Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 08:34 am
Thank you so much Izzy. I am blessed beyond belief - other than the loss of sleep and being sad for friends and their losses...we are great. I cannot complain. I was a wee bit whiny yesterday. But I get that way when I haven't had my full 7 hours of sleep. Smile

I think Milky Ways have caramel in them as well. But it's been a while since I had one...mainly because if I am going to eat a candy bar I go for the Snickers. Good Golly Miss Molly - they are good. I deplete the boys Halloween stash of the Snickers...thankfully they do not like peanuts. Wink

Ah McT - how very efficient of you. That is a great way to conserve energy. Fall asleep there - and - well okay the whole keyboard thing might be a little - ew Wink - but start all over again. Very Happy I thought it was late there. Sometimes I get my Australian times for Dear Dutchy and the Brit time for you all confused.
It is truly a mess there in that line of towns where the storm hit. Those pictures are just the ones my friends posted. There are so many more that are horrific. It is amazing to me that there were only 3 people killed. Being in the middle of the night like that - well - it is just so much better than it could have been I suppose.

Thank you Stormy. I do appreciate the prayers for my friends. Their lives are a bit shaken up. But thank goodness I did not lose them. Even though they lost much - they are still here. For that I am truly grateful.

I slept well last night. Though I still woke up at about 4:00 - that was seven hours and I think I shall be able to muddle through the day!

Hope you all have a good one. I am taking supplies to the church of a friend of mine there in Clay. I will be out of pocket most of the day. I got the boys to go help me pick out things to help those cleaning up and diapers and wipes and formula for those with babies. Lots of water needed. I want the boys to SEE what some people go through. They just don't realize how very blessed we are sometimes - nor the fact that it could just as easily be us. It is up to us to help out where we can. Good lesson for them.

Hugs you all. See you this evening.
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 08:52 am
I'm so glad you're fine, and doing good deeds. I've cleaned the kitchen, does that count? Yesterday my little boy told me he was playing the part of the woodcutter in his classes' adaptation of little red riding hood, and could he take an axe to school.

Fortunately I managed to persuade him that it was probably best to leave the axe in the shed and make a pretend axe with cardboard paper and silver foil. I like snickers as well, but I much preferred it when they were called marathons. We had to change the name to fit in with the rest of the world. I dunno, snickers sounds too much like knickers to me, but I'm an old grump.

Cadburys do other peanut based snacks picnic and star bars, and I really like them. Anyway I'm trying to cut back on such things after over indulging at Christmas.
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 09:27 am
Well...mostly just trying to help out. It feels like it's not enough. But I just don't see how I can go about my business when there is that much need so close to home. Of course - there is that need close to home most of the time...but that's another story.

Good job Daddy Izzy. Glad you didn't give over and let him take the real axe Wink I have had to get on to one of my boys. He keeps taking our axe and trying to cut down things in the back yard. He has lost his little mind. I had to lock it up. The other two would never try that. Never occured to me he would try. After the first time - he got a warning. I just didn't think he would try it again. The second time I told him he would lose his privileges on the XBOX and the third time he lost his privileges...AND I locked it up. I probably should have done that the second time. Now I know.
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 09:29 am
Some boys are just destructive. I was always swiping matches and lighting bonfires. Maybe your lad had just heard the story of George Washington.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 02:32 pm

so verra sad for y'all out there who have suffered and lost their loved ones...

I'm so pleased you and yours are alright (((((Mis)))) and so happy to hear you are getting your business on track. Be verra proud of you Mis. Love and hugs to you all. xxxxx

McTag wrote:

I feel very privileged, and a bit astonished to be playing this stuff...however imperfectly. Smile Shocked

we love imperfect Wink

so, when do get to hear your rendition a? x

Rockhead wrote:

you know, this ship has been sailing for years, and I've never bothered to check the batteries in the smoke detectors...

while I'm doing that, Ima reload the mars bar stash...

all chocolate most gratefully appreciated Razz

yes yes, we need a health and safety check on board - just in case we get some beeping going on! Mars Bars - love a Mars Bar... please stock up the vending machine on the deck. Oooooh, I have a Mars upstairs (damn calories) ((RH)) Take care in KS. x

Tryagain wrote:

Knowing that it was only Try'.

((((Blue)))) - the one and only Razz You're in charge of *PAT testing - who knew! Lots of little blue stickers please on all electrical items Wink ((((lyBlue xox))))x

*(Portable Appliance Testing)

((Chitooners JPB and jw)) - hope the snow has gone now and all is well and happy over your side of poind. xx

((JPB)) - keep on keeping on - hope you are feeling so so much better now and have stopped cough cough coughing. Love to you and the "B"'s xxxx

annis wrote:

I keep thinking - 4 years ago he was here with us and here I am now alone! struggling!

I know Tulip, I know. I love you girl. Miss him too. x Strength - we're here for you. We'll see you on Saturday, OK... OK. xxx

BEAgle - I'm thinking of you too ((((Bosun)))). Enjoy the tennis - I wish I could have seen some of it, but have heaps on at the mo and no time for TV. Work is busy busy - have the audit on Friday. Love to all of you in SA ((((((((D&A)))))))xx

Stormy - hope all is well with you and the family, take care out there xxxx

izzythepush wrote:

I've cleaned the kitchen, does that count?

It's a start! Hope your little lad has cheered up a bit now and daughter is feeling better. No no, no axe at school, thankee verra much. I reckon H&S would have something to say about that!!!!

<sorry about the Saints... shhhh.....I'll be verra quiet>

((((Crew)))) be safe, be well y'all ...
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 02:44 pm
Tulip - I am so sorry - in my sleep deprived state I managed to miss this. ((Tulip))...I am amazed by your strength and how you have managed to keep on keeping on. I know it has to be a struggle. I, like Iz, wish you strength and warm wonderful memories of your husband. He is proud of you - I know.

Boys are destructive Izzy. That is all. Wink

Thanks you Izzie. Glad to see you hon. Things are good. I have a phone interview this week from the regional boss out of Atlanta. This is VERY good.
Yes - things are a mess here - not in my direct area - (thankfully - guiltily thankfully) but so many have lost so much. Love you - ((Izzie))
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 02:54 pm
Morning Izzie, the Bosun just woke up to another scorcher. Been watching the tennis until late. Your favourite Roger Federer is still there, will play Nadal in a semi final tomorrow. He is playing really well and could well take it out. Your Country man Murray is also still there so we'll do a bit of barracking for him as well. Busy week for you eh, well take it easy Izzie, space your work and take care. (((Izzie)))

Best wishes to Tulip too, I know how you feel as it is our anniversary also, same date. We'll be thinking of you and yours, times goes by so quickly, yours is 4 and ours is 13. No doubt your two adorable children are a great strength to you. (((Annis)))

Waves from downunder
Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 08:49 pm

Have a good day. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 02:31 am
Izzie wrote:

<sorry about the Saints... shhhh.....I'll be verra quiet>

I'm very used to disappointment as a Southampton fan so I shouldn't be too surprised, and we're still in an automatic promotion spot. Things have been so much worse, and it should kick the players up the arse.

I made the axe last night, it looks quite early iron age despite being made of tin foil, plastic cardboard and sellotape. It passes muster, so does the lumberjack shirt I got out the wardrobe.

Tulip, my wife died about 7 and a half years ago. It does get better.
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 10:27 am
Dutchy wrote:

Best wishes to Tulip too, I know how you feel as it is our anniversary also, same date. We'll be thinking of you and yours, times goes by so quickly, yours is 4 and ours is 13. No doubt your two adorable children are a great strength to you. (((Annis)))

((((((((((BEAgle)))))))))) ya know, love you & Mrs B., DannyBoy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

izzythepush wrote:

Tulip, my wife died about 7 and a half years ago. It does get better.


I just wanted to say thank you to you both...

((((Tulip)))) will call you later. x

mismi wrote:

((Tulip))...I am amazed by your strength and how you have managed to keep on keeping on. I know it has to be a struggle. I, like Iz, wish you strength and warm wonderful memories of your husband. He is proud of you - I know.

Yes Mis, Tulip is amazing. She really is and she does an amazing job of raising their children. Michael would be very proud of her.

mismi wrote:

I have a phone interview this week from the regional boss out of Atlanta. This is VERY good.

Love you too Mis, verra much. I am posivibing for you from this side of the pond... thinking good thoughts and praying that this will all be good. xxx

So, I have to go zzzzzz for a while... long day (had to work when I got home) and I'm sooooo tired... but I got a lllallllllllllalala going on...

Radio 2, gotta love Radio 2, I LOVE Radio 2 - I was bopping in the car on the way home to this... damn near ran the car into the field as I was singing into the pretend mic Embarrassed Mr. Green

Like a warrior that fights
And wins the battle
I know the taste of victory
Though I went through some nights
Consumed by the shadows
I was crippled emotionally
Somehow I made it through the heartache
Yes I did, I escaped
I found my way out of the darkness,
kept my faith (I know you did)
Kept my faith
When the river was deep I didn't falter
When the mountain was high
I still believed
When the valley was low
It didn't stop me, no no
I knew you were waiting
Knew you were waiting for me
With an endless desire
I kept on searching
Sure in time our eyes would meet
And like the bridge is on fire
The hurt is over
One touch and you set me free
I don't regret a single moment
no I don't ( I know you don't)
Looking back, when I think of all those disappointments
I just laugh (I know you do), I just laugh
When the river was deep I didn't falter
When the mountain was high
I still believed
When the valley was low
It didn't stop me, no no
I knew you were waiting
Knew you were waiting for me
So we were drawn together through destiny
I know this love we share was meant to be
Knew you were waiting for me
I didn't falter
When the mountain was high
I still believed
When the valley was low
It didn't stop me, no no
I knew you were waiting
Knew you were waiting for me


Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 10:30 am
(( Izzie))

Rest well hon.
Thank you for the the posivibes. You know the Professor will be beside himself if I get this job. Oh but I have loved being home again.

Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 10:34 am
oh oh oh, before I go... on the way to work... I had another singalong with the lads!

Happy Burn's Day to our Scottish contingent... (yes Taggers, that be you laddie)

Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796) (also known as Rabbie Burns, Scotland's favourite son, the Ploughman Poet, Robden of Solway Firth, the Bard of Ayrshire and in Scotland as simply The Bard)[1][2] was a Scottish poet and a lyricist. He is widely regarded as the national poet of Scotland, and is celebrated worldwide. He is the best known of the poets who have written in the Scots language, although much of his writing is also in English and a "light" Scots dialect, accessible to an audience beyond Scotland. He also wrote in standard English, and in these his political or civil commentary is often at its most blunt.

He is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement, and after his death he became a great source of inspiration to the founders of both liberalism and socialism and a cultural icon in Scotland and among the Scottish Diaspora around the world. Celebration of his life and work became almost a national charismatic cult during the 19th and 20th centuries, and his influence has long been strong on Scottish literature. In 2009 he was chosen as the 'Greatest Scot' by the Scottish public in a vote run by Scottish television channel STV.

As well as making original compositions, Burns also collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising or adapting them. His poem (and song) Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay (the last day of the year), and Scots Wha Hae served for a long time as an unofficial national anthem of the country. Other poems and songs of Burns that remain well-known across the world today include A Red, Red Rose; A Man's A Man for A' That; To a Louse; To a Mouse; The Battle of Sherramuir; Tam o' Shanter, and Ae Fond Kiss.


and I'm gonna have to go with a fave...


na na na, na na na
na na na, na na na
lika lika lika lika lika la, la, la
na na na, na na na
na na na, na na na
lika lika lika lika lika la, la, la



Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 10:39 am
I know how much it means to you Mis... being at home and being able to keep it all together...

what will be, will most certainly be...

keep thinking positively - and if an opportunity comes along, grabba hold of it and see where it takes you.

Love you Mis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 10:42 am
Love you too. Very Happy
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 02:17 pm
Morning Izzie and mismi, thank you for your kind words, the Bosun loves you.

Oh Izzie, when are you going to sing in tune, you'll never be a Vera Lynn. Smile

mismi hope you'll find a job soon and make the Prof. happy but as a busy mother I can understand you love being home too.

Mrs.B is good to me today, no jobs, allowing me to watch the 4th cricket match on TV, followed by the Tennis tonight. Wondering if she has an eye on my wallet. Laughing

Waves from downunder.
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 04:05 pm
Well I love the Bosun! Smile I think you are a very lucky man - and she is even luckier! Wink

I found this and it reminded me of Izzie


0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 04:19 pm

Happy Burn's Day to our Scottish contingent... (yes Taggers, that be you laddie)

Our beloved captain remembers even the most insignificant of her crew. Is she not wonderful?

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, dear Izzie, but no Burns Supper for me tonight because I was at the band practice where we fought the Phantom of the Opera and were also In the Mood and played a fabulous fabulous medley arrangement of Cole Porter songs, drool drool, it it really something, very lush, and it's ten pages long.
Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 04:34 pm
One of my favorite poets and the author of my signature line. Happy Burn's Day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2012 03:08 am
Perhaps there is no better summary of the use of our words than in Paul’s teaching:

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Ephesians 4:29:

We will not forget:

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.’

0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2012 03:37 am
When I lived in Northumberland, the local chip shop sold haggis and chips amongst other things. I did have it once, not a lot different from sausage.
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