Hellllllllllllllo dahling's
Charlie and family has gone <insert very, very, very sad face>
We had such a great time - oh, how I miss her already. We're planning a girlie getaway in a few weeks time (there's more to that, but that's for another time) - anyhoo, we took some pics this morning -
say cheese (see BEAgle, as promised
so I'll post them a little later.) Right now, gotta go get the little fella's school uniform sorted, pile of ironing is awaiting - HOW CAN HALF TERM BE OVER ALREADY!!!!! Man! Seriously - how!
IzYP -
you are now published - all good wishes with the book sales - "Bad Dog"! Yay for you
Taggers - you're back from Sorrento - how fab a time did you have a? Fantastic. Pics please POMcT - would love to see the beautiful Amalfi coast.
Good golly girl - keep safe and WARM!
oh oh oh
my laptop is refusing to be nice... I gotta go and reboot, darnit - where has the cursor gone ????
Misssssssssy, JPB et al crew... will be back in a bit (I hope)
(((((ooooooh lyBlue))))))xox and yours - how verra lovely to see you, oh oh oh, no really, oh oh ooooooooooh xxxxxxxxxxxx so happy...