Ha BEAgle! Welllllllllllllll, when they (the lads and the sales chap)did the drawings, they did them from the inside looking out. The manufacturer did them from the outside looking in. Hence, the manufacturer made the left side the master door - which will mean numerous black eyes for me as I will walk into the right hand side one

If I was left handed ... well, it wouldn't be quite so irritating - but I'm going to try not to back down about this (prolly will) - I mean, if it's really not possible to rectify then I'm not going to make the lads take the whole conservatory down again - but if the manufacturer admits it's their problem and they did the wrong drawings - then they will need to sort it out with the chap who I have the contract with.
Thing is, we've left him messages and he's not phoning back and the manufacturer doesn't seem to know what they're talking about with the lads - so... all in all - it's a bit of a nuisance. Nem'mind tho - ya know, in the bigger scheme of things it's just an irritation. The lads have gone home (oh my, they are so not happy) and they can't do any more work as the fixings and plates are all missing (they signed for it when it was delivered so, again, they need to sort that out).
Now, the floor sander-man has been booked for first thing Monday morning as they have made a mess of the wooden floor - but they were expecting that and for it to be rained on (well, who puts a conservatory up in November - it was supposed to be mid Sept but that all got mucked up too by them) ... kinda doesn't make sense to me really that they'll go ahead and sand the floor for varnishing if they don't yet know what's going to happen with the doors... but 'eh... I plan on having a stressless weekend so... not gonna think about it again 'til Monday
It is rather lovely looking out from my lounge and seeing the polarised blue skies up above and my popped clouds. I'm having to get used to the "green" that it's been done in - it's not quite what I thought it would be (hmmm) but I can't do ought about that so I
have to get used to it and it's growing on me.
Anyhooooooo - little fella is having his chest x-ray today - cough cough cough - not quite so much coughing.
(((Osso))) - I don't think he has any allergies - he is like this most of the time and he stays at school a couple nights, and coughs, and stays at his Dad's, and coughs - it's classically asthma worsening at night and his levels go up and down (mild tho, not scary asthma) but it is having quite a bad effect him re. little sleep and lots of throwing up when he coughs. Nasty. He get's scared when he can't catch his breath, he's not able to play his flute at the moment (which is VERY sad, gutted as we so wanted to post Edgar and Letty a Christmas toon or two) and when he coughs the tears pour down his face. Bless him. One lot of steroids works, the other's he's had a reaction to (the preventer) so I think we're going to have to stop that one and see what the doc comes up with. He's not as poorly as he was and I'm fairly sure right now he'll be able to go skiing - if only he could get through the night without coughing his guts up, then that would be good. The cold air would do his chest good I believe.
Have stopped him on drinking lots of milk (we both drink pints of the stuff) and we'll see if that makes a difference. His peak flow's are still between 220-240... not good really... (oh oh, he just did one and it was 290 - that's much better - should be 350) so, we'll see if the xray shows anything (not likely to) but just. in. case. Ya know.
OK - I have to go hoover and do some chores - so I'll catch up when I can.
Thinking of y'all - hoping all our USers had a fantastic day yesterday and spent time with friends and family.
((Blue)) love. hugs to you and yours xox x
Missy - do hope the Professor and G-baby are feeling better and that the twinkies and you are all well. ((((Missy))))
Lovin' the crew xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx