Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 10:31 am
just checking in. (gotta turn over and burn the other side!) Some be a love and bring me another Margarita, please?

Was just on the page where you posted the link for the hilarious video, Iz-! Thanks, girl, I needed that!

Gotta go hit the books!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 02:36 pm


Dev hun - here's a marguerita lovelie... now don't go drinking it all at once a?


Sorry not to have been around - colleagues from work showed up unexpectedly with a BIG BIG cake (mmmmm mmmmm good!) - but it kinda took it outta me and I have been in my berth since. Rolling Eyes Hey ho! "Pooped"

Back on board if anyone's around on deck - hope all is well Smile
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 02:44 pm
I am here...though barely - I am zombie-ish. But I still have a game to go and need to get the house straight and the kids fed.

Sorry you are so tired Izzie...Me too. I don't feel like going to my big boys game - so you know i must be tired. But I am going...better safe than sorry.

The costumes turned out great. I will try to get the pics posted for you all. Yeah...I am definitely low key and will be taking it easy tonight...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 03:46 pm
Oh hey missy - so here I am - trying to post you a pic and the BL*ODY laptop is playing with fire again...


having closed down and rebooted (boot on foot ready to kick this darn so called computer into touch!!!!!) am posting a pic of you later this evening...



as for me...

I'm off here...


Rolling Eyes

Bet the costumes were fab. Good luck to the boys at the game. Smile

Huggin you back big girlie xox
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 04:32 pm
heh heh heh - Izzie...a little pottie humor...my boys use to ask me to spell I - CUP...of course I would say I-C-U-P and they would fall apart laughing...

That's a sweet pic Izzie...I wish I could sleep. Gosh...I'm seriously starting to feel sick I am so tired. Laughing BUT I really want to go to this game. BUT G-baby got his 5 year booster shots today and seems to be a bit cranky. Not sure if I can deal with him like this at the park - with me like this too...

think I am going to get myself a CUP of T Razz tea that is...earl grey :wink:

Thank you sweet Izzie...xx
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:01 pm
Hey all :-D

Just wanted to join in with the others in hoping that TTH changes her mind and comes back.

I know a lot of people are angry with her for some things that she has said. I know what those things are and I have confronted her myself (in a nice way, of course), but I don't think she deserves to be attacked in such a cruel manner by anyone. Things I've seen her say to others is not nearly as bad as things I see that are being said by others, yet the others are not being attacked for it. That's just not fair!

I think we are all human beings who make mistakes and should be forgiven.

I also think that when TTH started her "I'm leaving" thread, her biggest mistake was drawing people into it, such as dlowan, shewolf and craven.
These things that happened were in the past and I feel it was in her best interest to keep them there. It's not good for anyone to dwell on things and when things in the past are dug up, some people get pissed and lash out.

I don't know why TTH can't PM, but I do feel strongly that she should have been told why, so she would have at least had a chance to resolve any issues.

Craven is the creater of A2K and we go back a long way, along with many others, so if he's attacked in any way, he gets major support from us all. That's something TTH truly needs to understand. It's important for her to understand that. I didn't always agree with everything Craven had to say, but it doesn't change the fact that I respect him. I agree to disagree.

Anyway, I like TTH because I think she is a kind person who simply makes mistakes like the rest of us and I hope she can just learn to let some things go, so she can come back and hang with the people who do care about her. From what I see, there are obviously many who miss her already, including myself.

TTH, if you ever read this, know that if you could just let some things go, you'll see that people can become much more accepting in time. Some things take more time than others, but from all the good things I see people saying about you here, I think it's worth it. Don't you?

Whatever you decide is best for you TTH, just remember, you'll always have friends here if you ever need us.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:09 pm

Do you know how lovely it is to see you here Smile Thanku.

Hope you will come onboard often and do a little plain sailing with us. Be good to have you crewing. Hey - you missed our 1920's Caggers and Lacey party last nite - so, maybe you can just join us now in the Gin Joint and have a belated G&T with ice and a slice.

Brill to see you on ship - where do you fancy sailing?

Not sure if you have ad a phonecalls yet about the job - keeping my fingers and toots crossed for you hun.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:16 pm

Well said, Montana. TTH just needs to learn to wipe the **** off her feet like the rest of us have learned to do here. :wink:

I agree with you that she has not been perfect. But she has done nothing for the attacks she has been dealt. That kind of bully-**** is disgusting. But it seems to bring a lot of good entertainment to the those doing it.

TTH..... I'm with Montana. Come back when you are ready! Take a break if you need to. But don't let anyone drive you away. This is just as much a forum for YOU to be on ...as it is anyone else around here.

High-Fives to you and Bill today! You both handled things well. We need more people like you guys here.

* waves at Izzie! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:22 pm
Hey Babbling girl

This ship's sails with everyone who wants to be here. It's a pretty safe place to be. We just keeping looking to the horizon and set a course a?

How's things with you girlie? You still working on those books?

Please send us some more pics of your drawings when you can - that would be fab Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:25 pm
Hey there lzzie. Thank you and you're welcome :-D

This thread is a nice fun one and I like to be where the fun is. Thank you for your very warm welcome and I'll be sure to pop in whenever time permits. I expect to be very busy soon with work, painting, yard work, gardening and all that, but I'll do my darndest to stay tuned on what's happening in my favorite place.

I've always wanted to go to Hawaii on a cruise full of majorly hadsome men, great food, and good beer :-D

No calls yet, but I do have a job to go too as a last resort if things don't go as I'd like, so that's what's most important. All is well and I thank you millions for your support and well wishes :-D

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:28 pm
Hey Brooke :-D

You were right there with Bill and I, sister friend, so high fives to you and your big kind heart :-D

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:31 pm
Izzie .... 5 weeks from tomorrow, it will be summer vacation time and I am SO READY! Though turning the calendar to May makes me realize how much I have to do this month. No going out on weekends for me till 2nd week of June. I have 4 weeks to study a years worth of info.

On the plus side....my GPA is high going into the exams. SO if I slip a little....I can brush my arse off and keep on going, and still achieve my goals. ( I hope )

I will see about getting some more drawings scanned tonight or tomorrow night. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:34 pm
I sure miss a lot of what's happening in peoples lives when I take my little breaks, but whatever it is you're doing Brooke, I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world!

You deserve the best!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:43 pm
Hey Girls....

Right - we've set sail for Hawaii


and the Hawaiian beers on the deck....



ENJOY girlies Very Happy

(Montana - handsome man is about to soar in methinks :wink: )
(Babbling - you will achieve your goals hun - you have the right focus!)
Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:43 pm
Good evening to everybody. Thursday. Rest of the week is mine. Seven yards of dirt, say otherwise.
I'm staring out the window at the dandelions that are starting to pop up. Pretty yellow free flowers....and my in laws eat the leafs.
Izzie, hope the bounce comes back into your, rehabilitating step, today.
Justbrooke-hello, it's nice to meet you. Please don't tell me your a Buckeye.
Hello Montana, Dutchy, Mismi.
Until tomorrow.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:45 pm

another handsome one on his way too....

(Alex have a great day tomorrow hun) Very Happy ...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:46 pm
((((((((( Montana ))))))))

Well....... let's just say when I'm done with school, you can address me as Doctor Brooklyn Laughing. (kidding. I promise only my students will be forced into that Laughing ) Not in the medical field though. But I am going after my PHD. When I am finished, I will be a Professor and I can teach what I love doing. How's THAT for a job! :wink:

Montana....do you know how highly I think of you? I luv you my friend.
And again....thank you for today. :wink:
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Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:46 pm
alex......sorry, my friend.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:50 pm
Oh hey Babbling - SHIP's MEDIC - Prescribed Happy Dose (of Medicine) from Doc Babble!

How good is that a?

You'll get there hun - no doubt about it! Keep working the books and the world's your oyster a? You're a pearl. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 May, 2008 05:53 pm
Izzie......you are ALWAYS one of my smiles when I come on the forum. No matter what's going on.

((((( Izzie )))))
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