Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2010 11:14 am
I am happy to hear Noah is doing well. The one-step-at-a-time approach sounds promising.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2010 01:18 pm
verbivore wrote:

BEAgle!!!! u had to remind chocolates again~!i

Aha..Razz there's a suitcase full of chocolate winging it's way very soon Wink MaMaVerby - ah, you have gone out of your way to look after our Baz - would love to have been there with you - Baz and I were talking about that - one day!! Hug little Hrehaan for me. Looking forward to seeing some pics of you all together. Can't wait. Tell us more about this job interview...............x

BEAgle - how's you today? Wish you could cosmically fly over here... or better yet, I could fly over there. Ah... if only! Heard it was a bit chilly Down Under - brrrrr - we've had a heap more rain today but it's still warmish. How's yer book coming along? Sending you warm hugs. x

wandeljw wrote:


just lovin' this pic! You will always be Keanu by the restaurant!!!!!! Razz How is your sis doing after her op? All going to plan? Hope she is healing well. x

Letty - ah, been thinking of you - was listening to the radio today and heard a toon I thought would go nicely on the cyber radio station - be over there after I've had some munchies. Hope you are keeping well. x

Babbling - so glad you posted about Noah - so glad he's come through the op safely - yep, can be a rocky road - get some rest girlie and know we are thinking of you and sending all love and healing wishes for the weeman. Please send my best to Kimmie and family. Love love Babbling. x

((AlexChap)) - ahh, you make me smile each and every time. Hey - can you ask your wabbit to get his British cousins to eat some of the clover on my lawn - it's covered!!!!! Purple and green - perfect. Haven't found a four leaf yet! You - take care x

Bazza - lovin' the Penny Pics - ah, she's a happy hamster! So pleased you've finished work now and are packing for the trip - you are gonna have the best time. Very Happy Will see you in 2 weeks time for the Pads arrival. Yay. x

Missy - hope you're doing well Dixie and all is k with you. Saw the pics of the Allstar boyz on fb - fabulous. Have a great weekend and put your feet up when you can. Love you. x

Blue - missing you - you are a busy boy Very Happy Smooches you and xox

((((((((all our Crew))))))))

Know Nothing

laterz Wink

Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2010 01:28 pm
Izzie, I hope you will visit our radio.

Strange, Brooke. My mama told me that when I was two months old, I turned blue. Doctors came to one's home in that day and time and some procedure that he used worked. I was also told by my older sister that I had a heart murmur. Hope little Noah does as well as I have. As you can see, I'm still here. Smile

Mama Verbs, I played that song that I posted here. You ought to visit as well.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2010 02:01 pm
Izzie wrote:
just lovin' this pic! You will always be Keanu by the restaurant!!!!!! How is your sis doing after her op? All going to plan? Hope she is healing well. x

That's right, Izzie. I am glad I showed you the restaurant in this park when you were in Chicago. It was used to film all the restaurant scenes in one of your favorite movies, "The Lake House." My older daughter, Katrina, was paid to be an "extra" in the restaurant scenes filmed for the movie.

My sister is doing great after her surgery. She is resting at home but will soon start physical therapy.
Reply Fri 6 Aug, 2010 03:23 pm
Morning crew, Saturday here and we're about to head to the market in town and have breakfast with friends, our monthly ritual. Rather chilly this morning, so I'm all rugged up and wearing my black beanie.

Thank you for all your posts it makes interesting reading and gives me plenty to ponder about. Would love to hop on a plane and visit the various places where you all live. For the time being cyber flights is all I can do. Smile

Wishing everybody a great weekend.
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 04:11 am
Morning Morning Crew

BUCKETS I tell ya.... BUCKETS OF RAIN are falling from the sky. Good lawd - stop already.....Shocked my grass/clover needs cut!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other than that - happy day to all - Ima little chesty <no comments from the peanut gallery please> and not able to walk without my brace on (ack), strangely tho, its my left ankle that is now leaning inwards and horribly painful....

need to do some painting today so will be on and off and listening to music as I go Very Happy

Hope all are well and diddling along nicely.

BEAgle - hope you had a good brekkie in town - chuck another log on the fire and keep warm tonight - smooches and love Down Under xx

(((Missy))) x - thinking of you girlie.

Love and healing wishes to Baby Noah and hoping too that our Babbling has got some good sleep in. x

((Blue)) xox

laterz peeps x
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 04:16 am
wandeljw wrote:

My sister is doing great after her surgery. She is resting at home but will soon start physical therapy.

Great news jw. PT will be hard work but so glad she is doing well. FQ FIL has just come home I believe <need to call today> so hoping he will now recover better - he was in hospital for around 8 weeks... become very instiutionalised after that amount of time and depressed - hopefully back home he will improve a little now.

Very pleased for you and your family that sis is doing well Very Happy YAY!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 05:08 am
"BUCKETS I tell ya.... BUCKETS OF RAIN are falling from the sky." Amazingly here too Izzie, additionally it is bitterly cold, down to 3 degrees tonight. Fire burning brightly and I'm enjoying a glass of French Cognac, being Saturday night!

I must make a comment from the gallery Captain, why do you need a brace to hold up your chest, I thought these things were called bras? Wink

Enjoy your painting and music Izzie, cheers I'm having another 'refreshment', Smile
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 05:50 am
Dutchy wrote:

"BUCKETS I tell ya.... BUCKETS OF RAIN are falling from the sky." Amazingly here too Izzie, additionally it is bitterly cold, down to 3 degrees tonight. Fire burning brightly and I'm enjoying a glass of French Cognac, being Saturday night!

I must make a comment from the gallery Captain, why do you need a brace to hold up your chest, I thought these things were called bras? Wink

bruhahahha... ha, just read what i wrote back and it did sound like that a? I'm so unfocused today. Ho blooming ho BEAgle Razz Very Happy Wink

Enjoy your cognac - and a glass of water before bedtime! Love you D. Warm warm hugs x

Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 11:52 am
heyy letty u played tht music ? Smile gr8! we've got talent onboard Smile im glad u like mr shyamalan..hes frm my very place - kerala.. liked couple of his movies...th ones tht ive watched tht is Smile
!!!izziee!! i was abt to tell bazza not to bring chocs! Razz Razz Razz
had vodka choc & rum filled choc today...just 2 pieces..wanted to get a taste of both nd i thought if its wit choc itll b great Wink
nd regarding th intvw - it is for IBM - http://www.ibm.com/in/en/
pretty great mnc to associate with. nd is not an outsourced job...wen its outsourced..the profile bcmes low! 2 rounds over..3rd one is taken by a brit...
ur accent i can understand..but i cant understand a word of bazzas Razz Razz Razz
i dnt knw ..how im gonna fare!
and me and eby literally laugh whn we think of our communicatn with Bazza Razz guess we have to use sign language and written casrds..ROFL! am sorry ..bt i jst had to blurt it out! and for 1000th time im telling ye..please bear wit us....
night for now..ctch ye latrs
BEAgle...enjoy the rain..but i couldnt help smile at the fact that the mimnute i read the words..."BUCKETS of RAIN" from ye...i just assumed..tht would be another reason for something to ur tummy Wink and guess where my eyes landed? "French Cognac" ;P ;P u never give tht teddy tummy a rest do u? Wink
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 02:42 pm
verbivore wrote:

ur accent i can understand..but i cant understand a word of bazzas Razz Razz Razz

ha, that's because he's a cockney geezer - Londoner ahahahahhaha Razz

actually - he tawks pretty much like I do - just deeper

nah, you'll all be just fine when you meet in person - it's much easier to understand someone when you're talking face to face - gosh, you're gonna have such a swell time...

enjoy the chocs - there's an assortment Wink

Well, didn't do a jot of painting - had a visitor Shocked and went out in the car for a drive - bought some more paint for the conservatory - ha - guess what it's called...


any ideas...

HAPPY DAZE... love that - happy daze in the conservatory (sometime, dunno when, but I'll do it eventually Razz >


edit: darn, nearly quarter til 10pm - must.go.eat ...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 04:34 pm
Hey! I'm home! We headed for Tennessee last Saturday and got back late last night. It was a good week. But I am SO glad to be home! I missed everything!

Hey Brooke - I missed about Noah's surgery! I am glad he got through fine - will be praying that everything continues to improve. I am so sorry that sweet boy has had to go through all of this.

How is FQ's FIL?

Izzie - you gonna' paint some MORE? Yikes. I need to. But won't. Smile

We stopped by Chatanooga yesterday to go to a Lookouts game (minor league baseball - Dodgers). We ate at a place called the Blue Plate Diner and on our way out met Tommy Lasorda. He signed Hall of Fame cards for all three of the boys. Pretty exciting stuff...he is a very sweet man. He was the manager for the Dodgers for many years and was being inducted into the Chatanooga Hall of Fame and they honored him at the game last night. So much fun. But the Lookouts lost to the Diamond Jaxx in 14 innings. pooh.

I have to finish unpacking. I have just not been able to find my "get 'er done" groove today - at all!

((Izzie)) All is well sweet friend.

Hugs to the crew!
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 04:45 pm
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY - sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee's back Very Happy

Missed you Dixie - so good to see you - been catching up myself on some pyjama reading - excellent news and ideas!!!

Go and do hunni and we'll see when you've caught your breath.

Verra good to see you - and so happy you had such a good trip. love you Mis xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

oh, FQ FIL is back home - spoke to K-bro's MaMa today and all is good - he's very happy to be home - it's been a long time in hospital for him and they've missed each other so much. Very close family - it's been hard to be apart - he's on the road to recovery and fingers crossed and goodness willing - he will heal well. x
Reply Sat 7 Aug, 2010 08:15 pm
I am glad to hear he is doing well. Tell FQ my thoughts and prayers are still with them as they are with little Noah and his family.

Well...I am still not done unpacking...but I lived out of it for a week - so I figure I can do it for another day at least. Smile

So I need to go back and read, read, read...did Barry make it to India and meet our beautiful Mamaverb and sweet H?

What news? What news...I'm going to go catch up.

Hugs honey - thank you for your encouragement. I am so out of touch right now...I can't seem to do anything whole heartedly anymore...too spread out. I am sure I will get the hang soon...just feels like I have so many dangling ends.

Dutchy...stay warm! Happy belated Anniversary!

Hugs crew!
Barry The Mod
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 01:45 am
mismi wrote:

So I need to go back and read, read, read...did Barry make it to India and meet our beautiful Mamaverb and sweet H?

Morning mismi,good to see you back on board.
Re:India - flight AI 0130 departs London Heathrow on Wednesday August 11th at 09:45 Brit time,03:45 US Central.
All flights and hotels confirmed so....
Aint No Stopping Us Now ! Old Skool Rules.
Me and Penny are really exited about seeing Verbs and her crew.Photos WILL be incoming!!!!!!,if I can work out the WiFi connection at the hotel Confused .
Captain,was that trip to the paint shop in Molly?
Laters ((((CREW)))),stuff to do.Have a great Sunday!
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 04:19 am
@Barry The Mod,
Evening crew, Sunday almost over, attended football and that took care for most of the day, now sitting home watching a documentary on archeology, Stonehenge UK, to be exact. Fascinating and just about the only programmes which will keep my eyes glued to the screen, hardly ever watch any other TV.

verbivore I enjoyed that French Cognac however I must confess to you I do watch my intake off late as the Doctor has set my ideal weight at 100KG and I must not exceed that! Wish you happy times when the Harbourmaster arrives this week.

Feel relieved to see miss sunshine back on the scene, read all about your doings on FB, very inspirational! Don't often open FB but glad I did this week. You are one in a million mismi.

Izzie, what's up for not painting and going for a drive instead, must have been a VIP to neglect those duties?

Harbourmaster all packed? Keep verbivore short on the chocolate. Wink

Off to make a cuppa. Cheers for now.
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 04:59 am
Morning Morning all.... gosh, really, it's nearly Afternoon Crew

yes yes yes... I neglected my duties and I still need to paint Wink but good to spend time with a friend after not seeing them for a while.

actually, it was rather good getting out of the house, however, walking is a real problem right now even with the brace on (golly gee, that's sooo attractive Rolling Eyes ) and going up and down the step ladder is going to be nigh on impossible - so door frames are going to have to wait. Can't cut the grass either at the mo - but, it's looking quite nice out there all long and wavy in the wind Razz I may try and paint the walls under the conservatory windows - hmmmm... knees... dunno - feel I need to be something tho. Will keep busy in some way, shape or form.

anyhooooooooooooooooooooo - have a happy head on and just so pleased to see our ((((Mis)))) back and to listen to the ((((BEAgle))) still teasing our (((MaMaVerby))) (you are a bad, bad boy teasing her so! Wink ) <smiles>

Gonna crank up the volume and... crack on!

(((Bazza))) - so excited for you too - ooooooooooh - you'll be on the plane soon Very Happy

0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 12:41 pm
@Barry The Mod,

I found one thing about India, Bazza, wherever you are, you're never very far from a cyber-cafe.
Very tech up-to-date people, the Indians.

You will have a lovely and mind-blowing time.

Today, we were up a mountain in lovely sunny weather here in the Taunus mountains (eastern Tyrol). Fab 360-deg panoramic views from about 6000 ft (thanks to the chairlifts) and we wandered about on the many paths until we were very footsore and leg-sore. I hope the pics come out, and do the scenery some justice.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 12:47 pm

Where are the Pads now? They must be getting near Germany sometime soon.
Still hoping to get down to London on time, to see them with Baz and Izzie.
Reply Sun 8 Aug, 2010 05:03 pm
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening Crew

Can you believe it’s Monday, 9th August already... who knew! Where has the last year gone...

Wellllllllllllllll... managed to cut the grass and paint a doorframe (don’t like the doorframe tho... oh well, don’t like beheading the daisies either but ya know...) . Have been struggling with my ankle... hmmmmmmm... what to do – ‘tis a bit of a problem.

Nem’mind – had a rest this evening, lay down and put a flick on – “Free Willy”... deary deary me... pass the tissues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many times can you cry in one movie... some little close to home stuff Rolling Eyes

Soooooooo... then decided I needed to think in colour and become distracted

Bowl and a candle







Love these






Lotsa flickering flames in this one Wink


And now gonna put a brew on Razz


Love my teaptot!!!!!!!!!!! < Wink FQ thanku!>

So in the theme of colour and candles

Here’s a toon

Wishing all the crew a good Monday and a great week ahead... lovin’ y’all xxxx

((Blue)) xox

Yay - McT - you iz back soon - enjoy the scenery - Austria is super stunning.... loved it there! PICS FELLA, PICS on your return. Hugs . xx

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