Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2011 08:27 pm
mismi wrote:

I am making sweet potato casserole. It is like eating dessert....the pecans and brown sugar and butter become like toffee on the top...amazing. I only eat it once a year. Thanksgiving
Have a happy one J. Smile ((JPB))

Sounds great, ((( mis )))

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope the professor has a quick recovery.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Nov, 2011 08:28 pm
I hope he feels better as well. Sad ((Izzie))
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 02:03 am


to all our crew and family Stateside ... and all those near and far

love y'all x

have theeeeeeeeeee most wonderful day, there is so much to give thanks for!

<runs, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate....... laterz>

Missy - so good to here Pistol is on the mend, do hope the Professor will recover for today. (((love you MIssy))) xxxxx
(((JPB))) - have heaps of enjoyment day - love you all xxxx
(((BEAgle)))) - catchya later - last day at work for me but I havta run... so late... aaaaaaaaaargh xx
(((((lyBlue)))))) Happy, Giving Thanks to you and yours xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 02:16 am
Thanks for the good wishes, Iz. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday.

Remembering when a cousin took me and his three kids to see the Thanksgiving Day parade. I sat on top of a mailbox. Got to see a little bit. Dem balloons is big.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 06:30 am
Happy Thanksgiving Izzie, and crew.
May everyone find joy .
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 11:20 am
Hi'ya Alex! Long time no see! Very Happy

Another one bites the dust - G-baby is down for the count now. It is unfortunate but I am afraid our Thanksgiving has been sabotaged by a nasty germ.

J and S are so pissed right now.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 01:31 pm

strums fingers... awaits pics, if poss Wink

Okay well lessee now...nothing gets done too quickly round these here parts....

Some views of Italy to chase those winter blues away.

Travellers' Club, Sorrento. A very nice watering hole, with big terrace and fab views


Photogenic alleys in the old town


Antiquities from Pompeii: wonderful mosaics


Some chaps who have trouble in the gents' outfitters

Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 01:37 pm


Capri, wonderful from the boat


And from the top (Monte Solaro)


Great views from the chair lift to the top, of Anacapri and beyond


And the famous mountain itself


Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 02:41 pm
Thank you for the magnificent photos McTag, must have been an interesting holiday, weather looks fabulous.

Sorry to hear anout your spoilt Thanksgiving mismi, hope the germ is not getting to you.

Izzie good to hear you're having a break, make the most of it. Bosun having a rourine check up today, nurses promised me a hard time. LOL
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 05:54 pm
<claps hands, BRAVO POMcTaggers - you did yourself proud> Beautiful shots - looks stunning - man, would I love to go there too. Hope you had a great A2Kmeet with ci and Walter. Have a wonderful weekend (((((Taggers)))))

So sorry to the folk I have not managed to PM stateside - I've been spammed out Razz Thoughts for you all to have such a great afternoon and evening now.

Missy - do hope G-baby and the Professor get well soon and that the twinkies don't succombe to the lurgy.xxxxx

ZyP - hope you're having a good day and all is good with the kids. x

Happy Thanksgiving Boida....hope the parade was mahhhhhvellous dollink. xx

AlexChap - Happy happy to you my friend. (((((((((Alex)))))))))x

Stormy - you to girlie xxxx

JPB - hope you feasted and enjoyed and I've been keeping you in my thoughts all day

((Babbling)) thoughts to you and yours during this time - love you Babbling xx

to the rest of the crew Stateside, hope it's been the best.

((((Blue)))) ma little dollop of sweetie pie lyB and hugs to you and yours. x

To all our nonUS crew - you are close in my thoughts to - happy weekend to y'all.

Nighty night - R&R for the weekend from here on out. Joy within.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Nov, 2011 05:56 pm
BEAgle - yep, no more work for a few days so just gonna be taking it easy. ((((((((BEAgle)))))) all love, hugs to you and MrsB. xx
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 04:19 am
oh deary me - "Houston, we have a problem!"

The conservatory doors have been put on the wrong way round, which are of course, due to the locking mechanisms, are built into the roof which is now all fixed and secured with my lovely glass put in. Add to that, there are a number of parts missing so they can't do the fixings in the windows - and the catflap is a "porthole" (gotta love a porthole, mebbe not in the conservatory tho) which would be big enough for the big dogs to get through. Ooops.

There's a lot of effing and blinding by the builders right now, the chief chappie is very mad at the mo, so I'm keeping out there way and leaving them to it whilst they try to get hold of the man who did the drawings and the manufacturer.

Deary me - they aren't happy campers Shocked I do believe they will be going off site shortly - yep, they're starting to pack up. Oh deary me!
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 05:13 am
Far out Izzie, how is that possible, what sort of tradesmen are they for not picking that up as they went along? Why are they packing up before rectifyng same? Oh deary what a problem. Sad
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 06:28 am
Ha BEAgle! Welllllllllllllll, when they (the lads and the sales chap)did the drawings, they did them from the inside looking out. The manufacturer did them from the outside looking in. Hence, the manufacturer made the left side the master door - which will mean numerous black eyes for me as I will walk into the right hand side one Shocked If I was left handed ... well, it wouldn't be quite so irritating - but I'm going to try not to back down about this (prolly will) - I mean, if it's really not possible to rectify then I'm not going to make the lads take the whole conservatory down again - but if the manufacturer admits it's their problem and they did the wrong drawings - then they will need to sort it out with the chap who I have the contract with.

Thing is, we've left him messages and he's not phoning back and the manufacturer doesn't seem to know what they're talking about with the lads - so... all in all - it's a bit of a nuisance. Nem'mind tho - ya know, in the bigger scheme of things it's just an irritation. The lads have gone home (oh my, they are so not happy) and they can't do any more work as the fixings and plates are all missing (they signed for it when it was delivered so, again, they need to sort that out).

Now, the floor sander-man has been booked for first thing Monday morning as they have made a mess of the wooden floor - but they were expecting that and for it to be rained on (well, who puts a conservatory up in November - it was supposed to be mid Sept but that all got mucked up too by them) ... kinda doesn't make sense to me really that they'll go ahead and sand the floor for varnishing if they don't yet know what's going to happen with the doors... but 'eh... I plan on having a stressless weekend so... not gonna think about it again 'til Monday Very Happy

It is rather lovely looking out from my lounge and seeing the polarised blue skies up above and my popped clouds. I'm having to get used to the "green" that it's been done in - it's not quite what I thought it would be (hmmm) but I can't do ought about that so I have to get used to it and it's growing on me.

Anyhooooooo - little fella is having his chest x-ray today - cough cough cough - not quite so much coughing.

(((Osso))) - I don't think he has any allergies - he is like this most of the time and he stays at school a couple nights, and coughs, and stays at his Dad's, and coughs - it's classically asthma worsening at night and his levels go up and down (mild tho, not scary asthma) but it is having quite a bad effect him re. little sleep and lots of throwing up when he coughs. Nasty. He get's scared when he can't catch his breath, he's not able to play his flute at the moment (which is VERY sad, gutted as we so wanted to post Edgar and Letty a Christmas toon or two) and when he coughs the tears pour down his face. Bless him. One lot of steroids works, the other's he's had a reaction to (the preventer) so I think we're going to have to stop that one and see what the doc comes up with. He's not as poorly as he was and I'm fairly sure right now he'll be able to go skiing - if only he could get through the night without coughing his guts up, then that would be good. The cold air would do his chest good I believe.

Have stopped him on drinking lots of milk (we both drink pints of the stuff) and we'll see if that makes a difference. His peak flow's are still between 220-240... not good really... (oh oh, he just did one and it was 290 - that's much better - should be 350) so, we'll see if the xray shows anything (not likely to) but just. in. case. Ya know.

OK - I have to go hoover and do some chores - so I'll catch up when I can.

Thinking of y'all - hoping all our USers had a fantastic day yesterday and spent time with friends and family.

((Blue)) love. hugs to you and yours xox x

Missy - do hope the Professor and G-baby are feeling better and that the twinkies and you are all well. ((((Missy))))

Lovin' the crew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 11:42 am
Thanks for catching me up on what is going on with S boy, Iz. Aaaaaargh, as an old cartoon character used to say.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 11:47 am
I would write this all down and send it to the BBC. If they ever do another series of the Green Green Grass, that's an episode right there. How do you think Boysie would cope?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 12:58 pm
Izzele, Sorry that the structure (what is it?) didn't come out right. Those guys better come back and fix it.

Also sorry that S-boy is still struggling with asthma. I can relate. His peak flows are better than mine. But, hey, there are dead people with peak flows better than mine. I sometimes find that using the Nebulizer before I go to sleep helps with the coughing. It certainly helps with the breathing.

Didn't have much of a Thanksgiving. C'est la vie.

Be well.
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:12 pm

Izzie, DO NOT part with any (more) money until these doors are the way you want them.

Good luck, nobody deserves it more. Ombudsman, if all fails. Stick to your guns.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:14 pm
Ditto to wha' Roberta said.

Do not back down, Izzie!!!!!!!!
Reply Fri 25 Nov, 2011 03:39 pm
Hull low every bodies, may I take but a moment to assert that; contact angles greater than 90* are considered Hydrophobic and are only SuperHydrophobic when greater than 150*. I hope that clears up any misunderstanding.

Thank you for your approbation and most touching messages to explain why you could not attend my Thanksgiving party.
I think the first prize must go to Missy who said there was a bunch of crocodiles in the drive thus preventing her attendance.

For your information Missy down in these here parts we callem gators from the species ‘mississippiensis’. Iffin’ you sight ‘sinensis’ you know youis in China or Canada; I forget which.

Anyhoo, to make the party swing I got all my pet rocks round the ol’ camp fire and we jawed about pebbles and aggregate, you know; stuff rocks like to talk about and all was going good till around midnight when I get an anonymous call to go to the laughterhouse on the old swamp turnpike.

On the way I stop to fix the truck…

Later when I gets to where I’m at; shiver me timbers, the first letter S has fallen off the sign!!! (Wakeup JW – It now reads; Slaughterhouse)

I so hope you folks had as much fun as we did.

When I finally got to bed I snuggled down under a copy of The Huntsville Times and read…

“Doctors should brush up on their Shakespeare to help improve their understanding of how the mind can affect the body, according to an unusual study.

Dr Kenneth Heaton said many doctors don't realise how many physical symptoms can be caused solely by psychological problems.
But the Bard's works help illustrate this link because he had such an 'exceptional awareness of bodily sensations'.

Shakespeare's perception that numbness and enhanced sensation can have a psychological origin seems not to have been shared by his contemporaries, none of whom included such phenomena in the works examined,' Dr Heaton, from Somerset (England) said.

The playwright also refers to dizziness and vertigo in The Taming of the Shrew, while breathlessness is described in at least 11 instances including in Two Gentlemen of Verona. Disturbed hearing features in King Lear, Richard III and King John.

All of these symptoms can confuse doctors as they have no obvious physical cause.

Commenting on his study published in Medical Humanities, Dr Heaton said: 'Many doctors are reluctant to attribute physical symptoms to emotional disturbance, and this results in delayed diagnosis, over-investigation, and inappropriate treatment.”

Luckily, I have healing hands ;o)

Make this weekend special peeps. xxx

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