Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 01:29 am
Hi verbivore, a young girl like you out of breath I can't believe that. Just slow down a little and remember Rome wasn't built in one day! Cuddles for the little man.
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Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 03:15 am
Hey Verbs,where's Eby gone? Not for too long I hope.
Another hope...........that the Captain is getting support at her end.
FQ,as if I need to....((((((YOU)))))) and ((((Hubby and the girls))))))

OK,a tune from a VERY pink film....
Shelby Lynne - Dreamstone.

Waves to crew Smile .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 03:54 am
Thanks for your concerns verbivore but those food bans have been lifted! Dr. knows I'm a sensible eater. Wink Laughing

Harbourmaster I suppose you're to far away to sneak over and give the Captain a hand? If we could only organise a working bee and make life a little easier for her.
Barry The Mod
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 05:01 am
Dutchy wrote:

Harbourmaster,I suppose you're to far away to sneak over and give the Captain a hand? If we could only organise a working bee and make life a little easier for her.

I'm never too far away Bosun! Waiting to hear what friends and family are doing locally.But won't wait forever.
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 03:22 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Hello Folkses,

Just checking in. Thinking about you all...please forgive me for not being here more - or saying more. It's so hard to be thoughtful these days...that surely doesn't excuse it.

But know I love y'all! ((Yabber Crew))
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 06:27 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Oh Bazza. Thanks for the hugs. Much needed and welcomed! Iz would love you to go visit and lend a hand. I get so much peace when I am at her house. You would love it!
Tonight my eldest J came home with an enormous tattoo of an anchor heart and swallows on her thigh! Yuck! Really didn't need that right now but I can't fight that battle this week! Aaaaagh!
Never mind. I had my say albeit too late and she has apologised for not having discussed it with me first! Kids eh?
Anyway crew. Must go sleep.
Miss you all so much. Keep praying.
You are all in my prayers too

Charlie xx
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 11:52 pm
Hi Charlie good to see you, hope you're doing well, still praying for you and sending heaps of vibes. Sorry that your eldest surprised you with that tattoo, we went through the same thing, tattoo on her buttocks and her navel pierced, no consultation whatsoever. It was a peer thing, all her girlfriends did something similar. No use getting grey hairs over it they all go through these stages. You too must have done something in your youth (you're still young!!!) which you never told your Mum. Wink I know I did Laughing
Goodnight and rest well ((((Charlie))))
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2010 11:59 pm
wassup with the captain???? wat sort of support were u talkng BEAgle and Bazza?
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 12:38 am
Hi verbivore, help around the house and garden to make things easier for our Captain. I would go there if I lived in the UK but I live downunder a world away. Sad
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 02:42 am
Hey crew,Harbourmaster here.Just received a communication from The Captain.Awaiting another one.
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 04:45 am
@Barry The Mod,
One laptop has died,the other has gone "tech".Packing bags for a possible trip to the country Shocked
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 04:48 am
@Barry The Mod,
Harbourmaster are you for real, heading the Moors way? If you are, you deserve a medal, that really is beyond the call of duty! My suggestion was only tongue in cheek but you're the best, mate.
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 05:04 am
I agree, Dutchy.

Salute, Brit.

0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 05:29 am
@Barry The Mod,
FQ will beat my planned ETA at Dartmoor.Reckon I'll leave this part up to the girls Cool
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 08:11 am
@Barry The Mod,
Hey hey

oh my... planning on a white knight in shining armour trip... ah, bless you and y'all for thinking of me Very Happy

hahahaha...i don't do no damsel in distress...(i think some call it pig-headed and stubborn to boot Wink and i look rubbish in a dress!)- just need to do a little de-stress, stop thinking, stop whining and no worries, crew... really, I'm just coco - but Baz, you know you are welcome anytime at all <please come visit - i gotta see your face with all the green around here Razz> but I wouldn't let you lift a finger, unless there was a spider involved. Will be up with you in less than 3 weeks for Les Miz and hopefully Charlie and K-bro will be coming down on the 24th, after the oncologist and before her treatment starts - in whatever form that will be <we don't want to HER... no no no... ER++ is tickety... just no HER thankee verra much>

Planning on a quiet weekend this weekend - close the door, turn the key... done.

Hoping too, to see our Margo who will be down this way in a couple weeks visiting from Down Under, Up Above - quite fancy taking her to a little place on the moors or meet her for a walk on the beach! Yay. (Happy flight Margo... you'll be on way now methinks) x

Contacted the school tech folk today who will be coming by school to pick up my crahp laptop from work... the whole OS is knackered... just everything is closing down... dunno what they can do other than wipe it and restart from scratch - but my laptop has a better chance with them trying to sort it and as i have a load of school stuff on it, think they will try and sort it than if i were to send it off to a PC-fixer-shop, who will just wipe it all and not give a toss about it. Confused I think I've backed up my photos - ha... only 117GB of them onto the EDterrabyte... plus 2 x 320GB external hard - drives - sheesh - i take as many photos as much as i can yabber crahp too. The laptop's got a 500 gig hard drive and really shouldn't be having probs at this stage - it's not that old... but even the old laptop only works intermitently before it get's too hot to handle and shuts off. I reckon i'm just good as messing them up.

Nem'mind. Hoping the school's company will be able to fix it but i might not have it for a few weeks as they'll have to fit it in and around a visit to the school.

ok... gotta go sleep - too tired these days, too darn tired.

gone bed

thinking of y'all - will try and get back on the verra 'ole laptop laterzzzzz

Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2010 11:05 pm
Hi Izzie, hope you had a good rest by the time you read this. Your laptop is probably burtn out because of over-use. Smile

Really annoying I can't be your White Knight, would love to help you out and spoil you a little, alas to much water in between. Sad

Have you talked to your "sis"? If so, how is she doing, keeping her spirits up? I'm keeping up thinking pink and praying for her.

May you have a peaceful weekend behind closed doors. (((Izzie)))
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 04:37 am
my!!!! Bazza..u did bring a wide smile to me! thts wat they call a "friend"...
im feel so pathetically helpless..never able to come of any help! Sad
sigh!!!! captain here comes a virtual hug from the land of massaging Wink
hope tht de-stress u!
hiya BEAgle..had u flown there....izzie wudve had a feast Razz Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 06:33 am
checking in
in the pink

took a Simsimaya dance class last night - we pretended to be fish and fishermen - very yabber-linery - rowing and all that
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 12:05 pm
Charlie and Izz - prayers still going out for both of you. Will NOT abate.

For all the yabber gals .....

For all our yabber dudes ...

Last, but not least, a little request from a sweet little angel .....



Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2010 04:01 pm
Hi crew, thank you for the shorts Brooke, will wear them with pride. What a cute and wise baby. Smile

What have you been up to lately besides being a good girl? Haven't seen much of you and had thoughts you might have run off with tryagain as he has been conspicuous by his absence also.

Izzie how is the mowing going, made any headway? Why do I ask, you have no computer anyway, so will sit tight until you re-appear. Smile

FlavourQueen how are things in Essex, some normality returned yet in your household after the past few weeks? Keep thinking positive as we're all thinking pink. (((Charlie)))

Off to take Mrs.B shopping for the weekend, she has spotted some bargains and I have a feeling I'll be coughing up. Laughing

Waves from down under.
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