Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 02:55 am
Hi FQ, pinky boy speaking, that was a lovely post, straight from the heart. Have no fear we're all thinking and ommmmmmmmming for you, I know you'll have a few dark moments but with the help of your family and soul sister Izzie you're going to make it. A lot of us here will be praying for you as well making the Man above aware of your plight. Keep the fight up and be positive, you and yours are very much in my thoughts. (((Charlie)))
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 03:01 am
FlavourQueen wrote:

I was lying in bed yesterday afternoon and I was asking God, Why? and What is His purpose in this?
Within 5 minutes I had an email sent through from a beautiful colleague Beth, entitled AVON NEEDS YOU - On reading the email, it was about sponsoring her 5 km run in Hyde Park,London,for Breast Cancer and to raise awareness about early screening. - As I told my husband that God had given me an answer, she called me and she will be running for me, her best friend SJ who has had a double mastectomy 2 days after my op. - How amazing!

We're all pulling for you mate.Also for K and the girls.To get me into a pink Fred Perry is really something.Ask your mate for a contact number and I'll be there at the race,camera in hand,ready to document this occasion,wearing the afore mentioned item.For other folks who may be in the area,here's more details....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 05:49 am
FlavourQueen wrote:

.............and and and - I love you.

and and and...

Once upon a time... remember, we hadn't talked for a while - we were grumpy with each other but we didn't know why Wink - I wrote you out the words of the song of Chiquitita - must have taken me a dozen times to do it without making a mistake and sent it in the post, then we talked and everything was back to the way it was... I guess there was a fella involved ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhahahahahhaha - gosh, how funny

then of course, we ended up in Bristol a couple years back - and were still singing ABBA - soooooooooooooo US!

wasn't that just best time - remember Irish Shaggy and his limbo dancing. Oh my... and

oh .... i love you so much.

ps you 'aint goin' nowhere babe, 'cept with me... <looks to buy a yacht and a little Greek Island and get off the world> Smile (we'll put Kbro in the annexe a?) hhhhhhhhhhhhhahahhahhahahahahahahha
<mebbe Wink>


thinking we may need to do a Bridget Jones chick flick soon <piddling myself laughing now - gotta go change the incontinence pad>
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 05:56 am
((((((((BEAgle 'n Bazza)))))))) - there's a lot going on in all our worlds - you pinky fellas are in my thoughts too and yep, there's a lotta life in us folks yet Very Happy

playing a Tulip song now - both Tulip and Charlie have reason to celebrate their 15 year old girlies exam and module results - S-girl and A-Bear are just BRILLIANT - congrats girlies...

sing along now folksies....

nana na an a an ana annna

Nanananana (all together now)

Life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Liiiiiiiife (nanananana)

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
And you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gets everything
And every song everybody sings

And it's life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)

Life is life when we all feel the power
Life is life come on, stand up and dance
Life is life when the feeling of the people
Life is life is the feeling of the band

When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute of an hour
Don't think about the rest
Then you all get the power
You all get the best
When everyone gives everything
And every song everybody sings

And it's life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)

Life (nanananana)

Life (nanananana)
Life is life (nanananana)
Labadab dab dab life (nanananana)
Live is life (nanananana)

And you call when it's over
You call it should last
Every minute of the future
Is a memory of the past
Cause we all gave the power
We all gave the best
And everyone gave everything
And every song everybody sang
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 06:31 am
Izzie wrote:

thinking we may need to do a Bridget Jones chick flick soon <piddling myself laughing now - gotta go change the incontinence pad>

Ho ho ho,and I'll go empty the bag Wink .
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 06:40 am
@Barry The Mod,
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - ok - now I'm really badly laughing

clever, very clever!

<slaps my wrist for laughing> Wink

0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 07:12 am
@Barry The Mod,
Just opened my Bridget Jones - and they're pink!! - Love them - Will fit incontinence pads perfectly - So laughing.

Kev has ironed for NATO this morning and I have been singing Dancing Queen at the top of my voice whilst filling in pre admission forms for the hospital!

Bazza - I am so impressed with the pink Fred Perry and that you will make it down to Hyde park on the 5th - I will PM you Beths number after I have spoken to her.

Spoken to Sarah my oncology nurse this morning and she has calmed me down again and put things back into perspective.


Love you all and I cannot ever say enough thank yous

Charlie xx
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 08:55 am
A beautiful, quiet and soothing place for you to walk, Charlie.


Please do feel the comfort of God within all the prayers that are going out for you. I have a friend staying with me that is helping me, and our goal is to have you on 1,000 prayer chains by the end of this week. We are more than half-way there. Oh Charlie, you KNOW the power in that!! I have felt and been blessed by the power of prayer, as have millions of other people in this world. I know you have been blessed also. It seems that when we are in the dips and valleys of life, we find the most blessings. When those thousand chains are reached , we will keep going-- as the rest will be even more icing on that cake. Please, please, PLEASE feel that strength.

Oh, and speaking of cake ...... here are some cupcakes for the crew!


STRENGTH, Charlie. Strength. Reach for that strength.


V - I - C - T - O - R - Y

(((((((((((((( Charlie )))))))))))))

Continued prayers from all across the world...

Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 09:17 am
JustBrooke wrote:

A beautiful, quiet and soothing place for you to walk, Charlie.


Babbling - those pink woods will mean so much to Charlie...

strange (ya know that strange thing that happens) - on Sunday, before I left Essex, we had a conversation - what Charlie thinks of as peacef is a walk in the woods... she had the urge to go look for a forest...

you just gave her one to walk in... bless ya Brooklyn

(((((((Babbling)))))))) x

<reaches over to hug and nab a cupcake from the galley... mmmm mmmm good Very Happy>
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 10:05 am
Izzie wrote:

strange (ya know that strange thing that happens) - on Sunday, before I left Essex, we had a conversation - what Charlie thinks of as peacef is a walk in the woods... she had the urge to go look for a forest...


I have to tell you this. There is obviously no way that I could have known of your conversation with Charlie on Sunday. When I sat down at the computer today, my first thought was to find something pink for Charlie. So I sat here trying to think of something different. I just couldn't find that "perfect" thing. So I asked God to please guide me and give me something for her. Instantly the word "trees" came to mind. So I googled pink trees and within seconds that pink forest was in front of me, and I knew that was it. God never ceases to amaze me.

Do you hear that, Charlie? God is talking to you through that forest. He knows your needs. He gave you those pretty pink trees so that you can find the peace you seek. More importantly, I believe He is telling you that everything will be ok. Walk in that peace and strength, my friend. Keep those ears open, and you will hear all of His little whispers as He walks with you in these days ahead.


<Thank you, God!>


V - I - C - T - O - R - Y

(((((((((((((( Charlie )))))))))))))

Continued prayers from all across the world...

Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 11:26 am
Thank You God indeed - I am so so blessed to have this crew around me - people I have never met - but this is Faith - belief and hope -
Brooke, you are indeed an angel - and I feel so uplifted - The woods are the picture I have of the tree lined path to the Church where my grandpa preached and my family lie at rest - I have a beautiful photo that Iz frmed for me of my granny walking through the path of trees on her wedding day - I kissed her yesterday and this is even more reassuring as I know she is there too. - Phew, that has blown me away - Love you Brooke xx
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 07:48 pm
night sis

night crew
Reply Wed 25 Aug, 2010 07:54 pm
Good night from pinky boy girls.
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 03:00 am
FlavourQueen wrote:

Bazza - I am so impressed with the pink Fred Perry and that you will make it down to Hyde park on the 5th - I will PM you Beths number after I have spoken to her.

No probs mate.It should be a great day.Lots of ladies running in support of my favorite part of the female anatomy.I half expected Dutchy to mention that Twisted Evil
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 03:38 am
@Barry The Mod,
[quote="Barry T
Bazza - I am so impressed with the pink Fred Perry and that you will make it down to Hyde park on the 5th - I will PM you Beths number after I have spoken to her.
No probs mate.It should be a great day.Lots of ladies running in support of my favorite part of the female anatomy.I half expected Dutchy to mention that Twisted Evil

It was on my mind Harbourmaster, but being the shy type I didn't think it was appropriate under the present circumstances. On second thought I agree with you, so when you attend Hyde Park, don't forget your camera and show us some 'outstanding' examples. Wink
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 03:42 am
Wow,just had a brainstorm.Hows about a London A2K meet for this.Always wanted to go but you feel such a tit going by yourself...
Looks soooooooooo much fun!Open to gals AND guys.
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 04:09 am
Sorry,cross posting
Nick Drake....

I saw it written and I saw it say
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 04:14 am
@Barry The Mod,
Hey - Fantastic idea Bazza and I love a pair of boobs too - they are to be celebrated - Also loving your pink writing - you have really got in the spirit - and Dutchy - you don't have to be shy - I am not that kinda gal!! - Vive Le Bosum!!

Had a fab night last night with 2 friends who brought over some champagne and we sat till midnight having a reminisce - we laughed so much and it was the best tonic - love T and C!

Today I am tired - Hubby just left to take L boy down to Devon and I feel a bit lost already as he has been by my side constantly since last week's news - time to sleep and rest in complete silence now though for a day -

I got the most beautiful card - Blue tit, perchance - of a bird and a very bling pink nail file to keep my hands pretty from Ixzie Liz - Love you so much sis and THANK YOU - I am so missing you today darling.

Right - off for a quick morning nap and catch you all later - Love you all

Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 04:19 am
I'm missing you too Charlie... weird, just came downstairs after pulling an all nighter and switched on the laptop at 11.14am.... hmmmmm

call me when you get up - go rest now sis and "take time to be" for a bit, yeah

wanna hug you so bad...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 26 Aug, 2010 04:48 am
<tears when you least expect them>

squared away with my boss to take time off next week hun - so no worries there - Al sends you all her love and says she will be thinking of you... she can imagine the way we'll put our humour to good use over the next few months and reckons that it will get you through to a better place

meanwhile... listening to the Lighthouse Family Wink


how's ya blue booby? have you gone green and yellow yet?

this one kinda reminds me of K-bro

(This male blue-footed booby is performing a courtship dance for his mate.)

Looking forward to seeing K-bro later and holding on tight to him for a while....

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