zzythepush, Abbott isn't over popular due to his workplace policies under the previous Howard Government, however he says these are now dead and buried. Here are the headlines from our Newspapers this morning.
"Mad monk, no more. Tony Abbott, the opposition Rottweiler who has torn Kevin Rudd’s dysfunctional Labor party to shreds, is now prime minister-elect of Australia."
Good one ehBeth, however my eyes are good and I don't need those binoculars, besides there are plenty of 'exotic' birds nearby on our golden beaches.
annis don't worry I'll get to work soon, have my bottle or rum ready to share with any female deckhand who is game enough to cross my path.

You are very welcome to come and live here, just like verbivore, but somehow I think you can't leave the motherland.
Waves from downunder. All have a great week.