Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 10:42 am
What happened to S-boy is a serious issue. I do not know what advice to give. I hope that Izzie and family find a comforting resolution.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:32 am
Dutchy wrote:

Old friends meet! Found Soul and Dutchy finally got together for a cup of cappuccino and a slice of mud cake in FS shop this morning . Gave me the opportunity to personnally thank FS for surprising me with all the crew members best wishes during my stay in Hospital.
We immortalised our meeting with a photograph of the two of us.
The old codger on the left is Dutchy and the beauty on the right is Found Soul.

It is always wonderful seeing members of the Yabber crew get together!
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:42 am
ah, the opal and the glittering white diamond.

Here's the flip side of the coin, Goethe, concerning Izzie and Sboy.

From edgar's I think thread.

There is a local high school student in the news these days. She works a full time job and a part time job. She supports a sibling. She stays awake until 7 AM to get her homework done - and is an honor student. But she fails to wake up on time and is often late for school. For her tardiness she was jailed.

I think we all need to remember Moby Dick. Revenge is horrible!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:45 am
there there...

First up - Sean is doing OK - been asleep for a couple hours but enjoyed having Tulip's boy over to stay, even tho he kept falling asleep. He's not in as much pain, so that's a good sign.

ps <insert ‘The Fruit of her Loins’ for each S.E.A.N.word>

I am protecting my child.

I am doing things the only way I know how and what I believe is right for HIM.

The way I know how is from working in education for over 10 years and being a child protection officer at my school and being a parent.

I know the system. I know how it works. I know the protocol.

I am trying to keep perspective.

All I know for sure is Sean has been hurt and he needs to heal.

I have put my son’s account of what happened, along with evidence from the hospital and their professional opinion of the extent of the break, along with copies of the discharge and reports in writing to the school.

I have fought many legal battles for the rights of my other child, at that time more emotionally, with schools, the system and to the highest level possible in the Houses of Parliament – so rest assured, I know what I need to do, and will do, to protect my son. I have help from those I trust and I’ll do this right way and with guidance. I don’t know the legalities of “assault” but I do now have information.

I am more angry than anyone can possibly imagine that this happened.

I have seen red.

I also have a detached view – so call me dead - which allows me to see and listen and a calm supportive voice which enables me to hear, to do what’s best for Sean.

Yes, I do actually feel sad for the 18 yr old who has done this, as I would for any child we educate that commits an act that can have an effect on the rest of his life.

A stupid, stupid thing to do with serious consequences.

Perhaps my personal experiences with my eldest son colour my emotions but it does not colour what I will do to protect my younger son, just, as I imagine, what the boy’s parents will do to protect him.

That does not in any way mean I condone what this boy has done or that I’ll let it go or that my child’s injuries are lessened – our job in education is to “educate” – this person is NOT a known bully, he is not one of the children who has ever given Sean grief, or given grief to anyone else as far as I know, he is a mate of his and someone who right now, Sean feels betrayed by and angry at.

Sean, being Sean, is going through phases of worrying about what has happened to the boy and then not caring what happens to the boy, because in his mind, this was a deliberate act.

Don’t think for one minute that I am defending this boy. I’m not.

What I don’t want is for Sean to “flashback” and suddenly remember the scenario in a different way. I am thinking of SEAN, and only SEAN.

I have done what is “required” regarding getting my ducks in row.
I have not taken my son back to the school at this time as has been requested by the school but I will do, as for Sean, this is his school. The fact that he feels very strongly that this was deliberate, even tho he does not wish to be the one who makes the decision of what to do (he entrusted that to the school), I know that this needs to be resolved – for HIS benefit. He’s not scared of the boy, not in any way at all – he’s p1ssed at him. His version has not altered once.

I have asked for the official accident report and investigation so that I have ALL the evidence in front of me to present to whomever I feel necessary, should Sean need this.

The school contacted my son yesterday night without my knowledge, whilst I was on the telephone. Sean has a very unique relationship with the head of pastoral care, they are very close; she has been his counsellor over the years when Sean was coming to terms with the events that have happened in his life, regarding his brother. They have a very close bond and Sean had tried to call her on Thursday night when he was inconsoleable. However, I don’t believe they should not have spoken to him without me being present.

Sean was given the boy’s version of events.

a) They were mucking about
b) There was a ball involved
c) A collision took place
d) Both boys were hurt
e) Sean was laying on floor holding shoulder, other arm out
f) The boy admits he went to “pretend” kick/thud Sean in the stomach
g) Sean went to protect his stomach and ribs
h) Boys says he fell over Sean’s other arm with his foot stomping down on Sean’s wrist.
i) Boy says he walked off to get help.

Sean’s response was
“I don’t mean to be rude Mrs.X, but that’s just the most pants excuse I ever heard”

In his mind it was a deliberate act.

This happens all in 30 seconds, less probably; Sean has no recollection of his arm moving over his stomach and ribs (this would have been instinctive) leaving Sean with broken bones and in some way “the cause” of what happened. Which of course, we feel is bollocks as Sean is NOT to blame in any way at all and should not be made to feel that way.

Sean asked MrsX why the boy had not been suspended immediately.
The school told him that they had to get all the witness accounts first and conduct an investigation, that they have a dilemma and they need him to make a decison. They told him that they have different accounts from all of the children – some say Sean’s version, some say it looked like it was an accident.

The phone call yesterday to Sean, I believe, was wrong and places Sean with undue pressure. They have asked him to make a decision about what “he” wants to happen and they will act.

I received an email from them after this call happened to ask what time I will be there on Tuesday to meet with the Headmaster and MrsX. I’ve established that Sean said last night that “we will be coming to the school after the Fracture Clinic on Tuesday.”
Of course, that statement is correct.

Sean thought it meant we would go straight to the school from Exeter on Tuesday.

What it meant in reality is: Sean is back to the hospital on Tuesday so… we will go to the school after he has been to the fracture clinic, at a suitable time for all concerned. Which means later in the week when his Dad has returned to Devon.

How easy is it for misinterpretation to occur – not only with kids, but adults.

I have got the behaviour policy.

I have got other information also, via other means.

I have lots of information and thoughts – and can do little with them at this point in time, except for what I’ve done already.

I have acted on the information I have got by writing to the school.

This is not a state school v private school issue. I work in state education and my son receives private education (anyone who knows me knows the personal and medical reasons I had him go there)… it doesn’t make a jot of difference where this happened in that respect – I still cannot act without ALL the information in front of me. This is to protect Sean too. What he says makes all the difference to what now happens to the other lad and what happens when Sean returns to school.

Rushing in and believing that breaking another boy’s bones is somehow going to make Sean feel better, is wrong. It wouldn’t make him feel better.

Believe me, I adhere to “we look after our own” more than most could ever think possible. People who know and love me know that already. So whilst I may appear pink and fluffy, I know that is the strongest way and right way to be at this point and I will get the job done in my son’s best interest. Thankfully, I have the strength to do that. Sean also knows that I, and those who love him, will fight tooth and nail for him.

Everything I’ve done so far, was done DAYS ago. I have spoken to the police. I know what the police can and would do. I have a timeline of what Sean is thinking and feeling. I put it in writing and keep it documented in my head as well as written down.

As I’ve repeatedly said, this was not a bullying situation. In our opinion on what we know from Sean, an assault happened to my child.

Yes, the boy is bang to rights in the damage done. Sean has broken bones.

It’s his word against the other boy. The witnesses accounts are the words that will count – when dealing with children, that makes it all the more difficult. We need those words and the boys words, in writing, from the school. If am to throw school policy back at the school and the lack of implementation I need to know the date, time and details of when they took this report to be able to say they have not acted or should have acted. As I don’t have that report – I can’t say what the school has done, whether they have acted, what they know from their end.

Of course, they will be wishing to protect themselves and the school and have undoubtedly lawyered up already.

I am not at school. I do not know what the other kids said other than being told over the phone and from what Sean told me about the phone call. A phone call means sh!t – I need it in writing. I need the detail of what the Housemaster WROTE down in the official report. He was there. He heard what Sean said. He was there with me at the hospital and heard Sean repeat it. He will have been part of the statement process. I have told the school that I require an official written accident report of the events.

For all I know, IN OFFICIAL WRITING, every child there may have turned around and said it was an accident. It doesn’t matter what I’ve been told on the phone or what they’ve now told Sean… what matters is what that school investigation report states. THEN and only THEN can I do something about this.

I have no reason at all to doubt Sean’s word, and I don’t… his words make all the difference to how we, as parents, proceed. Everything everyone else says does matter in how the school proceed, whether we like it or not.

In a legal sense of was damage done, it’s clear cut as the x-rays show. Broken bones with or without intent.

I am trying to protect my son in all scenarios. There are always 2 sides to the story, there is only one truth and the perceptions can be wholly different – only one person really knows whether he meant to hurt Sean – two incidents occurred, the collision causing both boys to fall – that was the accident. What happened then gave an outcome of broken bones to my child who was laying on the floor. He believes the boy meant to hurt him.

The boy has obviously denied this.

There are only two parties who can establish what exactly happened and thus decide on the next step: The school and the police.

The phonecall witness reports are conflicting. There ARE witnesses that say from what they saw it looked like an accident.

I have spoken to the police at length again today. I am informed that a UK school is a Unitary Authority; this means that if they are in the process of conducting an investigation, that the police could not take action until the findings of the investigation are completed. Sean is at no risk from the boy and is obviously not at school. This, in reasonable terms, the school should be given 7 working days to complete their investigation.

If we are not then happy with the “end result” and wish to proceed with calling in the police, they would then make enquiries, take statements blah. This would then be given to the CPS. The CPS then determine whether there are sufficient grounds to charge the boy. They will only do this IF the corroborating witnesses are clearly stating there was intent to stomp.

Obviously, there is no question the outcome was shocking.

As the boy has said this was an accident, and there are witnesses that back up his account of going towards my son and possibly “pretending” to kick him in the stomach, then tripping over Sean’s arm resulting on a crush force injury to his wrist… then, in his opinion and experience, the CPS would NOT press charges. He said he would bet a month’s wages on it. If some kids say it was an accident, chances are the CPS would not charge him.

The officer I spoke to say that “yes” how bloody unfair is that when your son believes differently. How bloody unfair is that he gets the broken bones, he gets to miss exams, he gets the pain.

Life isn’t bloody fair.

But we all knew that anyway Wink

He also informed me that should the CPS decide there was enough evidence to press charges, that Sean etc would have to go to court etcetc and from their experience, they know how difficult that is for children and this will take months.

As I have not seen the witness report so far or had the reports from the school, I do have to sit back and wait.

The police do say that a meeting with the school is in everybody’s best interest, that for us to be working against the school will not beneficial. Obviously, if we disagree with any school action/lack of action after reviewing all the reports, then that is a bridge we will have to cross.

So, I will remain pink and fluffy and look after my own, pure and simple – can’t do it any other way.

a) I will send another short factual statement of Sean’s account to school.
b) We will await their reply of findings.
c) We will then ask what they then propose to do.
d) We will either agree, or not.
e) We will then consider any further action required.
f) There will be no school meeting (unless it is private between us and headmaster) until we have seen their findings.
g) We will then decide, dependent on the conclusion of the investigation, if and when Sean returns to school with assurance that he will not suffer any responsibility for decisions that may affect the other boy (that's not his concern)
h) We will get our son back into his education and to complete his first year of GCSE’s as soon as we can.
i) aye aye - there is no "I" in SEAN, this is solely about what's best for SEAN.

Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:50 am
McTag wrote:

One thing occurred to me: has any of the medics involved thought to see whether brittle bones is a partial cause?

Yeppers McT

The doctors are aware of medication Sean received last year to help him grow - it's something I had thought of too when seeing how bad the break was. They did not indicate they thought it was anything other than consistent with a "crush injury" and that, as luck would have it Confused , the break should not affect the growing plates. He has had mri's for the knee and feet problems last year sometime and no-one has ever indicated that there was any problem with bone density etc. He has also seen a rheumatologist and orthopaedic surgeon and neither have said there was a problem.

But yes, it is something I have thought about.

Thank you - great minds and all... Wink

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 11:57 am
Stormwatch wrote:

Stuff like this just brings out the mama bear in me and I want to go over there and give him what for...

Yep, I'm glad I didn't see it happen...

I fully intend words to impact him as and when we have the meeting. I am much more controlled than I ever used to be, but had I been there... well, I'm glad I wasn't though I hate that it took me an hour and half to get to my kid. By which time, he was on the happy gas and was talking to Walt, the very, very elderly gentleman in the cubicle opposite, who was down on holiday, was being sick and who had choked on his steak and kidney pudding. Bless 'em. Walt's very elderly wife (MrsWalt) had been keeping an eye out for my arrival at the hospital and keeping Sean company 'til I got there.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 12:03 pm
Love you!

tryagain wrote:
One thing is for sure, with so much conflicting advice and suggestions it cannot all be acted upon; but I have no doubt that with Gods guidance Izzie and The Fruit of her Loins will arrive at a mutuality agreeable way forward that allows them time to heal, a safe return to a learning environment and the knowledge that justice has been seen to have been done.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 01:42 pm

Okay if the other boy is lying about it now, throw the book, and bollocks to his record and prospects for the armed forces.

Some remorse.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 04:31 pm
Waiting on your reply Try.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 05:40 pm
Pink and fluffy, my ass.

You continue to impress me. How you can remain rational through all this is amazing.

I'm with you from across the pond.
Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 06:09 pm
Roberta wrote:
...How you can remain rational through all this is amazing.

Oh, I understand completely. It's the only way to win this.

Hang in there, Izzie. Our love to the boy.
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 06:49 am
Yep. (agreeing with Eva)

Hugs to you both Iz

Have a great day y'all.
((Yabber Crew))
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 04:05 pm
Thanku folkses... especially for all the advice offered.

First up: Sean's done well today and been in less pain but is suffering a bit at the moment - it's late and his body is tired now.

He's been struggling very badly, very down, not eating and not leaving his room, feeling as tho he has been the one sent away from school.

However, negativity and constant anguish brings everyone down - no win win.

Sean came downstairs and said he wanted to go back to school. He had thought about this for a few hours quietly.

His Dad, without knowing this, had spoken to the Head and the school will make their decision tonight based on the evidence and all the emails I've sent, xrays and reports. They have sought independent medical advcie. The also have all the witness reports and he will now have to make a decision.

If we don't agree with it, we have the right for recourse.

Long and short, my concern is for Sean's wellbeing right now and he's not in a healthy place. In his best interests, he needs to feel normal, return back to school, be with his peers, stop missing his education leading up to the next exams in 3 weeks (he's missed 3 of them already). Sitting at home "mulling over the event and the overthinking of what to do to make it all go away now"... it's not helping HIM, it's not right and not fair, he simply needs (health permitting) to get on with life... and at just 15, that's at school.

As I said: we will support his wishes and will take his lead. Any decision that needs to be made - will be made by us as his parents and he is a minor. Hopefully, we won't have this to go further.

He's going to Tulips tomorrow (thankeeee Tulip) and then replaster Wed morning and then to school for tea time and prep. He's been giggling about how someone will have to cut his food up etc. (we thought that may be a job for the bone-crusher boy!) Wink

We've actualled laughed a lot for an hour and he got out a lot of silliness that had been suppressed by all this feeling crahp.

He shows a level of maturity that is amazing.

Long and short.... yep, he's a broken wrist, but he has an arm that works, 2 legs, brain intact... " gotta pull up yer britches and get on with it". It's not doing him any favours being at home and we believe will make it all the more harder if it's left for another 2 weeks after half term.

I'm so proud of him. He's hardly whined at all about the pain and to make the decision he has tells me he's strong enough to do this.

IF there is ANY hassle from anyone towards him... I will come to the school and sort it out. They assure us that they will be keeping a very close eye on him.

Normal, we all need normal, negativity sitting around is just throughly depressing, it eats you up. We can't change what happened - and for Sean, sitting here constantly thinking of what could happen... well, he was thinking WAY too much, so the only ones that can make this right and in his best interests, are Sean and with our support.

He's not in danger and I do believe he will cope really well. He's sensitive, but can be tough and he does not wish to be a victim and letting the education he's received is going to waste because no-one can win in that situation.

If there are ANY problems, he will be brought back home... but his friends miss him and he misses them.... normalcy.

Lots been going on with the school. Should get a decision tomorrow about how they are going to proceed. Sean wants to go back to school which shows huge maturity on his part - he needs to be with his peers and all this negative feeling needs to be turned around - which is what we've done today. He now needs to get on with life and not live like a victim... so, it's "pull up yer britches, time to get on with it". So proud of him. Obviously, we don't know what the witnesses have said but I've fired off enough emails now and they fully understand our position Wink

I think what I'm hoping for is that they will suspend the boy... he's not a bad lad, but he made a massive mistake and a very bad choice resulting in breaking a much smaller child's bones. There needs to be a penalty for that.

I really do believe, from what I know, he's not a bad lad or a bully... basically, he's really f&cked up at Sean's expense.

End of the day tho, no matter what the outcome, Sean has to move forward and we can't do that with him sitting at home feeling absolutely dreadful.

He's back at the hospital on Wendesday and Tulip is going to look after him tomorrow. Then, provided he's not in pain and doesn't need another op or anything when they replaster and xray... then Sean has said he wants to go back on Wednesday night. Two days back at school to just get back in the gist of things... and then it will be half term. A week later... clean slate and get on with life.

If his Sean, his Dad and I decide we're not happy with the result, we will consider all our options and make a decision during half term (we break up on Friday)

We have other options we can pursue if the schools decision is to do nothing.

Fingers crossed, the school will do the right thing.



But, we've altered our mindset, kicked the negativity out and ... onwards and upwards.

Calm. Controlled.

Gotta go to zzzzzzzzzzzz... work tomorrow.

(Thanks Tulip for looking after him tomorrow, he has a Geography AQA to bring with him if you can give him a hand but don't have any books, I need to collect the rest from Penny and John in the afternoon)

Thanks all... x

Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 04:07 pm
Thanku for all the kind comments too...

Misssssssssssssy - how are things with you and the Professor on the job front. Nibbles?????????? Did the old ex job work out for the Prof?
Thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thinking of y'all near and far... x
Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 04:11 pm
I'm with everyone else. Smile

I admire the way in which you are sitting back, thinking and working it out instead of "acting" straight out.

I'm hoping that the school aren't stupid and Stand Up For What's Right (capitals deliberate)...

Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 05:07 am
Your attitude is correct and refreshing Izzie, your heading in the right direction. I hope a suitable solution for all parties will be found without the Police or Court being involved. I admire your coolness and tenacity in this matter. Best wishes to S-boy from the Bosun and Mrs.B. ((((zzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 07:35 am
Misssssssssssssy - how are things with you and the Professor on the job front. Nibbles?????????? Did the old ex job work out for the Prof?
Thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello Sweet Friend. We were poolside yesterday doing barbecue and covering our ears at the yells and screams of 8 little boys. Raucus. Smile But fun. Sweet friends had us over...all for the price of a chocolate cream pie and some baked beans. Smile

We will find something out from his old job on Wednesday - or by Wednesday...I hope it is good news. That would be such a neat package...but in my experience, nothing is ever that neat. Wink He had another interview on Friday at another hospital. This one seems positive. He was on the board of governors for a professional council he was VP of a few years ago, so - he knew him and it seemed like it will move forward.

I won't hear anything about the Special Ed position until closer to the actual time the job needs filling - probably late July or early August. I am good though. Amazingly enough we have kept our heads above water and seem to be in good spirits. The boys haven't a clue really. Which I have been incredibly thankful for. They know their dad lost his job. They know we are being very, VERY frugal right now - but they seem secure and unworried. That is a good thing.

I am glad S is not in as much pain and is looking forward to school. I am praying all those ends get tied up and you are in a good place with it all very soon. I like the idea of bone crusher cutting up his food. Smile <makes me shiver just to say that though>

Hugs you back, love. Thank you.
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 08:35 am
Hello sweet fiends, I was hoping someone could help out here and lend a helping hand.

It’s the waiting for the decision u c, will it be yeppers or nopers?
This is as bad as the time we were left waiting over whether Chai2 was gonna get her eyebrows tattooed on! Or when we were left hanging when Mismi would not come outta the water after going skinny dippin’.

I therefore beseech those of you who are native English speakers and by that I mean Democrat’s below the Mason Dixon Line (and I know them both) to assist in answering the following questions posed by an 11 year old Chinese boy:

Why four, but forty?
(where did the ‘u’ go, and why not fourty?)
Why precede and recede, but supersede?
(Why spell ‘cede’ with a ‘s’ in the latter example; when ‘sede’ is not even a word?)

Thanking you in anticipation of a nix reply.

Hand across the ocean Izzie that the final result is the one you and The Fruit of Your Loins would wish for.

Waves to all and hugs to the windy city dwellers.

From the top Calamity-Jane…

I just blew in from the windy city
the windy city is mighty purdy
but they aint got what we got
no sir e

They got shacks up to seven stories
Never see any mornin' glories
But a step from our doorway
We got em for free

Theyve got those minstrel shows
purdy ladys in the big chapos
private lawns
public parks
for the sake of civic virtue
they've got fountains there that squirt you

I just blew in from the windy city
The windy city is mighty purdy
But they aint got what we got
Im tellin you boys
We got more life in Deadwood city than the whole of Ilanoy

U shoulda seen me a window shopping
window shopping with eyes a popping
at the sites that u see there
yes sir e
press a bell and a moment later
up u go in an elevator
just as fast as a polecat a climbing a tree

i heard claim hundreds came
to a thing they call a baseball game
Seaguard stores revolving doors
Men wear sideburns and they aughta
cause a haircut costs a quarter

I just blew in from the windy city
the windy city is mighty purdy
But they aint got what we got
I'm telin you boys
I aint a swopping half a deadwood
for the whole of illanoise.

Amen to that brother.
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 10:08 am
Tryagain wrote:

Hand across the ocean Izzie that the final result is the one you and The Fruit of Your Loins would wish for.

((lyBlue xox))

NOT GUILTY is the resounding reply.

There is no evidence in writing that gives the Headmaster any reason to punish the older boy. The Head has not been involved in the investigation - he has judged this purely on the written reports from everyone involved.

We are not entitled to the evidence in writing tho we are allowed to visit the school to see the written reports.

The written evidence is that 'the boys were play fighting, there was no ball involved in the incident, the older boy went to put his foot on Sean's stomach/chest mucking about, Sean moved his left arm across his stomach/chest to protect himself, causing the boy to fall and trip, landing on his wrist. The older boy then ran to get the Housemaster.'

I have asked for a letter detailing his findings.

Sean feels.............. totally betrayed.
Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 10:11 am
mismi wrote:

We will find something out from his old job on Wednesday - or by Wednesday...I hope it is good news.

I will continue posithoughting for this too Mis - keeping fingers crossed. Love you much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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