Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 08:23 am
Hola, crew!

Been away for a bit visiting Mr B's extended family in the hinterlands of IA. Grandma B turned 90 last week and is doing wonderfully. Haven't read back and need to catch up on a week's worth of work but wanted to wish everyone a happy Wednesday wherever you are.
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 04:49 pm
Hey JPB - ah, it's good to see you girl - glad to hear family is well and you're back home safe. Bless Grandma, 90 years old Very Happy

now can you pop across the pond please and keep me company Very Happy


I'm in a flummox - the lighting circuit has blown upstairs - I've got power but no lighting... so the boyz came down and we ventured into the garage - now F-boy isn't scared of spiders - but there's a huge one where the trip switch is and tho he was being big and brave, he just can't do it... I'm the adult and I can't do it and S-boy won't even step into the garage - 11.45pm and too late to call anyone and I've got the heeby-jeebies.

I have got power upstairs so the boys have a plug in light on in the room so they'll be fine - the bulb that's blown has obviously tripped the switch but... what doesn't make sense is the big red and white switch still says on and the mcbs/trips all looked to be on but I can't get close enough to them - so I think it's blown the whole top floor circuit and I can't do electrics - it's one of those pull out jobbies - oh flipping bloody nora - dammit dammit dammit - i just can't make myself go out in the stupid damn effing garage dammit dammit dammit and flip the main power switch coz the house will completely black out - dammit!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not worried about the house blacking out, I'm frikken petrified of the damn spiders. DAMMIT!

<cold sweat, heeby jeebies> Sad

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand breathe!

Back to my butterfly pics! <calm calm calm calm calm>

OK - diddly I can do about it now -
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 05:59 pm
Oh Izzie what a predicament you're in, look at my jocks I'm presently wearing, maybe I can help you. Wink

Better get an electrician in the morning, power outings is not something to play around with, let the experts have a go at it! Don't be brave and venture there yourself, besides think of that big Tarantella. Wink

Nice day outside so I'll be doing some gardening Captain. Our Lemon tree is still growing rapidly and full of fruit, on the other hand the Orange tree seems to have stoppen growing, only half the size of the Lemon tree now yet full of blooms.

Back later.
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 06:52 pm
ha, so tomorrow's boxers are gonna be this a?


Bazza - have a bonzer time in India - get online as and when you can - happy travels!

POMcT - hope you're enjoying the sunshine still - put some cream on that bonce of yours - you're gonna be peeeeeeeeeeeeling! Have a great time Very Happy

must go to bed...nighty night ((((Crew))))
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 07:55 pm
Nite, nite Izzie, happy dreams, rest well. xxx
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 08:02 pm
Your jocks are pink. You throw a red t-shirt in the laundry or something? Or do you usually wear pink drawers?

I hope that spider is gone in the morning Izzie love. If I was there I would kick its ass. Because I ain't askeered of no spiders. Squish. Wink Okay...well...I would have a really long stick to do it. Better safe than sorry I always say. Razz

I would whine and complain about stuff...but it does me no good.
Work is such work. Whew. And I can't say things anymore like, "I can't wait until summer." Pooh.

Hugs to you all...I'm a reading. See you all later.
Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2010 08:09 pm
Hi mismi, long time no see, hope you and yours are doing well. I'm not going to tell you the colour of my jocks, I like a bit of privacy in that department but I can tell you they're not white Laughing

Hugs from downunder.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 02:39 am
has bazza reached bombay yet?? il be traveling to kerala via train frm evening and kerala..dnt have net connection! plss tell him to call me.
097400 12570
09740 153893
0484 2740897
any of these would do!
ctch ye all latrs.....
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:09 am
Thanks for the phone numbers verbivore, I've put them in my black book and ring you for a date later. Smile Wink

Safe trip to kerala.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 03:13 am
ROFL!!! BEAgle....!!! no comments! missa wil answer u n ths Wink me gotta rush
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:06 am
Hey Crew

ah Mis 'n BEAgle, the fuse had blown in one of the cartridge thingies - my PaPa came over and looked at it this morning and even he had trouble pulling the thingy out - plus he had to climb up over the shed (that's not built) in the garage - then he noticed the other thingy is broken and has been held together with electrical tape - so, long and short is I need a whole new circuit board.... ack! (but we do have the circuit running upstairs - off a 5amp fuse - how is that possible??? sheesh, talk about a bodged electrical board - nasty!)

As for the spiders - well, my PaPa is as fearful as me re spiders but he's the "big adult" so he just kinda went into the garage very loudly and threw a few things around so the freaks retreated - which then prompted my mother to call us both "woofters"... with the disapproving tone of how stupid we were being and "fer goodness sake, it's a spider" talk. Hey Ho! Confused Irrational fears a? what can ya do!

MaMa is coming back over thisavo and I have to clear some of the stuff from the garage... really, it is impossible to move in there - but, the good thing is, PaPa found all the paint that the previous owner had left so I can get on with doing some basic painting repairs when I feel a little better - problem right now is standing, even with the brace on - it's pants!

So, I've also been a little spooked of late and am getting some lighting set up for the garden - hmmmmmmmmmmm... some strange things going on - got me a little on edge -(and actually, bar the spiders, scary movies and unusual black outs, I don't spook too easy Wink ) - nothing to write home about - just... a feeling Neutral FQ and family will all be here tomorrow so that will be coco Razz

Hope work's not too busy for you Mis, and that you get some you time in the evenings - hard with 3 little fellaz running around tho a? Hugs girlie xxxx

MaMaVerby - Bazza posted yesterday so he's arrived safely - maybe you could email the hotel that you arranged and leave a message and your numbers with them, so that he will get it when he arrives. I'm sure all will be OK - he said before he left that if his phone didn't work out there he would just get a new one out there... I'm sure he'll manage to wifi in and read your message tho - today I believe he's out with his 'guide' - he'll be verra excited Very Happy x

kk - must go and start on the garage - boyz are playing nicely, both a little tired today - but it's been a busy couple weeks for them both - beach party tomorrow so they're conserving their energy Razz

laterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... x

0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:11 am
Hey crew.
Flight was good but I've forgotten what a toll it takes on your bum!After all these years of flying,how come they still can't make comfortable seats? At least I got a window seat by a door so I had loadsa leg room.Hotel is "adequate" but only just! Situated in a run down area,which IS what I expected.First full day out today.Lost count of how many times I got soaked (it's near the end of the monsoon season) but being a Brit I'm used to it.But it does limit picture taking.Lost count of how many times I smiled as well and not only at the good things.
Sorting out pics on a daily basis on the laptop and will upload and post when I get back.Thing is,I get a feeling that I don't wanna come back.But then,who's gonna feed The Fredster.
Rang Verbs 30 mins ago and will ring here just before I take off on Saturday morning.
Soooooooooooo,laters crew.Will post tomorrow and Sunday night/Monday morning when I get back from Verbs.
Waves to ALL the crew.
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:17 am
@Barry The Mod,
soooo good to read your check-in
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:50 am
@Barry The Mod,
Hi Harbourmaster how nice of you to report in so soon after landing in India. Pleased you like it sofar and hope you'll have a very welcome meeting with verbivore. Really looking forward to your pictures. The Bosun wishes you the best of times.

Pleased the lights are back on in Chez Izzie. Have a great weekend with FQ and crew Captain. Sending you vibes for easier walking. (((Izzie)))
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 07:58 am
@Barry The Mod,
Excellent news! I hope verbivore will let you post photos of her family. It would also be great to see India photos.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:28 pm
@Barry The Mod,
Barry The Mod wrote:



can hardly wait to see you pictostory -- ooooooooh, so verra glad you made your dream come true Baz - have a fun day tomorrow, you'll be zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz now and make the most of every minute you have out there - it will go in a flash. Say hey to a Jumbo or 6 for me and ... just have the very very best time. What was the guide like, what did you see... oh I could ask so many questions... I know, patience... I need a little patience.


POMcT - can't wait for yours too - lotsa pics I hope, would love to see the scenery out there again - need to break out into song when I see them Very Happy Enjoy your days and hugs to you and the Cabin Boy. xx

((((((((((Bethie, BEAgle, jw)))))))))) hugs to each and all of you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 04:58 pm
Morning Izzie, how are you tonight, feeling a little better? Your 'sis' will be arriving tomorrow which will be a good tonic for you, wish I was there. Smile

You'll be heading to bed shortly so I'll say good night and sleep well. xxx
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 05:26 pm
Tard... gotta go bed (((BEAgle)))) - wishing you a wonderful Feel Good Friday. xxxx

early morning start - kidz beach party cancelled due to rain forecast - but gonna take them to the town to see A-cousin instead - they are going to "do lunch" Mr. Green

garage is done... neighbour has taken a lot of stuff - fridge freezer, coffee table, shelving units, general bits and bobs... so that was good - she's verra happy, but then she's awful good to me - fab neighbour.

verra tired - physio tomorrow...

k, gotta zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

((((((((((Blue))))))))))) xox

lovin' y'all x

Tulip - looked out... couldn't see the meteor shower ... verra Sad Will ring you tomorrow about getting F-boy home - they've been good as gold - love them Very Happy

nighty night all
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2010 08:58 pm
Hi guys!

Glad you are there Barry! Have fun...sounds like you are going to have a great time!

Oh Dutchy...you just want me to imagine what kind of undies you are wearing...you cheeky fellow you. Wink

Enjoy yourself Verbs! Give each other a hug from me please! And Barry! Kiss that baby for me!

I am pooped too. I have been at football every night this week and the heat index is ridiculous! So hot! My poor little boys are playing in full pads and helmets...they are soak and wet when we get them home. But they are eating like horses and sleeping like logs. Smile That's a good thing.

Take care of yourself Iz...so glad your folks are there to help you out. That is GOOD! ((Izzie))

I am fine. Work is great. Home is busy. I love the weekends.

Hugs to the whole yabber crew!
Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2010 12:11 am
Oh mismi you're such a great mind reader. Smile Wink Glad the boys are enjoying their football that, good eating and sleeping will develop them in physically well developed individuals. Having inherited some parts of Mum's anatomy will be an asset as well playing football I guess. Wink

Have a great weekend miss sunshine. (((mismi)))

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