izzythepush wrote:
I'm getting excited about next Saturday's signing. I've put the word out and I'm getting T shirts printed.
So IzY - tell the crew all about it. This is a big thing for you and you should be verra proud - go tell it on the mountain... errrrr... waves!
S-boy is horribly coughy and coldy and was picked up from school first thing... (thanku MaMa) - it appears to be the same thang as wot I 'ad. Anyhoo, he's smunched up in bed now and had a big hot bath to try and warm him up a bit - sneeze sneeze sneeze - sickly l'il household this iz right now - my nose is running, again - eeeeeeeeeuw. Pass the tissues.
Roll on the Spring, that's what I say!
No worries at all tho - this too shall pass.
It's verra brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... and getting more brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tonight! BEAgle - we need some of your warmth please, you can keep the grubs tho

It was a super stunning day tho - big blue skies and the moors look incredibly beautiful. The moon is ohhhhhh.... just ohhhhhhhhhh and the stars are out. Wishing upon...
OK, so I gotta go and do and be.
Thinking of y'all. x