Reply Tue 20 May, 2008 11:58 pm
I'm hooked on them TTH, do them all the time, everyday! Smile
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 12:10 am
It is nice you enjoy them.
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 12:26 am
Get stuck occasionally but there is always a friendly soul here to help me out. Laughing
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 12:34 am
That is nice. I have a phone call to make. Night
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 12:35 am
Cheers TTH, going offline myself.
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 04:11 am
Early to bed, Early to rise...should have known - I woke up at 4:30am...went to bed TOO early. Tonight I will have to make it 9:30...getting up at 5:30am would be just right.

So...GOOD MORNING! or Good Afternoon...or Good Evening! :wink:

I see some stayed up and chatted...DeeDee, Dutchy and TTH...hope you all had a good day (or night - to the night owl TTH).

Today will be nuts. I have two school parties - end of the year and all that...tomorrow is their last day! I am so happy - back to the ppol and lazy days playing and slave labor (forced to clean rooms and bathrooms, sort laundry - poor babies) hard to do during the school year..especially baseball season. Too dang busy and they are just a little on the tired side.

I am going to get started...need to work out and get their stuff ready before I wake them. I won't be here much...but I will probably see you all this afternoon!

Izzie...you are in my thoughts dear...I have been praying for you!
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 05:02 am
Hi missy -sorry you couldn't sleep too long -ditto my thoughts on captain.

Yabber to you both tomorrow. (((xxx)))
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 05:02 am
Hi mismi and a very good morning to you. Hope you and the boys have great day, don't tire yourself out to much or it will be another early night. Smile

Haven't seen the Captain all day, been thinking about you Izzie and sending you heaps of vibes. Just drop in for a second and say hello to the crew, we need you!
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Black tulip
Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 05:34 am
Morning, afternoon etc all.

sunny but cold here. Am at work and thought must just have a quick check on what on things.

Seems all is plain sailing, catch you all later X
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 06:34 am
Morning everyone. I didn't get the chance to read back. Is something wrong with Izzie?

btw anyone heard from rainkeeper?
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 06:46 am
Hi Black Tulip and TTH. Been wondering myself what happened to rainkeeper, perhaps on holidays?

Certain the Captain will turn up soon, her shoreleave has expired, otherwise she'll be 'awol' and we'll have to send out a search party Smile
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 06:55 am
Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening

Hope all is good with the world today and the crew are well. So so sorry haven't been around much - thanku all, am fine - got a few blips going on so on and off the deck at the moment and my head is in "bad company" as my eldest is in very stormy seas right now. Confused Really haven't meant to worry y'all and know you have been concerned and I'm sorry to have done that - just trying to keep my head above water right now. Here now and back at the helm. So sorry. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO……

Was great to see that everyone has been yabbering away and to see you guys smiling.

I wanted to wish Stevie good luck with the "U"'s tonite - hats and scarves donned - believe there is a "little" match on soon! Good Luck ManU Exclamation

Good to see QueenDev has still got the tiara in place - you make me laugh a lot hun. Hope hubby is doing better - it must be terribly difficult for all of you and I tho I haven't been onboard - you are in my thoughts. Ooooh - pooper scooper required... there is one on the deck we had for Pygmalion so just nab that one and pass to Thing1. :wink:

I notice that a BlueBoy has been ironing on the deck too - well, how happy is that - perhaps he will get a little steamed up at Dev's with this one…


Missy - thanku for your prayers hunni - good to hear the pooches have had a bath even if you smell of "pooch" now - hope you managed to sleep and I'm glad to see school is out soon so that you don't have to negotiate all the timings. I too would have liked the Blue explanation regarding "dressing sides" as I think it would make me smile a lot - in fact - we could set up a poll for our deckhands. Razz

Right http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/boxersright.jpg
Left http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/boxersleft.gif - or cowboy http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk41/LzzieIzzie/woody.jpg

That could be interesting a? :wink:

TTHun - hope you have managed to sleep some. The key to "letting go" of the past is to lock the door and not go back a? It's past. Focus only the future and see where it takes you. Take care and try to sleep - and keep to the comfort zones.

Full Monty - so lovely to see you onboard… how are you???? Hugging you back and thanku. Come aboard when you can.

Tulip - good for you girl with the Meatloaf tickets. Oh would love to be joining you. Didn't we do a rendition of that in the car the other day!

BEAgle - bad back a? Well, we shall have to hope Tulip's balm can help you out - best ask Stevie - he know's about sore bits. I think Indeedee would give you the best massage tho… (or DDdaughter's cat!!!)


The Japanese invented one called ashiatsu, from the Japanese word ashi meaning foot, and atsu, meaning pressure. Basically, you lie on your stomach, and the massage therapist walks on your back. The therapist holds onto a bar suspended from the ceiling so you don't feel her/his entire weight.

"There is a strength and a power that comes from the legs that is lacking in the arms. The leg, after all, houses the body's largest and strongest bone, the femur, the thigh bone. It's a significant part of any human's mass. If you've ever had a deep tissue massage when someone uses their elbows or their whole arm, there's something of a brutality to it, or at least a lack of finesse. But although the leg is powerful, the foot is curved, it has that arch, it has those pads, it is not a slab of unarticulated flesh bearing down on you."
OH MY ….. Shocked

OK - Alex…. Tell us tell us more… what did you see????? Razz Glad to hear you had a fab hol and hope the "girls" all behaved themselves. Did the "moon" shine. Would love to hear your tales. Good to see you back and glad you are home safe and sound.

Vegemite - oh my lovely little one - so glad you had an exciting day - you sounded elated. Not long now for your travels - oh, we will miss seeing you but I'm so happy you are getting away for a bit. Will talk to you soon.

Indeedee - hope to catch up with you tonite and have a yabber. Been thinking of you too - thanku x

I think RainKeeper must be busy right now but will no doubt return as when possible. (RK)) Same goes for all our crew on shoreleave - we do think of you and will see you when you are able to come back. xx

So wishing everyone a good day.... wherever you all are and whatever you are doing, be safe and well.

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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 07:31 am
Hi Captain I had a feeling you weren't far away, the old Eagle eye is pretty astute. :wink:

Don't be sorry Izzie you have got to sort those blips out first, and don't worry, you won't go under water, we're all here to give you a helping hand and throw you a life jacket.

How about a group hug to get our beloved Captain out of her troubled waters crew? ((((((x)))))
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 07:35 am
Thanks hunni - will be just coco, no worries. Lovin the hug tho, thanku xxxx Smile
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 08:43 am
Nice to see you Izzie Very Happy
...and in case you need one for the dog

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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 09:34 am
Hello all! - DeeDee, TTH, mis-, Dutch-, Tulip, Steve, Verb-, Iz- et al! Popping in for a bit. Lots to do today. Thing 2 is home sick with a cold / allergies. If I didn't know he was sick, coughing and blowing his nose to beat the band I'd think he was avoiding his teacher! I have come to dislike her intensely myself!! Twisted Evil Only 3 weeks left of schooll then I have to deal with them!
Love to hear all the yabbering. Sorry to hear of all the insomnia. Hope you have great wonderful sleep tonight, mis-. I don't sleep well when hubby is away either.
He might be going to Chicago to help sis and brother-in-law on some home repair projects over the week end through to next week, and get paid - yay. Problem is the price of gas, and getting Thing 1 to school. Anyone be a love and stop by a couple of mornings and help out with that? Smile
How's the back, Dutch-! The alcohol last night must have made it better - at least temporarily. :wink: Looks like you'll be plenty pampered!
Big hugs to cap'n Iz-! Sorry to hear of turmoil. Know how it goes. I've been there and have also counseled those in turmoil.
Glad to make you smile though! It's my mission in life her on a2k! Very Happy
Gotta go wake hubby up from a nap. This whole situation is really depressing him. Sad Trying to keep spirits boosted the best I can. Prayers and good vibes all welcome and accepted. Thank you all so much for your support!
Yabber to ya later! xo
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 09:55 am
hi..izzie.true im happy and elated..its not everyday that ull be blessed to hear a speech from a gr8 story teller and even gr8er onstage personality ..yes il be leaving Mumbai on 23rd..evening and wil be returning on the 5th...
keep an eye on the BEAgle k.captain..he says hes getting spoilt by all the dainties wherein i doubt he is spoiling all angels around here...(nt to speak of the devil's hand in it already)

have a big story to narrate ..abt today evening..so those who r yawning already..time to sleep..

as i walking from my office a very old man asked me the way to the Yoga centre.(which i visit regularly)..it was vivid tht he had pblm walking..so i said ill take him to th place as it wasnt far frm my way..he said the building he wantd to visit was pretty close to the yoga centre.bt once we reached the yoga centr i came to knw tht he was really confused and lost as to which building he wantd to go..as a result there were many strides to and fro and he was getng real weak..
in a vain attempt to put a positive end to the story i told him we'll call his relative in the building. My smart mobile never comes handy in emergency situation and today was no exception! i took him to a phone booth and called the number . He just dint let me speak..and by his talk over the phone i came to knw the name of the building was wrong!!!

Now we started afresh in search of a new building. He was old..75 yrs, his knees failing him..and pretty confused in mind...he was getting agitated that he forgt the wayand he started t yelling loudly in front of crowds..

coaxing me to LEAVE and Thanks for all the help..i wasnt dejected coz i knew it was jst his age and frustration on himself that's coming out.bt ofcourse i was bcoming conscious of the crowds staring at me..

I somehow cudnt leave ths person on the road. he was older than my dad and i wudnt want my dad out in the streets alone and helpless..

I asked to sit somewhere while i find the place and take him there..he wudnt listen..again the same yellings "YOU please leave""thanks for the support"

In the end i thought ill sneak myself, go back to the phone he called from and call back his relative again so that they can come to pick him up! unfortunately they dnt have a bill for tht phone and i couldnt redial..

I ran back to spot him again and take him to ths new building he said his relative was.but wat i feared as i sneaked to call his relative was true..i lost track of him. i traced him all the ways tht he couldve possibly gone..but of no results..

I carry back a selfish sigh..it wouldnt have cost or gained me anything if i culd actually take him to a safe please..it was an even point..
but whilst i just ran from him without a bye.,....im sure he would thnk i ran coz he was a trouble for me..or i was unwilling to help..or..n number of reasons....

Hope he reaches home safe and sound.
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 01:47 pm
Hey crew…. Smile

Thanku from my dawg for the lifevest TTHun. We're pretty strong swimmers so all will be fine. Hope you're well, that you have managed to get some sleep and life is good for you. Smile

QueenDev - oh, bless that Thing2 - hope he fares better soon and Thing1 is out from underfoot. Good news about hubby going to do some work in the WindyCity. It'll keep his body busy and his mind occupied. Mmmm - school runs… well… could send one of these….


Or some of these…

Hope you're day is going well girlie. Very Happy

Vegemite - you are a lovely kind person little one - and most certainly, what you did for the gentleman was not at all selfish. You helped him to try and find where he was going and did exactly the right thing going back to the phone to try and redial to get hold of a relative- that was a smart move and it's a shame it wasn't possible to get the number. I'm sure that when he wandered off again that there will be another good, kind person who would help him if he was troubled. So please, trust you did the right thing and please don't second-guess yourself. You did a good thing trying to assist him hunni. Many people probably would have just passed him by - you didn't - so be proud of yourself for what you did and trust that he found his way, maybe with help from another. Now, holiday girlie - you just think about going and having the best time with your hubby and having a chance to relax for a while. You work long and hard - so enjoy your time away and you and hubby spoil one another. K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink:

STEVIE - OMG!!!!! Now for a Brit gal who doesn't do football or TV - I am sitting here watching the match so I know what you will be on about when you come online. Shocked I am cheering for the U's - 1-1 right now…… Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 02:18 pm
Hello me lovlies!

I just got home from the most crazy school party I have ever been to. It was exhausting. I have never been so glad to be home! Those kids were beside themselves excited. Absolutely nuts.

I am going to lay on the couch and listen to the air....as soon as I get me kids out the back door. :wink:
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Reply Wed 21 May, 2008 02:31 pm
Pull up a chair Dixie-Girl...


aaaaaand relax for a while...
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