Reply Sat 16 Mar, 2013 02:24 pm
For Dutchy, the Bosun - wonderful to hear you are on the mend!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Mar, 2013 06:43 pm
Izzie wrote:

WALES ARE INCREDIBLE TODAY... absolutely brilliant

Wales 27 - England 3

Grand Slam for Wales methinks... 13 mins to go but Wales are just immense. Fabulous rugby! Razz

I was watching the live scores for this and texting my Welsh friend. Texting is good - he screamed so much (in Cardiff) that he's lost his voice!

Apparently a good result!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Mar, 2013 07:07 pm
getting a hammock ready for the Bosun by the shore


we'll be waiting



mismi and izzie decided to double up so they could giggle and chat



found soul's waiting inside in the air conditioned studio


and then there's the crazy crew that couldn't wait for the Bosun to come down to the shore so they've brought their hammocks to him

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 06:18 am
Gooooooooood Morning and a very Happy St. Patricks Day to our Oirish Crew!



BOSUN - gentle hugs to you and sending healing wishes your way. ((((DannyBoy))))x

Bethieeeeee - they are simply mahvellous hammocks ... POIFECT... The Bosun will love that! <Mis 'n me have suntans - woohoo!)

Was this you taking the photos, Bethie? Arrow


It's a beautiful day today in the SW - blue black skies but the sun's shining right now.

Sean is poorly so he's sneezing his head off - bless him, again and again and again! Wink He represented his school yesterday at the Model United Nations in Taunton as the Indian Delegate for Human Rights - his clauses being "child soldiers" and "human trafficking". He was highly commended with his speech and questions (postulating was the word of the day) and very much enjoyed the debate (in his words, "who wouldn't enjoy arguing for human rights for a day, we need to change the way the world acts")... methinks he'll find his place in this woild to make a difference if he can Cool

FS - so glad you will be able to go visit with our Bosun - do give him a peck from me and enjoy your visit. x

Vonny - how're ya doing? Do you know when your surgery will take place yet? There's some lovely chairs on the deck for when you need to take a rest and I found a nice big hat so you can stay covered up


Margo - ha, I can imagine the txts going back and forth... truly, Wales were immense. Our back row tried hard but possession was theirs and Wales were brilliant. They'd upped their game from the previous match and no way were they gonna lose at the Millenium Stadium, especially to England. Impressive and a well-deserved win. Do hope you are feeling much better now and that it's stopped raining!!!! Scritch Possum for me. x

Mis - hope you're have a great Sunday and enjoy time spent with the family. Love you much. x

Boida - hoping the breathing is improving and that you're managing to woik. There was a buzzard at the end of the garden yesterday so I grabbed my camera, click ... will post him up later if he's not too blurry... he keeps coming back so he's got his eye on something, soon as he sees me though, he flies off Razz My tree man says I have otters under the bridge, he can smell then and see the run... he wants me to get a nightcam and see if I can film them... hmmm... it's a thought. Mebbe in the summer, that would be verra exciting. x

((((JPB))) thinking of you and yours.xxxx

((Blue)) smooches xox x

Have a great day crew...

near and far, big love Wink

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 07:14 am
Izzie wrote:

Gooooooooood Morning and a very Happy St. Patricks Day to our Oirish Crew!

I wish the Irish crew a good St. Pat's day too. It's not my favorite. The parade ends in my neighborhood. I'll be hearing car horns all day and kids in the street all night.

Boida - hoping the breathing is improving and that you're managing to woik. There was a buzzard at the end of the garden yesterday so I grabbed my camera, click ... will post him up later if he's not too blurry... he keeps coming back so he's got his eye on something, soon as he sees me though, he flies off Razz My tree man says I have otters under the bridge, he can smell then and see the run... he wants me to get a nightcam and see if I can film them... hmmm... it's a thought. Mebbe in the summer, that would be verra exciting. x

My breathing is about the same. Some days are better than others. I'm tres interested in seeing the buzzard. And the otters.

I added a post to the two sides of the family thread, in case you're interested.

I wish you'd get some rest.

Hope Sean is feeling better soon.

Finishing up one project later today. Halfway through the second. Haven't started the third yet (oy).

Love ya, kid.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 07:58 am
((((JPB))) thinking of you and yours.xxxx

Right back at you (((( Iz ))))

Sending posivibes to all who are struggling in body and/or spirit.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 08:20 am
Hi Izzie,

Vonny - how're ya doing? Do you know when your surgery will take place yet? There's some lovely chairs on the deck for when you need to take a rest and I found a nice big hat so you can stay covered up

Thanks for asking - love the hat! Laughing I'm told they'll operate by the end of April, but hope a lot earlier! You must think I'm an awful baby, making such a fuss about what will probably be a simple procedure (I hope!) Rolling Eyes Mmmmmmm - the idea of a comfortable chair, sunshine (I'll be wearing my Factor 50) and a long, cool drink Drunk is very appealing - please book a space for me! Cool
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 09:46 am
Happy St. Paddy's Day!

We are in Mobile. I had to leave the Prof. at home to work. Thankful though....I hate having to leave the doggies by themselves. They are just too big to carry down here. No place to house them well. And Daddy will not have inside doggies.

I hope Sean feels better soon.

I wish I could tell you all that it is warm and sunny and beautiful at the beach...but it is cool (which is fine) but overcast and the water is freezing cold. And SO stinking windy.

Good day for this though:

We are going to see a movie, fly kites and then eating at a Japanese Steakhouse. The boys adore that. Great big fun when the chef chunks a shrimp at you and expects you to catch it with your mouth....unless you don't catch it - and he hits you in the chin or eye or something.

Hugs to you all...
have a wonderful day...oh and Beth - that first hammock - is DIVINE. I think we could fit several of us in that and have a great time giggling together! Wink
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 11:23 am
mismi wrote:

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Over here Kate and William have been presenting shamrocks to 1st Battalion Irish Guards.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 01:37 pm
I love those bobby hats, Iz.

Misi, don't you know the song about Mobile?

They saw a swallow building his nest,
And they decided he knew best,
So they built the town around him,
And they called it Mobile.

(where's that)

Alabama. Razz

So glad that Sboy is better and that MisIz got her car restored.

Sorry that I can't comment on everything here.

Glad that Anna and Danny are doing better.

So did I.


Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 03:13 pm
Good morning, hammocks, hats, I need a holiday!

And, I'm Irish... Yep apparently, 3 generations ago, with spanish and sweedish, yet I am an Aussie (wish I could post some pictures from this laptop).

We celebrate St Patricks Day with two birthdays. Dunno how they did it exactly, but My Mother and Brother are born on St Patricks Day... So family dinner last night, with green on our tops, well my Mother did and does Smile

I the rebel turned up 15 days after my Father's Birthday Wink

Izzie, I am not sure when we will visit now, a little message came through. Danny is going back into the Theatre sometime this week for the Ulcers on his feet. They are not sure why they are not healing.. The bossy, cheeky one didn't sound impressed or happy, given he wrote very little... Just another (last) minute hurdle to jump that's all, pfttt a little one...

So, I will do as he asked and check with Anna, when this will happen.... But I will be sure to give him a kiss on his fore-head for you and one more for the whole crew..

I'm just lucky I live in Aussie land in this instance, as a Aussie Messenger, I want to send my daughter a picture frame for her engagement, well I am going to, she lives in (Canada). (Adopted) of sorts along with 4 other kids, but last time she sent me something it took 3 months Shocked hoping it's a matter of 10 days instead.

Best wishes for those that aren't feeling the best, sending hugs and good vibes....

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 04:54 pm
Give Danny another kiss on the forehead to help those ulcers heal faster.

Glad you had a festive St. Patrick's Day/birthday celebration with your family.http://th35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/PRINCESSNWV/th_icon_Shamrock-tiny_face-left.gif

Reply Sun 17 Mar, 2013 08:53 pm
Will do Ms FF Smile

And, thank you.......
0 Replies
Reply Mon 18 Mar, 2013 02:36 pm
Thank you Dutchy for your thoughts and encouragement, however there have been changes made on the ship regardless of whether I personally consider them to be good or bad, major or trivial, even to the extent that they may produce more flaws than virtues.

Therefore in conclusion, or you may come to a conclusion, or may think it a foregone conclusion; however due to the temporary loss of dexterity in your plantar surface, I would not recommend jumping to conclusions.

So all you have to remember is; There are 26 bones in each foot if we do not count the two tiny round sesamoid bones found in the tendon beneath the first metatarsal and we have 33 joints in each foot and ankle.

The middle area of the foot is composed of five bones. The navicular bone is nearest the calcaneus and is rectangularly shaped. On the inside of the arch is the medial cuneiform, and working outward toward the lateral side of the foot is intermediate cuneiform, the smallest of the mid-foot bones. Next is the lateral cuneiform with the cuboid, the largest mid-foot bone, on the side opposite the arch.

Are you following…

The big toe consists of two bones: the proximal phalanx of the great toe nearest the first metatarsal, and the distal phalanx of the great toe. The next toe, or second toe, contains three bones: the proximal phalanx of the second toe, the middle phalanx of the second toe, and the distal phalanx of the second toe. The third, fourth and fifth toes also contain three similarly named bones each.

I hope you now know the difference between your intermediate cuneiform and proximal phalanx and if you keep taking the medicine you will be apples mate!

Anyhoo, thanks for that article about the pilot in Sydney, Australia, who was flying a Cheetah C200 plane that crashed into a giant Ferris wheel – don’t worry, the police say the pilot is slowly coming round.

I know it’s terrible, but apparently, someone in Sydney gets stabbed every one minute 52 seconds – I suggest he should move somewhere else.

That’s all folks Ima…
Gunna propagate my anemones –

Damn Google translate!!
That should read, Gonna eliminate my enemies.

Hugs whether you want them or not!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 02:50 pm
In case the Bosun is hungry when he returns :-

Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 04:26 pm
Those look fabulous.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 04:50 pm
Don’t worry about that Dutchy mate, I've never seen a tombstone that read:- "Died from not forwarding that e mail to 10 people."

Just keep taking the meds and remember; Lance Armstrong has denied ever using drugs, but he admitted pedalling!

Oh, you must keep eating, because apparently diet books are only popular because they appeal to a wider audience.

Anyhoo matey, keep on getting well and don’t worry about me; I'm in the dog house again, last night my girlfriend said if I turned the light off she'd let me give it to her -

Maybe I should've waited until the bulb cooled down a bit!!!

Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:39 pm
Hi Try, I could say you are talking to yourself and not at all (being rude) only because Mr Dutchy has lost his computer connection again and can't read (yet) what you have written Wink

Hi Izzie, crew just a little up-date.

Danny was told that he was going to be booked in for Theatre, regarding his ulcers on his feet.. GOOD NEWS, that's been changed and not happening.

Anna advised that he was worried because they thought that the ulcers were caused by loss of blood flow through his legs, which meant another by-pass, dear Lord how much can one person go through!!!!

But, they have cleared that, as the blood is flowing perfectly through his legs Smile YAY ! So no surgery.. DOUBLE YAY!

Anna told me that Danny is STANDING UP NOW and it doesn't hurt (the ulcers).. They have them bandaged, with cream and will try to work out therefore what is / has caused them.

Off course "DUTCHY" Is hopping mad that he can not access his computer!!!! The Doctors advised he has to sit closer to the window for reception, he had to get a small modum, the broadband stick didn't work.. Sheez determined isn't he Smile

Anna also had his (Danny's) brother there, when I phoned and he had just visited Danny and said he was in HIGH SPIRITS....

D and I will visit this week, won't say when as Anna pointed out, if we can't make it (and he reads here) he will be disappointed... So shhhh not telling ya Danny.... it's a secret. But in the event that you do read this, in the meantime, do I really have to give you so many kisses on the fore-head? From the crew? Or can David do it Wink (giggles)

Sigh.. Very, very, relieved and pleased no more operations....

Anna, is also fine...

Although she said, when I asked how she was coping so many weeks on her own... " What? Danny is on the computer every night so how can I miss him at night? " As she laughed.....

As did I....

Good news .... is always GOOD...

If Danny hasn't been able to get on his computer by the time I visit, I will for sure, mention what everyone has been saying and posting this past week, here ...

Back to work I go... Grrrrr
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 07:42 pm
Now that is great news to me, the blood flow part.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 19 Mar, 2013 10:22 pm
Great news that no surgery is needed for the ulcers! Smile

Found Soul, sounds like we should get the bubbly chilling to greet Danny when he arrives here--and, determined as he is, he might get that computer connection very soon.
And we'll need lots of it...arranged like the wheel of a ship, of course.
And they'll be glasses for everyone to toast the Bosun...

And loads of lobsters to feast on...

Ummm...I'm getting hungry. Been eying vonny's delicious looking mussels. Hope Danny gets here soon. Wink

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