Reply Tue 22 Jan, 2013 09:10 pm
Thank you for that beautiful beach picture sweet missi, exactly as it is here right now. Today a lovely 34C (93F) and gradually heading towards 40 plus, already have had 5 days of 113F this month. A cold Corona is very enjoyable on those hot days, pity I'm only allowed one or two. Keep that cold weather Stormy I couldn't survive. LOL
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Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2013 02:44 pm
I'll bask in the warm thoughts and the reflected sun on the sea - wonderful photo, so tired of snow, and rain, and cold.......... the evenings are getting lighter though, and my day lilies are poking shoots through the snow, several inches already - gives one hope that spring isn't far away!
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Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2013 05:23 pm
Dear Izzie, I am so sorry to read of your loss, you must feel like a Crawdad in a gumbo shack. I know there are others here who can empathize having also lost loved ones.

I know many think my level of compassion makes Beelzebub look like Mother Theresa, but I feel your pain having recently lost my two best friends; Larry and Barry.

Every night when I came back from work I would go into the kitchen and share the remains of my lunchbox with them until that fateful day when the light blew out; I reached out to relight the candle, overbalanced and the laws of gravity sent over 300 pounds hurtling ass first towards terra firma!

I scrapped what was left of them off my coveralls and down the kitchen faucet, the outlet runs into the field which I have renamed, Flushing Meadows in their honor.

I take comfort from the fact that they had a big family and there are plenty of cockroaches left. Remember the good times.

Keeping the candle lit for all those in the A2K family and their loved ones until they are restored to good health. (((x)))
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Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2013 10:37 pm
Hi Izzie...sorry to hear about Scooble-hoobles...i still ponder over ma childhood pal jimmy - whom we just abandoned while we shifted states! Back then we dint have much means nor did I a 7 year old have much say in the matter anyways...
sending thoughts ur way Izzie.... ((((izzie))))
waves to all out there...
had been a few dark days here..pondering on way forward and all...
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2013 03:02 am

An exciting day in prospect- I am going to the Crown Court to explain to a magistrate why I am not willing to pay a fine I have got (14 months ago!) for parking.
Details on request. But this one will not feature in the Law Review.

Looking on the bright side, I might be sentenced to transportation to Australia.
Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2013 10:00 am
McTag wrote:

Looking on the bright side, I might be sentenced to transportation to Australia.

At least you'd be warm!
Although heaven only knows we have enough Scottish / English agitators, law breakers, trouble makers here already. But probably none as posh as you!
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2013 01:34 pm
I want to be transported to Australia too - those convicts of yore had the right idea - who's laughing now!
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 02:27 am
You'll be most welcome here Vonny, pinch a loaf of bread and may be some Magistrate may give you a free ride to the 'Lucky Country". Our climate is wonderful, may be a little warm occasionally but you won't strike snow or ice. Our beaches are second to none and never crowded where I and Found Soul live, and I'm sure the latter will only be to happy to show you around, she is an excellent communicator!
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 01:37 pm
With my luck a Magistrate would probably send me to the Antarctic! Think I'll have to find a way to work my passage over - doesn't the Yabber-Liner have a £10 fare scheme?!! Your beaches sound blissful - and I'm sure Found Soul would be a wonderful companion and guide. At the moment 'a little warm' sounds heavenly - temperatures are falling rapidly here and more snow is expected tonight. Perhaps I'll pinch a loaf of bread after all...............
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 03:26 pm

SO..... You did pinch that loaf of bread huh!!!


One way ticket, one way..... All the way to South Australia, see how happy we are to send you there Wink





Yep, here is a taste for you Vonny - Glenelg Beach - Adelaide City - Sunset, we even have one beach here that has this "sign"

And, we are trying to get a car wash like this, but IDK I have a feeling that they would export me to England if I tried[url]http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/dd135/annabannahammock/men.jpg[url] Wink

Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 03:35 pm
I'm packing..............!!!!!!! Crumpets for tea anyone?
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 04:21 pm
Wow Vonny, welcome, may I have the honour of the first bite of the 'crumpet'?FS has shown you some good sights and beach however if you want that all over tan I can show you a beautiful secluded beach where you even can don your bikini, it's called Maslin's. See 2nd last photo in FS's post. If you're shy, FS can take you there, she lives very close to it. Smile Today would be an ideal day for a fair skinned English maiden, just 30 degrees with a nice sea breeze, about right to get that first tan. Ring Qantas, they have specials on, and you'll be here within 24 hours! Have a safe trip. Laughing
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 04:31 pm

Don't say that word, Dutchy will.....

Bring the Vegemite Wink

Dearest Danny, my positive little man, well tall really... Giving you more positive vibes as we get close to Monday.................x
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 04:49 pm

it's so pretty.

Hi all! Dear Dutchy - my thoughts and prayers be with you. Wink

I see my Sweet Try made it to say halo to the crew. Sweet.

Daddy's doing great.

I have had quite the day. I want to drink. But I will abstain from PUI (posting under the influence) though I know it entertains some - I am usually embarrassed the next day...slightly less inhibited and it can lead to some ridiculousness.

(((Izzie))) Love you - prayers are with you as well and you know my thoughts are always with you.

Hugs you all.
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 05:05 pm
Hi Mismi,

So glad to hear your Dad is doing great.

PUI aways - I'm sure everyone here does that as well along the way Wink Enjoy... Un-wind, smile, play music, dance a little ......................

LAYLORD? Bahaha...

And, yes on a serious note, hugs to all that need it today... smiles to all that don't.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2013 05:53 pm
Good Evening Crew Very Happy

Glad to see our Bosun is in fine fettle and playing with the girlz. Thinking of you today darlin'... candles lit for you and yours and for Tulip and hers... and me and mine. Love you DannyBoy... please send my love to MrsBEAgle too and big hugs for this day of celebration of those who we miss in our lives. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Spirits are free and love is there, always.

Will be holding your hand on Tuesday Danny Boy... keeping in touch with Anna... and sending all the healing wishes possible for a quick and strong recovery... and you'll feel like a new man - heh heheh. Very Happy Wink

Boida - I realise that you are having a crahpshoot right now. I am thinking of you and hope so much you rested today. (((((Boida)))

Wishing our Down Unders a blessed Australia Day and fond memories of 1988 for me at Sydney Bridge.

Margo, do hope you are feeling so much better. ((Margo)) Tennis Sunday, do we have a date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?? Wink

Tulip - keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you a safe trip to S'hooompton tomorrow for F-boys CT scan - do drive carefully and call me when you get home please. I think the boyz may be planning for a get together tomorrow evening as Sean is over your way. xxx

FQsis - I love you. 20 days sis. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Taggers - I hope the cabin-boy is enjoying your silver-bracelets... now, don't be having too much fun! I hope you persuaded 'M Lord that you were correct and... PO McTagger, I would sure like to know what happened iffn' you wish to share. How is the Nipper doing - does he have an appointment yet??? Very happy Burns Night tonight... I do hope you enjoyed neeps and tatties and are having a wee dram. xxx

Vonny and IzY - hope your snow will not be too much now... last day of it, make the most of the beautiful crystals. We had as good as none so I went searching high on the moors (I was just checking out POMcTaggers new residence at Dartmoor Prison, ya know, to make sure I had organised the crew's rescue route!!!!!!

FoundSoul - hope your rib has fully recovered now and all is well there and houses are selling. I've seen the floods there now ... strangely, as we have massive melt and rise 10 degrees tomorrow, we are starting to flood in the UK... our river is rising rapidly and its sooooooooo loud.

MaMaVerby - always around in some form or another. Talk if you wish, if not... we're still here. Hope your little Hrehaan is doing well; what a handsome young lad. You must be so proud. xx

Bethie - hope you had a great time tonight and enjoy your ruby reds. x Love to PaPa, Set and pooches.

I miss my dog. I will post pics Osso... it still feels raw, I so miss his nose.

I miss feeding him scraps and treats.

I miss his sneaking into the kitchen eating the kitty food.

I miss Kitty Cat kissing his nose.

I hate hoovering up Hooble fur.

I miss Scoobs sneezing on our food and dancing when he pooped.

I get sad to see Murphy laying on his bed and not being able to cuddle up with him.

He has pink roses on his resting place which Charlie bought me at New Year and are still, incredibly, beautifully blooming.

Anyhoo. I know, silly... but there we are. Wonderful memories, but my 4 legged companion is free and running with Bear now.


Stormy - always good to see your name. Life is about to change in my school... <sigh> and... things are gonna be tough for a while. Do hope that life on the school front is easier for you these days. You do a great job. Keep on keeping on girl. x

Missy, thoughts and prayers to you Dixie, love you baby girl. Do hope PaPa is alright. Love love x Gosh, the photos were alike... amazing! Very Happy

LettyBettyLetty... hugs, just because... Stay strong... and thank you for your music. ((Letty)) x

I hope our crew on travels are safe and well and arrive in good time and...

Just to say, thankyou crew. So nice to see folk yabbering and having fun... that's what we do...

(((Blue))) ly baby xox xxxxxxxxxxxx

Yesterday I found my peace upon the moors with my camera and some healing strength and hands... I captured what I could tho of course it's a little abstract, but me and mine "get" the captures and understand how I'm feeling.

((((((((((((((((Crew))))))))))))))))))) near and far, hugs, love... x

nighty night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2013 10:05 am
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2013 11:04 am
Izzie querida, Your photographs brighten my days. As my mother used to say, bee-yoo-tee-ful.

I don't know how you keep track of everybody. You're a very good kid.
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2013 01:09 pm
You may have your crumpet on a bone china plate, Dutchy! Or would it be too hot for crumpets in the sunshine? Perhaps a cool cucumber sandwich might be better suited to the heat! 30 degrees sounds just fine - this dark skinned English maiden tans with the first caress of the sun's rays, so Maslin's sounds just fine.
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2013 01:16 pm
Beautiful photos Izzie! You've captured the essence of winter on the moors. Well done! Our snow vanished today - not sad to see my garden emerge again.

Not at all silly to be mourning Scoobs - I'm still grieving over my darling Harvey - and yes, thought all the hair had been vacuumed up, then find some here - some there - don't want to let him go. Our Megan is grieving now, it's taken her three weeks to accept that her big brother isn't coming back. Wish one could explain things to a little dog who can't quite understand why or where!
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