Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 12:24 am
Verbivore vodka is alright, mix it with orange juice and you have a 'screw-driver' a real ladies drink, mismi knows what is good for a girl believe me! Beer has lots of calories but the Bosun knows how to handle it my lean figure is proof of that. Laughing Have a great day. Wink
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 07:19 am
Frank, this is an allegation that has also been made about Mr Spendius. However, in my humble opinion whether you agree with him or not he is one of the most well-read posters and unlike me; his posts are all original. Nuff said.

I am quite familiar with your fair city having participated in excavations of the middle Saxon (c.700-850) town of Hamwic which was situated around what is now Northam and St Marys.

Hamwic was an important port and trading emporium, and finds of pottery, glass, coins, stone and metalwork point to trading connections with Scandinavia, France, the Low Countries and the Rhineland.

Hamwic declined towards the end of the 9th century, presumably as a result of economic and political changes brought about, in part, by Viking activity. The excavations at Hamwic have resulted in one of the best collections of Middle Saxon finds in Europe.

But then you probably already knew of its amazing history.

Q. “A big moron and the little moron were standing on the bridge over the river. The big moron fell off.
How come the little moron didn't fall off too?”

A. Mr Push “…because he's a little moron.”
Congratulations, he was indeed a little more on.
Oh, I almost forgot, well done Southampton in the soccer game.

Missy wrote, “WHAT does that mean.”

Pronoun: Used to identify a specific person or thing observed by the speaker: "That's the Professors voluptuous wife over there".

Adjective: Used to identify a specific person or thing observed or heard by the speaker: "Look at that hick hillbilly Try".

Adverb: To such a degree; so: "I would not go that far or even further".

Conjunction: Introducing a subordinate clause expressing a statement or hypothesis: "Missy said that she was satisfied".

“Wait a second - the Queen of England is coming to the Bham airport?”
Do be serious lady; she is visiting Australia!

“10% Pawnee”
It was so much easier when Wandle was around to explain my ramblings in a way even I could understand what was being said! But here goes…

Dutchy was complaining about there being too much ‘Pawn.’ I was mealy pointing out that you were part Native American. I did not intend to imply that you had any connection to The Hiller VZ-1 Pawnee, which was a unique direct lift rotor aircraft.

I apologize for any confusion. Well, apart from the ‘unique’ connection. ((((Missy))))

Izzie honey (oh, how carful must I be not to misspell your name in case I am taken for a gender bender; not that there is anything wrong with that – as long as they don’t make it compulsory!) may each day exceed your expectations. Or as they say down in these here neck of the woods, “I’ve got a hitch in my get along, but the chitlins are out playin in the sandbox.” (((IZ)))

Oh Tulip, a secret admirer! I wonder who it could be? My money is on Rocky, he is such a charmer.

Well that just about dills my pickle. Adios amigos.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 09:05 am
In the 1980s I knew a lot of the archeologists involved in the excavations in town, particularly around what was the six dials roundabout. They used to drink in the Joiners Arms, and my (incredibly bad ) team, The Piltdown men, played them at cricket. Could it be we've already shared libations?

Thank you for your kind comments concerning Saints, we've got a local derby this Saturday against Reading, unlike last Saturday when we played Derby, which wasn't a local derby.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 09:15 am
Tryagain wrote:
It was so much easier when Wandle was around to explain my ramblings in a way even I could understand what was being said.

My recent brain surgery was so successful that I no longer have that uncanny insight into your posts, Tryagain.
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 10:49 am
Awesome Wandel Wink
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 01:28 pm
Thank you for the explanation Tryagain, I had an idea what you meant, pleased you corroborated my thoughts! "That's the Professors voluptuous wife over there" should make it perfectly clear to all readers including agent Wandel, sorry to hear of your operation my friend, I do hope you'll recover fully.

Hiya mismi, great to see you here this morning but just two words, you can do better than than that. Wink

Waves to all.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 01:45 pm
Thanks, Dutchy and Mismi. The operation was the best thing that ever happened to me. I now can make sense out of posts that are supposed to make sense. The only side effect is that I no longer understand what Tryagain is saying. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 01:51 pm
Evening All

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr – I can’t get warm!


3 degrees <breaks into song “when will I see you again” lalallalllllllllllalalalalla> this morning and we’re going down into the zero region tonight with clear skies and lotsa stars and we’re in for a blue hue… brrrrrr… (wo)man, you shoulda seen the sunrise this morning – the fog banks were low in the valleys and the sun came up behind the moors in all peaches and oranges. Gorgeous it was!

Anyhoo – one more day… <breaks into Les Miz lllllalalllllllllllaa>, one more day at work and then it’s half term and 11 days off – gosh, can’t believe how exhausted I am. It's truly pathetic. I'm so done in.

So’s the little fella too – he’s at school right now but just phoned to say he’s really looking forward to breaking up tomorrow and coming home – work and revision has certainly changed a lot this term for him in the 4th form, GCSE’s are in the offing and he’s trying to knuckle down but he does find it a slog. He’s still not grown… but ya know, soon, we hope. He’s with his Dad’s this weekend and he’s hoping he’ll get to see his brother… mebbe <sigh>.

MaMaVerby – you sound wonderful Very Happy Glad you’ve got H-boy into the Montessori. Do you know, at our little school we have parents signing their kids up as soon as they’re born Shocked We’re such a tiny school and our planned admission number for each year is just 9 children, so, parents sign their kids up as soon as possible. Mind you, we’ve recently “federated” with 4 other schools, so they (the Governing Body) could close us at any time and merge our cluster schools <shakes head> – fingers crossed the locals keep having babies and we can keep the school open. Razz

(((BEAgle))) – How you doing? Please can you send us some of your warmth… I’m soooooo cold! Hahahhahhaha, yes, I can already read your mind Wink Hey, if you get to see our Queen Lizzie, do send her my best Very Happy She’s landed in Canberra – 85 years young, I think she’s amazing. Love ya D x

Missy – so glad you had a fabulous time at the beach and spent time with your family. WOW – those big-boys are doing so well in school – fantastic! Clever fellaz! Do you see them changing a lot now (as in twins doing different things)? I bet you’re getting geared up for Halloween – are you going trick or treating again this year? If so, you must put a pic up and let us see Razz <please> (((((Mis)))) – love you much xxx

Iz with a Y - Hope all is good up country - time to find the de-icer – it’s gonna be a cold one! Yer book's out soon... 9 days and counting - yay for you!

POMcTag – have you been Sorrento’d? Huh Huh… do tell!

Special Agent jw - thank goodness you appeared - for a minute there I thought we'd lost our local deck provost!!! How's Chi-toon? Annie OK, enjoying school?

Tulip – phew… have been thinking PINK for you and … we can breathe out loud now all is good with you. I know the last week has been a rollercoaster of emotions - now done and dusted. So glad you are smiling – take time to smell the roses and all the good things in life and hold on to them girl – hug those kids of yours, time to celebrate. See you soon ((Tulip)) x

(((Blue))) ♄℮ℓℓ◎ ♭@ߥ - I do hope you can hitch yer britches soon and if you visit with our Babbling when you’re out from under, watch out in O’hi’O – it’ll bring the animal out in you! Wink < There’s a few loose camels, bears and giraffes… and a MONKEY monkeying around! Shocked >

I missed you so much, Blue – ‘tis so good to see you. ṧღ☺ø¢ℌ℮﹩ ƴ☺ʊ ✖☺✖ ℌʊℊ﹩ т☺ ƴøʊ αηḓ ⑂øυґ﹩. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Talking of animals, I gotta get my skates on Wink

Bath’s running!

Waves to all the crew. x
Reply Wed 19 Oct, 2011 05:06 pm
Hi Izzie, sorry you're feeling cold, a very comfortable 35 here today, happy to share something in your cabin, yes you read my mind well, you and mismi can read my like a book. Wink Put on the soft music I'm on my way!

Did see Queen Liz land in Canberra last night, and remarked to Mrs.B, she's not bad for an 85 year old. Stood unaided on the podium whilst both Anthems were played, then inspected the guard of honour, quite a walk I tell you. Unfortunately I won't be able to see her, not visiting my State during her 11 day stay, but she did sent me her apologies for that. Laughing

Nite, nite Izzie.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 01:31 am
My recent brain surgery was so successful that I no longer have that uncanny insight into your posts, Tryagain.!!!
Wandell -sorry that was sso timely i couldnt help but laugh! Hope alls well now!
Izza - howd you like Spicy tea in the cold? ginger, pepper and all Wink Oh me - 9 kids ONLY??? where would the rest study?
Try - even if i cant make much sense of it =its quite entertaining so do hope onboard more often..LOL thing is i mentally picture Missy in all those funny ways u mention in ur posts Very Happy
BEAgle - see you around Smile and yeah remember i said yes to chocolates Sad Sad i had a whole bar yesterday1!!! i tried holding my hand saying no!!! but then i eventually did - swiss is truly a bliss!!!
BTW - is Bazza n a vacation or smthing - been quite smetime since i saw him!
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:10 am
I was only joking, verby. I did not have actual surgery. This is the type of joke I always make in response to Tryagain. I am glad it made you laugh.

How is your beautiful family?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:14 am
Verbivore I just knew it, what an apple was for Eve is a chocolate for you, just can't leave them alone Laughing I am going to win that bet in less than 2 months now! A svelte verbivore sounds like an impossible dream. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:59 am

POMcTag – have you been Sorrento’d? Huh Huh… do tell!

Domani, cara mia.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 04:59 pm
POMcTaggers darlin' - have theeeee most fantastico time and take mucho photos. ENJOY every single minute... send my love to Amalfi Wink

le corse della cassaforte, godono della vostri festa, abbracci ed amore

(I think Razz - tho if I just proposed, please tell the Cabin Boy to tell Babelfish off Razz) journey well both, amore... x

(((BEAgle))) I had a fire going tonight it was so chilly. Brrrrr. Tired beyond tired. Ha, your mind has been working overtime of late Razz xx

(((Blue))) put another log on the fire for me lllalallallala Send my regards to Broadway, I hope Priscilla's costume still fits you. (((ly Blue xox))) hugs to you and the chillun. xxxx

S-boy is not at all well - doctors run possibly in the morning... cough cough cough cough wheeze cough cough cough cough bark wheeze, cough... done all I can, cold room, water, cough med and praying to the Goddesses of Peace that he will soon be able to sleep... hours and hours and hours of barking. Poor love, he's exhuasted.

OK... lovin' the crew - wishing all well, healthy and happy. Thinking of JPB and hope all is well on her travels... and Boida's Insomnia (oh my, how I understand you goil)... RH stay warm, Bethie - love love and all the crew near and far, woring and playing...

G'nite crew - y'are the best!
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:06 pm
Goodnight Izzied. What's this veil then? Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:12 pm
Screwdrivers are quite nice...AND they actually are lower in calories than other drinks. I did straight shots (3) while on a diet and didn't gain an ounce. That may have had more to do with the fact that I danced like a maniac that night and worked off the calories -


I was with a group of friends...not "working". Not that I "work".

I need to stop before I get more behind.
Sheesh...think I screwed that up already.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:39 pm
Been talking to a doctor on the emergency call line... so we've now been out wandering in the garden (breaks into I was born on a Wanderin' Star lalalllllallala), got a eucalyptus vapouriser going for him, steamed inhaltion done again and a peppermint tea with sugar. He's all propped up.

Fingers crosssed he will get some zzzzzzzzzzzzz's - he wheezing and wasted but darn cough cough cough. Will ring for an appt in the morning - not much we can do tonight now tho I can't see us getting much shuteye mores the pity.

Anyhoo, should sign off now and try and settle down.

OOoooodles of love to y'all x
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:51 pm
Hiya mismi you 'screwed' up nicely but I got your point, I can just see you, 3 screwdrivers and dancing like a maniac, all charged up, oh boy wish I was there. Wink Wishful thinking as Mrs.B won't let me get carried away. Laughing

Izzie girl look after S-boy won't you, he depends on you, thought you'd gone to bed? Waves from the Bosun.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:56 pm
Izzie, Hoper in gear again. Wanting S-boy to stop hacking and get some sleep.
Reply Thu 20 Oct, 2011 05:57 pm
Dutchy wrote:

Izzie girl look after S-boy won't you, he depends on you, thought you'd gone to bed? Waves from the Bosun.

Ah, all good intentions BEAgle, I'm wasted too - but S was struggling to get his breath - the cold air has eased the tightening in his chest we think and so far, he's coughing a little less (shhhhhhhhhh.... so it seems) with the inhalation again - can't go to bed 'til I know he's settled - but will be heading up shortly. Dawgs need to go out and kitties to be fed... then, I shall head up. Arranged Tesco to arrive real early Shocked so gotta be uppit and attem in 6hrs. Best sign off now - hugs (((D)))x Nighty night! ((((Missy))))xxxx

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