Hello Crew
oooooooooooooooh, snowed under at work! <zzzzzzzzzzzzing thisavo!>
BEAgle - how are ya darlin'? Oooooooh, that heat sounds a tad hot and I'm glad you're enjoying (so thankful you have a/c). Hope you've got all your chores lined up for the day (haha!) and that you get to have another walk along the beach. Luverly. Have a cold one on me (((((BEAgle)))))

Missy - how's yer knees gal. Oh me too also, I feel like I'm still sweet sixteen (heh, well not so much of the sweet)... but the 'ole body does not agree. Nem'mind tho, we are what we are. Hope all is good with you today and your having a happy time. I've improved a lot over the last 24 hours - my voice still croaks a little but other than that, my fettle is being refined! <getting there at last> Thinking of you (((Mis))) and hoping too that G-baby is better. xxxx
(((JPBirthday girl))) - so glad you had a lovely time in Nola, I was quietly celebrating for you on Sunday and was hoping you'd make it out and abooot - how are yer ears? Are you still snowing in Chi-toon? Really really hoping you are feeling better now and you're on the recovery road. I certainly can sympathise with you... been a nasty couple of weeks healthwise. Ah, there's nothing like coming home and getting into your own bed. Very comforting. Feel better girl, big love x
Tulip - wasn't it theeeeee most incredible sunrise yesterday. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing so I had to go capture the moment tho a pic will never do it justice. Straight off the camera looking out the back door...
amazing it was, quite extraordinary
ha! then this morning, it was grey and misty and not a pink or fluffy cloud to be seen - mizzly day it was! Glad you're keeping busy and being fabulous and occupying Tuesdays - rest and relax girl - or walk walk walk. (((Tulip)))xxx
Storrrrrrrrmy - hello, hello - hope all is fab in MA and you're all keeping warm by the fire. You got snow???? OK, carry on girl, happy hibernating

Love to you and your family (((((Stormy))))))x
((((MaMaVerby)))) - oh you do sound a busy gal! Hoping for you that the new job is settled now and that you do get some R&R some of the time. Bless you, you sound exhausted. Pamper time, you need some pamper time!!! How is H-boy? Take very good care and jump aboard when you can ((((Ind))))xxx
Tryagain wrote:
Bailey’s and ice is really nice. Once you have supped the Bailey’s, oh lawdy, the ice will really make you hot!
oooooooh... no, nothing else, just ooooooooooooh. <leans forward and kisses cheek - no no, I am not infectious>

Ha! your morale is to be commended

waves backatcha fella ((((lyBlue)))) xox Take care of you and yours. xxxxxxxxxx
Okeydokey, so I'm grabbin' a quick tea, then I have to go into town and get some milk.... dayum... not enough milk. Oh, woe iz I !!!!
Catchy'all later, lovin' the crew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx