Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 04:14 pm
Tryagain wrote:

Still, when it comes to size, I have found it only takes 3.5 inches to please a woman; it doesn't matter if it’s Visa, MasterCard or American Express Gold.

That sounds about right to me!
Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 05:08 pm
Hello Crew

BIG News of our BOSUN

Danny is Out of ICU

he's now in the renal part of public hospital now… This is such AMAZING news that that I don’t know how to say it… he’s just doing brilliantly. He was moved yesterday just before Anna arrived, they met her at the ICU door and told he had been taken to the renal unit.

They will be starting intensive physio to try and get him standing and walking – this is the long part of the road for him because of the muscle weakness… but the good thing is he has already got a comfort zone at the renal unit as obviously he has been there many times and knows all the nurses – off course, we iz expecting him to be incorrigible. Surprised)

Long chat with Anna, my repsect and admiration for this wonderful lady grows each day… she’s a marvel.

Danny will remain in hospital for quite a long while – but… as it stands/sits at the moment, he is doing great and … well, it’s the BEST news I could be telling y’all. So happy for the Dutchy’s and I’m sure, in part, y’all have made the difference to him with the positivity he knows has been sent his way in various forms.

Love our Dutchy’s. Very Happy

So, Bosun, ya know, whenever your ready, we’ll have a nice lounger on the deck and we will pamper you… the girls will have parasols to keep you cool and we'll be bringing you snacks and some drinks...

for about 5 mins… Shocked Shocked

then there’s a few little chores I have in mind. Mr. Green

Knots to be tied, Suncream to put on the girls… and best not forget our Tryagain!!!! (no no, his doesn't need a knot innit, but as he’s got a hat, the rest of the gorgeous body needs cream and we don’t want no white bits!!!!!!! - no leaving the hat on)

<pulls up deckchairs for the girls> Cool

Come home soon Danny Boy – we love and miss you…

<Blue, whenever your ready, lining up the music for you>

<smooches xox>

So glad to see everyone here

manic at work, tired and beyond tired… catchup over the weekend.. y’all have fun

(((((((((((((((((((Crew))))))))))))))))))))))) x

Near far, love love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xox
Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 05:39 pm
Awesome news Izzie!

So thankful for Anna that Danny is doing so well. He amazes me. Smile

Hugs you all,
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 05:43 pm
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Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 06:31 pm
Sooooooooooo good to hear.

I may have to drag out my old black velour bikini.

Ah well, that would be wrong now, just wrong. But I add that as a thought for enhancement - I'd need enhancement now.

Love to all, Danny, Anna, and the nurses, poor things..
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 03:26 am
Wonderful news. Danny is a marvel!
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 05:09 am
wHOOAAAA Its soon gonna be party time once...danny boy is gonna hop onboard!
yeyyy more and more possivibes to him! and love to anna for being such a huge pillar of support!
So good to hear the news! Izzie we'll catch up soon! wanna see how R-boys doing now!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 07:35 am
ossobuco wrote:
I may have to drag out my old black velour bikini.

if you're going for your old black velour, I'll find the terry cloth bikini I made myself many decades back.

yes terry cloth.

you know, there's a real hazard to a terry cloth bikini

terry cloth REALLY absorbs water and gets heavy

and sinks


what did I know? I was 12
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 03:38 pm

That is hilarious. Yeah.....terry cloth's not the best material for swimwear is it?

0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 04:31 pm
Thank y’all kindly for joining me in celebrating International Women’s Day:

"The story of women's struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization but to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights" Gloria Stein

This post is going to be somewhat indelicate in nature. If you are squeamish, or easily offended, you might want to pop over and read a blog about disembowelling squirrels or maybe surf some porn. Because this post is about poo….

Yes, that’s right, this is a post about the evacuation of the human bowels. It’s a topic that has been on my mind this week because I chaperoned the YWCA field trip to Camp Cosby. It’s not because Camp Cosby was crappy (haha); I had a great time there and the food was surprisingly good for camp food.

I’m not sure if it’s because the staff have a real knack for heating up frozen chicken fingers, or if it’s because, by the time we were done tromping 37 miles through the woods while trying to prevent the tragic deaths of 98 frisky female teens, I was hungry enough to eat a decomposing caribou.

Whatever the case, I ate heartily at every meal and partook readily of every snack offered to me. I was first in line at every meal, and I always had seconds! By Friday this was something of a problem because sharing a cabin with 31 people affords one very little privacy and I do not poo in the presence of others.

I suspect that many of you are now nodding sagely, agreeing with this baring of my innermost soul because hardly anyone likes to poo in a public bathroom. It’s stupid, because all of us poo, including George Clooney, although I suspect he manages to be sexy even while making a poo. It’s a basic human function, one that is essential to life and living. To eat is human, to poo is divine, right? And yet…to poo is disgusting. It smells bad. It’s messy. Sometimes there are noises associated with the act of making a poo. In short, pooing is embarrassing and I HATE to be embarrassed. It’s bad enough being shy, reticent and Presbyterian; do we have to add smelly and loud to the package?

I will do anything to avoid making a poo in public. I would, in fact, prefer being burned alive at the stake or being submerged in a vat of moldy pickle juice to being forced to poo in a public place. Try and force me to poo in public and I will rat out my city Congressman. I’ll tell you where the money and the guns are, just PLEASE give me some privacy!!!

Because pooing is an intensely private experience and for me, conditions have to be just right. I MUST have quilted Northern toilet paper (I like the little bear mascot); toilet paper MUST be hanging UNDER and not OVER; I MUST have a vent fan to disguise any bodily noises that might occur; and I MUST have a selection of back issues of Reader’s Digest at my disposal.

Obviously, these conditions only exist in the privacy of my shack. They are not going to be found in the bathroom of the local Wal-Green’s, and they certainly aren’t going to be available at camp.

My aversion to public pooing is so strong that by today, my colon was roughly the size of the Lincoln Tunnel. Even I, with my limited understanding of science and scientific theory, understand that if you continue to input matter with no corresponding output of matter, eventually things will come to a bad end…no pun….Hell, yes the pun was intended!! As we prepared to take part in the Underground Railroad activity, I recognized that I was in trouble. I had reached the point where walking was only possible by standing very erect and keeping my muscles very tightly clenched. I was engaged in that most classic struggle of ‘man versus self’ and I was determined to win. I felt like the protagonist in that classic Jack London story “To Build a Fire,” engaged in that same type of struggle against the elements. (I’m sorry, you mean you DIDN’T need confirmation that I am amazingly shallow???)

But dear Reader, I did win. I made it home to my own bathroom without having soiled either myself or the sacred loos at Camp Cosby. Once home, I staggered gratefully to my own bathroom, grabbed the March issue of Reader’s Digest, and let nature take its course. Friday afternoon was kind of a bust as I caught up on Word Power, Life in These United States, and Drama in Real Life. I made a dent in our supply of Quilted Northern. And I was feeling much better.

Such intense relief defies description, and I won’t even try to desecrate the blessed event with my lame adjectives. Suffice it to say that it was a wonderful afternoon, and by the end of it, I was five pounds lighter and felt like a new person.

So why am I telling you all this? Aside from the fact that there is absolutely nothing more interesting in my life than bowel movements? Is it because I have reached the age where nothing is more fascinating than bowel movements…

Except: The advancement of women is of prime importance to the economy, business and society. The support of corporate organisations supporting women is critical.

So if I suggest we have a wet Tee shirt competition, will you hold it against me ! ! !

Have a great weekend folks!

Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 07:57 pm
Gah....You mean George Clooney poops?

Seriously Try - there are some things we just don't talk about.
Down south (and you should know this since you obviously are from around here) we do not discuss bodily functions. My family knows - their mama doesn't fart, or take a <ahem>poo.

If I do anything I might fluff (NEVER fart )- but that might have only been once - and it wasn't audible AND it smelled like roses.

I do declare the things we discuss.

Oh and I am sure I could single handedly take women's rights back to the dark ages. But I am trying to be more forward thinking. My apologies to Gloria. Although I did clean the gutters out on my house.....so maybe I am more of a feminist than I thought, eh?


Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 02:38 am
Last week we were given hourly updates on how the Queen was coping, after having been struck down with the squits and hospitalised. At times I thought they might discuss texture, sound, pressure and whatnot.
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 06:47 am
Bless her heart. That is very unqueenly. It is always best NOT to discuss one's potty issues.

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Ice Demon
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 03:44 pm
I tried so HARD but I couldn't find any porn with George Clooney. After being TRICKED into reading 936 words, I COMMAND you to give me back my precious time that I WASTED on reading SOMETHING about your bowel movement!!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 03:55 pm
Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 04:22 pm
poop... reminds me of a clean up in isle 1, I have to do thanks to a cat of mine, at least he reached the tray....

Good morning all.

I just got a suprised telephone call from Anna.

Danny asked her to ring me, to thank us for the glittery mouse, after Anna explained what it was for, why it was given, he laughed... and got the reason behind it, loved the picture one you printed off as well Izzie.

So good to know we made him laugh...

(IZZIE), Anna read out your letter to him, he couldn't read it and he smiled Wink She didn't tell me anything else in that regard... As, it's from you Wink

She is a bit worried and we had a bit of a chat... The Nurses lost his list of what all his medication is for and they asked him if he remembered, he doesn't. Anna said he has a lot of medication, off course he can't remember you just take them and naturally a list helps with that. That got him down. Anna thought of taking the prescriptions in this afternoon but told me that all the medication is there.

I suggested that she ask the Nurses if they have compiled a new list given all the instructions are on the medication and if not to do so and show him so he doesn't worry anymore. So that is what she is going to do... I am sure after he said no, they have it all under-control but Danny worries too much...

Anna suspects that he's glad he's now in the normal wards but off course, now reflects on how long he's been in there and all that happened.

She said that Danny ate on his own yesterday, no problems. But wouldn't last night so she fed him.

We all know Anna is a toughy and will keep encouraging him to let go of what happened and on-wards and up-wards..

I think she felt a bit better knowing that it's normal for someone to feel this way after so many weeks and the knowledge of all the future physcio etc and time he has to remain in hospital. He would not take her call today.


I reminded her of how his moods changed the last time, to hang in there.. It's all about time.

Anyways, it was great to hear that Danny laughed at the mouse, that his A2K friends gave him.. I put a note saying just that, with the mouse.

Anna couldn't give the letter or mouse, or photo to him before as he was in ICU.

I wonder?

He never, ever, forgot all the messages sent to him last time, I know your life is hectic Ms Izzie and I hope all is still fantastic at your end, as with everyone else, seems happy posts are made lately ... But, maybe we can send a bunch of stuff again ?

Happy to be the delivery witch.

Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 03:31 am
Happy Mothers Day to all the lovely Yummy Mummies on board.
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 05:45 am
Mother's Day 2013...

My youngest son, Sean, gifted me the most beautiful necklace and earrings... and a gorgeous special card ...

My eldest son, Ryan, is coming home to lunch, my parents are picking him up shortly...


I feel so blessed.

Possibly still dreaming but it's the best dream. It will be real when Sean sees his brother here.

Happy MaMa's Day x

Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 05:46 am
That's wonderful, you have a great day, you deserve it.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 06:23 am
Happy Mother's Day Izzie. A very special well deserved day for you. Enjoy having both of your boys with you today!!
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