Just to let y'all know, unfortunately Danny is back in hospital yesterday as one of his wounds has been a tad acky and they are taking him into theatre tomorrow to drain and clean out. At present, we don't know if there is infection - but they should know more tomorrow. As the stents put in were plastic, antibiotics will not be able to clear up any infection in that area (that wound is OK so far) so there's the possibility of having the bypass re-done if any infection spreads.
Danny's not too happy as you can imagine and this is so frustrating for all his family. His son and one of the g-kids visited with him today so that was a blessing - and it's been a long fight dealing with everything he has gone through since January.

Anna is sounding strong - she took him spaghetti bolognaise last night as Danny really isn't coping with the hospital food, I do believe he has a complete mental block with the food now - but he.must.eat... so, Anna will take in what she can to keep his strength up.
Please keep your healing thoughts, prayers and posivibes going for him and for him to be able to get home as soon as possible.
Anna and I do talk openly - frankly, directly - we don't pussyfoot around the hard talk. Danny is tired now of being in hospital, so frustrated - so, if you believe in anything, please send those good wishes to him. Anna doesn't believe he's ready to give up quite yet and she has no intention of letting him - but he's also not prepared to stay in hospital...
so we need to give him a whole bunch of strength to keep fighting the health malfunctions and to get him home where he belongs.