Thank you for posting your pictures Special Agent Wandel, special girls no doubt.
Izzie so pleased you had a great Christmas, your happiness is reflected in your photographs, just brilliant. Would you believe that Helicopter made me laugh because A. got the same present for Christmas and I couldn't stop playing with it. LOL
Must also say a special thank you to mismi, JPB, Barry the Mod, izzythepush, Annis and Stormy for the birthday wishes. I appreciate your kind thoughts very much. If I missed anybody my sincere apologies.
Early night tonight, need to catch up on a few extra winks.
Missssssy - how was your day? Did you have a lovely time with the Professor's folks? Will you be able to see your MaMa & PaPa again soon? I bet y'all had a wonderful time... I can imagine your boys on Christmas Day... ahhhh, bless them. I know you've will have been giving thanks - me too Dixie, so thankful with who I have in my life. Love you Mis xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Boida - how's mit you? I do hope your breathing is improving and I'm so glad you've not had to worry about going to appointments and the suchlike for a few days. You're always in my thoughts and I'm channelling New York right this minute...
I'm going to make it by any means, I got a pocket full of dreams...llalallllllllllllllallalaala
My SoulSis is having the most amazing time in Florida right now... I would love to able to visit with you Boida... I have to make that happen somehow. ((((((Boida))))))x
BEAgle... you did have such a good time a? Rest up young man and take a load off now - moving forward into 2012 and I've a feeling it's going to be the best of years. x
2012 will be!
((((Blue)))) ... love x and (((((yours))))) x-->
0 Replies
Tue 27 Dec, 2011 12:27 pm
Thanks for the song, Izzie. The video had many of my favorite buildings and places. Made me smile. I love this town.
My breathing is a bit better after a week of resting. Also I'm not exhausted--a new feeling.
Still waiting for a visit. I'll be here when you get to it.
0 Replies
Wed 28 Dec, 2011 01:58 pm
Hugs to all...hope you are all having a great week.
Hi there Dear Dutchy! Feel like I am spinning my wheels today - looking for a new job - but I am fine other than the feeling there is so much I need to get done and just can't get to it all. Of course I got stuck reading on FB. I love it though.
OK, I gotta go to bed, sooooooooooo tired...... lovin' the crew
Missy - the right opportunity will present itself... keep your faith Dixie - love much xxxxxx
0 Replies
Thu 29 Dec, 2011 05:52 am
Morning Dahhhhhlings
It's a little wild and wet here - oooooooooooohdooolally!
Little fella has gone into the city to see his brother so he was a bit excited
Gonna have a big clean through today so I shall no doubt pop in and out - got me some music and starting the day with theeeee gorgeous Adele, who's a perfect cure!
ooooh ooooh, spoke to Charlie in FloRida - they've had such a FAB time - flying home today, so it'll be a bit of a shock to the system as it's not quite as warm here... we skyped for a while (thank goodness S-boy knows had his laptop) and the place they have stayed in was just fantastic - so happy to see them and we had a good 'ole sis-talk.
K-bro had been feeling a little Goofy, but Goofy didn't object and Minnie said he was only taking the Mickey; I'm currently on a different planet, but Pluto is way cool with it!
K-bro had been feeling a little Goofy, but Goofy didn't object and Minnie said he was only taking the Mickey; I'm currently on a different planet, but Pluto is way cool with it!
There's a show called Psyche on cable over here and it is HILARIOUS! Totally cracks me up. Gus (friend of "psychic" Sean) has his awkward moment phrase and it's all about Pluto.
Glad FQ and fam had a great time. I have family down there - but it is such a haul from here! With three kids it is a crazy long trip. But we need to get back down there soon. Love Florida.
Have a good day cleaning out. I have been doing the same. So much I need to get rid of! Selling off some things - giving away others. Trying to make a man cave for the guys. This Xbox is annoying as all get out. But I like that it keeps them up here with me....ah - I'm torn.
Going walking with a friend then helping another move. Thinking I will have an additional three boys here this evening for a spend the night thing. I have lost my mind.
Have a good day Iz ((Izzie))
Same to the rest of the crew. ((Crew))
Hola Mis - hope you managed to get everything done
I've had a lazy day today - tad under the weather and it's pretty miz outside, rain rain rain and chilly too - yuk - so I've done some tinkling on the ivories and finally received some gifts for folk that I'd ordered weeks ago Bit late ... but a gift is never really late, so that's happy.
So, waiting for the docs to drop some meds off for me - how good is that - bless my doc.
Keeping company with the haunted fish tank, gotta love ITV2 - watched a good weepy with a fave song on
yes yes, I know, don't cry, don't cry Roger that!
Charlie will be back from Disneyworld FloRida now - so gonna give her a quick call and hope I don't waken her from her jetlag! <I'll be in trouble if I do >
Talking of Disney, love a disney movie... this one was one of R-boys faves when he was a teeny fella
Ever just as sure as the sun will rise
Okeydokey, gonna make a cuppa and phone my sis. Hoping all is good in the world.
I've had a lazy day today - tad under the weather and it's pretty miz outside, rain rain rain and chilly too
Met too ditto! So I retired to my hammock this afternoon, just got up to watch Darcy Bussell. That was good.
Miserable cold, now on the way out for Hogmanay! Hoots mon!
Hi Izzie, New Year's Eve here, wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year and may all your wishes come true. Love from the Bosun. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Sat 31 Dec, 2011 04:09 am
Now Crew, before our BEAgle and Margo, Indeedee, Spike. MsOgla, Deb and all our Down Underers go off to their celebrations…. just a quick post in case I can’t get back here laterz…………..
time to put on the party hats... as Down Under is about to bring in the New Year
get out the party poppers
charge your glasses
and here we go...
onwards and upwards - wishing for the best ever year to everyone... bring it on 2012
Happy New Year Crew
It will be 4 years on Jan 1st since I found A2K, and you found me… can’t tell you how much my life has changed and how much I have to look forward to.