15 minutes pedalling around in a mild panic, managed to find them. (by the road near the car park - what an idiot i am).

Checked in given a number (6) a route plan and instructions what to do if someone gets a puncture, falls off or gives birth etc during the ride. It was in fact very well organdized, with several support vehicles and motorcyles which had checked out the route and the big ARROWS (more later).

So after the briefing and the press photos (!) off we jolly went into the jolly London traffic. But after 1/2 hour with traffic light stops (yes some of us did value our lives) its amazing how spread out even a bunch of 150 riders gets. I was somewhere in the middle...I thought but then there was no one around me. Then I saw riders ahead, and then not and then overtaken. Very confusing. Also I had this list of directions (eg. 4.5 miles turn R Acacia avenue West 1.2 miles Left by the Dog and Duck etc...you get the picture) This was in front of me on the front handlebar pannier of the bike but with sunglasses (non prescription) and London roads being modelled on the battle of the Somme, it was not easy to read. Also I was conscious of NOT falling off due to being clipped into the pedals...I think I've mentioned that before.

Anywho it wasnt really so bad but I was glad when we got out of the London district and into the "countryside". I use the quotes because cars still seem to be a common form of transport for these hill billy types, mainly large 4*4's, ideally 3 of them trying to pass 2 others coming the other way on a tiny road on a 1 in 7 bit of tarmac.

So we get out of London, and check into the first check point after 15 miles. I must confess at the start, looking at some of the bikes and the equipment, that some people were taking the whole thing alarmingly seriously! But I was pleased to find I wasn't the last at the checkpoint, and got an apple Smile (It was only 8.30 am but a large g&t would have been preferable).

So on we go, me overtaking some people (oh should have said we all had the same t shirts so easy to spot) and being passed by others. By this time had mastered the art of reading the directions, and as I was one of the few who were not just reliant on the signed arrows, I found myself as mini group leader. Then a faster group of 5 or 6 riders passed by and asked which way I said R then L...they didnt hang about and at the T junction immediately turned L (ignoring the R arrow) and disappeared down the road. Oh dear what to do? Chase after them...well no. Not my fault guv. Anyway at this point a very nice lady in a car who had been tailing us arrived and shot after them to get them back...ho ho ho I thought.

I found myself chatting to this lad on a bike which could do with a little TLC or if not some OIL, who quite literally had come along for the ride. That is he saw the group, fancied going to Brighton for the day, and joined in. Well no one minded really, he even got an apple at the checkpoints despite not checking in....nor indeed raising any sponsorship money!

So we got to Turners Hill near Crawley (instructions, follow any aircraft approaching Gatwick), and it was! A hill that is. Mr Sqeaker fell right back, and I was rather chuffed I got to the next checkpoint quite a bit ahead.

Then on through some lovely Sussex countryside until an ominous green wall appeared in the distance. Its funny because when you look at a road map you dont see these features...and if you're in a car you dont mind either. The green wall turned out to be the infamous Ditchling Beacon, forming part of the south downs, and there is NO WAY ROUND. . Well I got to the top but must admit to getting in a sweat. Waited for The Sqeaker at the top. Checkpoint man there tried to interest me in a banana, I said no thanks, as I had already eaten two. He looked a bit sad, said he had brought too many. I looked in the back of his estate car and it was FULL of bananas. This nearly caused the only mishap of the day through mirth.

So from the top it was all down hill...sort of...into busy busy Brighton. Where I tried following directions and got lost, a bit. Squeakerman said he was going off there so we said bye bye and he promised to check in next year and raise some cash for RMBI so hopefully thats a plus. Then due west for the last couple of miles towards Hove into a HOWLING GALE. Just what you dont want at the end. But got there, was greeted by President of RMBI, looking very smart (I wasn't by that stage) and given (in order) a medal...a can of larger...a burger...and a certificate (of lunacy).

So the BBQ went on for a few hours but I didnt. Because I found out I had to get meeself back! Which wasnt my understanding. Some lads who had all received specially endorsed certificates of lunacy said they were cycling back. I decided not to, (I didnt want to embarrass them). So after a quick paddle, it was a lovely day brilliant sun wind and windsurfers etc etc, I biked it to Brighton station and caught the train back to London Bridge. Then the most amazing thing happened. It was quite a quick train and it took over an hour, and I realised I'd just pedalled all that distance the other way!!

Then biked it to Liverpool St station, to home station and finally got home after 73 miles pedalling (57 to Brighton) at 7 pm.

Where Mrs S opened a bottle of Champagne. (no cheap Cava actually but it tasted as good).

On Sunday I didnt go out for my usual bike ride.
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Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 03:30 am
Oh Cycling Boy - how wonderful to jump aboard the ship and see and hear of your fantastic charity cycle adventure. Razz

I know all the crew will congratulate you for such a massive achievement - and all for charity too. What a star you are. I tell you, we are so proud to have you sailing with us and are so proud of you. Very Happy

Oh your poooooor legs - they must be sore!!!! I hope you celebrated your achievement well. We are all the better for knowing people like you Stevie-Boy - you make the world real and your posts are such a pleasure to read. Love it.

WELL DONE MATE - and yep.... good plan not to have cycled yesterday. :wink:

Massive hugs to you (((((CyclingBoy))))) x
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Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 03:35 am
Well good morning Captain Very Happy
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Reply Mon 30 Jun, 2008 03:37 am
Morning BigRedDude - you are up with birds this morning a? and sound bright and cheerful. How goes it with you on the East Coast? How's Sadie doing today? Smile
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