Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 10:13 am
ooh a tropical island just sounds dandy! I'd give the hula a bash if it would make you smile Smile Would love to taste your BBQ's!

Am stilling struggling with the non smoking but I keep thinking I've done 3 weeks silly to stop now! But I sooooo could do with a fag!!!! HA!

Cooking again!! Cheese and potatoe bake, Salad, homemade ratatouille ( wrong spelling I know!!) homemade bread!

I got up early to clean the house, walk the dogs and then drove into Exeter and bought myself some clothes!! oh dear I can ill afford it but wanted to cheer myself up~! Which it did! Waiting for Sgirl to come home and find out how she did on her Media exam! Tomorrow is the biggie - English Literature!! I really hope she does well!

Well best go and do, hugs to all X
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 04:38 pm
If I may Ms annis........................YAY don't you dare have a fag... well done, now teach me Smile

And, ratatouille is magical I love it and it's spelt right, well here in Aussie land anyways Smile
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 05:20 pm
This is an American site FS. We need to take the trouble to type "cigarette" to prevent some members getting over stimulated.
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 05:31 pm
While you've a lucifer to light your fag, smile gal that the style. Razz
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 10:29 am
HA! Very Happy Thank you FS! I am still astruggling with the nicotine deprevation! Not a night goes by that I don't miss it! So have got a glass of wine instead!! oh dear what is best wine or fags?? I couldn't teach you Fs as I really don't know how I am doing it!

The ratatouille was great, although my daughter said I don't want that and my son only ate some!! Think I have failed somewhere!!

Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 02:03 pm
Deer fiends, as some of youse no when I joined A>K there was this rumor that I was involved in the largest art theft in US history. Now I know compared to the history of Mesopotamia and don’t get me started on the Mesoamerican civilization; but…

A reputed Connecticut mobster suspected of having information related to the largest art theft in history was arraigned Monday on weapons charges.

Robert V. Gentile, leaned on a cane as he slowly rose before a judge in federal court in Hartford to plead not guilty to three charges.

Each of the three charges carries a maximum prison term of 10 years and a fine of up to $250,000.

Assistant U.S. Attorney John Durham said in federal court in Hartford, Conn., that the FBI believes Connecticut inmate Robert Gentile “had some involvement in connection with stolen property” related to the art heist.

Now I don’t know if Robert is GUILTY or not but if you wish to show support send cash in large bills marked for my attention – do not inform the IRS.

BTW if any of y’all are looking for a cheap Rembrandt or Vermeer, I shall be reposing in my cabin.

annis wrote:

Not a night goes by that I don't miss it!

Oh my, that is exactly my lament; call me a fag hag if you want to turn it into an eye-rolling cliché, but I have no idea if the Yabber-Liner even has a spanking policy!!!

I do seem to recall my probation officer referring to a Scientific Review of its Use in Discipline that I was supposed to give to the American College of Pediatrics giving a full analysis of corporal punishment in a marine environment.

As I recall, Socialization is the term given to the complex interaction of a crew member’s genetic predisposition with the social and cultural expectations of the captain. If the crews’ efforts are to be successful, their approach to discipline must accommodate my developmental stage and abilities.

During the preoperative stage of development, he acts from an egocentric perspective with limited ability to distinguish between his own point of view and those of others. He has difficulty distinguishing causation from coincidence and reality from fantasy.

Of the three basic components of discipline, proper instruction is first and fundamental, and if any of you girls in your short sultry hula skirts wish to induce the other two modules; I will be sweating in the sauna (Deck 1, level 6) towels optional!

As promised Missy my recipe for Carne Asada Steaks and Fajitas: (Leave whole while grilling to maintain juices.)

•3 lbs. flank or skirt steak
•1/4 cup oil
•1 tablespoon lemon or lime juice
•1 tablespoons salt, kosher
•1 tablespoons black pepper, coarse ground
•1 tablespoon chile powder
•1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
•1/4 teaspoon cumin

Rinse and pat meat dry. Combine lemon or lime juice with spices and oil Pour over meat and rub down so its completely covered with marinade. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.

Cook on grill over medium-high heat for 20 to 25 minutes or until center is slightly pink.

Serve in large pieces as steaks, or thinly slice on the bias (perpendicular to the grain of the meat) for fajitas.

Grilled onions and peppers are a perfect addition to your fajitas or next to a piece of grilled chicken. They are so easy to make yet the flavors are extremely bold.

•5-10 green onions, large
•5- 10 peppers, small, assorted
•1/3 cup vegetable oil
•1 tablespoon salt
•1 tablespoon pepper

Prepare the onions by trimming off the roots at the end. Rinse the onions and peppers thoroughly and pat them dry with paper towels.

Place onions and peppers on a plate or in a shallow baking dish and drizzle them with vegetable oil. Use your hands to rub the oil all over the onions and peppers.

Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper.
Grill on your barbecue for about 10 minutes or until the skin of the peppers is browned and they are soft. The onions will be slightly browned and wilted.
Enjoy dudes.

Totally awesome to shoot the breeze wid y’all.

Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 02:57 pm
I leave the cooking to the ladies Try. I don't look so good in a pinny and a hairnet.

Have you tried tinned jam roly-poly and instant runny custard?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 03:47 pm
Of the three basic components of discipline, proper instruction is first and fundamental, and if any of you girls in your short sultry hula skirts wish to induce the other two modules; I will be sweating in the sauna (Deck 1, level 6) towels optional!

sit tight. be there in a minute.

As promised Missy my recipe for Carne Asada Steaks and Fajitas: (Leave whole while grilling to maintain juices.)

That sounds delicious. ((Try))

Checking in....

Tulip, I am all about taking it easy. I have about a week and a half and will be able to get a mini break before I have to go back headlong into All Stars. This week has been full of band concerts, play off games, class parties, mom coming up for a surprise visit, and end of season baseball parties. I hope the effort to stop smoking pays back BIG TIME. I can't imagine how hard it must be.

FQ - so good to see you. Thanks sweety. Smile

I am so beat. I am trying to keep up with all of the house repairs and cleaning and activities - but sheesh. So difficult! Our air conditioning broke - which has not been so bad since it has been cool for the last week...but it is getting back into the 90's and I am afraid I am going to melt!

(((Dutchy))) So glad you are doing well. Haven't seen you today hope you are having a good one.

(((Iz))) miss you. Love you girl.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 04:30 pm
LOL's... Oops .. "Cigarette"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 04:36 pm
Laughed there quite alot Letty Smile

Annis, have you ever read the Allan Carr book on quitting smoking? He likens the cigarette as that little devil, making you really want to beat the little devil, forgetting the cigarette.. I did give up for 4 months once, from reading that book but my ex, stressed me to the hilt and so, I degress I started again Smile In -fact I've done it twice now, alas, started again ... Thinks I needs to go and get that book again, my "fiance" deserves it, he doesn't stress me at all Smile

Annnnnd I couldn't drink wine for a week, it made me want one lols.

As for the ratatouille, not every one likes cooked eggplant and tomatoes assuming you used them. Geez, I hated brussel sprouts, now I love them Smile

Try Again, I don't have any money to send or I would Wink And, don't sweat giving recipes, after all my man be the cook he has to, it's his profession Smile

Finally, hello to this cold morning from Australia to everyone else Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 May, 2012 02:32 pm
OMG! Harry and Izzy Engaged!

It’s all over Twitter like fleas on my dawgs: Hearty congratulations, may you both be very happy.

My dear Spendius, I am sure you would look splendid in pinny and a hairnet; especially if you were at the same time playing the air guitar.

As delicious as it sounds I must confess that I have not as yet tried British tinned jam roly-poly and instant runny custard; I am more of a spotted dick man myself, but I put that down to my budgie smugglers!

However, iffin’ you are ever near the Riverside House Hotel, Fennel Street, Ashford-in-the-Water, Bakewell in Derbyshire; then I highly recommend their food.

Missy wrote, “Sit tight. Be there in a minute.”

Now folks you know that I don’t kiss and tell, butt this is impressive…

Missy came in and sat down just as my phone rang, I lifted my palm to my ear and when the conversation finished, I explained to her, 'that was my cell phone. I have a microchip in my hand.'

She then stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom. She returned with a piece of toilet paper hanging from her bahookie.
I started to laugh and she told me to hush my mouth as she was receiving a Fax!

And talking about Faux do you have a sweet tooth? Missy said, chocolate dipped strawberries and a glass of champagne will look great sitting next to the whirlpool or hot tub.


I had eaten mine and was making a move on her Cherie when she said, ‘Do you need something to set in grandma’s antique cake plate? You won’t find a more realistic faux chocolate cake frosted and topped with fake dipped strawberries’!!!

I think I now know what her secret project is; sweet chéries because; ‘For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Way to go Tulip; keep on truckin’.

Keep the faith FS; I may be the world’s worst professional chief but I do know:

Reindeer like to eat bananas.
Maine is the toothpick capital of the world.
Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum.
American's eat about 18 billion hot dogs a year.
The oldest piece of chewing gum is 9000 years old.
The man who played the voice of Bugs Bunny was allergic to carrots.
Apples are more effective at keeping people awake in the morning than caffeine.
Every time you lick a stamp you gain 1/10 of a calorie.
Yams have 10 times more vitamin C than sweet potatoes.

And the two things I cook best are meatloaf and apple pie; it’s just difficult to tell them apart!

Gotta go, it’s my lunch hour and I have only got about 85 minutes left.

Hugs to all x.
Lustig Andrei
Reply Thu 17 May, 2012 10:45 pm
I swear to Godot, one of these days I'm a-gonna figger out what-all you be sayin', Try.
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 12:35 am
Hey you 'cherie picker', can you be more specific about Harry's and Izzie's engagement??? Sounds a bit airy-fairy to me. Confused
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 03:45 am
Morning Crew Very Happy

BEAgle, how ya doing? Driving again a? YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! So happy to hear you are doing so much better, love to you and MrsB ((BEAgle))x

Heh heh, Blue iz soooooooo naughty but the best Comic Relief! Wink Goil IzzY with a Y... not an IE, BEAgle... no bells down yer in Deb'n Wink (said Esmerelda to Quasi)

Harry's McFly


When Harry met Izzy: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2145582/McFlys-Harry-Judd-reveals-hes-engaged-Izzy-Johnston.html

<lalllllllllllllllalalla when you look into my eyes, cause the heart never lies lalalalallala>

bless them, their glitter ball and her fiddle!

Izzy's Escala

((((((((lyBlue-with a cherry on top))))))) Razz big love to you & yours xxxx---->

Busy week here and much to do today. Little fella turned 15 and we'll be celebrating tomorrow with Tulip and kids. Can hardly believe he's 15 and taking his exams now - time moves so quickly - will there ever be enough? Never. Still no macro lens Sad Gutted.

Missssssy - thinking of you - sending hugs across the poind. (((Mis)))

Tulip - well done S-girl, see ya tomorrow xxx

Waves to Merry, FS et al Very Happy

Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 03:58 am
Wow Izzie I'm relieved, sorry for misreading the name, I nealy fell of my chair when I read tryagain's ramblings. LOL

Yes I'm driving again but feel I've overdone it as the last couple of days haven't been to good. However now resting for a few days and hope to pick up.

Flying visit from M & K out of the blue today, enjoyed their company, just left for home again.

Happy Birthday to S-boy, hope he'll have a great day, no doubt his Mum will see to that. Lots of fun with Annis's children tomorrow.

Waves from downunder. (((Izzie)))
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 04:09 am
Dutchy wrote:

Wow Izzie I'm relieved, sorry for misreading the name, I nealy fell of my chair when I read tryagain's ramblings. LOL

So laughing, he iz soooooooooo naughty!! Razz Love that!

Dutchy wrote:

Yes I'm driving again but feel I've overdone it as the last couple of days haven't been to good. However now resting for a few days and hope to pick up.

Flying visit from M & K out of the blue today, enjoyed their company, just left for home again.

Waves from downunder. (((Izzie)))

Very glad they M&K visited with you and A... ahhhhhh - hugs to y'all. Try not to do too much DannyBoy - little by little, then take it easy ... OK. Love you Bosun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 05:00 am

That Izzy is well pretty. Just like ours.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 06:55 am
Hi everyone....
It's sounding like everyone has been busy, busy Very Happy

Dutchy so nice to hear you are doing so well and have had family visitors. Don't over do it...rest up and allow yourself to spoiled!!

Happy Birthday to S-boy!! Getting all grown up, it happens way too fast. It seems we go from saying things like "You need a nap" and "Don't color on the dog" to "Here are the car keys. Don't drive too fast" all in the blink of an eye.

My ( 22 year old) baby girl is graduating today with her masters in education. She has her first job interview on Tuesday. Wish her luck!

mismi, hows b-ball going? N's high school season is almost over, then on to much more relaxed and fun summer ball. I'm looking forward to that.

Try...hello to you...I still don't understand much of what you post, but you're entertaining. Hope all is well with you.

School year is coming to an end soon....can't wait
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 10:59 am
happy happy to S-boy...


gentle breezes...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 04:01 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Well, I’ll be En attendant Godot; or as we say in French, Waiting for Godot! Good to see ya Lusty Andrei; I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure – that’s not something Missy can rebut! ;o)

Anyhoo, I drew your FBI file and you are one of the fungi’s; so welcome aboard; I’ll type slowly and you can hum along.

My dear Stormy, how very nice to see you again, it seems like yesterday your daughter was off to college; what a brainy girl she must be, takes after her mom I reckon! I wish her every success in her interview.

Dutchy sport, Ima sorry your equilibrium wobbled whilst sittin’ on your chair; may I suggest crossover car seat belts, they have the advantage of both lift and separate for extra comfort! Just sayin’ like. It is good to see that you are up and about, but as Izzie says, don’t rush your recuperation, there are plenty of fish in the sea!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your ‘S’ boy Izzie, may you both have a wonderful day and a great weekend.

So I was watching the Olympic Torch land in England and all the flags flying when I wondered why the Welsh flag is not incorporated into the Union Flag. I thought it was part of the UK.

Anyone else got shares in Facebook? I gotta lug my portmanteau down to the bank for safekeeping, it ain’t every day I got the reddies to order a MacDonald’s with fries!

Please direct all begging letters to A>K and I’ll pick them up at reception – I enjoy a good laugh.

Have a good weekend y’all. x


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