Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 01:41 pm
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Which could be why Beijing's Municipal Commission of City Administration and Environment said in a statement that the regulations aimed to standardise toilet management at places such as parks, railway stations, hospitals and shopping malls.

Authorities in the Chinese capital have set new standards for public toilets, including a stipulation that they should contain no more than two flies.
As you may know Beijing public toilets are not known for their welcoming appeal. People often smell them before they see them. I only venture in at the most desperate of times; and then only under Duress and there are no flies on her.

Then just when I thought it was safe to come out of the water; I find that the year 2008 marked the last of God’s warnings to mankind and the beginning in a countdown of the final three and one-half years of man’s self-rule that will end by May 27, 2012.

Apparently on December 14, 2008, the First Trumpet of the Seventh Seal of the Book of Revelation sounded, which announced the beginning collapse of the economy of the United States and great destruction that will follow.

The next three trumpets will result in the total collapse of the United States, and once the Fifth Trumpet sounds the world will be thrust into WW III.
The Seven Trumpets of the Seventh Seal, as well as the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation.

That’s a lot of sevens, so why was I the last to know about this?
I have just paid a deposit on a vacation next week – and now this!
Now wonder it was cheap.

Hi Izzie, so sorry to hear about your boy, I hope it all resolves itself; however Mr Mc T is right, brutality like this should not go unpunished. Sending well wishes to S boy.

I know what it is like to have a medical emergency; I went to the doctor when my blood pressure monitor showed I had 55 seconds to live…..He told me to take a seat and he would be with me in a minute!

May I say FS that henceforth after seeing your delightful photograph you are my favorite Cyclopes, but how did you snag that Brad Pitt lookalike?

The last time I saw you two was on a Bonny and Clyde poster. I just loved that movie.

I haffta say how happy I am at seeing Roberta postin’; not a day goes bye that I don’t think of her when Ima robbin’ a bank.

Dear Missy, I meant to tell you over breakfast that; although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of the Yellow Emperor.

But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year beginning in 2012 CE the "Chinese Year" 4710, 4709, or 4649.

Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it, said blind Pew; such a treasure.
Waves. x

Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 02:41 pm
WE ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very Happy

Skanky, very tired and S-boy's in a lot of discomfort - the journey back was... HORRIBLE!!!!!!! There was a little lack of communication between consultant and fracture folk... doc said it had to be replastered, fracture folk said nope. So, we begged to go home. As the cast is now not solid, S-boy has to be very, very careful. We've been told to call an ambulance if anything moves - it really is a very nasty break, 2 of.

We're in a quandary as to what to do. S-boys Dad went to the school today to meet with the Headmaster et al and to pick up all of S-boys stuff. They are all very concerned about Sean ... the very sad thing is that the 18yr old who did this is a good mate of S-boy... I know, kinda makes you think WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? There were a lot of 'boys being boys', unfortunately, the older boy momentarily lost his temper - we're actually glad it was the wrist and not the stomach. It's a crush injury, well, you'll see when I upload the xrays how nasty it is.

The older boy's parents were called to the school and both they and the kid are distraught - the kid wants to be a Marine - pressing charges will blow any career he may have in that.

So, it's not bullying, as in, he wasn't bullying S-boy - they were all larking around - but unfortunately, it was a deliberate act. S-boy was bullied in the true sense last term by some other kids in his year... they call him The Hobbit because he's so small, ya know, death threat blah blah blah - not gonna go into that right now. Anyhoo, he's struggled with this and I've been in touch with the school almost on a daily basis.

This wasn't the same - this older kid and S-boy get on well together. S-boy is under enough pressure right now without having to decide whether he wishes to press charges.

We've told the school via conference call we will just concentrate on S-boy for the moment whilst they investigate and we will await their findings. I do believe the older boy is utterly devastated at what he's done - big learning curve at S-boys expense. His parents and the boy wish to meet with S-boy, me and his Dad. I don't quite fancy that idea right now.

Anyhoo.................. we're absolutely exhuasted and need a good nights sleep.

I am so proud of how S-boy handled this. He has been very big and brave.

We are transferring to the city hospital so will be going there next week for replastering and whatnot - so much easier than going to NDDH - yay.

Obviously I can't go back to work for a while - hmmm... not sure what my boss will say but will cross that bridge next week.

Oooooooooooooooh... and he's had his RIGHT wrist snapped... and he's LEFT HANDED... he has no use of his right hand at all as it has to remain elevated for a week (we have a BIG POIPLE foamy sling ... and due to S-boy having a camera on his phone, we have pics Very Happy (which will wait until tomorrow).

Re: his exams - he cannot take his exams now, nor his flute grade and his wrist will be weak for some time - he will be given a scribe after half-term - which, for personal reasons, just.made.me.laugh.so.hard. The Hospital Education lady came in and told us what we need to do and what we have to submit to the exam boards. The Headmaster said this will work in his favour as S-boy can talk better than he can write. Always a silver lining Wink

Thank you so much for all your support Very Happy

I am looking at S-boy now (who looks like he's constantly got his hand up to ask a question - hehe) and to think that 24 hours ago he was in agony... seeing him now, how amazingly resilient we can all be.

Being on the children's ward, seeing real sick, sick kids, I realise just how fortunate we are. Gosh. GOSH.

On the very positive side - the dawgs were let out and all was fine when we got home (other than Murphy being locked in somehow) - no nasty presents - yay!

Now, to put kettle on and then to go shower - yuk, anaesthetic aroma - yuk!!!!

Thank you again, each and every one, for all your thoughts and wishes.

Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 02:58 pm
Dutchy wrote:

Old friends meet! Found Soul and Dutchy finally got together for a cup of cappuccino and a slice of mud cake in FS shop this morning . Gave me the opportunity to personnally thank FS for surprising me with all the crew members best wishes during my stay in Hospital.
We immortalised our meeting with a photograph of the two of us.
The old codger on the left is Dutchy and the beauty on the right is Found Soul.


Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 04:02 pm
You're running on adrenalin there, still with "some" humor Izzie Smile Good for you.

IDK, if he was given a choice, stomach or wrist, I am "hoping" some other kid was going to pick on him and his "mate" stepped in so it would not have been worse, otherwise, I have no sympathy whatsoeverrrrr for his career plans.. A mate is a mate...

Try (again)Smile, try taking a photo of two people and push your hair back at the same time haha. He does look like Brad Pitt doesn't he, well spotted Smile

Hoping SBoy is sleeping ok and you too Izzie.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 04:48 pm
Izzie, I do understand your reluctance to do anything that would harm another boy's future, I really do. BUT...

The boy who did this is 18 years old. That is old enough to have much better impulse control, especially with a smaller boy he knows and likes. We do not need Marines with this kind of uncontrolled violent behavior. And if he is not held fully accountable for this, he will not get the kind of help he needs to learn how to control himself. Which will surely lead to worse things than not being able to follow a particular career path. With guidance, he will find something else he is better suited for.

You MUST believe that no good will come from letting him off the hook.

And...he and his parents should definitely pay S-Boy's medical expenses, too.

Please give that darling boy a gentle hug from me...and consider this a big hug for yourself...(((((((((IZZIE)))))))))
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 04:58 pm
Izzie wrote:
The older boy's parents were called to the school and both they and the kid are distraught - the kid wants to be a Marine - pressing charges will blow any career he may have in that......... I do believe the older boy is utterly devastated at what he's done....

Guys like that are always sorry AFTER the act.Even if he got through the rigorous vetting and training that Marines go through (which is hardly likely),I would not want him representing me.
Remember this?....
Throw the book at him now.Who knows how many others will be spared his unwarented violence.
Any other boys involved should also be held to account.
But,what do I know?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 05:08 pm
I'm horrified by the whole thing. You give your friend a choice? Getting smashed in the stomach or arm? This is a choice?

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 05:31 pm
Glad yhou and S-boy are home Izzie, will phone you tonight, not 8am but later. Smile You both have a long rest first!

Thank you for the compliment Tryagain, nothing wrong with your eyesight Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 05:33 pm
Rest Well Izzie. I am thinking of you and your sweet boy. Hope he has a restful night with no pain. I'm sending you a gentle hug.

I love seeing Dear Dutchy with one of his beautiful girls. Glad you and FS got to meet up and yabber in person. Maybe one day I can toodle on over and do the same. ((Dutchy))

Now to deal with my Tryagain.

I only venture in at the most desperate of times; and then only under Duress and there are no flies on her.

That is a lovely picture. Totally made me laugh.

Dear Missy, I meant to tell you over breakfast that; although the Chinese calendar traditionally does not use continuously numbered years, outside China its years are often numbered from the reign of the Yellow Emperor.

But at least three different years numbered 1 are now used by various scholars, making the year beginning in 2012 CE the "Chinese Year" 4710, 4709, or 4649.

Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it, said blind Pew; such a treasure

I love Treasure Island. I was trying to look for beauty in everything today. I love your banter. It seems to be calibrated to mine lately. Hit and miss it is. Wink

Hugs to all the crew.
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 06:36 pm
Deliberate? Choose to have your wrist or stomach stamped on? By a friend?

Oh, Izzie! i can only hope that when the fur stops flying that there has been some mistake, but it doesn't sound like it.

I would never advocate for revenge but pressing charges is sometimes necessary. That boy has no idea that his actions have consequences for others. So they must have consequences for him. The callousness required to do this! and to a friend. I just keep hoping there is something in the backstory to make sense of it all, that it turns out to be accidental. S's sense of betrayal has to be part of the injury.

I would expect nothing less than resilience from the son of the indomitable Izzie, but you have to admire your little tacker. i suppose he's not the LITTLE boy he was when I first saw photos. Hate to think that the next few weeks are going to draw on his physical endurance and that he's going to have to make some difficult decisions.

I hope over the next few days that you can both relax and S can heal and you can refrain from tickling him while he has his hand in the air.(grin)

Love and healing vibes to you both.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 08:23 pm
Eva wrote:
The boy who did this is 18 years old. That is old enough to have much better impulse control, especially with a smaller boy he knows and likes. We do not need Marines with this kind of uncontrolled violent behavior. And if he is not held fully accountable for this, he will not get the kind of help he needs to learn how to control himself....

You MUST believe that no good will come from letting him off the hook.

Agree wholeheartedly.

And...he and his parents should definitely pay S-Boy's medical expenses, too.

In England, there aren't any, right?

Very sorry to hear you're going through this, Izzie.
Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 09:08 pm
A parent's worst nightmare - I am so sorry, Izzie and especially for that sweet boy of yours. I am with Eva, this young man is an 18 year old adult and he should be held accountable for his action. As Barry said, they're always sorry AFTER the fact. You're a bit too good for this world, but I don't think your kindness should be applied in this case. Your son has tremendous pain and suffering resulting from such a vicious attack, don't let this slide by. You definitely should press charges, gawd knows what
this 18 year old will do next. If he's stopped now, there might be hope for him!

All the best for your son's recovery, I truly hope there won't be any physical residues from this fracture, I am sure there are emotional ones. Poor baby!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 01:27 am
Ticomaya wrote:
And...he and his parents should definitely pay S-Boy's medical expenses, too.

In England, there aren't any, right?

Try using the car park.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 06:01 am
Glad you're home and that S-boy is doing better.

I understand completely your desire to concentrate on his recovery whilst the school completes their investigation. I also understand that, at this point, it may seem like an episode of "Boys Gone Wild". Do keep in mind, however, that even psychopaths have friends and are sometimes friendly. That doesn't mean they aren't still psychopaths in need of significant intervention.

Love and hugs to you both!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 06:20 am
Jesus Murphy

I'm sending wishes for an uneventful recovery to the young S-man (not a boy anymore).

I hope that the man responsible for the injury is held to account, but that it can be done in a way that doesn't require much from the S-man.

Jesus f Murphy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 06:43 am
The only trouble with the picture of Dutch is that from now on I will be unable to control my tittering when I study his steamy Acronyms.

I notice that FS is still looking at cameras in that "I know you sailor" mode.
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 06:50 am
The older boy's parents were called to the school and both they and the kid are distraught - the kid wants to be a Marine - pressing charges will blow any career he may have in that.

My advice is to let the matter drop. What's done is done. Your concerns are then limited to a mending process whereas pressing charges might lead you to places you do not need to go.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 07:30 am
This wasn't the same - this older kid and S-boy get on well together. S-boy is under enough pressure right now without having to decide whether he wishes to press charges.

We've told the school via conference call we will just concentrate on S-boy for the moment whilst they investigate and we will await their findings. I do believe the older boy is utterly devastated at what he's done - big learning curve at S-boys expense. His parents and the boy wish to meet with S-boy, me and his Dad. I don't quite fancy that idea right now.

Follow your heart hun. Do what is right for you and Sean. You know this fellow - if he is a big meany more often than not, maybe it is a good idea to follow up on pressing charges. You two will figure it out together. I have no doubt whatever you decide will be best for all.

Thoughts and prayers are with you both today.

Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 07:53 am
I am truly still horrified when I think of how badly a "crushed" arm has to hurt though. Makes me nauseous. I am thankful that both you and he are so reslient!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 02:30 pm
(((( Iz ))))

Just in case you need a hug.

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