Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 04:02 pm
Howdee do dee folk sees , may I thank you for allowing me to come visit with y’all and to express my dismay at the comment from FS who wrote,

“Goes for anyone that visits Adelaide, be nice to meet some of you....”

‘Some of you’?
Without so much as a subtle hint about who is in and who is out! Do I pack my bags for Arni Sti Souvla or what!
Kali Orexi - Bon Appetit!

**HUGS** Should I Tryagain? Smile

YAY!! ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for making my morning start off with such a laugh...

Although this could be interesting, should I have my own little club? You're in, you're not, na not my personality Smile Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 04:15 pm
Just popping by to say hello, and welcome 'home' to our bosun! (((Danny)))!!! Hoping all are well and staying afloat in their own corners of the ship!
Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 07:04 pm
Hi Dev, nice of you to drop by, have missed your lithe figure. Wink All well in the big mitten?

Tryagain good to see you too, I'm sure you coped with the demands during my absence, what is the appendage you're talking about? It sent mismi into hysterics so she must be in the know?

Dear Izzie the Bosun had one of his better days yesterday and it was a pleasure to be alive, did some good walks and all was apples, so happy about that.

Mismi, you always surprise me by understanding Tryagain's ramblings, no matter how hard I try he loses me after his first few lines. I don't know where he was educated but certainly a different College that I went to. LOL

FS, Tryagain would make a wonderful after dinner speaker should he take up your invitation, keep him up to it.

To all the crew, waves fron Downunder.
Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 08:27 pm
Bosun had one of his better days yesterday and it was a pleasure to be alive, did some good walks and all was apples, so happy about that.

LOVE hearing that Dear Dutchy. Makes me smile. The prof, the boys and I are praying for you every day. Smile

Mismi, you always surprise me by understanding Tryagain's ramblings, no matter how hard I try he loses me after his first few lines. I don't know where he was educated but certainly a different College that I went to. LOL

Well....I have moments of clarity and then sometimes not so much. Wink But love me some Tryagain - so - I keep trying...again.

Tryagain good to see you too, I'm sure you coped with the demands during my absence, what is the appendage you're talking about? It sent mismi into hysterics so she must be in the know?

Phth! As if you didn't know what appendage. Razz Wink


0 Replies
Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 09:26 pm

I just read that devriesj had welcomed dutchy to our bosom


Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 10:02 pm
Hi ehBeth, put your glasses on, and read that again! Dev was referring to the Bosun, the Liners allround man. Laughing
Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 12:38 pm
Evening Crew Very Happy

BIG.LONG.DAY http://www.buddy-icons.info/img/smile/1674.gif

Hey Ho! Onwards and Upwards!

Foist, wishing my Sis the BEST BIRTHDAY ever. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

I so miss you Charlie… Love you SoulSis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

<heheh, we just tawked up a storm> Razz

BEAgle – how you doin? Hoping your today (our tomorrow) will be a great day for you… we shall speaky when I waken Wink

Lookin' good Wink
((D&A)) xx

Missy – you make me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can just imgaine Blue’s face which would be tickled pink! I love you Mis… wishing you a wonderful weekend with the All Star boyz… I have no doubt you will come up with a great plan for fund raising. ((Mis))xxxxx

JPB – "tomorrow, tomorrow" lalalallllallallllllllllaaa – we catchyuppy Very Happy

((Blue)) heart and soul baby, ly xox and Big Love yours xxxxxxxxxxxx---->

Waves to all the ((((((((((Crew))))))))))))))) http://www.totallypimpedout.net/Graphics/Random/images/smiley_wave.gif
Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 06:22 am
Hi Izzie, so sorry to have disturbed you in dreamland, however you soon grasped that the Bosun was on the line and we had a lovely natter. I had another good day and extended my walking distance which made me feel good. Mother's day here on Sunday and Mrs.B. is taking me out for my first outing on the promise that I pay the bill. Laughing

Waves from downunder.
Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 02:42 am

I am thinking Dutchy is so much better already, pant, pant, I can't keep up with him, pant, pant... Smile YAY!!!!!!!

But, but, I'm still quicker than you in answering Dutchy Smile

Good evening all, and Izzie, I am laughing that you were fast asleep, Dutchy has to get the time right huh, that's so un-fair Sad Wink

I am hoping I had a good day and have sold a property, hoping, hoping, hoping.....

Spending a night in front of the fire place, don't know what's on TV, but at least I am not cooking, Mr David is doing that for me....

Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 03:56 am
Good Morning

BEAUTIFUL Sunshiny day in England today and the SW is getting some of the best of it... absolutely beautiful super-stunning day.

Ten Tors starts today from Oke Camp - amazing - gosh, takes me back to my school days and a good yomp - it may even be a little warm for those who are doing the 55 miles Shocked

Dartmoor National Park Authority Partnership Project News Release

Ten Tors and Jubilee Challenge 2012

The 52nd annual Ten Tors Challenge starts at Okehampton Camp on the Northern edge of Dartmoor at exactly 0700 on Saturday 12 May.

2,400 youngsters aged between 14 and 19 from across the south west will take part in the Army run event; one of the biggest adventure challenges for young people in Britain.

The teenagers will trek unaided over 35, 45 or 55 miles of some of the toughest terrain and highest points in southern England.

It is a feat they must complete as a team and without any help from adults. They’ll have to rely on their navigational skills and - crucially - their team-work to guide them.

The majority of the teams who enter Ten Tors are from schools and youth groups from Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. As usual, scores of Scout groups, sports and Ramblers teams and Armed Forces cadet units have accepted the challenge and are taking part.

For many youngsters it was a challenge just to be selected for their team, such is the competition to take part in the event.

Central to the spirit and ethos of the Ten Tors Challenge is that teams who take part remain entirely self-sufficient during their arduous expeditions. They must camp out overnight on the moor and carry all the food, water, bedding, tents and other essentials they will need to sustain them as they go.

Both the Jubilee Challenge and Ten Tors are a daunting challenge for the young men and women taking part. All will have been in training for at least four months or more to make sure they’re fit enough to complete it.

It’s a rite of passage which has played a formative role in the lives of more than a quarter of a million people from across region over the last half a Century.

‘For more than 50 years, the annual Ten Tors Challenge has shaped the values, attitudes and fitness of thousands of young people’ said Brigadier Piers Hankinson MBE, Director of Ten Tors and Commander of 43 (Wessex) Brigade.

‘It literally changes lives for the better. Over those years clothing, equipment and regulations will have changed, but the underlying challenge of walking unaided over the forbidding Dartmoor terrain remains as demanding today as it has ever been.

To complete Ten Tors and the Jubilee Challenge takes considerable commitment and determination, not just from the individuals and teams participating, but also from the adult team managers and group leaders whose selfless commitment and dedication bring the experience and love of the wild to new generations.

We will be presenting more Ten Tors Awards again this year to those essential adult volunteers, whose dedicated support has kept the Ten Tors Challenge alive.

I remain extremely grateful to the Dartmoor National Park Authority, the emergency services, Dartmoor Rescue Group, Devon Air Ambulance Service and Red Cross and to all the many other voluntary organisations and individuals, too many to mention, for their continued assistance with the safe conduct of the Ten Tors Challenge. Safety remains our primary responsibility.

Good luck to the participants and I look forward to meeting you in Okehampton Camp or on Dartmoor.’

Jubilee Challenge

Immediately after the start of Ten Tors, nearly 300 youngsters with special physical or educational needs - many in wheelchairs - will start the Jubilee Challenge, competing routes up to 15 miles. The youngsters can enter either as a team or as individuals, each one accompanied by an Officer Cadet from Exeter University Officer Training Corps.

An emotional awards ceremony for the youngsters who complete the Jubilee Challenge takes part in one of the buildings at Okehampton Camp on Saturday afternoon.

Ten Tors - Moor conditions and Weather Forecast

The Director Ten Tors has conducted an analysis of information available as at 1000 hrs (8 May) regarding the safe conduct of this weekend’s Ten Tors and Jubilee Challenge. Following advice, the Director is satisfied that it will be safe for Ten Tors to continue. His key messages are:

Safety of participants. Current conditions and assessment of the Moor (Safe Environment) appear satisfactory.
Safe and manageable Admin Area. Although not a reason to cancel the event, measures will be taken to mitigate, manage and anticipate issues such as vehicle and route management, track improvements, recovery considerations, and mud on roads etc.

All Team Managers are asked to continue to monitor the Ten Tors Web Site for further information posted. A final assessment will be made on Fri at 1800 hrs, before the start of Ten Tors/Jubilee Challenges. Conditions will continue to be monitored throughout the events.

Finally, the Director urges all teams to prepare for the anticipated conditions, and have a safe and successful Ten Tors or Jubilee Challenge 2012.

Go to: www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/sw/sw_forecast_weather.html (external link, opens new window)


GOOD LUCK to all the kids, and a special good luck for Sammy and his team from S-boys school. Safe yomping.

I wish y'all new how special the moors were... it's magnificent up there... takes my breath away.

Anyhoo, I am going to spend time out in the garden - it's a jungle out there...

now, if only I could get my body to actually move - I'm not so much Dorothy as I am the tin man without oil - creak creak groan. Flippin dodgy hip and I am completely wracked for no reason whatsoever... does my head in at times (grrr). OK, whine over. Very Happy Mind over matter...

BEAgle - loved nattering, no worries with the timing, night or day, anytime, it was just fab to tawk and to hear you so much stronger, MUCH stronger each time. Fantastic. ((((((BEAgle))))) Enjoy your outing with MrsB and take.it.easy. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

FS - do hope you made the sale on the property! Yep, it's good to see our Cosmic Eagle flying around... what a difference a week makes. There's no stopping him now - makes me so happy to see him fly Razz

(((lyBlue xox))) & yours x

Okeydokey, cuppa then off to get the lawnmower out and give the grass a haircut - may not get another opportunity before the rain heads back in and I gotta find my special pink gloves (they're brilliant, designed for arthritic hands and man, they make such a difference) and start pulling some of them weeds that are beginning to take over.

Gosh, such a stunning day out there - LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT! I love the sunshine and it's so......GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN! I am surrounded by green and all the leaves are coming on the trees - beautiful.

Laters ((((((Crew))))))) - y'all have a great one


Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 05:08 am
Morning dahhhhhhlings Very Happy

<just turning to afternoon Razz>


Wishing all those who are celebrating Mother's Day in the USA, Canada, Down Under and around the world a wonderful day... and those with sweet MaMa memories... never forgotten.

I'm off into the garden for the rest of the day, little fella will be home shortly and we're going to spend good time together. His exams start this week - he's really feeling the pressure... so thisavo it's going to a little chillax time for him.

Soooooooooooooooo... catchy'all later

thinking of those near and far...

llaallaaaaaaaaaaaalallal and so the feeling grows........there's no beginning, there'll be no end lallaallallllllllllllaallala

<not my video or pics but mighty purdy shots Wink >
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 05:35 am

THanks for pix, Iz dear.My rhodos are out now and I must get some snaps, and my shy azaleas. The best season of the year in my garden, is this. It all goes downhill after July.
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 05:48 am
It's the opposite Mac if you grow things to eat.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 09:59 am
oh Try that is lovely thank you am feeling not very beautiful! Am trying! Very Happy

So good to see our old Dutch here replying! Dutchy you keep me going! To be honest there is not enough to keep me on the straight and narrow but you really do!

So I did some gardening and washed my car! but my back is bad! Been bad for over a week! I have been laying on the floor because that helps! I hate not being able to be active!! I wanna do stuff!

Anyhow the sun has been shining and sat in the garden with s-girl while she revises and I read the paper!

love and hugs to all especially our Dutch! X
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 06:37 pm
Hi Izzie and annis, you are to generous with your words about me, it's you who deserve all the kudo's for battling on under difficult circumstances, I'll admire you two heaps. You're both the Joan of Arc's types. LOL
(((Izzie & Annis)))

Took Mrs.B out on Mother's Day and everything went fine, spent the whole afternoon out for the first time and survived brilliantly. Seems my walking regime is paying off and my mobility is getting better each day.

Weather getting much cooler here so the rest of the day is spent sitting in front of a cosy fire and do some reading and my favourite crosswords. So plenty of rest for this old codger. LOL

Take care all. Waves from Downunder.
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 07:13 pm
(((Dear Dutchy)))
So happy to hear your strength is returning. Enjoy your fire and crosswords.

Hello Yabber folkses.
I am beat. Such a busy day! But good. Hugs to you all!
Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 08:26 pm
Hi miss Sunshine, happy to see you too. Glad you're ok despite a busy day. Greetings to the Prof. and the boys. (((mismi))).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 May, 2012 10:02 am
Hey all

it has been a bit cool today! I need the heating on! My back is a little better thankfully! Am taking some strong tablets to help!

Mismi you go rest! I think all us girls and Dutch should have some R&R! My Dutch that would be fun! You and all us Girls!!! HA!

Am cooking mashed potatoes, Brocoli, pie and gravy!

Today has been a hard day in the not smoking! It has been 3 weeks and it is not any easier!! plus I think I have put on weight! So now I need a diet!! Just can not win!!

Take care all, hugs and stuff X
Reply Mon 14 May, 2012 04:14 pm
Hi annis, R & R with all you girls sounds like a splendid idea, love to be surrounded by beautiful women like you all are!

I can just imagine you all on a tropical island in your hula skirts and making Dutchy display his culinary skills on the barbeque. Smile

Wonder who wants to be in it?

Kudos to you for giving up smoking, proud of you, never mind the few extra pounds you still look smashing.

Waves from down under. (((annis)))
Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 07:57 am
Hello Crew - just jumped on board only to see our lovely Dutchy back on the ship and sounding truly dapper - Hey Dutchy (((hugs))). - Thank you sis for my lovely birthday wishes - I miss you too and hope it won't be too long till we get together again -
Annis - cannot believe you have given up smoking - hats off to you sweetie - and you still look amazing I am sure.

Missy - hope you and Prof and the boys are doing Ok and that your new venture is coming on nicely.
Love to you all - At work, so must dash!!!

Big hugs
FQ x s x
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