Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2010 04:41 pm
Shimmy on dear Birthday Tulip!

Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2010 04:56 pm
Dutchy wrote:

Hi izzie still handling that paint brush? You shouldn't laugh at your friend's misfortunes, go over there and give her some moral support, I'm to far away. Smile

How will you all be travelling to London next week?

Pirate signing off now to have some breakfast. (((Izzie, annis)))

Ha Bosun - we were in hysteria earlier on the phone <there's a sotry behind eggs and kibble bits and fishy treats Wink .... believe me, I tried to get over... but when ones stuck waiting for the AA... after having your sandwich pinched by 4 seagulls and all you end up with a corn on cob for dinner... well my pressie would have set her off in major hysterics.... ha... I made her something... HOPE is the crux of it....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RazzRazzRazzRazz

Travelling seperately, I need to wait for J&J to arrive who will be house-sitting and dawg and kitty sitting so.... Tulips going to her Moms and I'm going to Baz, then we'll meet up in the West End Very Happy Gonna have a bit of shin dig after The Lion King. Can't wait. We so need to go and have some oooodoooolalllly fun. S-boy and I are then going on to FQ for a few days.... missing her so bad. FIL is in ICU but doing well. K-bro will be down here again this weekend. Really, can't tell you how much I am looking forward to going away for a bit. All a bit of a stuggle right now... but therapy in painting walls.

Talking of which, Bosun, could you just pop around. I am about to move the table and chairs and box and put the new sofa I got today for me and FQ to sit on into the conservatory..... now come along, no slacking..... 5 mins and I'll expect you. Love you xxxxx
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2010 04:59 pm
Ah Bethie - we did lotsa shimming - it was FAB!!!! Laughed a lot.

You'd love my walls Ima thinking - I am Mrs Mediterranean.... Tuscan orange and WHOA... it's bright... I'm so loving my med feel.... talking of which... yay, have taken them... whilst I'm pain free and in the lalalalalla land of dippiness, need to go and shuffle some furniture... love love youze x

edit: ooooooooooooh it's a little lighted than the orange plaque above you sent to Tulip.... luv.er.ly Very Happy Very Happy

Ima so lovin my walls Very Happy Razz
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2010 05:43 pm
Izzie wrote:

Dutchy wrote:

Talking of which, Bosun, could you just pop around. I am about to move the table and chairs and box and put the new sofa I got today for me and FQ to sit on into the conservatory..... now come along, no slacking..... 5 mins and I'll expect you. Love you xxxxx

Your wish is my command Izzie only to willing to give you a helping hand, love to give you a cuddle on that new sofa. Wink

Nice to know FQ's FIL is doing ok, wish him well for me, I know what he is going through but he will be alright.

Must be near bedtime in the UK so let me wish you good night and rest well. (((Izzie)))
Reply Mon 26 Jul, 2010 06:13 pm
Thanks Darlin' - yep, just felt the walls but too soon to put the next coat on... tomorrow's little job that'll be, plus I'm falling down. Was gonna start sanding the door frames, but ack... dust... wet paint. Not a wise move. Tomorrow's another day...

Really hoping so much that your eye is feeling better and you are not so uncomfortable plus the other stuff, hoping all is going to plan.

Love you D x

<hmmmm... now I gotta get up the apples and pears... oof> Neutral
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 12:15 am

The Lion King? I thought it was to be The Glums?

Anyway, the cabin boy says LK is fabulous.
(she's just breezed through, and gone off to make the breakfast)
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 03:56 am
Hey POMcT... TLK this weekend and Les Miz on 3rd October... oooooooooooooh verra excited. You still planning on coming down to London Town in Aug with the Pads being in town?

Soooooooooooooooooooo.... knees have stopped working and they're very painful... ooof - and it was all going so well. Waiting for the meds to kick in and then ... second coat, if I can kneel - which I can't right now. Gonna do me a door frame today to - sheesh, everything takes me so long to do - I used to be a dab hand at this stuff - not so anymore Razz

Have good days crew - will be on and off throughout - got some music going and................. off I go...

(((BLUE))) xox x
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 04:27 am
Oh poor Izzie, give that painting away until you're up to it, your poor joints need recovering. Don't force yourself darling, the walls won't run away, they'll be there tomorrow. Know how you feel because I'm very tired myself tonight after having spent to long in the garden today. Waiting for my medicine, rum and coke, to kick in. Smile Have a nice day. (((Izzie)))
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 05:23 am
Hey Yabber Crew,

We started football practice today. I am so wiped out. The boys had a great time but I fear they are going to be a little sore today. I kept telling them football was more physical than baseball....now they believe me. Smile They are the cutest little boys though, I must say.

I loved watching them run routes and hit the whatchamadoogy thing. So cute.

We have football every night. We are right back into the sports stuff to the eyeballs. Wink

Izzie - the orange sounds wonderful. Love that! Sorry to hear FQ's fil is still in ICU. Let her know my thoughts and prayers are with him.

Gotta go start getting ready for work. Hugs to you all...
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 06:01 am
heyyyy tulip! did i miss it already??? how come fb dint alert me?
Happy birthday dear...and sooo sorry i missed it
Eby's was yesterday! gifted him a mobile - nokia 5800...
did spend a bomb...did go upside down for th whole stuff...but then he wasnt all that pleased i guess...
wanted iphone...a big fan of mac! but then iphone rates just burns..and moreover unlocking deal wit AT&T again burns..so i hope he settles his mind on ths piece...it has good audio output...but his mental block that iphones are the only ones who can provide such sound quality...makes him reluctant to accept this...neways..its over...days of running behind it
Booked tickets to Kerala..on Aug 13th...preparing for Barrys trip...gotto book other petty stuffs too...
coming weekend exams! tech writing...gotto find someone who will take me as a trainee...
whole lot of stuffS
((((izziieee))) in office im not allowed to chat and from home im not able to access ...thts the reason...im not able to catch up with you! will you be online tomorrow? il be on leave..kind of feverish ....kind of overloaded..took leave bt then wil have to deliver work from home
so wil be online...hope u get time to peep in!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 06:04 am
hiya missy...and beagle..ive missed u both in the best of ur moods..for sometime now...guess its tiem to buckle up for u guys
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 06:22 am

Still hoping to see you, Bazza and the Pads in August.
Looking forward to that.
Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 07:37 am
Hi verbivore good to catch up with you, congratulations with Eby's birthday, you certainly spoilt him with that phone. Hope your little man is doing ok.

Mismi, boys love to chase a ball, if I watch my grandsons in action I wonder if they'll ever stop, they seem to keep on running forever, stamina galore. Let them be. one and all.

Good night
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 01:39 pm
Hey Crew

Misssssy - ooh, has baseball finished now? Shocked Can picture the boyz in their footie gear Very Happy Hope all is going good at work, I'm so pleased you have been enjoying it - how is your new boyfriend - hope he's still making you smile. Love to you and the Professor and hug those kidlets from me Wink xxxxx

MaMaVerby - so pleased you've got the tickets booked...yay for you. It was a lovely pressie you gave Eby - Happy Belated Birthday to him. Hope you are feeling a little better and the fever hasn't worsened - I know you are run off your feet at the moment - try and rest a little when you can. I'll be here tomorrow and will put msn on - so if you see me green then keep pinging me until I get to my laptop and we can chat on there. xxx

McTag wrote:

Still hoping to see you, Bazza and the Pads in August.
Looking forward to that.
Very Happy

me too also, POMcT Very Happy Will see this weekend if Baz has come up with any plans to show our Aussie friends.

Barry The Mod wrote:

Had a threading encounter yesterday (as part of my pampering).Will let the Captain or annis say if it was worth it.

I am soooooooooooo intrigued! It begs the question - have you had a piercing of some sort???????? So intrigued Razz

TC - sorry gal, missed you t'other day - hey back - hope all is going well on the school house (LOVED THE ARCH EARRINGS - love love love them) but as for the wolf spider - oh my oh my - major heebyjeebies just thinking about it. Tulip and I had an encounter with a spider today (teeny in comparison to your 8legged freak) when opening the window - shudder! Give me a snake any day Wink Enjoy your time up there girl - you two are so gifted - huge achievement. xx

BEAgle - hope that eye is doing better - I'm still chuckling about the picture you posted - I can't but help think of this song ... Wink

you can leave your hat on Wink

anyhoooooooooooo.... 'nuff of that

Painting has been very therapeutic headwise... my bones are not good tho - however, I actually feel quite proud of myself and I don't usually have too much to be proud of - so, here's my hall without the nasty wallpaper and with a little bit of colour Shocked and I'm lovin' it...






Murphy's happy too

so, I've been sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down and sanding down - yuk - I hate sanding down - then washed down, hoovered, hoovered again, sanded some more, hoovered some more and then undercoated door frames (thanku Tulip for the meths) - naturally with 2 cats and 2 dawgs running around, s'not perfect - but hey - Chez Izzie finally has our mark on it - so that's verra happy.

What's not so happy is S-boy - he's with his PaPa at the moment and it's lovely for him because Granny Scotland is visiting - he hasn't seen her since he was a wee S-boy - however, his joints are hurting him and he's phoned me a few times in the last couple days in quite a lot of discomfort Shocked he has a big toe that is causing him heap big pain (it's twisting) and his knees are hurting him too. So, ex and I are meeting at the doctors on Thursday and we'll get him checked out - his aches could be growing pains ('cept he's not really growing... shhh... maybe a mm or so... but not growing very much). Anyway, will see what the doc says - hopefully all will be well.

okeydokey - must think about getting something to eat - blah.



Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 02:36 pm
Ah, Izzie, your labor paid off. The newly redone domicile is a touch of heaven.

Wow! I hope that Barry the Brit doesn't end up like The Illustrated Man.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 05:46 pm
Oh Iz - poor S-boy. G-baby's bones ache a lot. Much more than the twins ever have. I hope he feels better soon.

My boyfriend is fine. He is still funny. Well to me anyway. He seems to annoy everyone else. But when he gets cranky I just say "pooh" and move on.

Yep - baseball is over and we have now moved on to football. My peewees are about the smallest on the team - but - they are great little athletes and fast as lightning. So - there is hope. I just told them to outrun those fellers trying to tackle them and they should be okay! Wink

I am SO tired. I gotta go clean the kitchen.

((Dutchy)) Thank you Dear Dutchy.

Your hallway is beautiful. That is a perfect color orange. I love it. Take care of yourself girly.

Hugs to you all!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Jul, 2010 06:22 pm
Morning Izzie, that is an unbelievable job you have done, it really looks a professional job and I love the colour scheme. Chez Izzie looks very inviting, thank you for posting the pictures. I took my hat off. Wink

Sorry to hear about S-boy, good idea to have him checked out on Thursday, I sincerely hope it is nothing serious.

Mismi good to hear your boys enjoy their football, the bumps and falls will make them tough little men even though it will worry Mom a little. Mrs B was always on edge when he was playing. LOL

And yes done and been there myself as well, however my son was to frail to play Australian rules football. See him now after 25 years of Tuna fishing and you wouldn't recognise the kid. A hugely muscled individual and as strong as an Ox, taught the trade by his mate and boss, who was a champion weightlifter and an Olympic heavyweight Gold medal winner.
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 05:53 am
Dutchy wrote:

I took my hat off. Wink

ahhhhhhhhhhhhahahhahhhhhhahhhhha! You're so naughty! Wink

Morning Crew

ha - I can't move today, well, my arms will but my knees won't - they're huge and fat - dammit, pain pills taken. Nem'mind... good chance to catch up with folk on msn - forgotten how much fun that can be, signed on for the first time in 7 months and my laptop went mad... talking with a very old buddy right now - bless Harry The Fisherman.

Did another doorframe last nite - so, when the going's good I shall be satinwood- ing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hoping to chat with MaMaVerby soon - ha, I know she's trying to get connected.

BEAgle - how's your eye today? Still having the drops? Think you just signed off, one minute you were green, I made a cuppa, then you were gone Sad Catch up with you soon.

kk - off I go again - wishing all a good day and will be back later xx
Reply Wed 28 Jul, 2010 06:42 am
Hi Izzie, I just can't stop laughing but I won't tell you here why. Laughing Laughing Laughing Haven't signed off yet and will be around for another hour, although the threads are pretty quiet with half the world still sleeping I think. Take it easy today, ok? Check your pm's. Wink
Reply Thu 29 Jul, 2010 01:48 am
need help - need a TOTALLY european format..of an 'INFORMAL' letter
just to ask..howdy.. hows work..and its bn ages since we spoke /mailed last...

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