Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 02:27 am
Hey crew,hope all's well with you.

Barry The Mod wrote:
Had a threading encounter yesterday (as part of my pampering).Will let the Captain or annis say if it was worth it.

Izzie wrote:
I am soooooooooooo intrigued! It begs the question - have you had a piercing of some sort???????? So intrigued

Letty wrote:
Wow! I hope that Barry the Brit doesn't end up like The Illustrated Man.

Nothing of the kind.Not even close ladies.It's purely a cosmetic procedure,but not many guys have it done.Wanna look my best for the trip to India.
Anyway,always one for promoting the UK,I came across this nice little story....

Army horses enjoy holiday in Blackpool.

Thirty-six Army horses and 25 soldiers from Left Section, The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, are taking a break from their hectic London ceremonial calendar - with a (working) holiday at the Lancashire seaside.
Horses from The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery gallop along the sands during their annual summer break in Blackpool


The soldiers and their mounts spend most of the year taking centre stage at parades in the capital, notably firing royal gun salutes, but they are currently enjoying a week-long break in Blackpool, letting the horses swim in the sea, gallop on the beach and walk on the promenade.

Left Section is staying in Blackpool as guests of the World Horse Welfare Centre at Penny Farm. The King's Troop has a close link with Penny Farm as one of the troop's horses, Penny, was among the first rescue cases to be handled by the staff at Penny Farm when the centre opened back in 2001.

Nursed back to full health, Penny later joined the King's Troop and has taken part in many high-profile ceremonial parades and events, including the Queen Mother's funeral. Penny, an Irish Draught mare, is among the 36 horses of Left Section which are now 'on holiday' in Blackpool.


Captain Max Chenery, Commander of Left Section, said:
"For a week every year the whole King's Troop goes away on various camps across the country.

"We always send a section up to Blackpool because we have got a link with Penny Farm, the World Horse Welfare Centre. It gives the horses and soldiers a rest from ceremonial duties in London.

"We try to get the horses out onto the beach, have a swim and a gallop down the sand, and also there are some fields at Penny Farm where the horses go out to grass. It is just a bit of rest for them, and us, from the public duties in London."

Among the soldiers is Gunner Emma Hudson for whom this year's visit to Blackpool is a return to the venue where she decided to join the Army a year ago:

"I came to an Open Day at Penny Farm and the King's Troop was here. I have been riding since I was four or five, so when I started chatting to the recruiting staff and realised what opportunities where available, I decided to join."


Gunner Hudson completed her basic training in December and joined The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery:

"I rode in my first parade at Queen's Life Guards [a daily Changing of the Guard] and my mum came down to see me - she was very proud! Life has changed a lot for me over this last year and I really enjoy it. And it is great to be back here in the North West galloping on the beach."

The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery, based in St John's Wood, central London, has about 130 horses and is divided into three sections - Left, Centre and Right.

Its official duties, as part of the Household Troops, include the firing of royal salutes in Hyde Park on royal anniversaries and state occasions, and providing a gun carriage and team of black horses for state and military funerals.

The King's Troop also takes part in ceremonial occasions such as Remembrance Sunday, the Lord Mayor's Show and the Queen's Birthday Parade.


Nice to see our four legged friends relaxing.
This is how we usually see them doing their day job....
1994 Royal Tournament - Kings Troop at Earls Court.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 02:56 am
Hi verbivore, what is it that you're after, can you be a bit more explicit? I don't really understand what you have in mind. I told you before the Beagle isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Wink Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 04:01 am

Okay I'm adda here.

We're going to the Alps. Yodelay-de-hoo!

I'm enrolling the cabin boy in the Swiss Navy.

Later, peeps.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 04:57 am
Hey Crew

MaMaVerby - give us a few more details - is it a friend, colleague, business associate... if it's a friend just write it out as you would say it... if you wanna PM / email me what you want to say I will take a look and send it straight back. So glad we caught up yesterday - it was good to talk Very Happy

BEAgle - ha, just got your message... I'll be seeing you! Wink

Baz - loved those pictures, I swear that horse was smiling in the sea - would love to do that, canter along in the sea - they looked like they were having fun. Speak in the morning, 11am right!

Missy - hoping all is happy in DixieVille - thinking of you and sending you all love and huge hugs xxxxx

POMcT - oh, do enjoy... in my head I've just broken into "the hills are alive llalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala" and doh, oh dear Wink Singing was never my strong point, best off lalalalaing in my head. Have a great time, bring back some Toblerone Very Happy

((Blue)) xox

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I shouldn't be but I am. Don't really know how to describe what I'm feeling - my MIL is with my ex, it's been many years since she has been down here, I haven't seen her in a long time tho I have spoken with her and I love her so much, we always cry on the phone - anyhoo - ex and I took S-boy to the doctor today and ex says MIL doesn't want to come and see my in my house but will meet me in the town - which, stupid, I know, I simply can't do - I would not be able to talk with her properly. I know this and can admit it so blah and blech but I have my reasons, some of them good ones. So, then I got home and my mother phoned to say Granny Scotland went up to their house yesterday and R-boy came across to see her - they all had a wonderful get together and my mom then drove S-boy back into the city.

So, now, the tears won't stop. Dammit dammit. S-boy is at ex's and is beside himself because he cannot understand why his brother will see his Grandparents and not him, especially Granny Scotland whom he hasn't seen or spoken to in many years, S-boy doesn't know what he's done wrong - of course, he hasn't. He's just said (he's on his own at his Dad's and is on the phone with me) that he wishes he didn't have a brother and that R is a coward. He is very angry and very tearful. I'm that way too I suppose.

So, doctor has referred S-boy to an orthopaedic surgeon (mine) as both his big toes are skewiff - she thinks he may be flat footed as his arches and not particularly "archy" and his knees are causing him probs (sheesh, talk about like mother like son - happy footed penguins). Possibly he will just require some orthopedic fitting in his shoes to turn his feet back out - surgery is highly unlikely and she has reassured him of this. Also, he is going to have his nose cauterised. His nosebleeds have got so bad and he's fainted a couple of times - so, that will just be done at the local hospital - no biggie.

ooooof... feeling somewhat deflated, cancelled my physio, no can do the town again, and needing to get the crybaby out of my system. It's b*ll*cks really, life can be terribly cruel - I miss R so much it makes me ache inside. It hurts to see S-boy hurt about R too. Ferking crahp. S'cuse the bad language!

hey ho... signing off for a bit.
Barry The Mod
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 04:57 am
McT,Yodle ahee doooooo! Have fun!
Re: India.I AM gonna fly down to see Verbs.Thats another 2000 air miles on the card Wink .And,thanks to her,here's where she has arranged for me to stay....
Counting down the days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 05:15 am
@Barry The Mod,
@BEAgle - guess what...its the EAGLE who has teh sharpest eyes Wink the A2K had made you the eagle for obvious reasons ryte ? Wink
neways here is the matter
it is for a friend of mine... he has an european friend with whom he has no touch since many years..he just wants a howdy letter...watever light talks contents is ideal ..is fine with him...just wants to say hi..how r u..stuffs of th like...
asked me..i sent smething but is now confused..will that appeal to europeans Smile
so Barry - there u go..we have a considerate lot here Wink
@ izzie./..i hope th above dtails r enuf..i too am sooo glad tht we could talk ystrday
@Barry - it isnt all tht great..im really sorry..coz of my procrastination..i lost the deluxe room..ths is called - lakeview cottage room.
got other stuffs to book too! oooh such lazy unplanned freaks we r i tell u!!!
please be frank...i knw how meticulously well you guys plan a trip....and i knw..im gonna frustrate u a lot...so plss do beatr with me...and kind of guide me..if theres smethng left out
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 05:42 am
izziiee - just read that now...i really do not know..but you have endured so much by now...that ths will also pass. There will be a bright day for sure...im holding your hands and praying for it ...right now. hope S-boys feet probs solves soon..praying for him as well. I can understand his emotions...about having a sibling and still having to stay as though you dnt have them! i have been through it...tell him its tough...but tell him it isnt impossible...u can certainly move on...as u keep poss vibes that things will eventually settle down
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 06:44 am
Hugs, hun ((((( Iz ))))

I'm sorry it's all so hard. And, I do understand how S feels about all this. He knows that there's a reason that R-boy has made the decisions he's made, but that doesn't make those decisions any more palatable to S. Wishing it wasn't so difficult for both (all) of you.

Sorry, too, to hear that S is struggling physically. You too! It does seem to be piling on, doesn't it? Hugs all around, and I've got a new tissue supply to offer you if you want to dump out loud.

I LOVE the new look of Chez Izzie!!! Gorgeous! You have every reason to be proud - and I don't wonder a bit that your knees are giving you hell for your efforts. Very Well Done, Indeed!!!!

Love to you both. I hope S's medical issues are easily fixed.

Happy sailing to the rest of the crew. I hope your Thursday is just as you like it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 02:09 pm
Izzele, Thinking about you. Feeling for you. Don't know what else to say.
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 03:19 pm
Hey crew. Vienna Calling!! In Austria for 3 days work and thought I would pop on board to say Hi!!
LOVE the decorating Iz- you are so thorough! With me its usually glass of wine in one hand and paintbrush in the othet and Not very neat!!
Guess things aren't too good right now.. Well you will be with your sis very soon so we can yabber and put the world to right. Can't wait to see you.
Hubby coming down early tomorrow as things not great with FIL so will keep you updated. Posivibes and prayers greatly appreciated.
Love to you all crew
Big hugs
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 04:14 pm
when will you realise Vienna waits for you... etc blah

take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while, its alright lalallalaa

love a bit of Billy Wink

<see ya soon sis>

Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 06:04 pm
Morning Izzie, thinking of you like we all are, chin up girlie we're here for you, even with one eye. Smile S-boy is still young and will manage his growing problems, can understand his frustration with R-boys attitude, a very delicate situation for one so young to deal with, but as a devoted mother I'm sure you'll guide him along this difficult path with all the love you can muster. (((Izzie)))

Hi FQ,nice to see you too, would love to meet you in Vienna and do a bit of 'waltzing' in your spare time. I'm the tango expert but no doubt you could teach me something different.Wink Don't work to hard you have Izzie coming over soon and catch up on a lot of news. Sending heaps of vibes to your FIL and pray he'll improve heaps soon. Can appreciate you all live on tenderhooks presently, hope that state changes soon for the better. (((FlavourQueen)))
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 07:09 pm
Izzie...sending positive thoughts and hugs to you and S-boy.
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 07:13 pm
Hiya Stormy, still enjoying your vacation? Managed to get that all over tan yet?
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 07:38 pm
hiya Dutchy, I'm loving vacation. It's going too fast though. Heading to the beach next week to work on the tan...have a nice flip flop tan right now Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 07:46 pm
FQ, sending posivibes toward your dear FIL.

Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2010 12:02 am
Set the Yabber-liner on automatic pilot and "waltzing" around the deck, 1,2,3, to the music of the Blue Danube and feeling wonderfully relaxed. The Pirate is on the prowl for some female company but all of our lovelies have disappeared. Sad Maybe a bottle of rum is the next best thing, cheers Drunk Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2010 12:16 am
ehBeth wrote:

FQ, sending posivibes toward your dear FIL.

Ditto that!!! Hang in there. I am tired and not wanting to get deep into this, but prayers would be appreciated for Noah. He is a pretty sick little boy right now. In hospital. Heart surgery next week. Mitral valve problem and regurgitation. Enlarged heart. He needs a hole in his heart patched and valve reconstruction. Some of you probably remember that he was born with a heart defect. We thought things would be ok. He was doing so well. Not so well now.

Hi Dutchy!

Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2010 01:04 am
Hi Brooklyn, so sorry to read about Noah's health problems, he you and family will be in my thoughts next week, and heaps of positive vibes will find their way across the oceans. Please keep us informed about his progress. (((Brooklyn)))
0 Replies
Barry The Mod
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2010 03:16 am
Sad news JB.Sending good thoughts and doing a bit of Omming.It worked for H boy so why not for little Noah.(((( JustBrooke))))
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