Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 12:17 pm
Hey there all and I am breathing some life into this old ship - breath, gasp, breath!

Try really, what a dream that was! Cannot say I had the same one! HA!

Rain here and much wind! but all is well and the sails are billowing, let us just enjoy the here and now!

hugs and stuff to allX

Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 03:36 am
Hi annis, are you re-joining the crew for our adventure to an unknown tropical island.?The last time you impressed us all with your exotic Salsa performance, love to see a repeat of that. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 10:25 am
Hey there Dutchy my dear if you wish a repeat then I think I just about manage it! Have cleaned my house from bottom to top and shampooed carpets! Am shattered, I should be doing an assignment but could not do it to day! had a quick visit to my daughter, who's hair seems to have turned green at the ends!!! So poured myself some wine!

My sister comes next Friday, am so excited, plus Sgirl is staying the weekend! A family together, how lovely! Also my friend has booked us tickets to see Richard II- Shakespeare in November, I love Shakespeare!

"What are these so wicked and wild in their attire that not look like the creatures on earth but yet are ont" - Macbeth, yes I played Banquo as a teenager! But of course went to an all girls school, so someone had to play the male parts!!!!

Hugs to all XX
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 10:46 am
Gah - I hate it when I don't get sexual innuendo from Tryagain.


Losing my touch I suppose. All that scripture reading he has been doing.

Hello folks.

Foundy - we are doing fine. We miss our little girl Biscuit of course. We have been a busy bunch though so that has helped. Pistol has been getting to know Gus and I think he has found his new normal. He goes everywhere with me now that I can take him. He is a bit rotten. Biscuit was so odd in public that we always just left them home. Thank you for checking on me Foundy. I appreciate you girl.

The boys are up to their eyeballs in stuff - football, cross country and band. G-baby has been voted MVP several times and J is now in the top ten out of 73 kids just after his first season of cross country. And of course S is the percussionist extrordinaire. You kn0w we have a drum set now. ow.

I love my job. It has been a challenge. I have a new child. He is precious and is proving a challenge to my creative teaching knowledge. All my kids make me smile though. I must say I come home mentally and physically wiped out. It is fulfilling though.

Broke my toe last week. Kicked a bike in the dark. That was an adventure.

Dear Dutchy - how are you doing? (((Dutchy)))

Glad to see so many of you on here.

Izzie - those pictures blow me away - as usual. The wings on the buggy - rainbows...so gorgeous! Love you girl. Always. xxx

I hope you all are doing well..sorry for my posting and dashing. I read as much as I can.

Hugs you all.
Take care of yous!

Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 11:21 am
Hello there mismi, great to hear from you and a little surprised at your opening remarks. Wink I'm sure Tryagain won't let you down in his next post. Smile

How do you girls do it, full time work and a family of youngsters to look after, beyond me.

I am going along fine mismi, thanks for asking, still doing things slowly but I'm getting there, taking much longer than I anticipated. I'm happy to be still around though. Smile

Hugs from downunder to you and yours. (((mismi)))
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 11:40 am
You are surprised? I thought that is how we operated around here.

A whole herd of flirty flirt flirts. Wink

I am so very very VERY thankful you are still here. Slow is good.

Hugs you.
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 12:47 pm
mismi wrote:

Gah - I hate it when I don't get sexual innuendo from Tryagain.


Ahhahahhhhhhhhhhahah...I am so, so laughing Mis Razz I am so looking forward to chuckling along when Blue Mr. Green appears bluer Very Happy Bless his blue bahookie Very Happy

So sorry aboot your toot <repair quickly bonez> Sad but loving knowing all about the boyz and seeing y'all on FB and your PJ writing. Your kids are fabulous - gosh, such beautiful boyz, they're gonna be breaking some hearts Wink I love you too Mis, very much Dixie <3

I'm reading along - not too much to say for myself these days, love a quiet and peaceful woild - but happy to see this ship sailing along.

I need botox in my eye, I'm in a state of Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Embarrassed which is driving me slightly nutso (or more nutso as the case may be) but...


I'll keep Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink <in a verra non flirtatious way Wink heh heh> for a while and just hope that it will stop of it's own accord - damn weeks&weeks of twitchy eye. Neutral Arrow Exclamation

(((((((((((Bosun))))))))))) so glad you are progressing well, and more importantly, HERE... and all is good Down Under. Onwards and upwards darlin' and keep heading for PL for Crimbo. ((((DannyBoy)))) x and please give FS a hug from me when you see her. (((FS)))

Thinking of the crew, each and every one, near and far

Bless Roger Moore!


Need a brolly, it's a tad wet and wild ootside !

Laterz crew x Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 03:12 pm
Greetings Ladies, Semen and Landlubbers.

As y’all may know I do a little X-Files's case work to bring home a few Pesos, so it may come as no surprise to learn that the currant case under investigation is even more difficult than explaining the plural of sheep!

So iffin’ y’all are faced with the grammar Policía may I suggest that you remember:
With nouns ending in o preceded by a consonant, the plural in many cases is spelled by adding –es.

Such as….
Hero - heroes
potato - potatoes
volcano – volcanoes

However please be aware there are many nouns of foreign origin, including almost all Italian loanwords, add only -s:

photo - photos
zero - zeros
piano - pianos
portico - porticos
pro - pros
quarto (paper size) - quartos
kimono – kimonos

Therefore, I am sure you can imagine my distain when I found out the Republicans approved … rays, sharks and lampreys; but not:

And don’t get me started on what to call a pair of squid!

Although to be fair (I know, a first for me!) the word box (not botox), referring to a computer, may be pluralized semi-humorously to boxen in the hacker subculture. In the same context, multiple VAX computers are sometimes called Vaxen particularly if operating as a cluster, but multiple Unix systems are usually Unices along the Latin model.

<you have not been charged for this insight, however the donation of an organ would be mighty appreciated>

And talkin’ of a latin model; thankee muchly Ms.Izzie for your sweet kiss, but I have you knowed Missy only sayed two words since then and one of them was ‘off’.

So I said call me what you like, but don’t call me late for supper!
And remember; Genesis 50:21

“So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. Amen

At this here juncture I would very much have liked a team hug; but seeing the trouble Dutchy got into whilst trespassing on female sensitivities, I think it wiser to head for the galley and make up a fresh batch of mint julep.

BTW verser une idée romantique, pourquoi ne pas faire un bon repas avec des petites bougies, pétales de rose et une belle tenue.

If you voulez émoustiller votre homme alors optez pour une tenue sexy avec de la lingerie sexy. Pourquoi ne pas terminer par des massages langoureux.

To continue please call at cabin seix; the password iz:

Hugs and innuen doh!

Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 06:49 pm
Dear mismi, as I predited Tryagain answered your prayers. In case you can't read Russian, he wants you to attend his cabin in your sexiest outfit and give him an all over massage, payment to be negotiated. Wink
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 03:49 pm
Pour a romantic idea, why not make a good meal with small candles, rose petals and a beautiful held.

If you want to titillate your rights then go for a held sexy with the sexy lingerie. Why not finish by massage Fiend.

I don't know Russian Dear Dutchy.
So, I typed his yabber into the translator and the above is what I got.

Sounds like he is looking for a meal. And I am really not sure about all the rest of it. I can titillate my own rights any day.

Though having someone else do it is always better I suppose. Shocked Embarrassed Razz

I'm so sleepy.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 02:53 pm
OMG! Missy, are you allowed to say, ‘titillate’ on the internet!!!!!
Has the Devil Got Your Tongue Girl? Laughing

"Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness" - C.S. Lewis

Just remember the second commandment:

'Love your neighbor as yourself.' And…

Don't stop till ya get enough, sayeth the Lord

“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bare.”
John 16:12


Eye wood bee muchly obliged iffin’ anywon has an answer two the following….

If man evolved from apes why do we still have apes?

Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?

Why is the third hand on the watch called the second hand?

Take care y’all x
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 02:56 pm

There we go. That feels good right there.
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 02:58 pm
btw -

"Love is something more stern and splendid than mere kindness" - C.S. Lewis

you like?
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 03:28 pm

mismi, who can carry you to your deck chair, ouch Wink Sit down girl Smile

((((IZZIE)))) Beautiful photos of your darlings.... And so good to see all those smiley faces... from you...

Dutchy, you really do realise that those girls are on the other boat don't you? Wink

Annis, Try, Osso, Von, everyone. Good morning, it's cold here too makes no sense we are heading for summer! I'm a working girl x 3 or 4 or something of late, not enough sleep, coffee, too much work, but loving it... Sort off. No loving it..

Sending hugs to all....
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 08:59 pm
Oh mismi I can see something special developing here, Try is a sly worker.Wink

I see the witch (Found) is sticking her beak in here as well, get of that broomstick young lady before I shoot you down, let me tell you I can handle all those girls you're talking about and they are NOT on another boat!

About to lift the anchor and heading for the blue yonder.
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 08:11 am
Battening down the hatches in the UK - St. Jude is on her way (no no, not my MaMa - though she is a force to be reckoned with Mr. Green ) - but the mother of storms is building up! Torch charged. Candles to the ready. Logs in garage. Gonna make a thermos of hot water tonight... just in case! Can't possibly do without tea if the power goes out Wink Razz

Take care Brits!

Thinking of those near and far and further...
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 08:29 am
Thoughts are with you. What kind of storm...I must go read about it.

(((Izzie))) stay warm and take care. Love you.
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 08:31 am
Oh mismi I can see something special developing here, Try is a sly worker

oh phth! Try is just placating me. He doesn't give a hoot about any of this stuff. He is playing.

But I like to play.

Hope you are having a good weekend Dear Dutchy.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 08:47 am
GMobiles and torches charged, candles and matches laid out, battery powered and wind-up radio's ready - hoping that an article in today's Sunday Times, saying that the forecasters might be over-forecasting, is right, and that St Jude might not hit us too badly. Still have some unpleasant memories of October 1987 when we lost part of our roof, and had a lot of damage in the garden!

Good luck, Brits - let the force totally miss you! Laughing
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 08:56 am
ahhhhh... well, it's not like the twisters or storms that the US experiences - but it's a pretty big one for the UK


we tend to get our knickers in a knot with the weather - ha, a few cm's of snow usually shuts the country down ~ but this is a big hoooooooley storm approaching - thankfully, it's not cold here so even if the power goes (which happened a few days bavk) then it won't be too bad. I.am.so.glad.I.had.many.treez.cut.down.earlier.this.year!!!!

Fingers crossed that there will be no destruction of property for folk and that all will remain safe...

mind you... I have to say, the river is already high and fast - I'm expecting it to rise considerably over the next 24 hours.

Thankfully, the little fella is over with his Dad (just along the road from Tulip) so they should be much safer over there and Ma&Pa have a sturdy home so not too worried about them over thar!

I've got the Crimbo giftwrap out so if I'm powered down, I shall start wrapping up Shocked

I do love a big storm... dayum, I hope not to regret saying that!

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