Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 04:15 am
Good Morning / Afternoon/ Evening

Oh dear.... I must have been tired last nite a? My typos were quite outstanding..... did the crew realise they are the very vest crew!... mmmm hey ho a?

So, another beautiful day on the moors. Folk are in the annexe painting again already and I am steeling myself to fill more boxes! Can't move too well again today - flare is taking over - but my head is full of "summer" so that will get me through. No-one else in the house today so I can go at my own pace.

TTH - the Tall Ships look great - I'm sure you will have much fun and this will be positive for you. Lots of pics if you can. Have a good weekend.

Didge - good good good - looking foward to seeing pics and hope you have great time in the good weather - did it reach 33deg???

Thinking about our Babbling Girl and hope the storms didn't come close to her - love ya girlie - let us know all is k and GO HAVE FUN THIS WEEKEND - you so deserve a little playtime.

Missy - am imagining you are having a fab time with the girls - we miss ya hunni but glad you're living it up a little with friends.

JPB - glad the festival was brill - could hear your toes tapping all the way over here. One day we'll do that together a? Love ya.

RH - ooooohh - so glad you are online hun - love it love it love it! You know.... don't have to tell you anything - just good to have you back boy.

Indeedee - keep missing you girl and think you've got a busy weekend so will catchup soon girlie. Love to all the DDclan.

BEAgle - hope Saturday has been fab for you and all is good with Mrs.BEAgle - how are the trees a?????????????? smooches!

QueenDEV - girlie - love to see you - haven't caught up with you yet - methinks we need a bit of party - HOUSE/DECK WARMING PARTY for the new CHEZ IZZIE.... whaddya reckon a? Hope hubby and Thing 1 and 2 are coco (yep, coco is Izzie language for happy/good/fantabulousnessippity)

FQsis is good - we spoke for hours last nite - sends her love to everyone - real busy at work - got the promotion at work and .... work and work and work!!!!!!!!!! Love her - gosh - I love that gal.

BabyBlue - think you are working some weekends - I know, always a busy time on the ranch. Hope we get to see ya if you get the chance - know you're a busy lad so (xox) for whenever you can grab a hug. Aw heck - here's another (xox) just for the dazzling blue grin!

Stormy - miss you too - bigtime - I never seem to be online at the same time as you - tho I must admit I haven't been on much recently - but hope all is good with school and you are still buzzing from doing the right thing by those kidlets getting the nurse. Hope the kids are good too and baseball for the little fella is still good.

Alex - hope all is well with Mrs.A and the garden is coming on good - it's always good to see you hunni and I know you're busy too - love your little stories - come tell us a story soon. How's ya brussels doing?

- oh - cycling boy - the weather is perfect down here - come back soon and have a ride on the Sustrans through Devon and Cornwall. Hope your part of the world is faring well and all is good with Mrs.S. How's Deck Chair Dave and the lads- any big rides coming up. And Jenny and David - how are they getting on - can't find the link so hope you can post it. Will have another search around.

is STILL offline - not good!!!!! Dawg still in hospital. Will let you know what happens there.

Tai-Chi - how is your world hun - hope these days are faring better for you and life up there is better with the sunshine arriving. How is Mr TC. Had the physio here and she brought me temporary orthotics - so will let you know how it goes. I'm still doing deep breathing exercises when it all starts to speed up. Hope you are "calm" too and life is happy for you.

Special Agent Wandel - as always a pleasure to see you onboard and keeping an eye on the Blue Guy. Hope all the family is good and your precious little girl is still leading the cheers for you and yours. She will come out with many more wonderful sayings as she gets older. The older children will come out with many more sayings that you wish they didn't. Little hug for your little girl (xox) from AuntyIz over the pond.

Vegemite - Little One - you must be coming home soon. Will wait to hear how things are with you hunni - but hope you had a wonderful time. You know where I am if you wanna talk.

Big Red - posivibes for your girlie-dawg and hope your back is not playing up too much. I know it's on-going - but lotsa well wishes to you x

Uncle Larry - hope life is being kind to you and the good wife is now strolling along. Did you manage to get the water heated in the pool. Hope you're weekend is wonderful.

Monty - lovin ya girlie - and all good wishes for Monday - thinking of you and hope you managed to sort all the bits and pieces out before you start at work. Also, hope the headaches haven't returned. Love to talk and will talk again soon - once I get my act together.

All the rest of our International crew - hope things in your worlds are going well - and will catch you on the other threads and natter there. I do try and keep an eye out for you - hope to see you on the deck as and when you can.

Have the best weekend peeps and I will see y'all during the day.

Happy Saturday Very Happy
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:14 am
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:21 am
Hey BabyBlue...

I know - my spelling was atrocious last nite... must have had cheque books on my brain (ooooops - need to get the brain back out of the packing box a?) Embarrassed laughing now!

And hey hun - you do look particularly gorgeous in your GIT t-shirt - so best leave that on a? or perhaps a life-vest as I push you over the bow :wink:

Have a good weekend hunni Blue! Very Happy
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:29 am
Hello Captain, honourable crew members and that includes tryagain, we're here to do a little posting on the threads. Hopefully the weekend will be good to you all. Have given the trees some special attention Izzie and with rain forecast should grown another few inches. Take things easy girlie and don't overdo it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:35 am
Hey BEAgle - no worries - am doing real good today and playing music as I pack - IT'S GREAT - slow - BUT FAB. It's all ticketyboo (sod the joints - I can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


(glad y'our trees are doing well - I'm willing "inches" - HA HA!) Laughing
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Tai Chi
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:36 am
'Morning Izzie! Just chequing in before I go to work. (I always wear my life vest ... well, around water anyway Very Happy .) I guess you're still buried in boxes? Let me give you a virtual hand; we'll back up your troubles in this old kit bag, here. I'll see y'all later.
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:41 am
Hy TC - love it Laughing Gonna leave the troubles behind in the kit bag and only take the good to New Chez Izzie. Thanku - can feel everyone helping me pack - happy days Very Happy

The Ramones ...
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:44 am
Hey, hey, hey!

Glad to see you're taking it easy(ish). There's no such thing as an easy move. Decent sleep and proper nutrition are a must -- you didn't mention brekkie Razz

No festivities for me today, but I'll go back down again tomorrow for a last blues fix and gathering with friends. Nose to the grindstone day here - mucho coffee required.
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 05:51 am
JPB- mmmmmmmmmmmm Brekkie - k - yep - forgot about that one... gonna go put some toast on and have with bovril. Mmmmmm mmmm gooooood. Oh my - is that the time already - where do the hours go?????? Glad all is good in your world hunni - huge hug (xox) x Will send you some virtual coffee Very Happy

edit: OH MY GOOD GRIEF - the most unbelievable (well for here) thunder and lightening storm is going on - out of nowhere - hail .... and massive rain. The thunder cracked right overhead - the WHOLE HOUSE SHOOK - just incredible. (the people painting in the annexe just said "oooh dunno if we wanna move here - AHHHH tooooooo late!) Gosh, just amazing. My little dawg is going totall mad and barking and upset (neither dawgs bark - so it's really strange listening to her having an argument with the thunder!!! - bless her)
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 06:18 am
This time there is two.
The turtles are back. As always, on a rainy, murky day.
If I failed to mention, these lovely ladies, are snappers.
Marigolds gone. Sunflowers down. Garden torn up.
This is truly wonderful. A sight to see. They dig large holes, primarily, with their back legs. Slowly, but surely, she sinks butt end down, until her shell is almost flush with the earth. Then she lays her eggs, and covers them up. The entire process takes a couple hours. She then precedes to another area, and repeats. Right now she just finished covering up a batch, and is contemplating where to go next. She's eyeing the strawberry patch. I haven't a clue where the other one is. I managed to snap two pictures. I don't want to disturb them.
Izzie. Speaking of turtles...I do hope your in first gear.
She's busting a move, so I'm going to snap another photo. Hello and goodbye to the rest of the crew.
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 06:21 am
Izzie wrote:
Didge - did it reach 33deg???

with the humidex readings it felt like 40

that's about 104 for our non metric speaking folks
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 06:29 am
DJJD know exactly what it feels like, had 3 weeks straight this summer with the temperature climbing to 40 degrees! Tonight though, down to 7 degrees, the perfect weather for a Whiskey to warm up. Smile
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 06:55 am
Lordy be.... from a beautiful sunshiney day ... to this




and it continues... just incredible.

Didge - oooooh - hot mate!

Alex - so hope you will be able to post pics - would dearly love to see the mama turtle - I am not in first gear - I've retreated my head into the shell and been watching the storm - ahhhh - looks as tho it is stopping now - gosh - can see blue skies on the way again.

Ooooh BEAgle - break out the whiskey hun and pour yourself a wee snifter.
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 07:16 am
Wow Izzie, that is some hail storm girlie, have taken your advice and poured myself a nip or two Glen Drummond whiskey. Smile
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 07:20 am
OH MY GOSH - it stopped - it's back. Never have I experienced anything like this - I know folk see it every day - but it's quite incredible. My dog is going completely off her head here - HUGE HAIL again..... I just can't believe it. This I think is my send off from the house - all the bad is being pushed away from the house - one last rumble - then clear skies ahead - yep - that's the way my head works - this is a good thing. Very Happy

Thunder... PART DEUX!!!!

k - have lost momentum on the packing front now (which is probably not a bad thing coz I am feeling weary now) and am doing my normal excited self at the thunder storm... (little things please little minds - ho ho ho)

the buyers who are still painting were also going to clear the gutters today - got the ladders out.....


not now a?



top of the kennel



and now this...


very strange weather. I just had all 4 seasons in an hour! WOW Razz
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:50 am
djjd62 wrote:
just watching the evening news, looks like poor brooke's got more wild weather headed her way (a good chunk of ohio anyway)

Izzie wrote:

Thinking about our Babbling Girl and hope the storms didn't come close to her - love ya girlie - let us know all is k and GO HAVE FUN THIS WEEKEND - you so deserve a little playtime.

Funny thing last nights storm. We have an official kick off to summer party in Findlay. Called Boogie on Main Street. They shut down the street and it's one huge party. Bands - Beer - and Buds :wink: . Anyhoo...I didn't go. My body is in MAJOR crash mode right now. (trying to get my equilibrium again from all the lack of sleep over the past 9 months.) So I'm sleeping a lot.

When the storm rolled in last night I was in the basement. Had fallen asleep watching tv. Something woke me up. I sat up and listened. I was very groggy. Trying to get my head screwed back on from coming out of a deep sleep. I stood up and was walking across the room and that's when the power went out. Then I could hear the wind.

When you get to the top of the stairs from my basement you are in the "great room". Through that, looking straight ahead is a den with a big window. So you can basically see what's going on outdoors the minute you come up out of the basement. I get to the top of the stairs and I just stood there looking. I was thinking "what the heck is that?" Then my little brain kicked in and I realized it was pure walls of dust going past the windows. Not a good sign! Hadn't started to rain yet. At first that's what I thought it was. A hard rain.

Well, if you have ever been in or close to a tornado that is on the ground somewhere......seeing a thick wall of pure dust going past your window is ummm.....NOT a good sign! Laughing So you would have thought that I would have turned around and scooted back into the basement. Right? NOPE! Not me!

I had that instant feeling of fear course through my body....but seriously, when you live alone like I do, you learn to take your fears and shake them off quickly and do what you need to do in whatever situation you are put in. But you don't always do the right thing. So instead of doing what I should have done and went back to the basement, my brain registered that "Hey! It hasn't started raining yet. I can get these windows closed" Which is what I set out to do because the wind was so strong in the house that it was slamming doors shut.

This was happening about 9:10, so luckily it wasn't dark out yet. That doesn't happen till after 9:30. I get the main windows shut. Then I go back to the Great room and decided I needed to get a real grasp on what was exactly going on outside. Went to the french doors that lead out onto a deck and tried to open them. Pushing my body against it, I opened it about half way but the wind was just too strong. So I go into the kitchen and I could faintly hear the sound of the tornado alarms going off in the little villages scattered about the countryside.

Ok........off to the basement. Finally. Laughing

I don't know exactly what all happened last night as far as damage close by. I did find out this morning that there indeed was a tornado on the ground about a half mile east of me. I guess the dust storm I got was from that. (just assuming ) I also got the almightly lecture from my father who says I am going to give him a heart attack if I don't stop doing stupid things. Embarrassed

Ok, so that's tornado # 2. Didn't get me though! Neener-Neener! Thank you, God! The old saying the third time is a charm scares me though. Laughing

Happy Saturday everyone! Izzie....awesome pics! Your bubbly spirit has rubbed off on me this morning, I think. I'm ready to dooooo something. I just have No idea what, yet. Very Happy

Happy happy happy day!
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 08:53 am
Oh yeah......power came back on at almost 4am. SO all is well in my world this morning!
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 10:22 am
Just wanted to say hello.

Thanks for mentioning my little girl, Izzie. Her older sister, who lives in California, will be visiting us in Chicago this week. (Just in time for Father's Day, as she mentioned in her e-mail.)
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 04:04 pm
large poppy

bush with red flowers (can't remember what it's called)

vine on the back of garage

wild rose
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Reply Sat 7 Jun, 2008 04:30 pm
Good morning world eventhough it is good evening in other parts of the world. Scary story Brooke, luckily we don't experience tornado's in my part of the country, although severe cyclones are experienced in the north of our country every year. The City of Darwin was completed destroyed by one in 1973.

Beautiful photographs djjd the Captain will love them. Talking about Izzie where are you 'happy'? Missed your chatter this morning, tired after all the hard work?
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