Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 02:56 pm
JPB wrote:

Yay, yay, yay!

YAY! Razz Can you see me smiling JPB - it was soooooooo good! Very Happy

McTag wrote:

That sounds pretty, pretty, pretty good.

It really was... and iz!

McTag wrote:

I'm not sick. I'm in rude health, very rude indeed. Yee- hah!

Yee-hahhhhhing too!

McTag wrote:

I enjoy watching Countryfile don't you?

Gareth Malone's latest choir programmes are great, I was blubbing like a baby today when the soldiers came home.

I've joined an orchestra now, although they're not very good. I can't do much damage, thankfully, while I get familiar (no, not with the second viola, though it's a tempting thought) with the parts.

I love Countryfile! All the little things...

Yes Taggers, the Military Wive's single is being released on 19th December... (wonderful it is). Did you see Gareth conducting "Children In Need"?... 3000 kids singing around the country...

Keep Holding On

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

La da da da
La da da da
La da da da da da da da da

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Keep holding on
Keep holding on

There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through



Made I cry so much...

I realise that most in the US won't have heard of Wootton Bassett, but this is a special place where our service personnel were honoured on their repatriation.


This is rather amazing in the way it has been brought together, what it represents... and those that it will help

I'm so pleased for you ((Taggers)), that you've joined an orchestra - such a positive outlet - I know you'll be brilliant! x

verbivore wrote:

Izziee - great to hear u had a blast! Missies (misssyyy))) thngs wil solve soon
BEAgle - i was infact contemplating n a euro trip..u suggest i make it to Down Under instead Wink
Euro rail pass - anyones hopped onto that? needed first hand info!
I do DREAM of meeting the captain!!!!and sme of u..if things turn out good! lemme see - dragging her to India seems impossible...captain..missing ye bigtiimee!

Thank you sweet MaMaVerby - you know you and yours will be welcomed into my home if ever you should make it to the UK Very Happy I would love to see you all. As and when I am able, I'd dearly love to visit your country and experience everything I could... perhaps one day that will happen - 'til then, pls don't miss me... I'm always around Very Happy xxx

Talking of Mismi - Misssssssssy - I read you've another sick baby... oh Mis - I'm so sorry that's going on. Wishing you all well and sending you heap big love (((((((Misssy))))))))x

Roberta wrote:

Izzie querida, It does my heart good to see you in such fine fettle. Your fettle hasn't been all that fine for a while.

I rejoice.

Ah Boida, I am in flippin' fantastic fettle - thank you so much goil. Tad tired ... but good tired. Little fella is still coughing - but he does sound better than last week - his levels are up and down - but I'm pretty sure he'll be alright for skiing. He's back at the docs on Friday so hopefully they will say he's good to go. ((((Boida)))) x

My sis had a long journey back in really stormy weather - but her hubby was awaiting so she's a happy goilie. She's back on a plane again tomorrow (well, depending on strike action at the airports) so she's got a long few days ahead.

My school is also closed tomorrow with strike action (tho 3 of us are going in as normal)... and my builders may also be on unofficial strike Shocked - they didn't turn up again today but by the time I got home and found out, I was too knackered to chase them up. Who knows when they'll come back? Not even a call... tsk tsk. I shall give the chap a call tomorrow and try to find out what's going on - right now tho - NOT A LOT! Confused Not gonna stress over it tho (at the mo anyway)... it'll get sorted eventually.

Yep Taggers, I won't give in about the doors - they have got to be the right way. I've taken lots of photos as there's quite a lot not quite right out there and with the amount of rain we've had, the water is pouring off the roof and straight down the walls as they've not fixed the guttering... hmmmm... it's all been a little bit disastrous really as this has been going on since Aug 16th... but hey ho, whaddya gonna do! I'll call them tomorrow and get them to get a wriggle on!

((((BEAgle))) - how's you hun? Life is good, yes? x

(((((Blue)))))) xox babyyyyyy... love to you and hugs to yours x

Lovin' the crew
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 03:19 pm
oh my... i just saw the most amazing shooting star... ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 21:17 ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my, crystal clear skies!
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 04:10 pm
ah, Dancing Queen, I used to watch the shuttles lift off at night and reflect in my pond out back.

So, it seems that Izzie is fit as a fiddle, now.

Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 04:26 pm
haha Letty - mebbe not quite as energetic Razz - but these two fellas (sheesh, I loved these guys when I was a wee Iz and as a grown Iz, they say it just about right (and a little more like my dancing) heh heh Wink

off to bed shortly ~ catching up on some zzzzzzzzzzz's this week methinks - it's all good tho

((((((((((LettyBettyLetty)))))))))))) - you are such a sweetheart - much love... xxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 04:30 pm
Good night my dancing Queen. (((Izzie)))
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 04:37 pm
good night Danny - love you xx

time to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz <yawn> off to meet my dream catcher...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Nov, 2011 06:15 pm
<always reading along>
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2011 01:12 am
Izza....nw tht thngs r fine....pamper urself a bit...rest a lill - the chasing nd running part can b taken care a lill latr- let thm strike a while till u strike a deal Wink wit urself tht is!
London and the moor is not an impossibility....just a distant possibility for me Wink so - fingers crossed!
let see - how things unfold!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2011 04:49 pm





All good things to hold on to Very Happy

Wishing y'all a good morning / avo / evening x
Reply Wed 30 Nov, 2011 05:37 pm
Morning Izzie from downunder, just about to go outside and serve Mrs. B a cup of coffee, she's working in the garden whilst I do the kitchen chores. Smile
Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2011 11:35 am
Evening BEAgle... Evening Crew

mannnnn, busy day - but all good...

1st December - wow - how is that possible! Life is such a blessing but gosh, it goes sooooooo fast.

I gotta go be speedy and get the little fella. woooooooohooooooo! Be back laterzzzzzzzzz

0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2011 02:48 pm
Evening All!

little fella's a cough cough cough throw-up (nasty) x 3

puff puff puff puff

bless him, back to the docs tomorrow and we'll see what he says! He's feeling a lot better in himself - just this darn cough.

we're soooooooo excited - he got his school "SHRIMP" "ski team 2011" fleece today - he looks so handsome and it's so lovely seeing his Shrimp nickname embroidered on it - he's chuffed to bits Mr. Green Just over a week to go and he's off to the piste (mind you, apparently there's not much snow ~ oh deary me Shocked- nem'mind, he's so excited, I can't tell ya! We've been mucking about really loudly (who's the kid?) whilst playing piano (badly) - he's the right hand of Fur Elise, I'm the left hand (only 16 bars but man, that's enough for the ears when you're out of sync - and as you can't move in the music room right now due to the table, light, fan, sofa and all the blah from the conservatory... well, it made for an amusing time as we fought over the space on the piano stool. Laughed way too much, now I have faceache Razz

Anyhoo - he's off to his pit now (which usually means about another three or four trips downstairs for hugs before settling down)

yuk, coughing again... <breathe boy, breathe>

so, settling down now for some quiet time

(hoping the conservatory lads will turn up tomorrow and get on with getting on... tsk tsk)

wishing the world well

lovin' the crew Very Happy x
Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2011 04:11 pm
Worried about the kid. And pissed at the conservatory workers. Glad to see that your fettle is still fine, Iz.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 1 Dec, 2011 10:01 pm
Sending S-boy plenty of vibes Izzie, I so dearly hope he'll recover in time and is able to make the trip, I realise how much it means to the apple of your eye. Bosun sitting out in the sun and eating freshly picked cherries, they are in abundance this year and reasonably cheap. Finally the bananas have come down in price too, from $ 20 per kilo to $1 per kilo. Remember the whole banana crop was washed aways in the Queenslands floods earlier this year, well they have recovered which means the prices are back to normal. Waves from downunder.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 03:36 am
Morning BEAgle.... Morning Crew Very Happy

First up, I was scrummaging around below deck and miraculously found a bottle of Calvados Shocked


and some rather lovely goblets


so, too good an opportunity to waste, so if y'all would like to join me in wishing IzzyThePush a very Happy Birthday... fill yer goblets and drink to his health - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Iz.With.A.Y

altogether now

Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday To You,
Happy Birthday Dear IzzY
Happy Birthday To You!

May your day be filled with loveliness ((D))x Very Happy

So, I left the house this morning to find the car was an ice-block (who knew!) and the temps were below freezing... we drove to the school bus through a magical kingdom of mist low in the valley and theee most gorgeous pink clouds as we drove up the hill heading to the bluest of skies. UTTERLY FABULOUS IT WAS. Soooooo soooooooooo peaceful and perfect. What a beautiful way to start the day.

(((Boida))) yes goil, my fettle is not fading - I am floating right now, soaring on the warm thermals... so blessed am I. Sending you big love and bigger hugs across the pond, thinking of you. x

BEAgle - hope you're living it large and set for a great weekend. So happy for you ((Danny)) - oooooh, I must go snap a shot for you of the gift Charlie brought me back from Holland - it's Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat! Love ya((((BEAgle)))) xx

Missy - do so hope you will all get better very soon and can chillax over the weekend. Bugs... begone!!!! Order's from the deck!!!! (((((Dixies)))))xxxxx

(((JPB))) - keep on keeping on girl - you are amazing - I so wish I could see you and hug you. xxxx

MaMaVerby - keep your dreams alive... one day you may get all you wish for. xxx (((Verby's))) xxx

((((Blue)))) loving you - hugging you and yours - oooooooodooooooolally baby! xox x

Off to make a cuppa! Very Happy

<dang builders - no show thus far... maybe this time next year I will have a conservatory built Razz>
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 04:15 am
Morning Izzie, 8.45pm here, good time to join you for a drink and wish izzythepush a Happy Birthday with many more to come. My goblet is filled with rum and coke, so here she goes, down the hatch. Burp, burp...... Laughing
Have a great day Captain. (((Izzie))) Best wishes to mismi too.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:11 am
'Avo BEAgle Very Happy

down the hatch... I might just have me a Bailey's tonight Razz

Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.
~ Marsha Petrie Sue

mmm mmmm mmmmm

Off to get the little fella checked out - keep those fingers crossed that he get's the all clear to go to the "piste" Razz

Laterzzzzz! x

Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 10:17 am
Good idea, Izzie and Dutchy. We should all have a drink in honor of izzythepush.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 12:31 pm
Thank you all, I've not started drinking yet. My daughter bought me a bottle of Cocobay, a coconut rum cocktail, which I've never had before. I'm sticking it in the fridge.

What I will be having is my varition on the Parisian Spring Punch fill a tall glass with ice, add 1 &1/2 measures Calvados 1/2 measure lemon juice, 1/2 measure Noilly Prat Vermouth, a spoonful of sugar, and top up with Champagne. I don't have Champagne, but I've got a bottle of sparkling Mateus rose instead, and my Vermouth was specially selected for Asda. It's a good calvados though and that's all that matters.

I've also been presented with a set of Homer Simpson shot glasses, and I'll probably have some eau de vie in those. Raspberry, Strawberry, Poire William and Fleure de biere varieties. I probably won't do a lot of posting after that.
Reply Fri 2 Dec, 2011 01:05 pm
Just saw this.
Great minds run in circles, ya know..
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