Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 05:20 pm
Amazing mosaics, Izzie, and that candle was for Marilyn Monroe.

I'm a little teapot short and stout,
Here is my handle,
Here is my spout.
When I get all steamed up then I shout,
Just tip me over and pour me out. Smile

Free Willie?


Found this was one from "hooked on classics"


You forgot to list that one. Love it.

Actually, McTag doesn't really know how yodeling REALLY began.

Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 06:02 pm
Morning Izzie and Miss Letty, thank you for your interesting posts. Can you believe it, a new week has started and I have no appointments, free as a bird to do as I like. Since Mrs.B became aware of that she pused a note under my nose with the heading "Things to be done". There are a dozen items on her list, goodness knows where she found them all, they weren't apparent to me. Laughing No rest for the wicket!!!
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 06:10 pm
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... she gave you a "honey do" list... love that... go do hunni. Nighty night Cosmic - see ya on the other side of the sun...

love x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 06:14 pm
Letty wrote:

Actually, McTag doesn't really know how yodeling REALLY began.

the Lonely Goatherd Wink

Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 11:38 pm
2 interesting things that ive read in 2 days!
The doctor has advised BEAgle to stop munching too much and mrs BEAgle has a list of to do things for him!!! FINALLY!
LOL am i happy Razz i still cant forget ur list of strawberry tarts, choco treats, beers, orange juice and hours and hours of idling...and all ths while i was preggie, craving and had loads of work!
am happy for the whale of time ur having ;P goodluck! nd my "loving regards" to Mrs B!
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 11:54 pm
verbivore you're not being nice to Teddy with your comments. Right now my hands are sore and my back is aching all because of Mrs. B demands and you think that's funny. I feel like a drink of orange juice but all I'm getting is water, and a dry Dutch rusk! I hope Customs at the airport confiscate all of Bazza's chocolates he's bringing you, then I will have a laugh. Laughing
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 06:36 am
Gooooooooooooood Afternoon Crew

How is the world today?

It's a little grey and mizzly here today so it's on with the music and Ima doing a Bodyguard Whitney right now Razz iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyaiiiiiiiiiiiii will always love you... llalalllaa

body's knackered tho - complete waste of space! useless 'tis.

Anyhoooooooooo... just spoke to the Bazza - ahhhhhhhhh, Penny smooched me down the phone Very Happy Wishing them safe and happy travels to our MaMaVerby - so excited for them ...

going on a journey

Don't Stop Believing Wink

((((((((BEAgle))))))))))) - how's yer aches and pains today - hope MrsB gave you a good massage! Very Happy

MaMaVerby - oooooooooooh, so wish I was joining Baz on his trip - would so love to meet you - strange tho - I have a permanent smile on my face when I think of you guys meeting up... how lovely that the crew are getting together. LOVE IT! Very Happy

POMcTaggers - are you back yet boyo! So hope you and the Cabin Boy will make it to London to meet the Pads - haven't a clue what's been planned yet - that's all in Bazza's head - I'm reckoning on driving up late Thursday night - all depending on how jet lagged Baz is - 'twill take me a day to recover from driving at the moment whilst poor Baz will have been travelling for 24 hours. Ah, he's good at doing weird hours tho - so hopefully all will be tickety.

Yay - happy daze.... talking of which, I didn't like the paint colour when I smoodged it on the wall - gotta go for something darker / more solid - happy daze was a bit wishy washy Shocked

laterz xxxx
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 09:14 am
Um, that's a picture of STAGHORN sumac, a safe, non-poisonous plant. Related to poison sumac, but as you can see, the berries are RED and hairy here, and poison sumac's are WHITE and smooth.

A delicious lemon-flavoured iced beverage can be made from staghorn sumac. And old Native-Canadian drink. Smile They also dry the berries and use crushed as a spice.
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 12:45 pm

Yodelling, Miss Letty, I'll be guided by you on that one. I suppose it's got something to do with long-distance communication, as has the talking drums of Africa.

Tonight I had Spaetzle, sauerkraut and speck, a great big plateful in the Kaiserastübl, and I gotta tell ya, I don't know how these guys can walk up mountains after eating a lot of that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 03:28 pm
greenqueenees wrote:

Um, that's a picture of STAGHORN sumac, a safe, non-poisonous plant. Related to poison sumac, but as you can see, the berries are RED and hairy here, and poison sumac's are WHITE and smooth.

A delicious lemon-flavoured iced beverage can be made from staghorn sumac. And old Native-Canadian drink. Smile They also dry the berries and use crushed as a spice.

Welcome to A2K greenqueenees - and thanks for that info Very Happy I looked up your drink and this is what I found...

Staghorn Sumac
July 2008 Features

julyaug_08_sumacHeals Inflammation and Boosts Circulation
by Michael Vertolli, Clinical Herbalist

One of the great things about summer is the incredible bounty of wild foods that are available. By far the most popular are the wild fruits because they are easy to recognize and taste great. In the northern temperate regions, most indigenous fruits are berries that are not only delicious, they are very nutritious and loaded with antioxidants.

The berry season starts with gooseberries in late June and ends with blackberries in late August. When I’m out wandering around in the woods and fields, I’m always grateful when I come across a good crop of berries and can enjoy a handful or two and then carry on, leaving most of them for the birds and mammals that depend on them for their sustenance.

When it comes to berries, not all of them are what they appear to be. One of my favourites are not particularly juicy and don’t look very appetizing. They are the fruits of staghorn sumac (also spelled sumach). These clusters of fuzzy, red berry-like fruits make a refreshing drink that I love to enjoy on a warm summer day.

The best way to prepare it is to steep some of the fruits in water in a clear glass container placed in the sun for a couple of hours. This is what is called a sun tea. When it’s ready, it will be similar in colour to pink lemonade. Strain it through cheesecloth to remove the fine hairs, put it in the fridge or add some ice, and enjoy! The flavour is somewhere between lemonade and cranberry juice.



well, we're loving that ~ Sun Tea!

Stick around if you're able greenqueenees - there's a lot of threads that you may find of interest Very Happy

Hey POMcT - ah, you're still in yodel land - enjoy the rest of your visit Very Happy


The news from Pakistan makes me weep Sad So very, very sad for all those folk out there in the floods... heartbreaking.


I wonder if the rest of the world has noticed. So little has been spoken about it. Hmmmmmmmm...

0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Aug, 2010 08:26 pm
Hi Izzie, as always love your singing, this impression of Whitney Houston was something special," llalallla" I'm still humming it. Smile

Aches and pains gone today thanks to Mrs.B her massage techniques perform wonders. Wink

Saw the floods in Pakistan on our TV screen, how terrible, just can't imagine losing everything through mother nature. Australia is sending relief but disasters of this magnitude needs the whole world to jump in.

Have a nice day on the Moors. (((Izzie)))

Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 12:46 am
I hope Customs at the airport confiscate all of Bazza's chocolates he's bringing you, then I will have a laugh.

ROFL....lol Oh my!!!! tht reaaalllly cracked me Smile
ohh!! Razz ok now..am sorry Razz im happy tht Mrs B massaged u Wink hope ur a lot better now..(giggles) (again giggles)
ok....izziiee im waiting to have sme snaps with penny as well...
ystrday..had the face to face with Dave... and Diane..
please ..please do pray tht he approves me! he seemed all fine..i dnt knw..
bt plss do pray..
and then ill get in a Senior Creative Writer!!!!!!
it will be a milestone in ma career! im trying th "SECRET" way..
he'l like me..he'll like me...and he'll like me!!!! ofcourse he'll approve! ofcourse YES!
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 01:23 am
Hi my dear beautiful verbivore I'm glad you had a few laughs, so pleased you have a good sense of humour. All is forgiven now you're sorry and I shall pray vividly that you score the job you so badly want. I have a feeling you'll do alright as you have remarkable talents, one only has to read your blog to discover a woman with great writing skills. I wish you well. (((verbivore)))
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 06:10 am
Afternoon Crew

Another mizzly day here - Tulip and kidz have got home safely after a long, rainy, journey setting off in the early hours Shocked

Boyz will be coming here tomorrow and then have a beach party on Friday (really hope the weather is gonna improve Razz) FQ and family will be here for the weekend - yayay!

Body is crahpier than normal - and normal's not fab Rolling Eyes but I have lot's of better than good here and no cause for whining. Gotta go get the hoover out - kitties have been tumbling and there's fur flying everywhere Shocked Naughty naughty kitties.

MissyMis - hoping you've caught your breath now and work is alright - say a hey to the new boyfriend - hugs and love to you, the Professor and the boyz. xxxxx

Babbling - thinking of you and hoping Noah is doing well and you've all managed some rest. (((BabblingFamily))) x

Boida - you too - hoping the neurologist will be able to give you some answers. xxxx

MaMaVerby - keeping everything crossed for you - let us know what happens - keep believing in yourself whatever the outcome... okay!!!!! This time tomorrow Bazza will be on a plane with Penny - wooooot wooooot - hmmmm... hope they don't quarantine the hamster! ((MaMaVerby))

(((BEAgle))) - still chilly there 'huh? Yep, the floods are just horrendous out there, the disease, seeing the elderly and the kids who haven't got a chance, and each time I see it, it smacks me one to realise how fortunate we are... or I am - our/my complaints in the world are so insignificant in the bigger picture. Just breaks your heart to see what others are going through and being relatively useless to help these people...


Catch y'all a bit later Very Happy
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 07:16 am
Hi Izzie, hope you have a nice day with not to many pains, I don't know how you cope sometimes but you sure are a survivor and I admire you immensely. Bosun says goodnight and look forward reading your posts tomorrow. Take care. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 02:33 pm
The only answer I got, Iz, is that my brain looks OK. No answers for why I can't walk. A medical mystery.

Sorry you're not feeling so well. Sigh. I don't know how you maintain you energy and good humor.

Sure, I keep going, too. But I kvetch all the time.
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 02:42 am
Morning Crew

BAZZA IS ON THE PLANE and should be leaving in just a few minutes.

He had a bit of late whoopdidoo yesterday with an emergency appointment to the dentist Shocked - however, they sorted him out, packed him up with numerous antibiotics and pain pills and now..... he's off to India. <this has been a dream of his for a loooong time>

so from Audrey, and from moi - HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY BAZZA - you are gonna have the very best time.

MaMaVerby - I know you can't hug him from me when you see him - but, very silently, he will be hugging you from me. Enjoy the time your family spend together with him Very Happy

Happy flying Baz - see ya next week Very Happy

Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 03:46 am
heyyyyy bazza on plane already?? thanx for kpng me posted! im travelling tmrw. Evening train. We'll reach friday morning. Saturday..gonna meet Bazza..errr a lill tensed abt the cockney accent! hope i dnt make a fool of myself Razz Razz
geeee a LOT tensed..u knw the culture is A LOT diff out here....hope i do not make him uncomfortable..
H-boy has become a lill fuzzy these days..he doesnt sleep in the night..tmrw evenig train ....people wil expect him to be silent Sad(( duno wat to do
lets see...
mismi...u knw the thing they fit in baby's mouth..i dnt knw wat its called normally..but if i use it just for the travel..is it healthy???
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 04:10 am
Hey MaMaVerby

don't worry at all about the accent - I know you'll be able to understand Baz... and he's very aware of your culture and what "to" and "not to" do - please don't worry, it will all be good.

I think you must mean a "pacifier" - in the UK we call it a dummy - I know a lot of people use them and it can/does pacify babies - I don't think my boyz used them... d'ya know, I really can't remember - but S-boy used to suck his 4th finger everyday ... but he was still the screamiest kid wherever we went - really high pitched scream <ack> - people used to stare at us all the time! Anyhooooooo - no, a pacifier will not harm him in any way - do whatever you think is best for him to make the journey more comfortable for you both Very Happy

<You may find the motion of the train lulls H-boy to sleep>

k - gotta dash <joke Rolling Eyes >, as best I can right now, and go pick up the boyz from Tulip.

Catch y'all later x
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 05:17 am
Evening all, wish the Harbourmaster a safe trip and look forward hearing all about his travels and meeting verbivore. You will surprise us with a few pictures won't you mate?

Bosun been out all day, running all over town, looking for spare parts for my lawn mower which had given up the ghost. After much haggling got what I wanted and after assembling the lot, didn't have a bolt left over, she started first up!

Early night tonight. Smile
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