Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 04:08 pm
DUTCHY!!!!!!!! Well I guess now you know I'm visiting again next week, only I don't know where Wink

Well, Boss... (according to you) Wink I guess, if you've had one week of harder rehab and they think you need a few more (it will be 5 because you are going to be out before I turn 50 remember), then GOOD, it means that they believe that you WILL be able to be OUT of there soon... Just a bit more time...

I know this sucks... But you still look smashing, I like that your hair has grown Smile

I guess I don't have to change your computer either, to a bigger view, seems the rebel in you as usual, has it all under control.

And...also tell the BEAgle that Im going to adopt a beagle...this sunday!!! yeyyyyy will post the pics soon

Got a feeling he'll read this Verb;) But, there you go, as for the computer I can NOT tell Dutchy NOT to use the computer, he simply would NOT listen to me or anyone else for that matter. But, if he's fixed the glasses he will not be straining.

You have us again Dutchy, to type to over that time and I will visit somewhere Wink

Smiling to see your beak......................

And, hey, FS is out ... It's either FOUNDY or FOUNDY GIRL now ... Just so you know ... thank you x Smile
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 04:25 pm
Hello Dear Dutchy! So good to see you!

Hugs dear man. Smile Will be praying as you enter the new facility that you get home very, very soon! (((Dutchy)))
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 04:26 pm
Gordievsky commented on the newspaper: "The KGB loved the Guardian. It was deemed highly susceptible to penetration".

That is how I nose Mimsy ain’t in the KGB!

Such a jackass....you just made me choke.
Reply Fri 10 May, 2013 10:54 pm
To all my dear a2k friends, so very "stimulating" to read your lovely comments. I do hope your prayers will be answered dear mismi, have been away from home to long now, almost 5 months. Nice to read the comments about your Dad.

Foundy, will let my hair grow just for you, if you like it. The nurses like it too. LOL Look forward to your visit, your wisdom and kind words always inspire me.

Verbivore how nice to get a Beagle but please don't call him Teddy (LOL), Bosun would be a much better name!

Hi to Vonny, EhBeth and Firefly too, good to see you all. Will try to meet you at the various games in the next few days.

Just a note to those that have sent me e-mails. Unfortunately I haven't got a mail program on my sons laptop, so any e-mails have to wait until I return home.

Last but not least, hiya to Tryagain for keeping the ship on even course.

Cheers from down under.
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 12:38 am
Foundy, will let my hair grow just for you, if you like it. The nurses like it too. LOL Look forward to your visit, your wisdom and kind words always inspire me.

LOLS.. And now you have a whole lot of new ones Wink Me too.. See ya soon ...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 03:20 am
The games threads have certainly picked up their pace since you reappeared - no more leisurely poking around for a word, now it's bish-bash-bosh - miss a turn and you're out!!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 07:06 am
There you iz... our Bosun is bavk!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy

it iz soooo good to see you DannyBoy - hugs and love to you <pecks> Winkx

Tulip - we're with you and F-boy, all the way girl. We'll take care of S-girl whilst you're away and we'll be coming to visit just as soon as it's safe. xxx

Mis - theeeee best news of your PaPa. So verra happy for your family and friends. So happy for you Dixie. Have a wonderful Mother's Day tomorrow. xxxxx


So lovely to see so many folk onboard, ((lmur)), FFly, IzY, , Cherrie, Sturgis, Spendi, SpecialAgentjw, Vonny, FS, Osso, MaMaVerby, Boida, Letty, JPB, Spike, POMcT - thank you all for being here and keeping us sailing.

Happy Mother's Day to all our USA Mother's onboard.

Poorly, always poorly, little bit tired of being poorly. Potions and pills to get through the last few weeks. Very blessed to have strength by my side.

The sun is shining, tad breeeeeeezy (the sound of leafed up trees is glorious) and beautiful skies... blue and clouds of fluffiness... talking of which

((Blue)) you are so naughty! Lovit, lyman xxxxxx xox x

Sean and F-boys GSCE exams start this week - Sean has 3 on Monday and revision is the name of the game right now. Charlie's baby-girl is doing her A'Levels... All we can ever wish for is for them to do their best and be very proud of who they are. We certainly are so very proud of them and love beyond words.

Sean turns 16 in a week. Hardly seems possible that he grew up so quick and what a fantastic young man he is. Suited and booted for school and my, how he loves to wear his suit, poiple shirt and pink tie. Makes me smile so much.

It was Charlie's birthday yesterday, she had a lovely day and are celebrating her Lobster of Loveliness homecoming today with friends and family - and no more stints in theatre for him - can't wait to see my bro this week as he returns to home to Devon.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((Crew)))))))))))))))))))))) all the crew, near and far, thoughts and good wishes to everyone. x
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 08:11 am
Happy Mother's Day to all the Aussie mums too.
Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 08:24 am

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Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 08:26 am
Ahhhhhhhh cherrie - I thought Oz celebrated Mother's Day in March, like the UK... Embarrassed

Happy MaMa's Day to all our Mom's around the woild Very Happy

Bosun in the garden Wink


enny weeny teeny tiny...


Reply Sat 11 May, 2013 10:23 am
(((Izzie))) Praying you feel better, love.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 May, 2013 12:04 pm
Poorly, always poorly, little bit tired of being poorly. Potions and pills to get through the last few weeks. Very blessed to have strength by my side.

Take better care of yourself Izzie! You are much needed here!
Reply Mon 13 May, 2013 09:51 pm
Hi Crew, feeling on top of the world, Found Soul is visiting me this afternoon and bringing me special treats from Izzie and Vonny. Wink
Reply Mon 13 May, 2013 11:36 pm
Grrrrrr, I deliberately wore red lipstick today so they will have to be air kisses, hahahahaha.

See ya soon......

Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 02:42 am
Beware, Foundy, the Bosun rather likes collecting red lipstick kisses on his forehead! He's getting better, remember, he'll soon be chasing your down the hospital corridors! Laughing
Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 07:31 pm
Here I was sitting on the edge of my bed and suddenly the room lt up and Found Soul walked in. A statuette blone in an eye catching white outfit with boots and fiery red lips.LOL My eyes nearly popped out but after regaining my composure we exchanged pleasantries (thank you Izzie and Vonny Wink ), it was indee nice to get a visit from an a2k member.

Finally some good news from my Doctor's a moment ago, they're thinking of sending me home on a trial basis next week. Physiotherapy will be continued there with physic's and nurses calling in on a daily basis. Hopedully it will work out for me as I have away from for so long.

Cheers to all the crew from down under.
Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 08:37 pm
I am so happy to hear that you may be able to go home. Praying it will happen and that you do well there so you can stay. Glad you got such a fun visit from your blonde bombshell too. Love seeing you here Dear Dutchy.
Hugs and Kisses to you and Mrs. B
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 09:43 pm
Ok, love. be calm. This time or soon.

Jo/known as ossubuco
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 10:40 pm
Finally some good news from my Doctor's a moment ago, they're thinking of sending me home on a trial basis next week.

That is wonderful news, Dutchy! Definitely something to smile about. I really hope that it works out.

It's so nice having you back here again. And it will be so much nicer for you once you're back home--I hope that day is coming soon.
Reply Tue 14 May, 2013 10:45 pm
Thank you ossobuco and Firefly, your words are much appreciated.

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