Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2012 04:02 pm
I wouldn't hold my breath Dear Dutchy.

You two are stinkers. Wink
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2012 04:06 pm
I would hold my breath dear mismi. LOL Just joking because I know the lady that you are. Wish you well with your job interview tomorrow. (((mismi)))
Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2012 04:07 pm
Thank you ((Dear Dutchy))
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 01:36 am

Okay what's noo? Not too much here.

Our son is laid up with a bad back, he's been lying on the floor for a week he tells us, but he won't come home to be cossetted. Or pummelled, or otherwise encouraged.

I think something could be done, but my methods are not always welcome.
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 11:03 am
Nothing new here. I just had my second breakfast...I am a bit like a hobbit these days.

I am sorry to hear your son's back is bothering him. He should come home for both the coddeling and the pummeling. Both being needed from our folks at least every once in a while. I hope he feels better soon. Smile

I am cleaning the house and waiting for the "interview". Folks drive me insane sometimes. I hate sitting around waiting. ugh. blech.

upward and onward...have a good day folks.
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 12:17 pm
oh poor you Mismi! Am wishing you well X

So there is snow on the moor but none here abouts! Fboy want snow so he can use his sledge! It has been trying to sleet but it is mighty cold! So heating on and have poured a whisky and lemonade! Can not drink it straight anymore! Must be getting old! Ha!

Take care all X
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 12:19 pm
do you have hairy toes yet?

(enjoy your cozy cocktail, Tulip...)
Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 01:08 pm
I shaved them this morning. Wink and my legs. Wait a second - I should be telling you to mind your own damn business. Razz
Oh - I get it...hobbit. d'oh

La Tulip! I would always have a mixer - well usually - whiskey burns my belly when it's straight! Ow! Smile Not a sign of being old at all. Thanks for the well wishes...I seem to be all better. Other than my tummy not wanting to eat much still...that actually is not a bad thing. Razz

0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 08:04 am
Fraternal greetings to the krue.

I wus just thinkin’ if two major degradation pathways for dopamine really exist.

Wat I wanna know is; is it true that in most areas of the brain, including the striatum and basal ganglia, dopamine is inactivated by reuptake via the dopamine transporter (DAT1), then enzymatic breakdown by monoamine oxidase (MAOA and MAOB) into 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid?

Coz in the prefrontal cortex there are very few dopamine transporter proteins, and dopamine is instead inactivated by reuptake via the norepinephrine transporter (NET), presumably on neighboring norepinephrine neurons, then enzymatic breakdown by catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) into 3-methoxytyramine.

The way I see it is the DAT1 pathway is roughly an order of magnitude faster than the NET pathway: in mice, dopamine concentrations decay with a half-life of 200 ms in the caudate nucleus (which uses the DAT1 pathway) versus 2,000 ms in the prefrontal cortex.

Are y’all still wid me!

So iffin’ we agree dopamine has many functions in the brain, including important roles in behavior and cognition, voluntary movement, motivation, punishment and reward, inhibition of prolactin production (involved in lactation and sexual gratification).

What part does Dopaminergic neurons (i.e., neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is dopamine) which are present chiefly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, the substantia nigra pars compacta, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus play?

However, a word of warning and it is wise to remember this rule when playing: Sharps and flats are not black keys - but the black keys are sharps and flats!

A sharp simply means to play the next higher key on a piano keyboard, while a flat means to play the next lower key. That next higher or lower key may be black or white.

All black keys are indeed sharps or flats, but a sharp or flat may also be a white key. E-sharp and C-flat are white keys, for instance.

I hope that clarifies the juxtaposition.

This has been a Public Service Information Broadcast –
You have not been billed for this service, although donations of chocolate and lingerie will be deemed endurably heterogeneous.

Best wishes Missy; but remember:

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Colossians 3:23

God its cold in Chicago this morning!
Well compared to Dunbrody on the Eastern Cape of South Africa at 122 °F (50.0 °C).

Hugs to our esteemed captain and crew.

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 10:16 am
I try hard to keep up - I do...sometimes I just cain't

Best wishes Missy; but remember:

‘Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.’
Colossians 3:23

Thank you Tryagain.

I think I remember one of your first posts to me was something about my feet. Because they are usually are bare and apparently you have a foot fettish. Hairy Hobbit feet must have brought you out of hiding. (smile)

Have a good day folkses.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 12:05 pm
ooh Missy sharing you shaving antics!

Well tis cold, cold, cold! Had some snow yesterday but mostly gone now except on the high moor! Was minus 1 this morning at 9am. Think it will be again tonight if not more!

Glad you feeling better Mismi. So what are the rest of you up to? Tis quiet on this here ship!

Hugs all X
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 12:22 pm
What part does Dopaminergic neurons (i.e., neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is dopamine) which are present chiefly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, the substantia nigra pars compacta, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus play?

That's the bit that makes you do those things what you does do.

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 12:29 pm
Tryagain wrote:
What part does Dopaminergic neurons (i.e., neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is dopamine) which are present chiefly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain, the substantia nigra pars compacta, and the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus play?

Izzy wrote:
That's the bit that makes you do those things what you does do.

That made me smile too.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 02:00 pm
Evening Crew

<where does the time go... gone gone gone>

ossobuco wrote:

Good for you, Izzie. Very good news.
I used to despise the visits from the state once a year.

Thanku Osso Very Happy We have ours every 3 years - just so pleased all went well. ((Osso))x

Dutchy wrote:

Later on going into them Hills for a family Birthday party. Bit worried though, as it is a hot day and an extreme fire danger warning has been issued.

Hey BEAgle - how was the birthday party? Have there been fires near you this year? Hoping all is good with you. Can you believe we're going into February tomorrow - good golly!!!!! Winter is here Up Above - but I wish we could get a little more snow in Devon. Little fella rang from school yesterday shouting "Mom Mom, we have a blizzard"... it only lasted a few minutes Wink and there's no snow left - but he was verra happy. Keep cool hun – sending you and MrsB. big hugs xx

mismi wrote:

We have date night tonight so I must go get myself ready.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh Mis, so that made me smile.

I hope you’re completely better now and over the ick bug.

Very happy that you have the love bug tho. Love you and the Professor.

Keeping them posithoughts going for you and yours - I love that you're home right now - enjoy girlie, enjoy. How's the refurnishing going? Did you manage to sell any of the pieces? (((((((((((Missy))))))))))xxxxx

IzY – that Jazz was fantastic. I love Jazz… and Blues… oh, how I so wish to return to Chitoon with JPB and our Chicagoans… <sigh>. You weren’t on the forum when we went to Chitoon in 09… S-boy went and bluesed it up Bill’s


Ah, have just read back a few pages of that… made I smile lots. Little fella looks sooooooooooo young, babyface Razz Ahhhhhhh…

Do hope you are all well there, along the coast. Keep warm.

JPB – oh girl, we so need to catchup – I miss you so much big sistah! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

McTag wrote:

Our son is laid up with a bad back, he's been lying on the floor for a week he tells us, but he won't come home to be cossetted. Or pummelled, or otherwise encouraged.

Hey Taggers - how's SonOfTaggers doing? Any better with his back? Could there be a possible herniated disc? Ex-hub had that (twice) and surgery (twice)... a.maz.ing. Fixed within hours. Hoping your boy is doing much much better now and he's not still laid up. Love to you and the Cabin Boy. xx

RH - nice to see you on the deck. Hope things are well in KS and you're keeping warm. Scritch the kitties for me and do send my love to Gram. X

annis wrote:

Think it will be again tonight if not more!

Or less Very Happy

TULIP - do keep warm girl and turn the heating up a notch - gonna be a coldun tonight! Hope the kids are OK - hug them from me. xxx

Tryagain wrote:

Are y’all still wid me!

BlueBaby – ha! I’m sure donations will be plentiful, flat is good but sharp plays better.

2 4 1 chocolate negligee!

Talking of which, I need to get the piano tuned! Shocked


Schematics of the key players of mDA neuron development. Regionalisation of the neural tube (hindbrain (hb) brown, midbrain (mb) pink) establishes midbrain tissue identity via the inductive signals of Shh and Fgf8, which arise from the notochord (grey circle) and the midbrain-hindbrain border (blue) respectively, combined with Otx2 expression. This interaction enables midbrain ventral midline cells to respond to the later expression of the mDA neuron determination gene Lmx1a. Specification of the mDA neuronal identity occurs within the proliferative zone (grey) of the ventral midline. Here, Msx1 and Foxa2 promote generic neurogenesis via regulation of Ngn2 whilst Lmx1a, supported by Msx1, specifies mDA neuron cell fate. As these mDA neuron progenitors become postmitotic and enter the intermediate zone (yellow), they begin to express the pan neuronal marker Tuj1 and, subsequently, the DA neuron transmitter regulator, Nurr1. Lmx1b and Wnt1 positively control early Pitx3 expression in some Nurr1+ cells.

Who knew dat! Mr. Green

((((lyBlue))))xox hugs to you and yours.

An old friend of mine has just undergone brain surgery for his Parkinsons - I don’t know the details but it’s all new stuff – amazing what the surgeons can do these days. He’s a copper in the town , Mark, he’s recovering at home right now. Bless him. He’s such a good guy so posivibes for him.

Talking of being parky – it’s flippin’ freezing. Got the windscreen covered and a hot waterbottle up my jumper… brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Need to go get fodder – wishing the world well.

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 02:14 pm
I started to tune the piano here the other day, captain. and then realized that while I can still kinda sorta play one, and I am really proficient at moving and setting one on stage...

sadly I can no more tune a piano than I can tuna fish.

mars bars for everyone...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 02:17 pm
Common ovah! Anytime, Mz Izz. We'd love to have you back. Those pics brought back lots of smiles for me too. Bill's Blues is no longer but I saw Lurrie Bell recently and talked to him after the show about that night.
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 02:59 pm
Rockhead wrote:

sadly I can no more tune a piano than I can tuna fish.

These jokes are so bad I can't Handel them Razz Ha! ((RH))

JPB - I'd so love to, you know I would... it was such a good night we had there. Such a shame it's no longer Sad

I'm waiting on a call from the school - S-boy is poorly sick so I may need to take a run up there and pick him up... still haven't eaten - gah - must.go.eat

going.to.eat. Razz

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 03:25 pm
it's good to see you on deck as well, captain.

hugs and chicken soup to S boy...

I'm on hold now with the clinic.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 03:51 pm
I hope Sboy feels better soon. So sorry he's sick. Sad

Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 04:07 pm
Thanku both - they're going to keep him overnight as they do still have snow up there and it's bitter bitter cold - so, it's safer to keep him up there tonight and we'll review in the morning, then if he needs to come home, I've spoken to MaMa and she can go pick him up and bring him back - there's no place like home, especially when poorly. Bless him - achoo achoo achoo, cough cough cough.

Gosh, so many coughy cold bugs going around - we've got a teacher off at the mo since last Thurs and some more kidlets too plus a chickenpox... ahhhhh, poor pickled kidlet.

Spring's on the way... bugs be gone - this cold snap may get rid of some of the nasties hopefully, tho I admit, we are having to turn the heating up so I don't think that helps much. My school had power cuts over the weekend (police are not happy when the alarm keeps going off Shocked and the school had NO heating yesterday AT ALL. NADA. We have to close the school if we go under 16 degrees in the classroom... it was a close call Shocked My boss and one of the premises managers managed to the get the clocks back on timer at 1am last night (storage heaters) after the alarm fired again - so we had some heat today. Mighty brrrr tho - we are whuses in the cold Razz

All will be good, I'm sure. Thankeeee. xx
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