Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 08:39 am
Ah, Mismi, losing a pet is like losing a child. I'll never have another one, dear lady. You sweet dog's name reminded me of Sea Biscuit. Remember that horse?

Just glad to know that The Dancing Queen and The Dixie Queen are alright.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 03:19 pm
Thank you all so much. We are doing well. I am still pretty emotionally wobbly but the boys seem to only get weepy at bed time. 2 of them anyway. The other one is more like his dad and has a pretty stiff upper lip. Wink

I am worried about Pistol now. He hasn't eaten since Monday. He lays with his head on my leg looking up at me. Gus (the kitty) keeps trying to get him to play and Pistol seems to be a bit aloof. Anyway - I hope he shakes it off soon. Biscuit was his baby. He used to let her lay on his paws (when she was a puppy) and he would roll over and she would lay under his chin. Precious.

I do appreciate all of your thoughts.

Hugs you all
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 04:12 pm
Hey Mis.

Animals are the smartest things aren't they?

When Missy died, Kia our Husky went over and sat on her grave and looked up at me.

When I bought Bigsy home from the vets after having to say goodbye, Kia smelt my hand, then ran to the door and looked through the glass at Bigs, in his bed and then looked up at me.

On both occasions I had to nip it in the bud. Because if she is that sensitive she would pick up my emotions, tears and pain. They do that x

Buy Pistol some treats, more walks, try to smile and say it's ok, Mummy's ok in most instances I think, it's more to do with knowing you are in pain .. and hurting... I know that's hard..

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 01:51 am

Nobody misses me, which is less stressful from both of our points of view.
Smile Cool Embarrassed Drunk

I've just had an ear operation, which in Britain is FREE OF CHARGE, to improve my hearing, right side. I get the dressings off on Tuesday, but it already seems to have been successful, because I can hear my breakfast cereal crunch louder on that side.
Isn't modern science wonderful?
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 02:48 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 04:28 am
You are certainly missed here McTag. I know all about operations having had 4 this year, I hope all goes well for you and wish you a speedy recovery. Let me say I can't hear my cereal crunch at all hence I wear an hearing aid in both ears.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 05:28 am
so sorry to hear of your loss Miami. Pets are such a huge part of the family and leave a big hole in our hearts when they are gone. Hugs to you and your family.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 06:43 am
hey MissMe

Bailey had a hard time of it when Cleo died. Didn't eat much - got stressed which makes his heart condition worse so he hacked a lot. Having another pet paying attention to him has helped a lot.

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 05:03 am
Hey Mis...

How are you ?

ehBeth..............so agree, though it's hard to do that too.. Didn't do it when Miss passed NYE .......................but did when Bigsy got hit........Rawaii makes us smile.. not forget but smile big time... And both dogs are OK now as well as a result... Keeps them occupied..

I agree .............
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Oct, 2013 04:12 pm
Thank you Dutchy, and Izzie, and JPB, and Beth and Verby, and Letty, and Stormy and Foundy and Vonnie....all who are thinking of us.

I am muddling along. I am very emotional right now. If you look at me cross eyed I cry. I would like to blame it on menopause or something equally as heinous. But I think it is strictly my skin is thin and I am an emotional basket case. I miss my girl. Pistol is doing better. He might just be rotten. I have been giving him my leftover meat. He may never go back to his dog food again. Gus (my little black kitty) is a toddler now and is annoying as hell. Quite frankly I have to say I will be glad when I get his little nuts cut off. He SO rambunctious. But he loves his mommy and spends much quality time under my chin. Smile

Love you all. Blessed by you.

Hugs and kisses to all
Reply Wed 2 Oct, 2013 04:26 pm
I will be glad when I get his little nuts cut off.

Through sadness, this Smile LOLS!

My little Rawaii is beginning to hump may have to follow suit with you soon Mis

((((HUGS & HUGS))))

To you x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Oct, 2013 11:47 pm
Oh dear mismi I feel for you, what can we do to cheer you up a little? You're far to young to be thinking of your menopause just ask the Prof. Laughing Think what little Pistol is going to think of you when you take his manhood away. Laughing (((mismi)))
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 02:06 am
Chin up Mimi. At least you've got something to look forward to. I always find castrating an animal cheers me up no end.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 03:05 am
Poor you - the loss of a beloved pet is a really traumatic thing to have to bear - not surprised you're a bit of an emotional wreck at the moment. But it will get better - slowly, but surely. It's nearly ten months since our beautiful Harvey died, and I still can't say I'm 'over it'. Not sure if I ever want to be - not totally. But the pain lessens in time.

I almost resented poor little Megan at first - she seemed so 'alive' and I was locked in grief for Harvey. But she took ill last weekend with a (temporary) paralysis, and OMG - my heart just about broke! I'd given her masses of cuddles and surface loving over the past year, but not felt for her in the same way as for her brother - but when she became ill, I suddenly realised just how much I do love her, and how terribly I'd miss her if she died too. I think I'd tried to close down my emotions when Harvey went - shut out any more feelings in case I had to go through it all again. But it isn't possible, is it - you either love them or not - and I now realise just how much I do.

We all have different ways of coping - you'll find yours, and you'll get through it okay - honestly! Just be brave and love your Pistol and Gus to the max!

Hugs to you Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 11:05 am
Just dropping in, don't seem to have much time lately! hope all are wellX

Mismi so sorry to hear your news, so hard they are part of the family.
This is for you:
Tom Odell- another love

Hugs sent X
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 02:18 pm

Howdy, G’day and for our English crew, As-salaam 'alaykum partners; it’s good to be able to visit with y’all once again and to give praise to the Lawed that Daisy Duke has a hippy sister living life like it was still 1969 and Woodstock was alive and well.

I am as y’all should know referrin’ to our newest (possible) crew member Daisy Ryder – not easy rider, but her fine shootin’ would put Annie Oakley to shame. I ain’t sayin’ she is a witch, but iffin y’all put her side by side with Daisy Mae y’all would be hard pressed to tell which witch was which!

Well hush my mouth; where are my manners at! My name is T.R. Yagain, some say the initials stand for Theodore "T.R." Roosevelt, but I couldn’t possibly comment.

So I hope y’all will give her a big southern republican welcome and make some room for her and her dawgs in the sauna!

May I ask after the whereabouts of our beloved captain? The last I herd down at the Cattleman’s Association was that she was tracking down the dreaded Tokoloshe legend, who is nightmarish, phantasmagoric, phantasmal, phantom spectral combat sciamachy!

So iffin’ y’all see her, please warn her of the dangers. Thankee kindly.

As you know a procrastinator's work is never done, but I must say my Jack Daniels, smooth Tennessee whiskey diet is working; I lost three days last week!

You know how it goes; some days you're the dawg, some days you're the hydrant and the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth, and that's why it’s hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.

OK...so if the Jacksonville Jaguars are known as the "Jags" and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are known as the "Bucs".
What does that make the Tennessee Titans ?

Right, I gotta go….. someone has set off the bank alarm!

BTW ever wonder about those people who spend $2.00 on those little bottles of Evian water?

Try spelling Evian backwards!

Hugs y’all and special prayers go out to Missy and family.
I’m off to explore the pelvic splanchnic ganglion!

Allahu Akbar
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 02:30 pm
Hi, Try. I already know and like Daisy. I think of her as sparky.

Be sure to hit that ganglion with a big book.
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 03:53 pm
So Daisy, it seems that others TRY to think you are a witch too Wink Glad you kept the picture of the 3 witches now ? haha.

Mismi... Thinking of you right at this moment so I thought I'd drop in to send you another hug.

Our little boy has weeks to live if that.. Dang Cancer, Chemo is not working at all... So he'll go across to the rainbow bridge and visit your darling and play soon...

Nothing I can say will ever ease your pain, but I promise time does help and all your babies will too , with their love ..

Much love
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 09:17 pm
FS, Sad to hear about the chemo and the cancer. A few weeks? Sad, sad, sad.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 02:37 am
Thank you Roberta ... really appreciated... Very sad...

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