Just name the time and day and I will oblige with your chocolate Shari. Will keep my fingers crossed for you and wish you well with the job interview.
FS I remember that meeting well, you overwhelmed me with your beauty from which I'm still trying to recover.
Dear mismi how are things in Alabama, all well with the kids and the Prof?
Where is the Captain, I need some instructions on where to take the ship and meet wandeljw for the beauty contest.
Nite Crew, waves from downunder.
And THAT is how it's done. 3rd interview went well and an hour later I received a call from the HR department offering me the position at a salary higher than what I had requested! I start Monday!
Well done Shari I'm very pleased for you, you obviously still got it! Hope you have time left to visit A2K.
Hiya BEAgle - so u are hogging on chocolates and setting up a bikini party for the gals? huh?\
Izza - thnx so much - am spell bound by ur memory! I am a lill too hard on myself at the moment i guess...yea - i need to change...have to..got to..!!!!
mismi! i finally got 2 rackets - with the hopes of engaging in games with H-boy! fingers crossed I use them
Hi verbivore, I know you love chocolates and I've kept a special box for you should we meet. You may also attend our Bikini party if you wish but I respect your culture and don't expect you to don your sari.
Relax and take care, H-boy doing alright? Love your photos of him on FB.
Awww am on a migrating spree

so BEAgle - u can never tell -- it might b downunder il be landing on - for those chocolates

and you DONT expect me to don my saree?
yea - gotto relax~!
If you make a paste with grated cheese and a little milk, some finely-chopped onion and some pepper, and toast it on bread under the grill, have you ever done that?
My brother showed me how to make it.
I had it today for lunch. It's nice.
Howdy y’all, I just wanted to put y’all minds at rest that I was not the large mound of blubber that was found floating in Boston harbor.
And before Dutchy besmirches the tender reputation of a sweet Southern Belle; Missy was at church Sunday and not skinny dippin’.
In fact Tony LaCasse, a spokesman for the New England Aquarium, which sent officials to examine the object which was thought to weigh between 70,000 and 90,000 pounds, is not quoted as saying, ‘Just because Try spelled FARM: E.I.E.I.O. don’t mean he is smarter than a dumb hillbilly.’
So there you have it; iffin’ you see me downtown with a pretty girl on my arm… you can be sure I have a new tattoo!
As y’all may know I have some issues going on at the moment, what with global warmin’. Even my lawyer asked me if I knowed the difference between divorce and a Tornado. I said I had no eye deer; He said, never mind, either way you’re gonna lose your trailer!
Thank you Verby for reminding me to dust off my old copy of Hobson-Jobson, and I thank you for the following 50 words from India:
A - atoll, avatar
B - bandana, bangle, bazaar, Blighty, bungalow
C - cashmere, catamaran, char, cheroot, cheetah, chintz, chit, chokey, chutney, cot, cummerbund, curry
D - dinghy, doolally, dungarees
G - guru, gymkhana
H - hullabaloo
J - jodhpur, jungle, juggernaut, jute
K - khaki, kedgeree
L - loot
N - nirvana
P - pariah, pashmina, polo, pukka, pundit, purdah, pyjamas
S - sari, shampoo, shawl, swastika
T - teak, thug, toddy, typhoon
V - veranda
Y – yoga
Talking of Yoga: greetings Shari; whoever you are, you have been assuredly missed. I wish you well in your new job and I hope you stay longer than the last three. You have come a long way since U-Hall and with your nonce, success is assured. Welcome back and I hope your new fitness regime works for you.
As for my own employment prospects; well I still haven’t been offered a moderators job with A>K despite Running Naked With Scissors!
So it’s back to the park bench for me and running the unofficial J.W.Wandel fan club.
I know that if I could get the first member it would snowball – please show your support below…
Please sign me up:
Rusty Knutz
Jack Goff
Phil Graves
That’s enough; he wanted a fan club not an army. ..
Pulls up a portmanteau of (breakfast + lunch) and sits down to brunch.
Life is not measured by the # of breathes we take, but by the moments that take our breath away… Each Journey is a work of Art.
Ps. McTag, down in Looneyville, New York we calls that welsh rarebit; I does believe they calls it something else in Looneyville, Minnesota, although I don’t rightly recall what it woz.
Hello Tryagain (whoever you are)-I guess my response to your overly cryptic "welcome back", depends on your definition of the word "nonce". Regardless, yes-glad to be back and excited about the new job. Being a stay-at-home mommy worked for a bit but I am a business woman to the core, as my grandmother would say. Have fun on your park bench.
Quote:And before Dutchy besmirches the tender reputation of a sweet Southern Belle; Missy was at church Sunday and not skinny dippin’.
As if you care about besmirching my tender reputation.
You know - I have never been a fanatic. Ever.
Skinny dipping on Sunday could happen. I would just feel guilty afterwards...no - I am not catholic.
I am so imperfect it is not funny.
Hugs you all
Quote:Skinny dipping on Sunday could happen. I would just feel guilty afterwards...no - I am not catholic
Skinny dipping on Sunday SHOULD happen. All the time. No guilt. Ever!
You're welcome shari and mismi, there is a scenic nudist beach not far from here, Found Soul can verify. I have visited the place many times in the line of duty, a real eye opener.
Quote:in the line of duty
Somehow, I find that hard to believe.
I will have to pass on your shark infested waters, Dutchy! Wouldn't that be a sight, naked with shoes on! LOL!
beware of the BEAgle Shari - hes here to woo the gals! and Oh Try isnt far either! he continues to TRY!!!
mismi - u ARE perfect for what you are carved for...the rest aint imperfections..just some break from your perfectionist state lest it tires u
verbivore just because I promised you chocolates and call you the Pearl from the East don't assume the Beagle is wooing you, he is just giving you gals some self esteem, cross my heart.
Quote:mismi! i finally got 2 rackets - with the hopes of engaging in games with H-boy! fingers crossed I use them
I am sure he will be a natural! He is a beautiful child Verby! I could just kiss his little face all over!
Quote:mismi - u ARE perfect for what you are carved for...the rest aint imperfections..just some break from your perfectionist state lest it tires u
Awww Verbs! I like that!

Yeah....that's it! A break from my perfectionist state so I won't get tired! funny!
You are so sweet .

I miss you Verbs. So glad to see you more now
As to Dutchy and Try..... I am pretty sure Shari knows what she is dealing with! Gentleman lechers.
Quote:I am pretty sure Shari knows what she is dealing with!
That I do, mismi, that I do!