Evening Crew
<where does the time go... gone gone gone>
ossobuco wrote:
Good for you, Izzie. Very good news.
I used to despise the visits from the state once a year.
Thanku Osso

We have ours every 3 years - just so pleased all went well. ((Osso))x
Dutchy wrote:
Later on going into them Hills for a family Birthday party. Bit worried though, as it is a hot day and an extreme fire danger warning has been issued.
Hey BEAgle - how was the birthday party? Have there been fires near you this year? Hoping all is good with you. Can you believe we're going into February tomorrow - good golly!!!!! Winter is here Up Above - but I wish we could get a little more snow in Devon. Little fella rang from school yesterday shouting "Mom Mom, we have a blizzard"... it only lasted a few minutes

and there's no snow left - but he was verra happy. Keep cool hun – sending you and MrsB. big hugs xx
mismi wrote:
We have date night tonight so I must go get myself ready.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mis, so that made me smile.
I hope you’re completely better now and over the ick bug.
Very happy that you have the love bug tho. Love you and the Professor.
Keeping them posithoughts going for you and yours - I love that you're home right now - enjoy girlie, enjoy. How's the refurnishing going? Did you manage to sell any of the pieces? (((((((((((Missy))))))))))xxxxx
IzY – that Jazz was fantastic. I love Jazz… and Blues… oh, how I so wish to return to Chitoon with JPB and our Chicagoans… <sigh>. You weren’t on the forum when we went to Chitoon in 09… S-boy went and bluesed it up Bill’s
Ah, have just read back a few pages of that… made I smile lots. Little fella looks sooooooooooo young, babyface

Do hope you are all well there, along the coast. Keep warm.
JPB – oh girl, we so need to catchup – I miss you so much big sistah! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
McTag wrote:
Our son is laid up with a bad back, he's been lying on the floor for a week he tells us, but he won't come home to be cossetted. Or pummelled, or otherwise encouraged.
Hey Taggers - how's SonOfTaggers doing? Any better with his back? Could there be a possible herniated disc? Ex-hub had that (twice) and surgery (twice)... a.maz.ing. Fixed within hours. Hoping your boy is doing much much better now and he's not still laid up. Love to you and the Cabin Boy. xx
RH - nice to see you on the deck. Hope things are well in KS and you're keeping warm. Scritch the kitties for me and do send my love to Gram. X
annis wrote:
Think it will be again tonight if not more!
Or less
TULIP - do keep warm girl and turn the heating up a notch - gonna be a coldun tonight! Hope the kids are OK - hug them from me. xxx
Tryagain wrote:
Are y’all still wid me!

BlueBaby – ha! I’m sure donations will be plentiful, flat is good but sharp plays better.
2 4 1 chocolate negligee!
Talking of which, I need to get the piano tuned!
Schematics of the key players of mDA neuron development. Regionalisation of the neural tube (hindbrain (hb) brown, midbrain (mb) pink) establishes midbrain tissue identity via the inductive signals of Shh and Fgf8, which arise from the notochord (grey circle) and the midbrain-hindbrain border (blue) respectively, combined with Otx2 expression. This interaction enables midbrain ventral midline cells to respond to the later expression of the mDA neuron determination gene Lmx1a. Specification of the mDA neuronal identity occurs within the proliferative zone (grey) of the ventral midline. Here, Msx1 and Foxa2 promote generic neurogenesis via regulation of Ngn2 whilst Lmx1a, supported by Msx1, specifies mDA neuron cell fate. As these mDA neuron progenitors become postmitotic and enter the intermediate zone (yellow), they begin to express the pan neuronal marker Tuj1 and, subsequently, the DA neuron transmitter regulator, Nurr1. Lmx1b and Wnt1 positively control early Pitx3 expression in some Nurr1+ cells.
Who knew dat!
((((lyBlue))))xox hugs to you and yours.
An old friend of mine has just undergone brain surgery for his Parkinsons - I don’t know the details but it’s all new stuff – amazing what the surgeons can do these days. He’s a copper in the town , Mark, he’s recovering at home right now. Bless him. He’s such a good guy so posivibes for him.
Talking of being parky – it’s flippin’ freezing. Got the windscreen covered and a hot waterbottle up my jumper… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Need to go get fodder – wishing the world well.