Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 06:44 pm
Hey Beth,

I used to click all the time. Just got away from it. Need to start that back up again.

This Saturday went way too fast.

I hate losing my Saturday...that's why Friday nights are always so yummy - anticipation of a whooooooooole Saturday. Tomorrow - the "supposed" day of rest, I will be going to church, then a baseball game (fall ball - little league -G-baby) and then football practice (Frick and Frack). It's going to be a loooooooong doggone day.

Thoughts are with you all. FQ - prayers...Same for you Iz. I know hun. I know.

hugs and kisses and lots of them,
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 06:48 pm
Hi mismi, ready to play? Challenged you yesterday but you've gone to bed I think or did I scare you off? Wink
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 06:53 pm
I had already gone to bed. I can play for a minute...my Boston butt's almost ready.
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 06:56 pm
Butt? Need I say any more. You must have had a Tequila tonight. Laughing
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 07:01 pm
No, silly. I have not had my beer yet even...about to though.

Pork hind quarter - I guess. Not sure why it's called a Boston butt. I need to look that up I suppose...mebbe later. But it is YUMMY.

After I drink a few beers, I may come back and entertain you with my idiocy. I like to do that. Miss it, in fact. I become quite loquacious.
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 07:08 pm
You do that my friend, I love a garrulous mismi, I might draw out the unexpected. Wink

I'll stick to me coffee and apple strudel here, Sunday morning, to early for the strong stuff. Smile

Cheers miss sunshine. Drunk
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 07:09 pm
Cheers to you sweet man Drunk
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 07:12 pm
Indulge my dear, afterall Saturday night, time to relax after a week of hard work, you deserve it!
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2010 07:28 pm
Hey crew,late Saturday early Sunday here.Thought I'd play you all a tune....
ABBA - Eagle

They came flyin' from far away, now I'm under their spell
I love hearing the stories that they tell
They've seen places beyond my land and they've found new horizons
They speak strangely but I understand

And I dream I'm an eagle
And I dream I can spread my wings
Flyin' high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, high, what a feeling to fly
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please

As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing
I have questions and they know everything
There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher
Am I dreamin' or is it all real

Is it true I'm an eagle
Is it true I can spread my wings
Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky
(I'm an eagle)
I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze
High, up high, what a feeling to fly
(What a feeling)
Over mountains and forests and seas
And to go anywhere that I please

(((( two blonds in Essex))))
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 04:48 pm
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 04:49 pm
That's a pink boat. Very cute.

((FQ)) ((Izzie))

Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2010 05:11 pm
Morning crew, new week commencing here, hope all is well with everybody, particularly the two blondes in Essex.

Must also pay tribute to the brunette in Alabama who has been busy with her boys this weekend and enjoyed her sofa. Smile

Beagle heading into town to do some shopping today and perhaps grab something to drink somewhere like a cool beer. Not driving but travelling on bus.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 12:41 am
Good Morning Crew -(((( Dutchy, Mis, Ebeth, Barry,Boida and Brooke ))))))

Another new week has begun in England and the sun is shining - Hubby and J girl still sleeping and I am up as I need to take some pain killers and I thought I would get on board to see my wonderful friends - Hello World Very Happy

Iz and I had a lovely weekend - she spoils me SO SO Much and I LOVE her more than words could ever say - she IS my Soul sister - We went to church yesterday and everyone thought we were sisters - I was hopeless and cried all the way through and she sat strong beside me despte her troubles - Thank you darling sister.

Ebeth - I have LOVED your pictures - especially the shoe with the pink ribbon - divine!
Barry - so glad you are still writing in pink, thinking pink and singing pink! - Loveing it.

I will find out this week whether the cancer is HER2 or not - that will be the difference between having radiotherapy and chemo - so I really want you guys to pray that it will NOT be HER2 positive - Nasty stuff!

I have a girlfriend coming for coffee this morning and my aunt is coming to look after me for a couple of days this week, and my schoolfriend Hanna is coming to see me on Thursday so I am really spoilt for friends this week - my house is full of flowers and presents and I have been so blessed by everyone.
Thanks so much to you all for your continued support - I really get so much strength from just knowing at any hour of the day someone is thinking about me as I am about you guys.
Life is good - Have a great day folks

All love
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 01:02 am
Being spoiled is good. Enjoy it while it lasts.

I'm putting my hoper into even higher gear that the cancer is not HER2 positive.

I'm wishing I had more pink in my wardrobe. If it weren't for Lady Diane, who sent me a pink T-shirt last year, I wouldn't have anything. I'm a cold color kinda kid. Wearing my pink on all special days. Friday will be one of them.

Do your best to relax, and by all means, enjoy the spoiling. It can be divine.

Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 05:06 am
Morning Crew

My garden is in serious disrepute - so, going to the give the lawns a major haircut whilst I toddle. New shed (Ark) is assembled by MaMa and PaPa whilst I have been avoiding and away for the last few weeks - now I havta see whether I can open the locks PaPa has put on Shocked If I see 2 of each animal coming down the pathway, I know that the rain will be on it's way <arachnids, on this occasion, will have no free pass but no doubt have already made their home in the Ark without prior permission to board. I think I only need one ostrich, already have one close to hand, and sand).

So lovely to see y'all around and ((((Missy)))) - it's so, so good to see you Dixie, and you have a computer working. I wish things were easier for you with the work/life balance....

Talking of computers, h, my laptop is totally bust and this old one is intermittent at best - have no idea how to fix mine, little inclincation too - it nearly got thrown at the fireplace - simply can't even get it up and running, everything is closing it down - superfetch not working (WTF is that anyway), windows host services not working (useless host that it is - no internet, doesn't even allow me look at the internet connection and my hub has completely disappeared), as one thing closes down, so does the next, then the next, then the next. Bored of trying. Hugely frustrating - Blech.

Nem'mind - gonna go do. Little fella home tonight and then work tomorrow etc.

Sis - love you - missing you - we don't want no HER... just the ERRRRRRRRRR please - being from Deb'n, 'er is quite enough thankee very much. Rest up sis and don't overdo it... do for a little, then back to bed, do, bed, do, bed.

Having never been proper PINK and fluffy - well, you're one PINK and fluffy gal now - get Kbro to fluff your pillows, think PINK and have fun with S-aunt and Hans when she arrives. Day at a time - then get the treatment plan and ... next part of the journey sis. You gotta a world of love around you, draw on that strength when you're tired. Love you so much. See you in a couple weeks. xxxxx

((((Blue))) xox x

Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 05:55 am
Morning FlavourQueen and Izzie, happy to read your posts and noting the continued support you're getting. Despite all the setbacks you both appear to be in good spirits which is to be admired. Charlie I hope your wish will be granted when the ultimate results become known later this week. I shall keep praying for the best outcome. (((Charlie)))

Dear Izzie I wish I could help you with that garden etc, why do you have to live so far away from the Beagle. Smile Have so much spare time up my sleeve and feel guilty when I imagine you doing all that hard work. My thoughts are also with you about S-boy, hope he'll pull through alright. (((Izzie)))

Enjoyed having miss sunshine around over the weekend and exchanging a few posts on different threads. Hope the week will go quick for you mismi.

Waves from downunder.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 07:23 am
Good thoughts your way FlavourQueen.
Either way, you will stomp on it.
Here is a hammer Izzie.
Good day all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2010 07:25 am
oh boy, so much to catch up on, must start coming by more often

waves and best wishes to all
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 01:06 am
A quick hi and a pink hug to FQ....
endless chores, eby-less days, h-boy and a maid acting all stupid has got me having breathless days!
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 01:27 am
had to comeback for ths!! BEAgle! ""Apple strudel"""???? i thought ur doc advised u smething~!

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