Silver fireballs will streak over the Northern Hemisphere on Saturday and Sunday. The much-anticipated Orionid meteor shower is scheduled to peak over the weekend, greeting October skies and stargazers with a brilliant show.
The Orionid meteor shower will peak about 12:00 a.m. PST Sunday, although there may be meteor sightings before and after, says Karen Randall, director of special projects at SETI Institute. The “shooting stars” will be even more visually prominent because the new moon will be setting about midnight Saturday, allowing for a view unaffected by bright moonlight, according to NASA.
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Mon 22 Oct, 2012 05:09 pm
Happy Pumpkin Festival! its Dandiya day at office! Im in a fix tho! (( Girlie gracie - isnt she here anymore!? at times i can so relate to u girlie...the feelings abt ur school - thts wat i can feel abt my team!!! aahhh someone break me free!!! its sheer pretense/injustice and CRAP happening in there!~
Hey Dutchy - Just jumped on board - I am fine - It has been a tough couple of weeks with hubby being away in 'sunny climes', but I am taking my girls to Ibiza in the morning for a week of parties and sunshine so am so so excited.
Hope you are doing well and keeping fighting fit - I miss my soul sis so much - she picked me up when K left - I was a real hysterical mess - Calmed down no and getting into a routine with work and home - even bought myself a little 2 seater Mercedes SLK convertible for Iz and I to have fun in while he is away!!!
Love to Izzie, Mis, VBV and of course you Dutchy x x x
Hi FQ, nice to hear from you, I can imagine how you feel with K. being where he is in A. I'm praying he'll return safely to you and the girls. Great idea to take a break in lovely Ibizy and get yourself spoilt. Dear Izzie came to see you when K. left, that's typical of her, always a shoulder to lean on, she is such a special lady, isn't she. Saw a photo of that 'sexy' Mercedes convertible of yours on FB, you two will have a ball, watch that speedometer though. LOL. This old codger is reasonably well, just have to take things easy and I get by. Wish I could come for a drive with you and Izzie and live it up, alas I'm forever bound downunder. LOL Hugs to you and the girls.
0 Replies
Sun 28 Oct, 2012 08:48 am
G'day FQ
Glad to see you're alive and kicking - having a bit of fun while K is away.
pics from our recent trip coming up soon - Wayanad - kerala - was definitely in the lap of nature! H-boys bday today - have ordered a cake ..with the pic of Mcqueen n it - his favourite!!! i hope - mcqueen doesnt turn out to b something else - by the time they paint!!!
Congratulation verbivore have a great day with H, he will like that cake. How is the Pearl of the East herself? Enjoying life in general? Waves from downunder.
why s th bay soo sleepy these days? or is it hols there? someone shud help me with image uploading all over again! I have deactivated my FB page! and uploading here needs fresh coaching again!
MaMaVerby - Happy Birthday to Hrehaan... it hardly seems possible that another birthday to celebrate arrived. I'm so sorry not to have been able to be here for a while to send my thoughts and wishes, but have been offline for a bit. Let me know if you still need help to upload photos... would love to see your little man (((((((((((MaMaVerby)))))))))))x
Margo - hope you had a FAB time abroad and are now settling back down to life Down Under. Tell me all when you can, Sheila!
S-fella has been tripping the light fantastic with Tulip, F-fella and Billy Elliot in the West End; they've had a GREAT time. Tulip - thanku...simply, THANKU - you know that. He's coming home shortly and it'll be great to see them all.
Danny Boy - howdydoody Spring Chook! Hoping all is good with you and A Down Under. FQsis is on holiday right now and she'll be right, no worries at all. I didn't make it up to Essex when my Bro left - but we have big talks on the phone We'll be getting together hopefully this month and spinning some wheels methinks KBro is tickety, I know that for sure - he'll come home to my sis and kids and meantime, we'll live life to the fullest, love my bro. ((((((Bosun))))))x
FQsis - ripple it out baby-girl - hoping you're having theeeeee BEST time in Ibiza - happy days to you and the girls, speaky soon. xxx
1 year, 5 years... amazing - time flies and stands still
No matter where, no matter what, faith, so says Paloma lallalllaaaaaaaaaaaa
Safe travels. Thoughts for those, near and afar. Love. xox
Hi Izzie girl nice to see you and read all the news. All well but quiet downunder, having some lovely Spring weather and heading slowly towards Christmas. My boy and family will be here for a week so that is something to look forward to. Happy to know your 'sister' is doing well, hope your meeting with her this month does eventuate. Have a great weekend.
Hello Dear Dutchy...glad you have the Spring weather. Enjoy your son and grandbabies!
We are chilly willy. For me anyway. I have been working with my special ed kids and loving it. They just are so huggy and kissy and I do love those hugs and kisses! I will probably have a nice cold to show for it before long!
Verbs - where does the time go? That adorable little H just grows so fast!
Hi there Izzie (((Izzie))) Thoughts are always with you. Love you much.
Hello miss sunshine, lovely to see you. Indeed looking forward to the 'grandbabies' coming at Christmas, but at 14, 12 and 7 are they still babies? LOL
Pleased to know you're enjoying your work with the special kids, they need people like you to give them tender loving care, I admire you for it. (((mismi)))
Today is Melbourne Cup day, the race that's stop the Nation! Unbelievable but true, everybody takes the day off to watch this race. In the State of Victoria where the race is being run it is a Public Holiday! Crazy.
Babies will always be our babies even when they are all grown up. ((Dutchy)) Sounds like a fun day! I always love a holiday!
The professor has contract work right now. It is such a relief. Nice not to wonder how we are going to pay the bills. Makes my heart a bit lighter. Today was his first day. I was wondering if it was EVER going to happen!
I am smiling. We have been so very fortunate that we have done as well as we have. But - with Christmas coming up it definitely makes life a bit more cozy. Thank you so much JPB.
Earlier in the day, at the Music Centre, I noticed that my bow was broken. Shock horror, that was my birthday present to myself in July. Luckily I had a replacement, not a very good one, for the afternoon rehearsal and the evening concert.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Nov, 2012 03:34 pm
mismi wrote:
The professor has contract work right now. It is such a relief. Nice not to wonder how we are going to pay the bills. Makes my heart a bit lighter. Today was his first day. I was wondering if it was EVER going to happen!
This is the best news I've read all day... so pleased for you Missy - no, no, more than pleased, absolutely delighted for your family.
Hugs to all the (((((((((((((crew)))))))))) Thinking of those both near and oh so far. xox x
Long days, short nights. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi there Izzie, welcome aboard, ship in becalmed waters and need some action! The Bosun has been looking for the Captain during her AWOL. Been working on a new Avatar?
Saw Prince Charles and Camilla yesterday, they paid a 6 hour visit to my City, and of course we had a beautiful sunny day of 26 degrees. They walked amongst the people shaking many hands and talking to them, a gesture much appreciated by everybody.
Waves to all especially Miss sunshine, so pleased for you that the Prof. is back at work, must be a relief for you with Christmas not far away.
(((Izzie))) & (((mismi)))