Whoaa!!! Wandel~!!! such a lovvely job to be in! Katrina is perhaps living a thousand peoples dreams - she isnt just seeing celebrities - shes probably the one who has made a few!!!
Letty - thanks a ton for the link - a. I dint know abt the "indian music" just heard it! beautiful indeed! b. never knew the existence of 'prince' either! hardly ever saw him in yabber-liner
Hiya - BEAgle! wheres mismi and Izza? seems like ages since i saw them!
Hi verbivore, I haven't got a clue, work must be keeping them occupied, like you I miss them. I need to let off a bit of steam but with them being absent it is very difficult. I see our Prime Ministere is visiting your Country and a lot of interesting places are shown on our TV. Take care.
Oh yea! I read that in today's paper~ Julia Gillard! shes sooo gorgeous..cant believe she is 51!!! Australia sure has gorgeous people over there! apparently there was an embarrassing fall she had - over here "Gillard flat out on Indian tour" apparently she has a history of losing shoes!
Yes our PM is prone to falling. Happened here too last year during a demonstration and scuffle. Being a red head she is a pretty fiery speaker when wound up giving her male Parliamentarians a run for their money. LOL She has one problem, she tells lies, hence she is not my preferred PM!
oh good golly... I do prefer a man in trunks even tho he's legless but 'armless
rather fetching, double ohhhhhhhh heaven... at £44K
<opens purse> >
<spends a penny>
<oh my sensibilities (d)elude me...>
Good Evening Crewdoooooooooolallllly!
Glad to see the ship's sailing along. Life is extraordinarily busy these days, and tiring <yawns>... Autumn is here and man, have we had the rain...
and rain
and rain
and rain
and rain
and then thisavo - beautiful blue skies and sunshine... I do believe we live in the most beautiful place in the woild, the moors are simply spectacular!
Nearly half term (where has the time gone) and time for a little R&R... I intend to spend some time hibernating under the duvet.
OK, I must go eat something
I go chew babe
llalalall put your little hand in mine llalaallaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallallala
Good evening Izzie so pleased to see you, hope all is well on the Moors. Sorry Captain and Found Soul your picks of the male species don't turn me on one bit. LOL My choice is the lady with the golden voice and striking looks below.
Bosun <preens feathers, strokes beak> BEAK I SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's nice to be back in the bosom of the ship... or something like that
now as for our Dolly... well, she's got a mighty fine set of...
lungs on her
(heh heh FS... the Bosun will need a big pair of sunny g's to go bird watching on Dolly's Beach) - he does make I chuckle. Enjoy your coffees together, it's great when the crew spends time together
Love a Bit Of Dolly <pulls on cowboy books>
ooooooooooooooooooooh, I should be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing... my bad! I gotta be up in a few.
Rock, good to see things are going good for you - keep on keeping on! Scritches for kitties.
Missssssssy - missing you... gotta catch up soon but know you are massive busy right now. Still keeping posivibes for the Prof. Love the pumpkins!!!!!!!
S'no good, gotta zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... just had to go look at the stars one more time. Super dazzling... now time for bed.
G'nite the Crew, one and all - thoughts of those near and far. Happy sailing
So good to see you too ((((((((((((((Boida))))))))))))) xxxxxxxxx Mucho love bubele, vos makhtsu?
Good Morning Dahhhhlings
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr today... and I was far too late to bed (I have been sooooooooo good with my curfew ) so I shall no doubt have a zzzz a little later
Wishing the woild a peaceful day and thoughts to those near and far x
ahhhhhhh, a little of Mr Frampton to get the day synched <ok, I've been up nearly 3 hours already, time for tea and moozic and a chocolate chip cookie or 4 >
0 Replies
Fri 19 Oct, 2012 05:01 am
Good morning Izzie, thank you for your encouraging words about Dolly, stroking my beak. I do love her voice and I thank you for the song you included in your post, you really understand the Bosun don't you? Mismi and Found Soul seem to think otherwise
All well down under Captain, have I from PtL here at the moment and will meet visitors from my hometown on Sunday, fabulous Aussie BBQ awaiting them, weather should be nice.
How is your soul sister coping, have you seen her lately? Must be an anxious time for her with hubby in a war zone, say hi when you see or speak to her.
If only we all lived in one State, Izzie I know Mr D is ready for the next coffee "date" even though I am not Dolly, If only I can catch up on work, I will, I will. But for sure Mr D, I do not think otherwise, you are a boob man and that's perfectly fine by me, just means I better watch what I wear when we coffee it
I don't know too many hetero men that aren't boob men.
I would think something was wrong with you if you didn't think anything about those bombasities of Dolly's. Of course her voice is great too.
Funny story on my Prof. We were at our boys baseball practice one time. We are a bunch of moms in shorts and t-shirts. Not trying to impress anyone - just hanging out together while the boys practice baseball. All but one of us anyway. One mom has a particularly large set of "hands". And she likes to show those babies off. So it is cleavage galore. The prof said she said hello to him and started talking to him and he was having a hard time looking her in the eye while he was talking to her....he said he kept feeling his eyes slip to the cleavage even though he was making a huge effort not to look (HA!). It totally cracked me up that he was struggling NOT to look at her boobs. I looked at 'em. It truly was hard not to. The only way I would have been able to get them out of my vision was to hold my hands out to block them. I figured that would have been rude though.
Anyway -
I have the house all to myself. I am SO loving it.
mismi, I hear you.. We as women are proud when we see a beautiful woman with ample anything actually, even Beyonce has a gorgeous figure...
Got to go back to Keith Urban for that country singing , wipes brow.
Dutchy, dedicating some more Dolly for you, I know which one you will pick, I KNOW which one you will pick.... hidden meaning now, to reveal I am correct $.
Lols.. Yes, men can not help themselves they truly can't but it's funny, women do it to... I guess they really are a girls best asset, although honeslty, didn't Dolly downsize, as her back was killing her? I am sure she did.
Enjoy your movie, I am home alone too, wine for me... Not a beer kinda girl, though in real hot weather with lemon it it, tastes quite good.
Well Found Soul thank you, you made my Saturday night. Offcourse you knew which one I'll pick, your $100.00 cheque is in the post.
I appreciate your input too mismi, glad I'm not alone in the ogle department and the Prof. feels the same as I do when confronted with a 'pair' of eye openers.
Coffee time and making Mrs.B and myself a delicious perculated coffee with a bee sting as a special treat.
Waves from down under.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Oct, 2012 07:54 am
Happy fall...... Pumpkin Fest today. I have a feeling it's going to be a good one